《Breaking Syd》Chapter 1: ~The Gamer~


Chapter 1: ~The Gamer~


Vitality + 1


Dexterity + 1


Vitality + 1

Sydney absently ran her hands through the secret agent's comfy sheets, perfect covers for the middle of spring. She was actually a bit baffled at the moment, for the first time she had outlasted 'Katie'. In fact, she felt like she could go a few more rounds, and nothing says go like bonus attribute points.

"What's gotten into you?" 'Katie' giggled quietly as Syd began to kiss the back of her neck.

Giggles turned to moaning as Syd worked her knuckles into the small of 'Katie's' back. The young gamer took a moment to consider her eloquent response. "Hormones."

Katie growled and rolled over, pouncing on Syd, the tables had turned. "Can't have that, can we?"


Vitality + 1


Strength + 1

Sydney carefully observed the disheveled woman next to her. She decided that whatever was going on could wait. In an effort to reward the woman for her attention, Sydney began to knead her knuckles into 'Katie's' back again, higher up this time.

"I'm really beat Syd..."

"I know," Sydney responded. "I'm just giving you a massage, that's all."

'Katie' deflated happily and surrendered to the attention. "Thanks, hand me my phone so we can call you in sick."

"Oh, right..."

Sydney would rather not admit she had completely forgotten about school. If you don't arrive by twelve they tend to contact guardians. Wouldn't do to have mother and father dearest panicking at work about their missing daughter.

It was another few minutes of relative peace until Sydney got her next big shock. Just as Syd was about to get frisky again, she was rudely interrupted.


A new Passive Skill has been generated: Massage!

Massage (Passive) Lv.1 ~ 1.78%Massage is an ancient skill used through the ages to relieve fatigue. It's now possible for you to cure body or joint related negative status effects.-Your target's fatigue recovery increases significantly.

-Gets rid of 0.05% fatigue per second.

Sydney barely glanced at the effects before returning her focus to the task at hand. All of a sudden she knew, somehow she just knew what to do. It was like she could feel where her palms, fingers, and knuckles should be. Judging by the appreciative humming that 'Katie' was now giving her, the skill really was doing its job.

"I'm gonna head to the convenience store, want anything?" Sydney asked as she dismounted 'Katie'.

"Hot pretzel, nap," 'Katie' replied lazily.

Sydney rolled the woman over and pressed their bodies together, with a searing, suffocating kiss, she said goodbye. The shocked, and very miffed look that 'Katie' gave here on the way out was well worth it. Teasing someone who has a preference for domination can be very entertaining. Syd would never admit it, but she always loved 'Katie's' payback.

One borrowed set of clothes later, and a quick shower, saw Sydney happily waltzing out of 'Katie's' house. It was kind of cute being the one who wasn't worn out for once.

Syd, without really thinking too much, decided that she'd wait till she was in the privacy of her room to check out what else she could do as 'The Gamer'. Of course that would have been great and all, if she didn't just happen upon something that made her wanna beat her head against the nearest wall.

So the streets were empty, as per usual on a weekday. No cars, or anything in their small residential block. Just a bunch of alleyways that lead to the main road. Despite having used the alleys plenty of times to get to her destination, Syd was overcome by a vague sense of dread.



You have encountered Rat x 7!

Even as she remained oddly calm, given her current predicament. Syd had one very important statement to make.

"Battle music! Really!?" she shouted in righteous indignation.


A new Active Skill has been generated: Provoke!

Provoke (Active) Lv.1 ~ 0.58%Draws enemy attention upon yourself.-Cooldown = 15 Seconds

-Enmity + 50


Just then she could hear rabid squeals coming from around the bend in front of her. After a few moments of paying rapt attention to the pavement her opponents appeared.


A new Active Skill has been generated: Observe!

Through continuous observation, a skill to find target's information, 'Observe', has been created.

Junk Nibbler Lv.2

HP: 40 MP: 0Rat that lives off left behind scraps and trash.

As soon as 'Observe' kicked in she sighed with relief. Not super strong or anything, just a couple of rats. The first rat approached in a straight line only to be curb stomped. Sydney took a moment to shake off the meat paste she'd just turned one very poor rodent into.

"Eww..." she commented listlessly. "Ouch!"

Quickly turning she stomped on the little ankle biting bastard. Half a second later another one took a bite. Now thoroughly pissed off, Sydney started stomping and hopping around. The rats were no match for her mighty sneakers of death.


A new Active Skill has been generated: Stomp!

