《Ouroboros Ascendant》Chapter 71: This Isn’t Over


Day of Tomes, 13th of Suhin, Year 401

“You know, legs, life would be easier if you ever checked your messages,” the succubus lounged in the warm embrace of the bath.

“Hmm?” the dreadnought murmured, half asleep in the soporific bliss of the steaming water.

“Your panel messages. You haven’t checked them,” Layla smirked.

Erin opened her panel, the green glow illuminating the bathhouse.

“Oh. Oh shit… Oh… oh... shit, Layla. I’m so sorry,” Erin looked up from the panel, horrified.

“After that kiss, I don’t even mind,” the succubus smiled indulgently in the dim light.

“You’re such a turd muffin,” Erin grumbled.

They laid in the soothing darkness for a while longer, until Layla remembered something.

“So, legs, I was meaning to ask you, what’s up with your arms and your shoulders?” Layla asked tentatively.

“You should see my back,” the dreadnought grinned.

She rolled over, and Layla’s eyes widened at the faint shift in the cording and shape of Erin’s musculature. Her arms and shoulders had changed so slowly over the last few weeks, Layla hadn’t noticed the alterations until Erin undressed to wash up at the last stream they crossed. Even now, knowing what to look for, the difference was subtle enough that most would miss it even in broad daylight.

“How much… mutating… have you done?” Layla tried to make the question as delicate as possible.

“Maybe, like… two, three percent, ish? I had to teach Jack a lot of anatomy to get him to relax about it. Mostly, I’ve just been making the fibers denser, since that’s what the spell is actually for. I’ve done a little experimenting with positioning, but I don’t know enough about how other animals are set up to really make improvements. What I wouldn’t give for a gorilla muscle chart,” she chuckled.

“You aren’t worried you’ll mess something up?” Layla winced.

“Oh, I already have. God, not long after I started messing with it, I screwed up my trapezius so bad, it damn near dislocated my shoulder. Had to release the whole stupid project and drink a healing potion. ” she scowled at the memory.


“I… honestly did not know you knew so much about anatomy,” Layla replied.

“Layla, what’s my job?” Erin squinted at the succubus.

“Ummm… you… run a lot… and play video games. I don’t know, okay. I just know you go to the gym like EVERY DAMN DAY… oh my god. You’re a personal trainer, aren’t you?” Layla laid her head in her hands.

“We’re even about the messages now,” Erin splashed a handful of water at her.

“Hey, to be fair, I know your favorite movie is Rocky, and you hate all the sequels. I know your favorite color is shamrock green. I know your favorite food is steak fajita tacos with green sauce from that food truck that stops down the block from the gym. I know your favorite book is Through the Looking Glass, and you’re aware that’s a little pretentious. I know you like running more than just about anything, and that your last two relationships ended because those guys couldn’t keep up with you, physically or emotionally,” Layla dipped half her face back below the water and blew out a sigh full of bubbles.

The bathhouse was silent.

Erin cleared her throat.

“I guess you have been paying attention,” she side-eyed the succubus.

“I’m always watching you, Wazowski. … aaaalways watching,” Layla laughed.

“And on that note, time to go find my clothes,” Erin stood up in the bath.

The succubus leaned forward and made a show of following the long line of Erin’s legs up to her toned stomach, then had the audacity to blush when she reached her breasts. She bit her lip, her still-glowing eyes shining up at the taller woman.

“You sure you don’t wanna go again?” she asked.

“Oh, you’re terrible. Go find some village boys to eat now that you’re not starving,” Erin groaned.

“I think I might prefer girls,” Layla wiggled her eyebrows.


“Then find some village girls, you unbearable… tart,” Erin stepped out of the tub.

Layla crawled after her, dragging herself along the surface of the water, and ending up splayed over the rim of the tub, reaching for Erin’s towel and missing in a mock display of longing.

“Noooooo, I’ve had a taste of Earth girls and now nothing else will do,” she stuck her tongue out at Erin.

“You lush. You only say that cause I’m in succubus-ing distance,” Erin blew her a kiss and started toweling off.

“No, I’m pretty sure I’m saying it cause you’re built like a brick shithouse, and I wanna eat you like an everlasting gobstopper,” the succubus laid on the lip of the tub and pouted.

Erin froze where she stood.

“Did you… just… what did you call… an everlasting… what... Layla?!” she sputtered.

“You’re hot. I wanna bang you like a drum. Shut up,” she huffed.

Erin was perfectly still as she digested the ridiculousness of the situation. Then, an idea began to form. An awful, wonderful idea.

“Hey, El,” she grinned.

“Hmm?” the succubus looked up.

Erin dropped the towel behind her, and Layla’s eyes followed it to the ground. Erin turned and bent over to pick it up, lingering on the way down. When she retrieved the towel, she turned back and drew it up, across her legs, hips, belly, and between her breasts, concealing very little with it as she stood.

Layla looked like she’d been hit with a mallet between the eyes. The succubus shivered and wiped a bit of drool from the corner of her mouth, golden eyes glowing brightly in the dimness. Then she realized what had just happened.

“Oh, that’s so unfair. My turn!” she drew herself upright to lean on the edge of the tub.

“Nope!” Erin grabbed the wet towel and her soiled clothes and bolted toward the door.

“This isn’t over, you tease!” Layla called after her.

Erin bounded up the stairs to deposit her laundry in her room, smiling again at the pinned note on the door. After reading the messages between Layla and the boys earlier that morning, she was less concerned about Jack being upset with her, but she still felt like she needed to talk with him about it.

Erin: Everyone square?

Jack: Yep, I’m wrapping up at the smith’s. I’ll have to introduce you, Layla. She’s Vyrykka’s half-sister. Half. Giant. Sister.

Rory: Don’t encourage her.

Layla: I was totally gonna bitch about Erin playing striptease and escaping, but Snu Snu has adequately diverted my attention. Do you think she’d feed me, Seymour?

Erin: I resent that. I did not do a striptease.

Jack: Aww, I missed it? The journeyman that set everything up for me says she’s into chicks, so maybe Snu Snu?

Rory: Stop encouraging her.

Erin: I didn’t do a striptease!

Layla: It was sexy. So, how big a Snu Snu we talkin’ here?

Jack: She’s gotta be at least eight feet tall. She was enchanting a sword bigger than you.

Erin: Layla! Tell him I did not do a striptease!

Layla: I’m so jealous of you, Jackson. She’s so fucking hot. The way those legs go all the way up and make a complete ass outta themselves. Also, we made out. It was mind-blowing. I made a mess.

Erin: She did not! It was not like that. I swear.

Rory: So the tart is fed?

Layla: Oh, so satisfied. 。◕‿‿◕。

Erin: It wasn’t like that… wait, how are you doing that?

Jack: How are you doing that?

Layla: shia_lebeouf_magic.gif

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