《The Blade's Tools》Chapter 053


Once a sufficient amount of time had passed and I was nearly sure that the pesky priestess had busied herself with some other poor soul she could force her dirty healing onto, I got up and started walking back towards the camp. I was unsure how much time had passed, but it was enough for me to fully regenerate the damage that had been dealt to me.

Entering the camp, I noticed that my party members already managed to get up and were just satiating their hunger. I wanted to walk towards them to check up on their conditions, but, halfway through I was stopped by a certain petite glaive wielder.

“Ast… I mean, Alabaster! How are ya’? And where have you been? I have been looking for you all around the camp, but you were nowhere to be seen!” Agnes asked, appearing out of nowhere. “Oh, greetings. And... Well, to be honest, I was trying to avoid a certain very persistent person, who desperately tried to help me, though I didn’t require mentioned help… Quite the opposite, you know what I am. Let’s just say I have an allergy to Holy magic.” “Hm? Brown hair? This long? Dark eyes, breasts this big?” Agnes made in front of me a series of bizarre moves trying to visualize before me the mentioned person. “Y-yes. I believe so…” “THAT BITCH! I told her to stay away from y… I mean, haha, yes. She is a very persistent person. And annoying. And you are doing well staying away from her. Yes. Praise worthy. I praise you!”

She stood on her tiptoes, reaching my head and patting me on my helmet

“Aaaanyway!...” she continued “... you were away as some decisions were made, so I was told to inform you about em’. So, scavengers, as formation, has been temporarily disbanded, you shall join the attack group. As we are talking, a group of scouts headed towards the boss room to see what we will be dealing with. As soon as they return, commanders will decide on a plan of battle. But, for now, you are a member of shield bearers, and you will be led by Captain Godrick. You will be either delegated to protect the mages or into the first line - then your job would be to protect me!” she smiled widely “... w-w-well, not just me, all skirmishers but…” “I get it. If I were to be sent to the first line, you would be in my care, is that correct?” she nodded shyly “... Then I would do my best to keep you safe. This much, I can promise you.”

She opened and closed her mouth a couple of times, apparently, she wanted to tease me about it, but my serious declaration did mess her plans a little.


Eventually, she only nodded and left.

Weird girl. The way she acts… I saw a few girls like that, back in the village. All of them had a small crush on me, but, it cannot be the case, right? In the end, I am a skeleton, just a sack of animated bones.

I really wanted for that to be impossible, because, if somehow that was the case, then I would break her young and naive heart. Even if, because of some absurd reason, she was interested in me romantically, then I would have to turn her down. Because I still wanted to see Liz’. Her long, black hair. Perfect pale skin, long thin fingers, and big, round eyes…

… eyes…

Her eyes were…

… What was the color of her eyes? Amber? No, blue! I… can’t remember, but why? I have been staring into her eyes for hours! Is that because of the stress caused by the dungeon? Fighting for your very life, being constantly on guard, being focused on staying alive - did my mind block some memories from me in order to boost my chances of survival?

Yes, that had to be it… because what else?

I started walking all over the camp, trying to look busy as I was strolling idly trying to remember everything from my previous life. Everything ‘seemed’ to be alright. I still knew who had taught me to read and write. I still remember the name of the neighbor from whom I had stolen apples from, I still remember my first kiss with Liz’ and my first journey with my father to the city’s square to sell our crops on the market.

Everything was there…

I must have been overworked.

Doesn't matter. Not now. Maybe later I will try taking “a nap” to let my mind reset. Then, I will surely remind myself of that one pesky detail. I am sure of that!

In the meantime, as I had been wasting my time, the scouts had returned to the camp. I could see as they were running towards the commander’s tent in a hurry. After spending around thirty minutes, they left, leaving commanders alone to let them work in peace over the attack plan.

Oh, how much I wanted to be there with them! To learn about the secrets of their craft! To see and hear what kind of decisions they were making! That could be such a rewarding experience!

Alas, that was not my place so I continued my idle strolling.

“...Was it brown? Hazel?”

In the tent, the group of several officers was standing around a simple, plain table with a map spread around it. For now, they were remaining silent. Still fighting with their thoughts.