Stomp (Active) Lv.1 ~ 68.18%Enhances damage done with a stomp.-Cooldown = 0 Seconds

-Damage Modifier = 1.4

-Mana cost = 5

A few minutes later Sydney was panting and glaring at the ground where her prey had just vanished. They literally dissolved in spherical orbs of light and floated away after dying. The glare, turned to open mouthed gaping at that point. Scattered where a few of the rats had been, was money... real looking money.

At that point it dawned on her that the status screen had very clearly shown a money option. Gingerly picking up the dollar bills, she opened her status screen again, then pushed the money into it. With a slight glow the money phased right fucking through. With wide eyes she quickly reached back in and withdrew the money.

Standing there silently, she let out a forlorn sigh, opened her wallet, and deposited all but fifty dollars.

Name: Syndra Shyael

Class: The Gamer

Level: 3Health 80/80

Mana 240/240Strength: 8

Vitality: 8

Dexterity: 10

Intellect: 24

Wisdom: 22

Luck: 13Points: 0

Money: $372

Since she had full health after getting bitten, and her bloody ankles had already healed... clothing and all, Syd continued on her way to the convenience store.

You have left an instance!

Rubbing her eyes tiredly Syd quickly entered the store, bought her soda and a pretzel, then promptly ran all the way back home. There was a slight trip and fall involved somewhere along the line thanks to developing the [Sprint] active skill.

Aside from that slightly embarrassing moment, there was no further trouble involved in getting back to her room. Unless you count trouble as a thirty second french kiss where your spy neighbor tries to lure you back into her home. Nevermind, it was trouble, especially when that damned busty spy made sure she knew there was nothing on under her t-shirt.

So after her tactical retreat, in which she purple nurple attacked a spy, Syd was relaxing at her desk while looking over the blank screen of a custom gaming laptop. God she loved having nerds for parents. Especially nerds who can build their own computers. She could just imagine how ecstatic one of them would be over getting 'The Gamer'.


Honestly, after that encounter with rats, it became perfectly clear that there's more to this than fun and games. Seriously, the ability to summon personalized battlefields in the middle of nowhere, at random, against god knows what? No thanks, dammit.

'Oh, well...' she thought, 'survival first, bitching later.'

Syd downed half her soda and let out a small burp, it was times like this that she forgot her manners and rules. One rule was to not leave soda right next to her laptop on the desk, but she did it anyway. With a hop, and a skip, Syd dove through the air and landed with a 'omph' on her bed.

Rapid thoughts rushed through Syd's mind as she reviewed her memory about role playing games in general, and what sort of things you were capable of doing as a 'Gamer'. Listing them off in her head she decided that the two main features she'd need to check out first were inventory and skills. Once again, with a simple thought she was faced with a direct inventory screen. Aside from having ninety-nine tabs for thousands of items, there were places for various pieces of equipment, including weapons...

Less than ten minutes later, Sydney was messing with a [Crowbar] and [Broom]. Aside from the expected descriptions neither had any sort of offensive stats like physical damage.

'Interesting, most interesting...'

For shits and giggles, Syd swiped a frying pan on her way back. A minute later she was staring at a skill list. Clicking on them showed the ones she'd stumbled on earlier today, as well as a few passives that must of generated at the same time as 'The Gamer'. Two of those caught her eye, mainly because they explained the weird shit that had been happening to her.

A Gamer's Mind (Passive) Lv.MAXAllows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows peaceful state of mind. Immunity to psychological status effects.

A Gamer's Body (Passive) Lv.MAXGrants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game.

Looking down at herself for a few moments brought about a wry and hollow laugh.

"Am I even human anymore?"

Feeling just a bit stressed, but obviously not capable of surrendering to her emotions because of 'A Gamer's Mind', left Sydney with just one option — feeling like crap. Now when Syd feels like crap she usually reads a trashy smut novel, that always helped before she learned the wicked ways of adult women. Recently, Syd would head over to 'Katie's' house for a quickie if she had a crummy day.

Since the last time she saw her spy lover their confrontation ended with a titty twister, Syd decided that discretion would be the better part of valour today, and she should check out her old books. However, once again, doing something mundane such as sorting through her books, brought another startling realization.

You've obtained the skill book, [Bucking Broncos Vol.7 "A Meeting of Alphas!"].

Would you like to learn the skill?


Sydney gave the explicit book an incredulous look, her pervy friend had forced her to take it during their middle school days. Why the hell would she want to learn that? Without a second thought she hit, decline, and dropped the book.

