《The Blade's Tools》Chapter 059


We kept on marching onward, not being bugged by any more significant threats. Unfortunately, I was unable to gather the essence of the fallen monster as I had reached my max ‘essence storage capacity’.

Patience, Aster, we are almost there - I would try comforting myself - Captain Godric will have to soon order setting up a camp, in the end, we had been marching and fighting for quite some time. He already ordered a change of formation twice, each occurring every four hours. If my speculations are correct, there will be no more similar maneuvers. Even a knight's pride can’t make them walk and fight for more than twelve hours straight after all.

I wasn’t mistaken. After walking several kilometers deeper in, massacring everything in our path, we reached a side room close to the main tunnel. It was round, spacious, and had only one way in and out - the one we entered through.

Normally, it would be risky to occupy a room with no way out - in case of being attacked by overwhelming forces and finding yourself in need of retreat, but, a cadet such as myself shouldn’t question a captain’s orders. He must have his reasons.

Exhausted warriors having a long-awaited rest promised to them had erected the camp in a flash. Despite the seemingly rushed construction, there was not a single flaw in fortifications. As soon as all tents and field facilities were raised, I quickly approached the leading-commander, as he was talking with other officers and a few regular knights giving him orders.

“May I ask for your minute, sir?” I asked ‘slightly’ violating the chain of command interrupting him in the middle of his speech.

After a few seconds, he only nodded saying ‘Excuse me, lads, I will be right back” with a serious expression as he led me to a slightly more secluded location.

“What is it?” he cut to the chase. “You are aware how I am preying on the essence of life, imbuing it into my body and becom…” “Yes, yes. I read Friedrich’s report on you.” “I am basically a vessel gathering life force, but, every now and then I reach my limit, then, I simply use all this power to become a... larger vessel able to gather more of it? You remember, as you once mentioned, that I had grown taller? Well, it’s happening. I can store no more and need to ‘ascend’. I have no idea how long it will take. I need some sort of location where I can be safe and… well, no one else can walk in on me during the process.” “... and you will become stronger? Just like that?” “After devouring the life of hundreds of beings? Yes. Just like that.”

He nodded a few times.

“Let me set all the orders and later I will call for a higher officers' meeting where we will smuggle you in. We’d be discussing some most urgent matters as you’d be able to do whatever you want in the tent’s corner. Good for you?” “I hope so.” I bowed my head with gratitude.

And so, I waited idly by, walking randomly over the camp, pretending that I was doing something, trying to look as busy as possible so people would not try bugging me with ‘friendly talk’. Not now, I would have time to socialize later. For now - priorities first.

Not even an hour later I saw the meeting slowly starting, so I took a random crate with food and water and brought it in as “food for the commanders” I walked inside, not being stopped by anyone.


“Everyone and everything here?...” asked Godric, looking all over the tent, seeing his two lieutenants gathering around the table on which two maps had been stretched, alongside with several notes and lists treating about remaining supplies and such “... And don’t mind Alabaster in the corner, he will be just doing some inhuman evil ritual or whatever… And you too, soldier - lieutenants are all informed about your… circumstances.” “In that case, I am sorry for disturbing the peace of your deliberations.” I said, slowly unstrapping pieces of my equipment, putting them on the ground aside.

Helmet. Chestplate. Shin guards. Gauntlets. Boots. Everything, till I eventually sat down completely “naked”. Lower tier officers kept on glancing at me, more than just curious.

“... I am not going to lie. When I was told that an undead had joined our ranks, I thought that General-Commander Nicolai was just joking around… Yet, here he is.”

I really wanted to answer in a rather harsh way, but, of course - the chain of command and all.

