《The Blade's Tools》Chapter 065


And once again, in less than an hour after the battle, another camp had been raised to take care of the wounded. Right now I and another medic - Austin - were walking from one field bed to another treating the wounded, especially burns and a weird rash caused by the spores of the mutated fungi from the Flora-Drake’s back.

Seriously, what a mess.

Uuuh, what am I even doing here? I just want to move back to my flat in Boltward, get comfy on the couch in front of the fireplace, and take that half-romantic, half-dirty (very dirty) novel I recently picked up. “Iron Maiden-Breaker”. Rated “M'' - for Mature. About a young, noble knight on the quest - wronged by his uncle, deprived of the title he once had, hiding his face and forced to walk across the land as an adventurer, trying to restore his honor, pay back those who betrayed him… And occasionally meeting lots and lots of ladies on his journey.

I had even stopped at a cliffhanger, when the proud knight had killed an Ogre, saving a ‘new’ damsel on his journey! His armor was torn, crumbled, revealing his half-naked body, glistening with fresh sweat from combat in rays of setting sun (why didn't the knight wear anything right under the armor? Because it was a book. And scenery required it!)!... The book was very detailed about this scene!

Oh! How I wanted to resume it! But no! Obviously, my ‘services’ became ‘necessary’ to the House of the Lions with whom I had a contract with and was “asked” to go on a dungeon raid with them.

And now, overworked, sleeping in a dark, wet dungeon, lying on a blanket that kept stinging my butt, I was suffering for the...7th day in a row? Yes, it had been a week. Fuck, why was I even doing this!?

Ah, yes. Money. That, and access to ‘knights’. Thinking that I would be taking care of wounded knights that had just battled monsters made me almost reject the salary - for that alone would be a reward!

Exactly. Would be. Emphasis on ‘would’.

Because barely any knight had gotten wounded “in a simple way”, the one that could be fixed by leading the needle over the wounds’ edges, while ‘accidentally’ touching their skin.

Nope - they had open wounds, chunks of flesh ripped off, bodies that were convulsing in agonal spasms and chemical burns. Bit anti-climactic if you ask me.

That’s how this possibly ‘dream job’ became ‘just a job’. Well, at least the House paid well, better than standard guild requests at least.

Now, back to work. Need to patch up this guy whose face is making a good faith effort of crawling off his head. Literally.

“Lora, are you ok? You look like a zombie.” Austin, as always, knew how to compliment a woman's beauty. Typical. “Maybe if you were doing your job properly, I would have less to do… Didn’t I ask you to bring supplies from the cart?” “Yeah, you did, but as soon as I left the tent, there was this knight who stopped me, asking if he could help… And as we are rather busy here, I gladly accepted his offer. He should be back soon, I mean, the cart with supplies shouldn’t be that far away, right?”


I was taken aback. A knight? Helping to carry things? No-no-no, don’t get me wrong! Knights of Lion House were all splendid people, but there is a reason for responsibility being split during a dungeon raid!

“Austin. There was just a huge battle with a bloody dragon minutes ago, right?” I asked, shaking with repressed anger. “Yeees?” “And the knights just fought it, risking their lives, overburdening their entire physique to save us all, right?” “Yeeeaaaah?” Austin responded, turning his head slightly. “And you just dared to use the person that must be exhausted to carry heavy boxes with supplies, boxes YOU should be carrying?!”

“HE ASKED!? He even insisted!” “He’s a Lion of course he insisted! He was just being nice! Or maybe just wanted to learn about the condition of one of his friends lying here!?” “... Ah that does make more sense actually. Crap.”

As we were arguing back and forth the tent’s flops moved, a huge man in once spotless white armor, now slightly grey from all the dirt and dust, entered the tent carrying several boxes in his arms. They were layered one on top of another, blocking his vision, and yet, he didn’t seem to have any problems moving around. Must be the effect of that combat training… or something.

“I didn’t know which I should have brought, so I grabbed them all, I hope it’s not a problem…Where should I put them?”

Only then did I realize who was standing in the tent’s entrance. I felt as if someone punched me in the guts, depriving me of air.

Play it cool, Lora, play it cool!

“S-s-s-sir Alabaster?!” my voice came out like a high pitched squeak of a toad. Good job Lora, you dumb goat “... B-b-by the table, it is on the opposite side of the tent, Austin, help the noble knight to…” “No need.” he moved quickly across the tent, making me almost hiss. There was a reason why I didn’t want him to carry it alone - he could walk well outside of the tent, where he most likely memorized the terrain, but here? Sick people were lying all over the place! He might trample them! Or trip and hurt them and damage the boxes!

I tried to scream seeing him walking directly towards one of the unconscious patients, but, one meter in front of him, he suddenly changed directions and skillfully circled around him.

There is no way he could see anything… and yet, he repeated this several more times. At the end, he gently put the boxes on the table with a few devices and empty vials, eventually turning around.

“Anything else I can do for you?” He asked in a perfectly calm, even reassuring, voice.

Together with Austin, we walked quickly towards the boxes, checking whether we got everything we needed.

