《Blackthorne》Chapter 4.3: No Way...


Mature Content Warning: A little foul language, but not much else.

Author's Note: I decided to go ahead and finish this chapter up today. :)

Chapter 4.3: No Way...

The confused, but excited, man gaze rapturously down at the book then snatched it up off of the floor. He opened it quickly and his eyes lit up. It was exactly as advertised!

Scott thumbed through the pages of the surprisingly modern tome then grinned. Sure, it was not some ancient book inked in blood and wrapped in human skin, but it did promise to show him how to gain more power. He actually preferred its appearance since it would stand out less.

How many people would notice a book that looked like something that might be purchased at a local bookstore? Well, the book’s title might cause a few errant gazes to occur, but otherwise it could sit out in the open.

He read through the first few pages and his eyebrows rose upward. This book was more than a collection of random spells. It was an actual magical instruction manual for conjuring and contracting demons. It included a tutorial chapter on how to use magic in general!

“This... This is exactly what I needed...” He was more than a little suspicious about the book’s existence, but the simple fact that it would be useful beyond words quieted his disbelieving heart.

Scott wanted to check further into the back of the book and learn how to perform certain spells. However, he fought down that urge then focused on the basics. He had knowledge of how to use the jolt spell, but that was a spell that he had already mastered. It came that way. It was like he had been infused with the knowledge.

One passage garnered his attention specifically:

So, you think you know how to use magic? All you need to do is chant a few words and fuel a spell-pattern with your vital energies, right? Is that right?

If that is the extent of your magical knowledge; congratulations! You, sir or madam, are a dumbass.

That method of magical creation is for idiots and fools. The true power comes from drawing the life forces out of the world around you and using that power to fuel your spells. Why waste your precious energy when you can simply use energy from somewhere else? Sure, you might kill a few flowers or a random tree that was older than dirt, but so what? Flowers are overrated, and trees are smug assholes.


Does that sound aggressive? Good! You need to be aggressive! Take heed of the following rules: ...

Scott snorted whenever the book insulted him or referenced other living things as assholes. He briefly wondered about the personality of the sort of person who would write a book that was worded in that manner. Yet, he chose to ignore it because the information was incredibly useful.

“I see, so mana does exist in that world...” said Scott. Mana was an energetic phenomenon. You did not possess it, you generated it through action and it only existed while that action continued. The act of using internal vital force to shift vital essences of the elemental forces in the area was called mana generation.

He continued to read through the book for several minutes before he realized what time it was. “Damn... I have to work today.”

Scott considered calling off from work that day, but he did need the money. He’d laid up a store of food and paid up his bills for the month. That meant that he sorely lacked funds.

Reluctantly, he closed his new training manual then secreted in his underwear drawer. No one would be brave enough to go in there.

One shower, quick breakfast, and change of clothes later and Scott was ready for his day. He left his modest home and headed into town. It was once again time to visit, retail hell, as he liked to call it.

He walked into the store with the bright red shelves and looked at all of the various shoppers who thought that they were superior to people who shopped at the rival store, Vahl-Mart. Yes, Archer’s was a place that sold items that were fairly similar to their business rival, but since they charged slightly more they had managed to convince their customers that they had better merchandise.

“There he is!” called a rotund woman who was manning the guest service desk.

“Where? I’ll punch that bastard.” said Scott. He feigned looking around for a moment but then sighed. He had hoped that he could get in and out without people noticing him. It was impossible, of course. He would be stuck here at least six hours this time.

The fat woman laughed happily then showed him the guest services keys. “There’s no escape. It’s your fate, Scottie.”

Scott stared at the woman for a moment then cracked a smile. “I suppose it is. Maybe I’ll be able to escape out the door a few times tonight.”


“I’m going to do that right after you clock in, honey.” said the woman.

Scott suppressed a shiver then nodded. “Keep ‘em warm for me.”

She winked at him and he fled the scene. He had a few more minutes before he had to clock in for his guest services shift. Technically he was an entry level manager, but the only thing he ever managed to do was withstand his desire to punch people in the throat.

He made his way through the store. Various staff members called out to him. They always loved it when he came in to work. Their day brightened considerably. As far as they knew, he was the happiest person alive.

Scott smiled brightly at the cute pharmacy technician on duty that day. She waved at him and asked, “Where’s my sub?”

He laughed at her, “I’m just getting here.”

“I’m just kidding. You working tonight?” asked Kenna, the pharmacy tech.

“Would I be here otherwise?”

“Hey, is that Scott?” called another feminine voice.

They both turned and saw one of the other pharmacy techs, Sandra, coming back from her break. Kenna called out,

“Yeah, but he didn’t bring any food.”

“Fuck him, then.” said Sandra. She grinned at Scott to show that she was kidding.

Scott snorted at them. “If either of you did, I’d buy the good subs. Real meat and everything.”

Kenna laughed at him then flashed her engagement ring. “Sorry, I get the real meat already.”

“You whore.” said Scott pleasantly.

Of course, inwardly he was annoyed. She showed him that ring every chance she got. He never saw her flash it anyone else and it made him wonder if she just wanted to taunt him since he occasionally offered her part of his lunch sandwiches. There was a sub-shop across the street, so he bought lunch there frequently.

Kenna burst out laughing and Sandra shook her head. That mouth of his was one of the reasons that the staff loved him. He honestly did not seem to care if he kept his job. It even influenced the guests at the store as many of them came in just to see the weird GSA.

“Well, you girls get back to pimping drugs to the elderly. I have to clock in and go get the keys from Bigness.”

“Ha, I wonder where she put them this time.” snarked Sandra.

Scott grunted at her. “If she pulls them out of her cleavage again, I think I’ll quit on the spot.”

Sadie, the one he referenced as Bigness, was someone who had put the fear of fat women into the man. He did not normally disparage larger ladies, but when a three hundred pound woman chased you around and even tried to clean the men’s room while you were on the toilet, it became bothersome. She was nice enough, but there were some places where he just did not have a desire to chat with women.

Kenna grinned at him then leaned forward to give him what he could only consider to be an intentional view of her own special assets. “What? You don’t like that sort of thing?”

“Girl, put those things away. We got old people comin'.” said Sandra.

Kenna and Scott glanced toward Sandra and then back down the aisle. Several people who looked like the most ancient people to have ever lived were slowly making their way down the aisle. Scott sarcastically thought that it looked like a

George Romero film set for a moment. The sallow complexion and jerky gait of their walking motions made them look like elder members of the living dead community.

“Yeah, you girls handle this...” said Scott before moving quickly toward the staff area, and the time clock.

Kenna called out. “I want jalapenos on mine!”

Scott poked his head back out of the door and called back, “You’ll take what I give you, woman, and beg for more!”

She stuck out her tongue at him then whipped her head around and smiled at the closest of the elderly drug seekers. The older woman shakily said, “What’s that dear...? Jell-O paninis?”

“Ah, no. I was just asking for jalapenos on my sub.” said Kenna.

“Oh... that sounds good too. Tell your boyfriend to get me one.”

Kenna laughed then said, “Sure.”

Sandra glanced over at her co-worker then smirked. She would have to give her shit later for not setting the old lady straight about Scott not being her boyfriend.

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