“So, it’s just as we presumed. The terra dragon from before seems to be the floor boss. Shit. We were prepared for regular lizard-kins! If we knew that there were dragons here, I would have our archers equipped with heavy crossbows! Well, good thing that we are always prepared. Are our logistic knots established?” Godric asked with an excited tone. “Yes, and fully operational as well, a path has been secured and few groups of cleaners are walking around the floor getting rid of remaining monsters, they will spend most likely several days there, but, their main supply link should be more than secured.” Rogue-office answered his superior. “Good. Send information to the ‘outside camp’ - we need ballista elements. We will assemble it before the boss room. Now, what do we know about terra dragons? Except of course that their scales are hard as if it was an armor made in the heavenly forge?” “I am almost sure that this one is a Draconis Vulgaris - not an intelligent dragon, incapable of casting magic. Ot, literally, an oversized lizard…” “How can you be so sure?” “We lived after seeing it.” “Fair enough. Continue.” “It possesses at least the lowest level of magic resistance, so any magic spells below tier two won’t work on it. Also, depending on its type, he might have a special move pattern like it’s other draconic brethren - Wijhs are known for digging tunnels, able to quickly move under the ground. Molochs would be incredibly sturdy and strong, and maybe even ballista would fail to pierce through its scales, while Viperrus will breathe poison or shoot acid - our soldier should take a vial of general antidotes before the attack, just in case.” “Elixirs are expensive…” one of the other officers noticed. “...so are reparations paid to families of fallen soldiers.” “True. True.” “So, in the end, we go in and improvise? Versus a dragon?” “Looks like it. The room is big, so we should be able to attack it from different sides. I suggest making three balanced groups. We would attack it from different sides, the idea is - while one, the frontal group would be distracting it - it would still be able to fend off the other group with its tail, then, the third group would become the main damage dealer. Obviously, that would make the monster enraged making it switch targets, then, the attacking group would move back taking a defensive position and becoming ‘a distracting one’, allowing the other one to take over their role… well, that much in theory. As you said, we would have to adapt during the battle.” “Ugh…” Godrick massaged his face, letting out a muffled grunt “... We have far too little information. I am afraid that we might suffer heavy losses…” “It’s either us or the villages outside, Captain…” his lieutenant said in a sad voice “...We live to serve, and serving we die. Duty and honor.” “Bullshit.” Godrick only shook his head “... that’s as S rank dungeon in the pre-infestation state. We should have all the House forces here. All captains! Even weapons from the inner armory! May the plague devour it!”

Godrick swiped his arm on the chalice standing on the table, throwing it on the ground, spilling it content on the map.

It took him a good few minutes before he contained his emotions.

“...I approve of this plan. Three groups. Most of the scavengers will join the right wing. Adam, you and your people will join the left wing, I will not separate you, I believe that your people will fight best under your command. So will Alabaster…” “If I may suggest something?” the sergeant asked. “Speak.” “Alabaster should join the middle of the first line of an attack group. He doesn’t get tired, so he would be able to withstand longer than the rest of the group.” “This is his first raid! He is far too inexperienced - this is literally his first dungeon dive! He barely learned formation and might not react in time after hearing a command!” “I saw him fighting. He is fearless and has perfect timing, plus, just as I said - his endurance will make him perfect for this job!”

Godrick cursed under his breath.

‘No. You just want to send him as a scapegoat, hoping that he would buy you and your closest warriors a few additional seconds, increasing your own chances of survival’ - these dark thoughts occupied the captain's head.

Still, Adam did start telling every other officer his thoughts about Alabaster being a techno-crafted, and almost everyone believed it. If he would oppose this idea, people would start asking why he is shielding a human-looking combination of flesh and magic from doing its job as a combat tool that it was. That could lead to him revealing information about his real identity and that - hours before the dive -would be disastrous for the battle. No one wanted to fight alongside the “impure undead” - formation around him would shatter immediately!

So, Godrick was presented with only one option left.

“Very well. Alabaster will be placed in the middle of the central squad.”

With that, the official preparations started.

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