“I am a human, such as yourself, lieutenant commander. I love. I hate. And I have - had - something to die for… more than once. All you need to know is that I am absolutely sapient, and can perfectly control my cravings. No need to feel threatened. I think that I did prove myself as a believable individual a couple of times already, but, I don’t mind doing that again and…” “No need to.” Godric quickly cut into my sentence “... Natasha vouched for you AND we have orders from Nicolai. Nothing more is needed, Alabaster. Orders are absolute.” “... I still want you to see me as a fellow comrade, Captain, not as a necessary inconvenience forced upon you by the chain of command.” “That’s not what I meant!” he raised his hands in a defensive gesture.

That nervous side of him was adorable, not wanting to hurt the feelings of his underling. He really did care for the people serving under him.

Seeing that, I smiled widely, but, as I was lacking skin on my face, that must have looked rather frightening, for the men all over the table became pale.

“... I am smiling. Just to let you know.” “Yeah. Do us a favor. Don’t.”

A funny bunch.

Nodding my head, I rested my back against some chest as I let my mind drift away, opening several pending notifications in my head.

The dossier has been prepared User’s current type has been scanned - Humanoid The [User] is required to pick one from the list below: Humanoid warrior [rank2] Benefits:

STR/END [+8]; RFX/DEX [+2]

One of the new skills will be learned instantly: [Sword Usage], [Axe Usage], [Poll-weapon Usage], [Mace Usage], [Crossbow Usage], [Shield Usage] at the [Journeyman Rank], if the skill is present, the proficiency will increase Humanoid-Mage


WIS and INT [+5]; RFX and DEX [+2]

Mana-based skills effect will increase

Mana consumption of mana-based skills will be lowered

One of the new skills will be learned instantly: [Necromancy], [Voodoo], [Elementalism], [Unholy Magic] at the

[Apprentice Rank], if the skill is present, the proficiency will increase.

Humanoid Rogue


RFX and DEX [+5]; STR, VIT, INT, WIS [+1]

One of the new skills will be learned instantly: [Tracking], [Bow Usage], [Trap making], [Stealth], [Lock Picking], [Dagger Usage] at the [Apprentice Rank], if the skill is present, the proficiency will increase.

There is “Rank 2” next to the warrior option, is it because I already chose it the last time? It also provides a higher level of skill benefit and attributes. Is it because of constantly raising proficiency in one ‘Progress Tree’? Would I lose this advantage once I choose another mastery? Or will the benefits keep on manifesting the higher the rank of the class becomes? It’s almost tempting to choose something else for the sake of learning that now, as the progress and benefits are low now.


The ‘rogue’ class seems a little bit useless for me now, I have no use for lockpicking, dagger usages, or trap making, they would just not benefit my current fighting style.

Mage, on the other hand, is tempting. As much as I don’t like relying on it - it just felt wrong, unreliable, ‘moody’ and left me with a terrible ‘aftertaste’ - I couldn’t deny that it saved me thrice already. Both curses and necromancy were extremely usable and saved my hide - at the goblin's nest while fighting with a horde of Ratptoxes and during the last battle with the dragon. Having it raised to a higher rank might prove to be a good idea as I don’t have that many opportunities to level it up. An additional five points in intelligence would provide me with an additional fifty mana points. That's an additional necromancy doll or around five more curse words… though, I must say that the lack of mana wasn’t really that much of the problem recently, I don’t think that I have ever run out of it so far…

… then again, if we were to encounter another beast such as a dragon, with even harder armor and magic resistance, the situation could become quite ugly. And we don’t know what to expect here - in the end, according to reports, we have at least two more floors to explore, and by what we can see - the difficulty does increase with every step we take.

No. Taking a mage class would make me more ‘visible’ to all magic-sensitive creatures. For now, it’s blocked by my armor, but I can’t be sure that this will remain this way if I kept on pushing my limits.

And, I need to think ahead - about the duel in less than a month from now. Leading-Commander Nicolai did warn me that Black Foxes wouldn’t fight fairly. And so, I will need to polish my best abilities, not train my weaker ones.

I hovered my finger in the air for a couple more seconds, then pressed the “Warrior Rank 2” option.