Thanks to [Bucking Broncos] Sydney got up and left behind her stash of smutty novels. Across the room, next to her desk, was something much better. Books with far more useful information lined the shelves of her miniature library.

You've obtained the skill book, [10% Happier, How I tamed the voice in my head.]

Would you like to learn the skill?


Tapping the 'Confirm' option brought on a familiar rush of knowledge, more complex and less intuitive than the massage information she'd gained.


A new Sustained Skill has been generated: Meditate!

Meditate (Sustained) Lv.1 ~ 0%Boosts mana regeneration. Entering combat with this skill active will automatically deactivate it.-Passive mana regen +1%

-Active mana regen + 10%

Sydney quickly activated meditate with the intention of leveling what was basically a free and useful skill for training. Especially if she could use magic.

It was actually that line of thought that led her back to the trusty old internet. As soon as her butt was in one very comfy leather chair, Syd was surfing the web, refreshing her memory on old games and stories she'd enjoyed. Anything that had even the barest mention of magic that she could remember.

At first she started with her favorite style, magecraft. Unfortunately, the whole 'a magus walks with death' and complicated use of magic circuits turned her off. By the time she got around to materia, Syd realized she was going about this the wrong way. So instead of looking for just the best magic, or her favorites, she started looking for magic that doesn't depend on things like books, items, or unique abilities.

Sydney spent the better part of an hour thinking about magic, and figured that if she was in fact capable of using it, then raw elemental manipulation should be the first thing to try. So here she was, staring at a lit candle, releasing her inner pyromaniac.

'Burn, burn, burn, burn, baby, burn...'

Two hours later she'd been thoroughly exhausted, and made no progress whatsoever. At some point her mind had wandered to what else she could try to do with the other common schools of magic. One use for magic definitely stood out among the rest.

'God I can't wait to flip skirts with my mind!'

It happened so quickly that she almost missed it. As soon as the thought of beautiful women's skirts fluttering about helplessly to her whims occurred, it happened, there was a pull from somewhere within. It wasn't much, just a slight pinch, then it was gone. In fact, the candle wasn't lit anymore, even if she could hardly call the burned out blob of wax a candle at this point.

Using the knowledge from her meditation book, she centered herself quickly and tried to identify the feeling again. There was definitely something foreign within her body, something new that came with 'A Gamer's Body'. It was so obvious that she couldn't believe she'd missed it before. Hours of staring at a fucking candle and all she had to do was focus on meditation for a second.

As Syd continued to mentally poke and prod that strange addition, she became more aware of everything around her. Crickets chirping, frogs croaking, soft humming from her sleeping laptop, a mechanical spinning from deep within the aircondition vents. Cold air blowing against her t-shirt, two sensitive points rubbing said t-shirt, a braless spy within walking distance waiting to punish her...

'Focus, bitch, focus... goosfraba...'

In a sudden rush, the mana within her pulled roughly and snapped like a rubber band. The air that was blowing on her began to swirl all around.


When the familiar sound hit her she smiled so widely that it would've put the cheshire cat to shame. Slowly opening her eyes, she gazed upon her just rewards.

A new Spell has been generated: Breeze!

Breeze Lv.1 ~ 62.38%Conjure a harmless gust of air.-Cooldown = 0 Seconds

-Mana cost = 2

A new Sustained Skill has been generated: Magic Sense!

Sense Mana (Sustained) Lv.1 ~ 0.73%Boosts magical perception with all senses. Draws a small amount of ambient mana into the user's own reserves.-Passive mana regen +0.1%

-Effective Range = 1m

Wisdom + 2

A new Passive Skill has been generated: Wind Affinity!

Wind Affinity (Passive) Lv.1 ~ 4.31%Possessed by those who are naturally in tune with the element of wind. Aids in the advancement and casting of all wind spells.-Control + 1%

-Mana cost - 0.5%

Intellect + 1

Glancing off to the side revealed that she had swirled away twenty-five percent of her mana on that little bit of pure manipulation. Although, Syd couldn't complain about the results, even if it left her feeling a bit hollow. Thinking back to her earlier days as a kid, she'd always loved mage characters in video games. Her favorites were the archmage style ones that could conjure any element for any situation.

It really wouldn't do to be specialized in a single category, then end up dead because you were up against something immune to your element. Worse still, immune to your element and highly resistant to physical damage.

