《The Blade's Tools》Chapter 062


We returned to the camp two hours later. Agnes snuck past the guards (she said no one had seen her leaving) and I quickly reported back that during my ‘scouting session’ I encountered a small pack of enemies and had to deal with em’ before returning - hence the delay.

The guard didn’t seem to care that much, only mumbling something about reporting it to commanders before returning to his task.

Just like that, I returned to my tent, put my shield and sword down on the ground, took my helmet off, and sitting on the blanket I grabbed one of the books I had brought from the House’s barracks and started reading, wanting to pass some time.

One of the philosophy books suggested to me by Liz’, earlier in the village, when I was still alive… when the two of us were not yet bound by Oaths.

It was terrible. Her favorite author - Richard Sobstein - had a very messy way of writing. He would start describing one thing, but that one thing usually required two more subjects to be described, with both of 'em’ also being rather complex matters requiring description before being able to continue with the main subject…

…eventually, the reader would forget what the addressed problem was to begin with. One thing I had to say though - the man had vast knowledge and was truly passionate about the subjects he covered.

Maybe, if I enjoyed pointless philosophy a little bit more, then I would manage to finish this book? Unfortunately, between the two of us, it was Liz’ who was always thinking about bigger things. Morality. Art. Poetry. While I was reading either legends, tales, or more practical skill books which I could use on a daily basis.

After reading through several dozen pages, I put it aside, massaging my temple - mentally if not physically exhausted.

Still, that was quite some progress. The last time I had it in my hands (when Liz’ literally forced the book into my possession demanding me to read it), I managed to read a whole two pages before falling asleep.

Without lying I had to admit that I was quite proud of my drastic progress in that matter. Was the increase in my intelligence and wisdom responsible for this unspeakable feat? Well, thinking about it now, my intelligence, compared to when I had first seen the system, had doubled…

God damn you, Richard Sobstein! How smart does one need to be to read your book!... How smart does one need to be to write it? Are you even mortal?!

I have no idea how much time had passed, but guessing by the sounds of camp ‘waking up’, our rest time was about to end. Great. I hated being idle.

Putting my helmet back on my head and sword back to my sheath, I started cleaning up and storing my small field tent into a single bag, which I later threw onto the transporting cart, before again strapping my shield back to my forearm and readying to receive further instructions.

In thirty more minutes, the officers left their tents and started yelling at everyone that wasn’t yet ready.

“BART?! STILL NOT READY!?” Captain Godrick yelled at the man who looked like he had woken up just a minute ago.. “Sir, no sir! I am sorry, sir!” “I don’t give a damn about your sorry! The Army is like a well-oiled mechanism! To work, each cog needs to turn perfectly! One faulty part is all it takes to make the whole machine fall apart!” “Sir, I…” “TEN-HUT MAGGOT!” he wasn’t allowed to finish his thought.


Poor knight straightened up, lying his right fist on his heart, saluting.

“On the ground! Give me fifty!”

And so, the soldier quickly dropped on the dungeon's floor and started doing pushups in quick succession.

Eventually, he was done with his task and panting slightly with cheeks colored red, he jumped back up, saluting again.

“If I see you getting lazy one more time, next time you will give me two hundred and fifty, is that clear?” “S-sir, yes sir!” “And I hope that you will remember it.” The captain proudly turned around, returning to other responsibilities.

Yes, Godric was a great commander, but, as such, he needed to maintain the discipline. Other people would just wave their hand on being late three or four minutes, but not the Lions. Where other Houses strived for perfection, Lions demanded perfection as a bare minimum.

Shrugging my arms, I got ready for departure.

And, after thirty minutes, that did happen, and our small army once again started marching onward, through the dark corridors of the dungeon.

Yes, in a few hours we found the place of my massacre, though, much to my surprise, there were no bodies remaining. They all were gone. Here and there indeed lay pieces of flesh, or some part of the ground where blood drained into the dirt was reddened, but, there was literally not a single large body part in sight. That was… disturbing, to say the least. Especially taking into consideration that the meat of any dungeon monster was usually inedible.

