《The Blade's Tools》Chapter 075


I didn’t know how many hours I had spent in the back alley. The only indicator of time flowing was the sun. When I had started it was pitch black, now I could just make out its hazy red line creeping up the horizon, flooding the city with light. As I straightened my back and looked down at my... work… Well, let’s just say that I was grateful for my undead-ness, and thus my inability to puke. The, now quite literal, meat bag under me was no longer recognizable as a man.

“Are you done?” I heard from behind me. It was the ‘fake prostitute’, the one who had led Jack here, her gaze was cold, tired even, looking at me like a waitress serving the last client of the night, as if begging him to leave so she could return to her family. “Yes.” I answered, dropping the meat mallet which I was recently using. What else was I supposed to say? “It would be best if you left your armor behind. It’s covered in bloodstains, we could get rid of it for you.” “That’s out of the question. My armor stays.” “... Suit yourself…” she rolled her eyes, mumbling something about knights being more attached to their armors than their partners. She looked through one of her pockets and pulled out a vial with some liquid “...Just stay still for a few moments, I will at least try to get rid of some of the evidence… it might irritate your skin a lit… a lot.”

The mysterious woman said, and not waiting for my response cracked the vial over my helmet. Despite not having a nose, I could smell alcohol and ammonia as well as the addition of something else. Acidic?

The lady must have gotten irritated with my lack of cooperation, and yet, trying to hurt your clients? You clearly don’t care about reputation…

… not that I would want to use your services ever again…

… Unless, I would be forced to. Like this time.

One last time I looked in the direction of the body, seeing black mist gathering atop of it, so very different from usual semi-transparent one, slowly rising up, ready for harvesting. Greedily, I extended my senses towards it, letting it flow towards me, entering my bones. The woman seemed to not notice its presence.

Perhaps mortals were blind to the presence of life essence, or at least most were.

You absorbed [211] essence Your item has obtained [stack]

Golden Ring of Betrayed Faith - Minor Curse

The ring that once belonged to a brutally murdered man, it still carries his emotions - Grief, Rage, and Hatred. The ring, just as the tormented soul of its owner, yearns for vengeance, and to once again be reunited with its true owner.

Dark Arts are 10% more effective

[Reunited] - Ring carried by its true owner - Dark Arts mana cost -10%

[Vengeance Hungry] - 1 stacks:

Learning speed of [Dark Arts] increased by 5%

Then, a list full of names appeared before my eyes, and the name of the hunter burned with red light, before being scratched and turning grey, like a scar on the skin.

You have erased another name from [The List], maintaining your Vow

The List:

~ Michael Diederik - Nemesis

~ Albert

~ Jack, the mankiller

~ Rick, the hunter

~ Ernest, the hunter

~ Stephan, the hunter

~ ??? - x 5

~ Eric the Nameless

[My list gets shorter]

You have slain a target of your [Personal Vendetta] - Rank 3

+ [500 exp]


+ 2 DEX

+ [Stats] Requirements to detect traps/ambushes reduced by 10%

Name: Asteruse Race: Skeleton Knight [Undead] [Self-aware Variant] Level: 9 [1613/5500] Attributes: STR: 91

VIT: 92

END: ∞

RFX: 68

DEX: 71 (+2)

INT: 36

WIS: 30

SPI: 9 “... You didn’t even grunt…” her slightly impressed voice ‘woke’ me up.

Indeed, I was still in the back alley, now with spotlessly clean armor, but smelling like rotten eggs and gods only know what else had been in that vial.

“Are we done? Can I go, or do you want to crack something else on my head?” I asked with a neutral tone. “No. You are free to go. Remember about us next time you want someone to disappear.” The lady replied one last time before turning to the side “... now please, leave. We need to get rid of the waste.”

She immediately knelt down and began sorting through all the pieces of flesh that were scattered about. On queue multiple other women suddenly appeared in the alley, eluding even my life detecting senses until just now, and joined the lady in her work. I could swear I saw them literally form from the shadows themselves and my eye would be bulging right then and there if I still had them.

Whoever they were, I just learned it's best to stay as far from them as possible! Which still breeds the question - why and how did Agnes know these people? As much as the curiosity and worry burned my guts, I decided to ignore it, let it go, forget.

Nothing good would come from prying on this matter.

I nodded in farewell and left the alley, heading out of the slums, and once I entered the merchant district, I was greeted by my little knight, resting her back on the wall of the building. Trying her hardest to look discreet.

“Sup’!” she greeted me “...Took yar’ sweet time, hm? Welp, I saw the bastard, and asked around a little. No one liked him. A petty small mercenary for dirty work; a cutthroat, a disposable dagger. I am actually surprised how he lived long enough to… Oh, sorry. You might not want to talk about it… S-so… How did you like the party? Ha-ha-ha!” she laughed, awkwardly, trying to (not very skillfully) change the subject. “It was… weird. Not going to lie, I was jealous seeing you and everyone feast, drink and rejoice, at some point it was almost irritating. I was envious to not be able to feel what you did… But, nevertheless, it was nice to…”

Be with people. To not be left alone with your thoughts. Becoming aware of the slow mental downfall. With the accompanying realization that pieces of your psyche were crumbling with every passing moment.

