《The Blade's Tools》Chapter 077


I put the book down as soon as the first light of the day shined through the thick curtains into my room. Feeling refreshed, I got up, stretched, and lost myself in thoughts.

Such a marvelous book!

What exquisite prose!

Indeed, it was packed with action! And so fast paced!... though, there were parts which would appear confusing to me, perhaps my literary depth wasn't enough? Like, some of those random conversations with the ladies… However, just before it, the battle scene was described perfectly! The author clearly knew a lot about dueling and fighting, at least from theory, for she managed to perfectly picture the scene! It felt like I was actually there with the characters. Even more so - most of the moves were ones I myself would love to execute in that particular battle, while reacting to my opponent's moves!

… And then. Out of blue, after defeating her opponent - noble knight Clara, the main character of that chapter, as a reward, demanded him to polish his spear… But, he was using a sword! A spear wasn’t even mentioned as a weapon that any of them was carrying! Author’s mistake? I doubt it! She should have an army of editors, impossible for such a gap in story to be just allowed to be printed! Moreover, why was so insistent on it being then right then and there? Was there some knight's code on polishing one's spear in front of another after a defeat? I will have to remember this and ask Knight-Commander Godrick or perhaps Agnes about it. Perhaps I should remember this for after my own duel, I’d hate to break the code!

And later? When they once again fought? Bodies shaking and sweating? They just fought till they collapsed?! How in heaven's name were they able to go for another round?! ‘With passion and ecstasy surpassing their first clash’!? I was confused but also intrigued how the author was able to describe the fierce battle without mentioning any specific stances or moves but it was truly a level of literature I was too peasant to fully understand.

Pointless to look for logic. Is the author aware that a human's body can’t just battle for several hours, and then fight one again ‘even more effectively than before’?! Tissues build up exhaustion! Tendons and muscles get stiff! Impossible to ‘outperform’ their first clash! Moreover “again and again”!

This part actually made me furious! Such a confusing chapter!

Despite my irritation, I suspended my disbelief for the moment and just enjoyed the fantasy for what it was. Shaking my head, to get rid of annoying thoughts, I focused on the new day ahead of me. One quick stretch, popping my bones back in their place, then, the ‘morning toilet’ - I grabbed for a piece of cloth and started to clean my armor of scratches and stains that appeared on it during the long time of use - and last few sparrings with Natasha - to be able to bend iron with a wooden sword? She truly was a lioness.

… And she hated people that were late. Keeping that in mind, I started scrubbing faster.

Then, the usual. Strapping boots, attaching shin guards, vest, etc.

Each piece was carefully placed over my body, till eventually, I reached out for my white helmet, and put it on, hiding my skull from curious eyes. Then, finally ready, I stepped out of my room, locking it, and moving towards the training ground. Getting mentally ready to have my butt handed back to me.

I entered and walked towards the stairs, locating the specific training room that Natasha booked for our personal use. Cautiously enteringI was on guard in case of a sudden attack. Noticing none coming I relaxed and locked the door. She was already there, stretching and warming up, with her backs towards me.


“So, are you ready for today’s session?” she asked, angling her arms from side to side. “Yes, Lieutenant-Commander!”

She quickly turned on her feet and faced me with a full deep glare.

“You have just a few more days, and I decided that you will be using them to the fullest. The progression you were making after our last session was below satisfactory, and so, I decided to ask two more combat instructors for help. Each of us will be training with you for 8 hours a day. We will break swordsmanship into your very bones, or we will break them. I doubt that would bother you either way, maybe it’ll even help. Is that clear?!” “...Yes, Lieutenant-Commander.”

How else could I answer? First thing first - she was right. Time was limited and I still had a long way to go on a path to mastery. And, the duel with House Fox was something that I absolutely couldn’t lose, as the prize was much, much greater than just some coins and good renown - my membership among the Lions was in danger, and thus my revenge prospects.

And what would they do, if they decided to NOT let me join? Would they just wave me goodbye, allowing me to go my own path? Pat on the shoulder, some coin for the road, and such? Me? The undead? Highly unlikely.

“You...seem like you want to say something.” my teacher noticed, squinting her eyes at me. I felt like my helmet and bones weren’t helping me disguise my outward feelings much. “I… wanted to apologize. I have caused problems, and now I am distracting you from your daily responsibilities.” I cautiously answered.

The wooden sword, that she quickly picked up, flew towards my head. This movement was both so unexpected and fluent that I couldn’t react in time, which resulted with a loud noise resonating under my helmet, driving me back a couple steps..