But… maybe dungeon monsters could eat it? Well, I had studied the general information regarding dungeons rather briefly, right before our departure, but unfortunately, I lacked knowledge about dungeondweller’s eating habits.

Still, despite rather obvious signs of battle, which pretty much everyone noticed, we didn’t stop to ‘investigate’.

As every guilty person (which I was) usually did, I looked towards the captain as if checking if he would start wondering what happened here and connect some dots, but, I noticed that he only gazed at Agnes with a questioning look, to which she answered with a nod. Then, we continued going further, as if nothing happened.

… So, apparently, Agnes wasn’t being completely honest with me. Well, I knew that I would have someone watching over me, reporting my actions… But knowing that it was Agnes did hurt a little. I didn’t know why, but I preferred it to be some faceless scout. Having a person I generally liked and wanted to become closer friends with also report on me did hurt. A lot.

Still, that was to be expected. Who would deliver more information - some shadow watching me from a mile away, or a friend with whom I could talk to on a daily basis.

Shaking my head to get rid of my self-pitting mood, I tried to focus on something else, like, for example - proving myself some more, just so these spy-plays would no longer be needed.

After passing through that set of chambers and picking up our previous pace, we encountered several smaller groups of monsters a couple of times, and another bigger horde, though not as big as the one from yesterday.

[3257/3500] ➝ [3500/3500] Name: Asteruse Race: Skeleton Knight [Undead] [Self-aware Variant] Level: 2 [0/3750] Attributes: STR: 63 (+4)

VIT: 64 (+4)

END: ∞

RFX: 50 (+3)

DEX: 52 (+2)

INT: 29 (+1)

WIS: 23 (+1)

SPI: 9 [0/3750] ➝ [811/3750]

After three more hours, we had arrived at, apparently, the last room before the boss chamber. How did we know? Maybe because that room was much bigger, as if allowing us to regroup and pick a formation in peace, or maybe because of this aura of danger that was in the air, or maybe because of this HUGE ASS STONE DOOR in the middle of nowhere with primitive pictures of reptiles carved into it.


Mages matched onward, illuminating the markings.

“Puzzle door. It’s covered in mozaic, movable plates. Apparently, we need to set them in order before we are able to proceed.” “How long would it take?” the commander asked, trying to decide on the next course of action. “Literally a few minutes. It doesn’t appear to be a complex case, that is usually the case with these young S-tier dungeons. This baby here still needs to learn how to make proper puzzles, we could even say that it is barely testing out mechanics right now....” “Derek, you and your crazy theories of dungeons being alive…” the mage's colleague just shook his head in disbelief “... Don’t think much about him, captain, what he said is just a theory, not proven…” “AND NOT DISCARDED EITHER! Dungeons DO grow! They DO adapt! They DO have a heart! ALL PROPERTIES OF A LIVING BEING!” “You know what you might be onto something… my house also became bigger - after I fucking build it! Does that mean it counts as being alive though?!” “YOU SHALLOW MINDED, SHORT-SIGHTED PIECE OF…”

Captain cleared his throat loudly.

“... Yes. We can open it in five to ten minutes. No problem sir.” “Good. But don’t, at least not just yet. We need to rest, eat a little, and take some potions. This time we don’t know what to expect…” “On the previous level, there was a wyrm-based dragon. Taking that into consideration, and seeing how every monster is getting bigger and stronger the deeper we go, we can be almost sure that it would be another dragon. Though, not necessarily poison-related.” “Why do you think so?” “Dungeons indeed randomize their actions, layouts and such, but, there is still a pattern present, a theme they tend to follow, - it all serves the purpose of making its monsters stronger. And, a dragon is considered the highest tier reptile.” “What do you think, will we meet a Draconis Royalis?” “No. Impossible. Sapient dragons are in a league of their own, they would never hide behind such trivial puzzles. Furthermore, being chained to a dungeon floor as its boss is beneath them.” Mage pointed at the door. “Good, that's all I wanted to hear..." the captain turned in place and yelled loudly, though in that moment the same researched added 'well, there WAS one case of a royal dragon trapped in the dungeon though', but Godrick didn't seem to hear it “...Okay, maggots! In case any of you were disappointed with his or her contribution in the last dragon battle, then you are about to get a second chance! Gear up! Rest up!... And don’t fuck up!...”