A silver line though, as much as it could be called one, was me remembering everything as I was killing. As if the act alone was healing me. Focusing on the Vow I made in turn fulfilling me.

To be forced to kill in order to remember who you are. Quite a curse… But, the price didn't seem too big for the new opportunity I got.

“Aaaaster.Helloooo You are zoning out!” a giggle and poke in the shoulder woke me up. Again. “Oh, sorry. What I wanted to say, is that I appreciated your company… and help. This man… was the one who stabbed me. To make me who I am right now. If you didn’t help me out there, I would most likely have butchered him in the middle of the street…” “It’s fineee. I completely understand. That desire to see someone dead no matter what, to want to stop their existence from tainting the same ground you walked on and the air you breathe.”


She said that with such a flawless, pure, innocent smile, that even I shivered.

“Anywaaay! Let’s get back to the barracks. I heard you have a training session with Lieutenant Natasha in like… thirty minutes, no?” She tilted her head in a cute questioning way.

… …

… … …


I grabbed Agnes under my arm, and bolted down the streets towards the barracks, nearly running over strangers that, despite the early hour, started walking out on the streets. Every direction I picked seemingly had a random person coming out of a shop or turning a corner.

I reached the House’s ground, I had dropped Agnes at… some point, ran towards my room, quickly washed the armor off the smell of the suspicious liquid, and got ready to leave and meet my leading-officer.

Just before leaving, I noticed ‘Iron-Maiden-Breaker’ still lying on my bed. Stopping briefly, I gently rubbed the cover of the book, before placing it on my desk.

“Soon. Little friend. Soon.”

Only then did I leave, locking my room and double checking it, by pulling the doorknob. Then, I turned and rushed towards the training rooms with bounding steps, leaving a small dust cloud in my wake.

And, of course, I was still a few minutes late.

Knowing Natasha, she wouldn’t let it slide…

“You are late!” I heard as soon as I pushed the door open.

Caaa-lled it!

“I know, I am sorry, I had… business to take care of in the city…” “You mean drinking with other cadets in the tavern? Don’t think I didn’t hear about that Aster! You are undead! You don’t even drink! How can you even use a tavern as an excuse!?” Natasha glared up at me, making me suddenly feel rather small. “...I said I am sorry…” I pouted, moving toward the rack with training equipment. “Don’t be sorry, be better. I would have punished you if you were a normal cadet… the only reason I don’t do it, is because you don’t get tired nor feel pain to begin with… seriously, disciplining the dead is a pain in the bum…” She grumbled a bit more on needing to find a way to discipline those without nerves. Please no.

Swallowing the insult, I just picked a wooden blade and took a stance in front of her.

“This week, you will represent our House. There might be lots of watchers…” she began pacing around the room ” knowing the Foxes, they will try making it a public event, with food stands and such.” “Are they this cocky?” “No. They will cheat. Or, should I say - cheat without cheating. As a Lion, well, soon to be Lion, you are bound to use the simplest loadout tactic. Simple blade, simple armor, and such. Literally, using everything that you personally own. As for the Foxes, I am sure that they’ll give their representative one of the House’s treasures, maybe even prepare the area to fit his fighting style. Gods know what else. Basically stacking the deck against you as much as possible.” “Is this even legal?” I lowered my sword in disbelief. “For knights - you and me? No. For adventures? Yes. As an Order of Knights, we decided to follow traditional dogmas. Our House was made in difficult times, times, when people needed hope. When they needed knights in shiny armor with values and virtues. Some might say that we are too...archaic for current times. Remnants of an old epoch.” “...We are not.” I said, cutting her in “...I grew up reading and listening to stories about the Lions and our similar brother and sister Houses. We are symbols of righteousness. Every kid grows up dreaming about being able to one day put on silver armor… Well, I for sure was a kid that would run around the village with a blanket on my shoulders like a cape, yelling that I am a Lion…” I smiled at my memories.. now, so vivid. It was really good to remember. How often do people appreciate being able to do just that? “...Being someone’s goal, someone's motivation to do their best, is not wrong. Too old? Outdated? Values are timeless. Being noble, pure, and fighting for the sake of the weak will never be archaic… Line-Officer Lieutenant Natasha Silvermane!” I saluted “...For these values, I. Will not. Fail. I. Will not. Fall down. I will not only represent the House with dignity of a Lion. But I will win gloriously.”

Natasha’s tired face, even if for a short moment, lightened up with a small, simple smirk.

“Duty and honor, Lion-Cadet. Duty and honor.” “Duty and honor, officer!” I yelled back with a salute.

Then, her expression became cold and demanding again.

“INTO POSITION MAGGOT! Show me what you got!” she shouted, baring her weapon.