Sydney vividly remembered one rpg where party members gave her the boot for not having bought all of the spells, it would seem that being a sexy cat chick is not enough for some people. As a black mage, she hadn't bothered buying the latest level eighteen thunder spell because she was roleplaying. Such a shameful display that was, so embarrassing that she had never played again.

'No, this won't do at all.'

Wisdom + 2

Quest Alert!

The Goddess of Magic: Gain an affinity for all five base elements.The Greek goddess of witchcraft, ghosts, and magic herself has felt your will through the ether of the multiverse. Master the base elements and be blessed with an innate power to mix them. Nothing will be beyond your reach, from ice, to magma, even dust shall bend to your will.

- Water Affinity

- Earth Affinity

- Lightning Affinity

- Wind Affinity *

- Fire Affinity

Completion award:

-Exp 5000

-Intellect + 20

-Skill: Elemental Affinity

-Skill: Elemental Manipulation

Completion failure:

-Hecate's Curse


Syd took a brief moment to ponder the existence of Hecate, a goddess of magic, perhaps she wasn't crazy with this whole 'The Gamer' thing. Or maybe she was just really crazy now. Once her special moment of reflection was over, Sydney scoffed and poked the 'Confirm' option.

'Multiverse be damned, as if there was ever any doubt.

Sitting back down she looked at the burned out candle again. With new resolve burning in her heart she raised one hand, tensed her delicate fingers, pulled from the familiar pool within herself, and snapped. Just like that, a small flickering flame reflected in her narrowed azure eyes. Just as soon as the flame emerged her fingers twisted and the flames blazed to ten times their size for a moment before her head ached something fierce.


A new Spell has been generated: Ignite!

Ignite Lv.1 ~ 62.38%Conjure a relatively harmless flicker of flames.-Cooldown = 0 Seconds

-Mana cost = 6

A new Passive Skill has been generated: Fire Affinity!

Fire Affinity (Passive) Lv.1 ~ 4.31%Possessed by those who are naturally in tune with the element of fire. Aids in the advancement and casting of all fire spells.-Control + 1%

-Mana cost - 0.5%

The Goddess of Gravity: Gain an affinity for gravity magic.The Greek goddess of gravity and mischief herself has felt your will through the ether of the multiverse. Impressed with your seemingly innate talent, she offers you a different path as well as a solemn warning. Hecate's Curse will render you forever unable to wield elemental magic, she is a jealous goddess that shall inflict it upon you the moment you accept this quest. P.S. "Hecate, get that giant stick out of your beautiful arse yet?"

- Gravity Affinity

Completion award:

-Exp 10000

-Intellect + 50

-Wisdom + 25

-Lithriel's Favor [Random]

-Spell Tome: "Gravitas Grimoire"

Completion failure:

-Exp 10000

-Strength + 25

-Vitality + 25

-Dexterity + 25

-Luck + 10

-Skill Book: "Beginner's Guide to Martial Arts"


Sydney smiled brightly at the new quest information, this goddess was much more her style. She'd never heard of, or used gravity magic before, and even failure is rewarded, setting her on a more physical oriented path to offset that damned curse. With a final deep breath, Syd scoffed, raised her hand, and slammed it full force on 'Confirm'.


Quest Failed!

Hecate's CurseForsaken by the Goddess of Magic. You are forever unable to harness elemental magic.

Two passive skills have been forgotten.

Two spells have been forgotten.

With a wistful sigh Sydney leaned her head back, and prayed that she'd still be able to flip skirts with gravity magic.


Wisdom - 1

'Damn hormones...'

Sydney suddenly had a brilliant idea thanks to her latest misfortune. Crossing her legs and clasping hands, she began to pray. 'Dear god, please remove the giant stick from Hecate's beautiful arse.'


Wisdom - 1



The Goddess of Healing: Gain an affinity for life magic.The timeless goddess of healing and protector of the dead herself has felt your will through the ether of the multiverse. Amused with your behavior, she has sought to show you that there are many other branches of magic to learn. P.S. "With great power, comes great responsibility." P.P.S "To be fair, it is a very nice stick."

- Life Affinity

Completion award:

-Isis' Favor [Random]

-Spell Tome: "The Book of Life"

Completion failure:



"Yup, I've definitely lost my mind..."

Name: Syndra Shyael

Class: The Gamer

Level: 3Health 80/80

Mana 250/250Strength: 8

Vitality: 8

Dexterity: 10

Intellect: 25

Wisdom: 24

Luck: 13Points: 0

Money: $372


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