I glanced at my remaining mana. The system was very easy and intuitive. My mana pool was basically my intellect multiplied by ten, and my wisdom was my mana regeneration per hour, so twenty-three mana regeneration per hour with a maximum capacity of two hundred and ninety.

With around two hours of the journey back to the camp, around four hours ‘rest’, and then again five more of traveling through the dungeon and without further wasting my mana during small encounters, I have regenerated almost the entire mana pool.

[MP] Remaining: [247/290]

Good enough, in around one and a half hours I should be back to 100% combat capability.

“Still, how do you even move these things? Physically? With magic?...” mages started thinking aloud next to the door “... it seems like a classic pictured history. All that we need to do is to put them in such order to picture a certain history… Usually, the history of the dungeon. What’s at the beginning?” “An egg?” another mage pointed at a picture symbolizing the egg. “No. Look at the other one, here, with other pictures you can see that egg is used for something else… here for example, a reptile hands the egg to… by the gods, what is this creature?”

I came closer to take a look, the markings were primitive, but, on one of them, we could see that one image was carved within another.

“Is that a monster that was swallowed by a human? Look at that - the silhouette of a human, and in its belly, there is a circle with one vertical eye and fangs - that’s a common pictogram for a monster.” “I doubt it. One - humans rarely eat monsters, two… wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Look closer. The symbol of the monster is not in the belly.” “Then where?” “In the chest - where the heart should be!” “What does it even mean?” “A human with a monster's heart?” “No…” it was the third researcher that just joined the conversation “... the whole pictogram is very common - in more advanced dungeons that is. It’s a symbol of a beast disguised as a human. Often used for shapeshifters - werewolves and such, but not only them. As long as monsters can look like humans, that would be their general symbol. But here, look at it. It has a crown, and these marks around it are symbols of either magical power or divine-like aura. In this aspect that would be… a monster king?... No… A monster’s god? A god of monsters pretending to be a human? Shit, that makes even LESS sense!” “The Beast in Black.” another researched cut in. “That new cult that started in the capital? You think it’s related?” “I doubt it. The Church said it is just some low devil that just happened to gather more followers and started acting up… And, if it would reach out to dungeons and not sapient races, that would indeed prove it is not a mere evil spirit drunk with powers.” “And when was the last time the Church admitted another deity?” “Stop this blasphemous nonsense and focus on the puzzle!” “I think I see the pattern - The first puzzle - the Lizard Queen is crying over her children slain, in the burned cave, as humans are leaving - that would be adventurers looting the dungeon right?”

The mage changed the order, pushing the first piece into position. Suddenly, the piece became stuck, and somewhere, a sound of a mechanism working could be heard.

“Well, we guessed this one right, or horribly wrong, next - the crying mother starts… is that praying?”

Another twist, another sound of a mechanism.

“The mother’s prayer is being heard, and the god of monsters comes to listen to her woes.”

Another puzzle was locked in.

“The god plants a tree in the mother’s cave?... What the fuck is this even supposed to mean?” “Trees are a symbol of life and growth. The dungeon did grow, quite abnormally if I might add…” “Not necessarily only that, basing on previous reports - this cave used to be a barren land! Maybe just some moss, but that’s it. Have you seen this floor? It’s basically a small jungle!” “And monsters are also covered in those weird symbiotic plants.” “Still, that piece should go here!”

Another puzzle was locked.

“Now… The god stands above the mother with a stretched hand, palm up, with a knife in the second.” “Symbol of sacrifice perhaps? The outstretched hands might mean making a demand. “So it wants something back for its support? That’s… fair, I guess. Far fairer than the shit that other goddesses want for their intervention, right? A transaction, equal exchange, not life-ling obligation.” “Sure, you know what other creatures make such seemingly fair pacts? Devils!” “And here we go again! Could the two of you stop fighting over every minute detail for ONE MOMENT!? Please, at least pretend that you are professionals!”