… and only once I stood right next to him did I realize how HUGE he was! He was a walking mountain! Head-taller than Austin, who himself wasn’t a short man!

The way he walked, the way he looked at everyone from above, and yet the way he genuinely wanted to help others… It was in his voice. He wasn’t just playing nicely or wanted to learn things! He was… He was…


He was just giving me the same vibe as a hero from ‘Iron Maiden-Breaker’!

Oh! I had watched him fighting with that dragon from far-far away too!

He was strong, he was fast, and he was straight out of the fight! His armor was still bearing marks from the battle: dented, cracked, warped in places. Dirty, so very dirty. Oh, this was awakening something deep inside of me! Please, oh cruel armor! Crack and break, so I could bask in the vision of his half-naked body as…

Ethe-ethe, I mean...

Ah. Now, I know what’s going on. I am hallucinating from all the recent stress and overworking myself.

“Wow. You really are a huge man, aren’t you? This dragon never stood a chance!” I heard my coworker hallucinating the same things I did.


“No. I managed to kill it only thanks to everyone’s efforts. Its limbs were tied, its side was pierced with a ballista bolt, seriously, I only finished the job. I am not worthy of such praise… Especially as so many of our comrades died. As a shield-bearer, each death is my responsibility and will weigh heavily on my heart for years to come.”



SOOO COOL!!! He was even as humble as the character from my book!

God damn it, Lora! Keep it cool!

“I am so, SO sorry, that my dumb friend made you work right after the battle! You must be exhausted! Please, sit down, I will check up on you soon. We can at least give you a stamina potion! How about getting out of that armor so I can take a better look at you while you’re here!”

Yes, yes. Sit down for a full body check up! The-he-he…

GOD DAMN IT LORA! YOU ARE AT WORK! At least pretend to be professional! Flirting with customers during working hours is a quick way to have your license revoked! You have been working too hard for this!

Yes, I am a hopeless case. Full-blown pervert raised on cheap dramas and romances, completely into degenerate stuff like hardcore, unprotected sweaty hand-holding, and long romantic strolls under the moonlit night. I know, I know. And I told you - total pervert. That’s me.

For the duration of my inner dialogue between me, myself, and I, I turned away, mostly so no one could see my awkward expression, when I once again faced my coworker and the dragon-slayer, I noticed that he had leaned towards me, so I almost rammed my face into his helmet.

“Miss Lora, are you okay? With all due respect, you seem a bit overworked.” “N-n-n-no! I am fine!” TOO CLOSE! I hurriedly took a step back… and stumbled on God only knows what.

The brave knight moved quickly, grabbing me around my waist before I could smash my clumsy ass on the dungeon floor.

“Are you sure? You appear to have difficulty standing on your own. I will go to Captain Godrick and ask him to allow you a break.” Oh, how dominant was his voice! He wasn’t asking! Just deciding! And here I thought that I was the bossy one with my patients. “Mister Austin, how long has Miss Lora been working?” “Twenty-four seven, sir. We always have some wounds to take care of. Usually… we help ourselves with some… Um… stimulants, so we don’t have to sleep for several days in a row - this is expected of us… But yes, Lora does seem strangely weak today. Go rest for a moment, ya silly girl, we have no urgent cases, no one is dying, I will handle it for now.” Hooo?! Austin!? Being a responsible, selfless coworker?

Who are you, trickster, and what did you do to my friend I’ve known since my time at medic academy!? Where is my Lazy Bum Austin?!

“It is decided then.” Alabaster - the mysterious knight ‘without a face’, rumors claimed he had taken an Oath to never reveal it until it was fulfilled, lifted me up and carried me towards the nearest chair, and then, gently lowered me down “...Please, rest doctor.” “I… I can’t!” ... Playing the selfless healer that despite her frailty tries to keep helping people is what men like, right? RIGHT!? “... all of you, brave knights, are risking their lives to protect us all… If I can at least ease the pain of the wounds you heroes have sustained…” “If we are the heroes to commoners, then medics, such as yourself, are heroes to knights such as myself. I will not stand even the thought of you worsening your condition because of us. Madam. I am not asking. I am demanding. Rest. I need to help the logistics team, but, as soon as I finish with them I will be back to check up on you. And, If I even suspect that you were working in the meantime, I will tie you up, is that clear!” Sir Alabaster reprimanded me, even raising his voice near the end. “YES! I, I mean…. Yes, I… yes, I understand.” “Very well. Mister Austin, I hope you will keep your eye on Lady Lora as well.” “Of course! Sir!” “In that case, I beg your pardon. Other responsibilities demand my attention.” He bowed his head and left the same way he entered - emitting an almost suffocating aura of power and nobility.

I just kept on gazing at the tent’s flop for a good minute, before saying to myself:

“Damn. I’m thirsty.” “You have been breathing heavily and sweating for a while now, I will bring you a glass of water in a second, don’t mind it.” Austin reassured me, walking over to grab a cup and a pitcher from a nearby table. “Hm? Oh, yes. I was talking about water. Totally. Thank you, Austin.” I automatically mumbled while stealing glances at the tent flap.

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