《Tome of Stealth [A System Anti-Apocalypse]》Chapter 3 - Entering the Game


Post by TruthIsOUTTher3 8:42 PM, April 1st, 20XX

I knew it! This is amazing! Aliens have come down and saved us from ourselves. I can’t help but wonder how long the mothership will take to get here. Actually, are these 5-dimensional aliens? That seems more likely. Either way, I can’t wait to rub this in my doubting ex’s face.

The first thing I noticed when I entered the game, other than the stall I stood in that smelled of horse and manure, was that my chest burned like someone had lit my heart on fire. I clutched the rough knitted fabric between my breasts. My awareness blackened at the edges. I curled into a ball on the hard dirt floor of the stable. My breaths couldn’t come fast enough. Fear shot down my spine.

I relived that awful moment when my dad died.

Flames had crawled up my yellow walls and unicorn drapes. The heat and smoke suffocated. Terror ran down my spine and froze my limbs in place. A person, more shadow than anything else stood at my small open window. I couldn’t see their face, but they sauntered away as if they’d done an excellent job. I screamed until my throat itched.

My dad kicked in my locked door, lifted me into his arms, called me princess, and carried me out of my room. Our hallway burned. The picture of my grandfather was in the center of the blaze. I would never see that picture again.

Smoke tore coughs from both of us.

He crouched low to the ground. A window broke. Sirens blared in the distance. We passed through our living room, filled with new furniture we’d purchased just the week before.

The room had no fire, but smoke drifted high on the ceiling. It seemed to take forever to walk those last few feet, but we burst outside into the chilly night. I breathed in the smoke-free air like I’d never tasted something so wonderful.

My dad set me on my bare feet onto the damp grass. A few of the neighbors stood outside, phones in hand, recording everything.

“Grace, princess. Everything is going to be okay. Wait out here for the Firemen. I’ll be right out. I just need to get my research.”


He turned and went back in.

“No, daddy!”

I tried to follow him but one of my neighbors, David, grabbed me. Why the hell hadn’t he caught my dad?!

I struggled, but I was 12 and David was a bodybuilder. I watched as the house burned. As the firemen came and put out the fire instead of rescuing my dad because it had gotten so hot, it wasn’t safe to enter. I had to watch knowing my dad was inside and that there was nothing I could do.


And later, when I’d said that someone had started the fire, no one believed me. The investigators ruled it a freak accident and didn’t trust the words of a little girl.

Still, on the floor, I groaned. The pain lessened. Or maybe it was just getting used to it. But, I found that my eyes watered.

Shit, I was crying! I sucked in deep breaths and convinced myself that even the ballsiest motherfucker around would tear up when reliving the loss of a parent.

The burning still raged in my chest, but at least it felt like a natural burn like my new body was supposed to do that.

I wiped my wet cheeks on the sleeve of the brown sweater I wore.

After I calmed down, I freaked out. My hands looked different! Thinner, more elegant.

I was in someone else’s body, and I knew nothing about it!

“Is there some way to see my stats? Or my appearance?”

A boot shook my shoulder. “Get up, halfling.”

I peered up at the tall hard-eyed elf in charcoal leather armor.

Damnit. Did that administrator put me in a fucking Halfling body? I was already only 5’2” in real life I didn’t need to be a fuckin’ Hobbit.

I got to my hands and knees then stood up. To my relief, I could almost look the man in his eyes. That meant I wasn’t a Halfling in the classic D&D sense.

The man nodded. “Follow me.”

I wanted to ask why, but I figured it must be for some kind of tutorial.

As I walked, my proportions felt off, but I quickly adjusted. This form was effortless to move in like I’d been driving a metal tank all my life and had suddenly been given a Corvette. Once I got past the constant burning in my chest, I felt like I could run a marathon. Not that I’ve done that before.

We reached two other elves, obviously new as well, but these two managed to stay on their feet and apparently did not have a near mental breakdown when first entering.

“You two noobs, follow me.”

“Why should I, asshole?” The larger of the two asked.