And so, I got back into position, getting ready for a challenging duel.

This time, no longer weak, fragile, and slow.

I was no longer the same feeble skeleton that sparred with her last time! I have feasted on the essence of countless creatures! Dragons even! My skills were forged in weeks of underground battle with dungeon dwellers!

I had even recovered my memories, lifting an ever present fog that had been building up in my mind for weeks.

Today, right here, right now, I am going to earn her respect!

With such motivation, I bolted forward with my shield and blade up!

Knocking to the door leading toward the office Nicolai, the Lion, Leader of the House, disturbed his chain-of-thoughts, as he was signing some more documents.

“Who is it?” he asked, not lifting his gaze from above the documents. “Corporal Agnes, reporting for duty!” Her voice was not being impeded by the solid chunk of wood even a little. “Enter.” In a brief moment in them she came inside, moved toward his table, and without even asking for permission she casually sat down on the chair on the other end of the table. Only then did he raise his gaze.

The woman, bah - little girl more like - before him had her eyes filled with sparkles and joy, as if she was barely stopping herself from bursting with ‘juicy gossip’.

“What is it?” he gave up, finally asking. “It had better not be about property damages again, I literally just finished going through the mess of paperwork that act caused us last time.” “He did it!...” she giggled “... Just as I presumed!” “Wait Aster, you mean? He killed someone?!” the man nearly jumped up from his chair. “Yes! Apparently, it was the man that killed him! Oh, if you could see how manly he was! The cold look he gave as he...” “That’s not important!” Nicolai roared, nearly knocking an inkwell all over his papers “Who was it?! How many people saw? What of the body!” His mind was going over dozens of contingencies the other captains and he had developed for JUST this situation. “Nooo-oneee!” the girl nearly sang “... only because of my connections! Praaaisee-meeee!” “AGGGH” like a sudden weight was lifted from him, he exhaled ”Report first! AT ONCE!” “Tch! Killjoy!” Agnes pouted, crossing her arms over her chest, pretending to be offended, but she didn’t last long, and quickly turned back to her leading-officer with a grin. “Was a man named Jack: nameless, commoner, ex-slums dweller, I checked his background. Small fry. Cutthroat. Dagger-to-buy. No family. No friends. Lots of enemies though, few ‘patrons’, but none would ever want to defend his “good” name. I contacted some folks I know in ‘the Underworld’ to get rid of the evidence. As for everyone else - the bar owner and one waitress-prostitute did know that Aster planned to ‘visit’ him. I mean, he almost broke the poor girl’s arm over information about him!”

Another giggle.

Nicolai sat down, relaxing a little, still red all over his face from excitement.

“Agnes, you were assigned to him in order to STOP possible outbursts like this, not let them happen in an uncontrolled way!” Did I do bad though? Back then, I considered it the best solution.” she shrugged, not seeing an issue. “...Maybe yes… Agnes, go to the city hall, say we had an accident. We wanted to ‘arrest’ the suspected person, he fought back, we were forced to kill him.” “But, what about the body?” she asked, tilting her head to the side.

The ‘bravest’ and ‘purest’ of the knights picked a huge bag filled with coins from under the table and tossed it towards her.

“For purposes of bureaucracy.” he said with a defeated sigh. “Roger-roger! Nothing beats a good old fashioned hand-greasing bribe! What won’t we do for the sake of protecting law and order!” another giggle escaped her. “Agnes.” He deadpanned. “Ye’?” Corporal only fluttered her eyes. “Shut up.” He strained his voice a little “Please” “Okie-dokie! I won’t say a word starting from right now! You will see, I will be as quiet as a mouse… You won’t be able to stand this silence! You’ll come begging for little old Agnes to gossip with you again!” Suddenly breaking her bubbly character she also added “What about Aster though?” “Carry on observation. He is too dangerous to be left alone, and too precious to be removed. The fight later this week will be his last utility test. I will make the final decision regarding him after it.” “Okee!” Her smile reappeared as if it had always been there.

The girl, still giggling, then got up and started leaving the office.

Once he was alone, The Lion picked up a glass from under the table as well as a bottle of expensive wine.

Such a dangerous gamble he was playing right now. Balanced on the edge between greatness and catastrophe.

Nothing he couldn’t accept though. In the end, he already decided that his name would be remembered, written on cards of history. Either as a hero or villain - that’s the desire that grew in him as he was growing up in his father’s shadow. If he played this right he and this House would go down as one of the greats. Under HIS command.

He drank a single sip, approaching the huge window, looking outside, towards the training-building, where, right now, a certain undead was being tested.

He smiled. Shivers ran down his spine as he thought of the potential of it all.

The calm before the storm. The anticipation of greatness was driving his senses mad. And he loved it.

He took another sip before turning and grimacing at the pile of documents still left on his desk, almost swearing it had grown since meeting with Agnes.

“Does greatness need such paperwork though?” He grumbled to himself before sitting back down, quill in hand.

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