《You Are The Gods.》Status update for the System before launch! (Archived)


Hello Deities!

I know some of your are worried about the system being overload or me running out of mana but do not fret! I have an idea on how the system will work. Since all of you came early before the Invasion, I will reward everyone with +25 points. However, be careful with these points! From now on all of the pages involving the system will have their comments locked! The exceptions are The Store, Titles for every Deity, and Reminders for the Archiver! The only one of these exceptions that will grant you points anymore will be the Titles for every Deity, so every deity from now on is guaranteed 10 points when they choose their title! Now, how do you get points with these 7 sections having locked comments. Well, every time a chapter is released about the invasion, the first 25 people to comment are guaranteed points! This is to reward the deities who come around the most! Any deity that comments after that will have a chance at points still, it just depends if I like your comment, or have the free time to be going through them all and trying to give deities points. Me restricting it to where there is only a guaranteed 250 points given out each chapter helps me keep the economy in check and doesn't completely overload me all the time. This is of course subject to change as time goes on. There are also other secret, hidden ways to get points so don't be afraid to try things out!

Now let's talk the actual story.

As said before, there will be 6 initial people who can be a champion. If everyone of them does become a champion, the two who got the most sponsorship opportunities will become the main focus for a full story arc, this could be 5+ chapters. During this time, at the bottom of each chapter will be a general status update for all of the other champions.


For example

As of Chapter 13, Sylas the Champion of Monke Sage is currently in the mountains training himself to try and receive enlightenment from the Monke Sage.

This lets the other deities with champions still be able to interact with their champions even if they aren't the main story focus. After an arc with 2 characters, a vote will be held by the deities to where we will decide on which champions we will follow closely next! If the deities are interested enough in the last 2 champions, we will simply continue to follow them, but if we tire of their antics then we will all watch a new champion! If you want your champion to be on the forefront, you will have to communicate with the other gods and try to convince them.

In terms of a discord server, I do not have the time to manage the discord server, this and my usual life. If I do start one, I'll choose a council of gods who will watch over all of the other ones within the discord server. They will simply prevent infighting between the deities. The ETA on the server hasn't been decided yet.

So now that I have most things I want to talk about done, I'd like to say something out of character. I am in my last semester of college and studying for the MCAT, which is the test required to get into medical school. My studying will take around 3 months and then I'll take my test. During these three months updates might be sporadic so I must apologize. After June 13th though, I will have much more free time for the next year and plan on focusing more on this and being more consistent with it. So if the archiver is offline for a week or two I ask you to bare with me, I will try my best to have a fun time with all of you! If you have anymore questions simply put them at the bottom of this page. Comments for this will not count towards your point score.


Thank you all for trying this weird experiment out with me. I honestly expected maybe two to three people within the first week! I am really grateful. First chapter about the invasion will be written by 9 pm American EST tonight.

Also, one final thing. Check the poll at the end of the chapter. I wondering if I should do quick, arcs that are general but still has substance for the champions so we can go through and watch champions more, or should I do longer, in depths chapters and arcs so we really get to watch the journey of a few champions.

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