As if muttering to himself, our guide said, “On behalf of my guild I discipline this new recruit.” He flicked his wrist and a knife embedded into the idiot’s shoulder.

He screamed and fell to one knee.

“You will follow me because I said so. Talkback one more time and experience your first death and the death penalties that go with it. As a guild enforcer, I have the right to kill you if you step out of line. I’ll tell you right now, death penalties are nothing to joke about.”


“Okay! Okay! Just get it out!”

He jerked the knife out of the idiot’s shoulder. I studied him. He looked like some kind of rogue class. Wait? Was I a rogue? I grimaced. It definitely wasn’t the Paladin class I usually played, but hopefully, it was a money earner.

A green box appeared in front of me.

You have learned the Non-Combat Skill: Observe level 1. For more information check your skill list. Continue to observe the world around you to improve this skill.

Whoa! My first skill. I stared hard at our guide as he led us out of the stables and across golden farmland where fields of some kind of wheat-like plant rustled in the breeze. Above his head, his name was a bunch of question marks but below that was a Mana and an HP bar without numbers listed.

I stared at a rock.

Common Rock. 84/135 durability. It’s just a rock. Look at something more interesting, loser.

I frowned at the flavor text. Okay, it had a point.

The massive idiot stumbled on a rock causing our guide to snort with derision. I observed my fellow new player.

Barrett Jo. Level 1. 44 HP. 27 Mana. You’re right about this one. He’s an idiot.

Well, thank you flavor text. I like being right.

I then looked at the other guy, who’d been silent this whole time. He had a swimmer’s body and feathery golden-brown hair.

Noob Slayer. Level 1. 44 HP. 27 Mana. Throughout every universe, planet, realm or culture that the Passivity Precept has shown the Way of Peace, there is always a player with a name like this. You can’t escape them. Fortunately, it translates surprisingly well!

I almost stumbled at that added detail. What the hell was it talking about? Other realms? Other Universes? Just what exactly was this Passivity Precept?

Regardless, it too was right, in every MMO there was always one N00b Slayer. Or a few hundred. I’d be sure to keep an eye out for him in the future.

In the distance I saw a building, that was more art than livable space. I imagined that someone decided to throw a bunch of differently sized gothic arches together and connected them with curving roofs and leaf patterned walls, where the exposed wooden supports created the leaf’s veins. It was both weird and beautiful. We headed straight into its gothic doorway.

The first area was apparently a waiting room filled with men and women in dark leather armor, carrying swords, poison vials or bows. They kept their faces hidden beneath large hoods or hats. When I observed them, their names were question marks, but their levels were 9 or 10.

Our guide passed by them and through a door. I heard grumbling about newbies getting to go first, so I quickly followed behind the man. The last thing I wanted was to make these higher level players remember me and get revenge later.

That actually made me pause. This game had only been out for a little over an hour, but there were already players level 9 and up. Was leveling really fast in this game or was there some other reason for the level gap? Like people who were already here, from another realm or universe like the prompt hinted at? I shuddered.

The place our guide dragged us into was a small audience room. Atop a throne made of ebony a woman in shimmering leather armor sat and stared down at us as if we were bugs. When I observed her, her name was four question marks, but her level was 30! She radiated power, from her perfect posture to the alert look in her eyes.

My eyes wandered to the man next to her who whispered in her ear. When I saw him a clamp tightened on my brain. It wasn’t bad, just snug, and almost happy, like seeing a puppy for the first time. A ridiculous feeling I immediately squashed.

The man wore blue silk robes and appeared to be a noble of some kind with sparkling sapphire beads floating in his hair. He had what looked like a thin silver circlet, but instead of it being on his head, he wore it like a necklace.

He stiffened and turned to look at me, or rather us. I was stunned. He had high cheekbones, slanted royal blue eyes and lips I wouldn’t mind kissing. He was, in a word, beautiful. Then I scowled. He reminded me a little too much of the Asshole Who Shall Not Be Named.

Lorevinel Silvercat. Level 4. 49 HP. 56 Mana.

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