“How were you dragged into this duel?” Natasha asked while pointing a finger at me. “I...tried defending my colleague from…” I started, but was not allowed to finish “Do you regret it? If you could move back in time, and ignore it, would you?” “...” “WOULD YOU?” “No, Lieutenant-Commander!” “Then what are you apologizing for?” she asked with an even more furious glare “...You fight for what you believe in. All knights hold this in comment. Carry yourself pridefully, for you shall fight for your values. Now, if you have time to talk, you have time for training as well. Assume position, cadet. We are speeding up your training!”

And so, I raised my own blade, and got ready for a few days of intense battle. I dejectedly accepted getting some actual broken bones in my future before this was all done.

The crowd on the streets of the city of Boltward was at a fever pitch. People were talking loudly everywhere - by street vendors, cafeterias, shops. And they had good reason for it - not every day two Houses would send their representatives to clash out in public.

Usually, most of the possible discords were dealt with behind closed doors of the merchant guild, in presence of a mediator. In the end, it was just ‘inelegant’ for a House to appear as a rufran that would start a brawl with their rivals in the field - this kind of behavior didn’t help with gathering new potential clients.

And yet! This particular case was an exception to the rule!



Because it wasn't just two ‘regular Houses’ having an issue! Silver Lions and Black Foxes! The first being formed at the beginning of second era of the new world - when humanity had just arrived from the sea - possibly the only formation which remained so long without changing their principles - and second being a new rising star, that was literally conquering ‘the market’ if you could say so, having an incredible 98% quest finish-ratio and, despite being rather small and elite group, taking twice as many requests as bigger organizations.

The animosity between these two were well-known, as Foxes were trying their best to provoke Lions, so they could once and for all take over the title of “the best” Adventurer’s House.

And now - it was happening.

“So, who’s fighting?” one neighbor asked another through a window. “Are you kidding me? Don’t you know? From Foxes - Rowan, gold rank adventurer, called the Black Tempest…” “Ooo! Have you heard about him, isn’t he in the team made mostly of platinum adventurers? Leeching on them my buddy in the guild said?” “Foxes? Leeching on one another? Are you joking?! They wouldn’t allow that, there is too strong rivalry within their House! No special treatment is allowed, if other adventurers learned about it, Rowan would surely have an “accident”. No, he is said to be close to promotion and has a valid set of skills.” “I see… and the Lions?” “A young cadet named…” “HA?! Cadet?! Are they even treating it seriously?” “...Alabaster Blade.” “Wait… That Knight in White? I saw him during the parade! HE IS HUUUGE! Like three butchers in a cloak huge!” “He is also rumored to be a dragon slayer…” “Nooo shiiiiit! Really?” the other gasped, now wondering if this event was worth attending “...The entrance to the arena is free, right?” “It is, but, for better places, you got to pay! I, for example, bought four spots, now for the low low price of…”

The conversations continued in this manner or similar around the city as the clock ticked to the appointed time.

Skill proficiency increased Skills:

[Sword Usage - Advanced level 5 ➝ 11]

[Shield Usage - Journeyman level 22➝ Advanced Level 3]

[Bow Usage - Apprentice level 1]

[Nature Magic - Novice level 1]

[Mana Sense - Low - Passive]

[Life sense - Medium - Passive]

[Combat Maneuver/Team tactic - Apprentice level 13 ➝ Journeyman level 2]

[Heavy Armor Usage - Apprentice level 12 ➝ Journeyman level 6]

[Hand-to-hand Combat - Novice level 4 ➝ 7]

[Stealth - Apprentice level 2]

[Mind Magic Resistance - Low level 1]

[Dark Arts - Curse Words - Apprentice Level 2]

[Dark Arts - Necromancy - Novice Level 6]

[Tracking - Novice Level 2]

Not-so-far-away from the center of the city, there was an arena, usually used for all sorts of official nobility duels and tournaments. This time though, it was ‘booked’ by the guild of adventurers. Around it, there were several tents with vendors selling snacks, souvenirs as well as taking bids from people who were trying to guess which one of us would win this fight. As I learned, the ratio was 3 to 1 in Rowan’s favor.

There was a knock on my chamber door, where I was getting ready.

“Who is it?!” I yelled, as for now, I remained without my armor, and thus, was bare bones. “It’s me…” Nicolai called from the other side.

I quickly rushed towards the door, opening it partly and peeking through the gap, just to check if behind the door there wasn’t anyone, who could, thought shouldn’t, have seen me.

No. It was only him and Natasha.

I quickly opened the door, and let them in.

“How’s the morale?” he asked with pursed lips. “Oh, I am DYING to fight him.” I decided to joke. The Commander’s face relaxed with a smirk on the corners of his lips. “Good to know that. I already have some information regarding the arena. Of course that they shamelessly decided to prepare it in such a way, to grant their champion as much advantage as possible, and hinder you.” “Which is?” I pried further. “The arena was remodeled to recreate the so-called Tomb of Navok - he was an undead lich, killed a few centuries ago during one of the great campaigns of the age, long story short - there are these tall, thin pillars raised all over the place, very densely placed..” “So, the long weapon that I possess will have limited range. Wide slashes won’t work either… He on the other hand…” “Yes, a rogue that relies on dexterity and speed will be granted dozens of covers he could use to avoid your blows, and use for acrobatic attacks…” “Make the hell devour it…” I cursed under my breath.

