《Blackthorne》Chapter 4.2: No Way...


Mature Content Warning: Not much, a little ass grabbing.

Author's Note: So, look.... a wild plot concept appears.

Chapter 4.2: No Way...

He awoke in total darkness, not even the digital display of his alarm clock showed a sign of life. Scott sighed loudly then sat up in bed. It was still night and dawn would not come for a short few hours. The pitch black room was problematic for the man, but it was not that unusual. The power had probably gone out while he slept. This part of town had a terrible power grid.

Scott threw off the covers then slipped over the side of his bed. He used his feet to feel around for his slippers. He gave up after a short frustrating moment and slid off the bed. Despite his belief that there would be a floor under his bed, as he had felt it repeatedly, he found himself falling.

He cried out in surprise as the sensation of falling continued for quite some time. It continued for so long that he actually became bored with the feeling. There was nothing around him to see and only the sensation of air flowing against him allowed him to sense he was anywhere at all.

Suddenly, light split the air beneath him. He looked down and saw that the light was emanating from a tiny point in the distance. That point grew larger at a rapid pace and soon it took on the shape of a small bowl. The bowl was filled with tiny plants and what looked like miniature mountain ranges.

Time passed and the bowl became the size of a basketball, and then it grew further and looked to be the size of a table. He continued to fall until the strange sight beneath him opened up to reveal a beautiful garden.

Scott fell into the garden after an incalculable amount of time. He landed on a bed of wildflowers that surrounded a statue.

“What the hell..?” he asked after a moment. The statue was familiar, incredibly familiar. It took him a moment to realize it, but it looked exactly like he might look if he were made of marble. Rather, it looked more like how Blackthorne might look if that version of his identity had been crafted from marble.


Scott noticed an inscription on the base of the statue. He stood up and walked toward it to see what it said. He leaned close and tried to make out the words.


One who seeks the truth.


“I’m someone who seeks the truth?” asked Scott. He was not certain about that at all. He was more interested in living a life worth living. He could care less about whatever truth this statue claimed that he sought.

A familiar voice spoke then, though Scott could see no one in the area. “There are many truths. When you discover yours, it will change your world forever.”

“Hey! Who are you?” The voice was familiar, but it was not spoken within his mind like a half-formed whisper. It had sounded like the goddess who spoke of level increases and other things when in the dream world. Yet, that voice was far stronger and seemed to be less mechanical than he was used to hearing from her.

“I am another truth... Perhaps you’ll be the one to discover me?” A soft feminine giggle lilted through the area.

“It’s hard to discover something that’s invisible.” said Scott. He turned his head back and forth in an attempt to catch sight of the speaker.

“You would like to see me?” she asked in a coy and amused manner.

“I don’t know... Are you fat?” asked Scott.

She laughed in a manner so clear and bright that it sounded like music. “Discover me, and find out... Warrior of the Dark.”

“I fancy myself more a mage...” replied the man.

She laughed once more then whispered softly into the air. “Do you? With such feeble magic, you would call yourself a mage?”

“Yes, though I would like to be less feeble.”

The musical laughter returned once more. When it ended the soft voice spoke out, “Do you think you can handle such power? Humans are not known for their great magical power...”

“I can handle anything you’ve got.” replied Scott in a serious manner. He wanted to become stronger, and part of that was taking risks.

Suddenly, the voice whispered from a space next to his ear. “Can you? I look forward to your discovery...”


Scott felt a strange pressure and a soft, wet, sensation against the side of his face. The scent of wildflowers increased exponentially, like the air had suddenly become permeated by a beautifully scented perfume.

“I chose you... Do not fail me...” said the voice in a slightly dangerous, but somehow sweet, feminine tone.

Light flared before him then and out of that light a book coalesced. Scott blinked then walked over to retrieve the book.

He read the cover then could not help but laugh. The title of the book was, A Devil of a Deal: Demonic Contracts for Dummies. “Heh, volume one...”

“Demon contracts... That sounds more like someone who wants to seek lies...” said Scott.

He felt a strange sensation flow along his stomach and then down to his groin. The wet sensation from before returned. This time he felt a soft tug at his left ear lobe, while invisible hands caressed his bulge through his pants.

The voice spoke again, “The other volumes are scattered throughout the world. If you wish to become strong enough to discover me, seek them out.”

Scott was not sure what to say about that. He was obviously speaking with someone, or something, that might not be trustworthy. Yet, she had made him no real promises. She had only suggested possibilities.

“Sounds like fun... You aren’t going to devour my soul or anything are you?” asked Scott.

She laughed musically once more. “Yes, if you fail to live up to your potential. Otherwise, you’ll find that I devour other things quite well, and happily.”

At least she was honest. If he lived up to his potential, whatever that meant, he would become powerful. Otherwise, he would become a snack treat. “Sounds hot.”

The voice giggled sweetly into his ear. “Follow the instructions in that book, and you’ll find that your magical potential will grow rapidly. Do not seek out the other volumes until you’ve mastered this one, however.”

“Yes, dear.” said Scott.

She laughed once more. Immediately afterward Scott felt his ass gripped tight by invisible hands. “Mmm, bouncy.” said the voice.

Scott laughed nervously then shook his head. “That’s not fair. I can’t see whether or not I want to grab your ass...”

The invisible woman unleashed a low, seductive, laugh. “Learn to see the invisible then. Don’t blame me because you’re a feeble little man.”

“I’ll show you who’s feeble...” said Scott.

“Oooh, sounds like a date... my dark hero.” said the voice in sweet dulcet tones.

Scott reached back and gripped at the air behind him. The voice gasped out in surprise then moaned sweetly.

“Score one point for the blind man...” she whispered in his ear, before she ran her invisible tongue along the side of his ear.

Her presence left the area immediately afterward, however. Scott suspected that even invisible magic sluts needed to take a cold shower now and then.

He looked down at the book in his hand then raised his left eyebrow. He was about to say something cliché like, “What now?” However, he opted to simply open the book.

The moment the cover opened, he awoke in the real world. Scott blinked slowly then looked around at his room. It was past dawn and well into early morning as far as he could tell. He looked over to his digital alarm then nodded. It was ten in the morning.

“Was that an actual dream?” He did not really understand the point of that dream, but hopefully that book would exist in the dream world when he returned.

Scott rose up then moved to slip off the side of the bed. However, when he did so a dull clattering sound caught his attention. He looked down then stared at what he saw. On the floor beneath him rested the half-opened book that he had just acquired in the dream.

“The hell?” asked Scott. For the first time since the dream had started, the man knew true fear. Either he was going insane, or the dream could cause changes in the real world as well.

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