You choose Humanoid-Warrior Estimated Ascension Time - 15~30 min

Do you wish to proceed? Yes No

The officers that stopped paying attention to me losing themselves in discussion jumped up seeing as all the essence which I stored in my body till now burst out, creating a thick visible layer of ‘levitating liquid’ all around me. Like flying mud or oil, it kept on touching my body, remodeling it.

I lost my feeling of the flow of time, as I felt as the essence was spreading through my bones, making them thicker and sturdier.

Something changed. I felt it. Not only with my body but also ‘deeper’ as if my whole existence became clearer. More… ‘aware’ of the world around me. I could notice several notifications popping up, but being completely covered by the black mass left their messages unknown to me.

Patiently, I waited for the process to end.

With time, the mist became thinner and thinner as most of it was being completely absorbed while rebuilding my body, till eventually I snapped out of this semi-haze state and rose up.

Barely anything changed. I was still a tall, huge skeleton, though most of my bones became much bulkier, durable, trustworthy.

You have successfully ascended to a higher tier [Skeleton Soldier] → [Skeleton Knight] Sometimes, the noblest of the warriors refuse to accept death. Because of the Oath that they swore and strongly resolved to honor them, they keep remaining in this world, serving the noble ideals they once have served as the living. Their minds quite often eroded, turned into life-lusting beasts, they would manage to stop their carnal instincts if it would oppose their credo. They might forget their own names. They might have forgotten the faces of their lieges. But their path remained unchanged and their spirit - unbroken Passive: Noble Aura - Just one glance at you is enough to know that you are a man of higher status and the one that keeps his word - Improved Charisma - that includes negotiations, intimidation, and convincing other rolls [Lower Undead] → [Undead] Undead, differently from their [Lower] cousins are not mere dolls. Having their sanity (or whatever remained of it) still present, they are aware of themselves and act as their former ‘personality’ would dictate. Still vulnerable to light, silver weapon and fire, yet at a slightly lower rate, they walk through the world pursuing their unfinished businesses, whatever it is. +5 spirituality

[Life sense - Low] → [Life sense - Medium] You still haven't claimed your racial rank up bonus

Do you wish to claim it now?

Yes No

Without hesitation, I pressed yes

You picked [Sword Usage] Warning!

The [User] already possess [Sword Usage] at rank [Journeyman]

[Skill]'s proficiency increased Name: Asteruse Race: Skeleton Knight [Undead] [Self-aware Variant] Level: 1 [0/3500] Attributes: STR: 59 (+8)

VIT: 60 (+8)

END: ∞

RFX: 47 (+2)

DEX: 50 (+2)

INT: 28

WIS: 22

SPI: 9 Skill proficiency increased Skills:

[Sword Usage - Journeyman level 11 ➝ 22]

[Shield Usage - Journeyman level 8 ➝ 9]

[Bow Usage - Apprentice level 1]

[Nature Magic - Novice level 1]

[Mana Sense - Low - Passive]

[Life Sense - Low - Passive] → [Life sense - Medium - Passive]

[Combat Maneuver/Team tactic - Apprentice level 3 ➝ 4]

[Heavy Armor Usage - Apprentice level 6 ➝ 8]

[Hand-to-hand Combat - Novice level 4]

[Stealth - Apprentice level 2]

[Mind Magic Resistance - Low level 1]

[Dark Arts - Curse Words - Novice Level 8]

[Dark Arts - Necromancy - Novice Level 4]

[Tracking - Novice Level 2]

“Alabaster, how are you feeling?” Captain asked, looking at me with an expression I could read.

Looking at my hand, I closed and opened my palms a couple of times.

“Stronger. Harder. Faster. Better… But not enough. I still have a long way to go.”

I answered, admiring new sensations of my body.

Making my bones crack a couple of times I readied myself, turned around, and started gearing up again. Once I was done saying my farewells I left the tent leaving the officers to themselves.

I left the camp with my swords drawn saying to the guards that I will scout ahead a little bit, the truth was, I wanted to try out this new body in real combat. Exactly how much of a difference could a single evolution make anyway?

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