This time as well, the mechanism resonated across the hall.

“Mother promises her offspring, and she lays it under the tree - again, maybe it means that the egg was supposed to bask in that divine…” “...demonic…” “...power? That’s actually… what some evil Fae are meant to do.” “Divine demonic Fae being a god of the beasts? And in that tale, were dragons present?” “... they actually are. We just killed one.” “Oh. Right.” “Another piece - the god keeps on blessing the Mother’s other offspring, while taking the egg for himself.”

Another sound of a mechanical device locking in place.

“And the last piece - a dragon rising from the cave resurfacing to the world, to make human mothers cry - here, the scenery is the same as in the first puzzle! It’s basically a mirror, with reptiles replaced by humans. A sign of revenge? Humans would suffer the same fate as the mother did?”

The mage, too engrossed in the story behind the puzzle, raised the piece in front of the last hole in the door, as if trying to see if it fits.

“DON’T PUT IT IN!” the first mage yelled. “Calm down, I am not that stuuu… WAAH!” but, the woman holding the last piece, tripped, fell over and fell on their door, accidentally forcing the last piece in.

All the mages became absolutely quiet.

“C-c-capitan! W-w-we might have an itty bitty tiny problem here!” the ‘guilty’ mage in question yelled across the chamber. “What is it?”

And then, all the mechanisms started making rotating, turning, changing sounds, making the huge, heavy door move, opening ajar.

Inside the room was complete darkness and silence. Then, a deep, long growl could be heard as two eyes opened - the only source of ‘light’ within the mass of darkness.

Something heavy moved inside, as a colossal creature, apparently sleeping until now, was waking up, readying to step out from its lair, at the same time, mages started running away to the back of the formation.

The creature rose up on its legs and lazily left the dark den, stepping into the light.

It was indeed another dragon. Standing proudly on its four legs it stretched its back. And it was exactly its back that drew my attention - the creature was wingless. Instead, it was covered with dozens of huge flowers, vines, and fungi. Towering above us proudly, it opened its mouth and let out a proud, taunting roar, showing multiple rows of teeth.

[Flora’ Chimeric Drake - Terra Draconis Vulgaris] [h1*[email protected]_? jhss&, s4vbn_2#1??] Error The creature does not exist in the System's Lexicon. Administrator's supervision needed Code [42-11-42-72] - access granted Administrator [Zariel] approved [Experimental Unit]’s existence [Unit]’s changelog: - Ey, Codex! Just change this one randomly

- You sure?

- Yeah, I don’t have any major plan for it anyway. Just inject its ass with some random mutators. Make it all bloated. I promised her to empower it, but it will most likely get slain either way, so what-fucking-ever.

- You want it to be harder? Better? Faster? Stronger?

- YES! More than ever! Our work is never over! ~

- ...Are you singing? Whatever, how do you feel about poison and venom?

- For fuck sake, Codi! You ask too many questions! Which part of ‘change it randomly’ can’t you comprehend?! Do whatevah’, I don’t give two fucks!... just keep the changelog. If the mutations accidentally turned out nice, I would like to use them later on.

[Administrator logs off]

- Codex do this, Codex do that. Fucking checky wanker! Fine then! I will mutate it. I will mutate it really good. Fucking cunt. I WILL MAKE SUCH A MESS IN ITS GENOME THAT YOU WILL NEVER FIGURE OUT HOW ANY OF THIS WORKS!

[Assistant logs out]

Just as I finished reading through this extremely confusing wall of text, the creature opened its eye.

No no, not the two on its sides. The third one - in the middle of its forehead. Mesmerized by this I only then noticed the vertical line that had formed right beneath it.

As its mouth opened again. This time in a cross-like pattern with four pieces, each moving independently. Misshapen fangs dotted each one, accompanying backward-facing spikes that led down to the center of its split face... where another mouth was located.

I “sighed”. Double-checking my shield and sword as well as miscellaneous belt items as the Captain was already screaming orders for us to get into formation.

At least I’ll get a nice meal out of this.

All that marching had me feeling a bit...peckish.

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