Nicolai could only nod with a sour expression.

“I came to deliver you a weapon, and help you put on your armor.” “Y-you? But… you are…” the leading commander of the House, and, helping with armor was the job of someone SEVERAL grades lower! He was a noble, that thing was good for commoners! Not from the upper layer of society either! “I have heard that more than once you saved your fellow brothers in arms in that dungeon. If you saw other Lions as your equal comrades, worth risking your life for... why should I treat you differently?” He said while giving me a slight smile.

The aura of pride and nobility around him was almost suffocating. It felt so… *wrong* to be in his presence… me, a mere peasant… I even ‘not-directly’ had lied to him, convincing him I am a bastard son of a noble.

I felt so, so dirty. Unworthy of his praises…

Still, I could only nod slightly in gratitude, allowing him to fix and correct pieces of my armor, strap my shield to my arm, and hand me a simple, but perfectly well made iron sword.

“Simple, non enchanted, weapon of common material…” he sighed “... Asking the best smith in the city to prepare it was the best I could do… You’re going in there almost naked, Aster. Be ready for every dirty trick, I am more than sure that they are going to ‘cheat’ in more ways than one.” “Doesn't matter, Lieutenant Commander. I, myself, am a cheat as well. I don’t get tired. In the worst case scenario, I could just drag the battle and win by exhausting him.” “I hope this will all be enough.” he sighed, taking my helmet and approaching me, to put it on my head. As I was taller, I kneeled before him, making his job a bit easier.

Gently taking my skull in his palms he planted a kiss atop it.

“Make us proud, brother.” he said, putting the helmet on. “...I will, Sir. Duty and Honor!” I said, bashing my shield with my sword a few times. “Duty and Honor.” the brilliant commander responded in turn.

I left the room and went down into the attached tunnel, which was meant to lead me out to the arena.

At the same time, in a similar room on the opposite side of the arena, Rowan was getting ready as well, but, in his room, a small army of people was running left and right.

“Don’t move!...” Ana, a platinum mage from Rowan’s team hissed, annoyed “...casting enchantment isn’t as easy as people say! It requires intense focus, unless you want to end up with a strong but morphed arm!” “Sorry, sorry… but please, get this done already!... it’s making me itch.” Rowan tried to limit his fidgeting.

At that moment, the House Vice Leader - Patric - entered the room with a rich ornate looking chest.

“How’s your mood, Rowan?” he asked with a nonchalant tone. “Eh? Me? I am going there to defeat some random guy, Ass or something. Sounds like a Friday night in the bar.” “Defeat him? No…” pale-looking slender man corrected his employee with a sudden fire in his eyes “... you will humiliate him. Everything short of massacring him. The area will be colored in his blood by the time you’re done.. You will obliterate Lion’s pride into dust… Ana. How are the preparations coming along?” “Finishing the third enchantment now. Lesser agility, advanced strength, and now, greater constitution…. aaand… It’s done.”

She lowered her arms while looking visibly drained.

“Great. Now Rowan, drink these.” A few bottles were placed in front of the rogue who was swinging his arms and testing the enchantments. “Combat steroids?” he asked, looking surprised “...isn’t that a bit overkill?” “No. No. That’s not overkill” the Vice Leader answered, placing the chest in front of him, and opening it “...this is.”

Ana’s eyes bulged as she tried to make out the magical complexity that was in front of her as she stood to the side.

“A-A-are you sure I can use them?” Rowan, taken aback, asked cautiously as he took the two daggers from the chests “...these are…” “Zephyr and Reaper. Two of our House’s treasures from early on in our history. And, if I wasn’t sure, I wouldn’t be here, moron. If you do well, they will be yours even. Forever.”

These… were worth a small fortune, multiple even.

“Utter humiliation you say?” he asked with a devilish light in his eyes, playing with the daggers in his fingers “... in that case, I am going to, as you said, obliterate their pride into dust.” He gripped both daggers, feeling a sudden power course through him. “Good. With the number of resources that we just pumped into you, we expect a performance beyond perfection. Now, get ready, the match starts in five minutes.” “As you wish, Sir…”

Rowan stood up, corrected his leather armor, pulled the hood over his head and strapped the two enchanted daggers to his vest. He jumped slightly in pace, a few times, warming up one last time. Soon, he left the room, and walked towards the arena’s exit, from where he could hear the voices of hundreds of people cheering for him.

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