《The Blade's Tools》Chapter 017


The dossier has been prepared User’s current type has been scanned - Humanoid User is required to pick one from the list below: Humanoid-Warrior Benefits: STR and VIT [+5]; RFX and DEX [+2]

One of the new skills will be learned instantly: [Sword Usage], [Axe Usage], [Poll-weapon Usage]

[Crossbow Usage], [Shield Usage] at the [Apprentice Rank], if the skill is present, the proficiency will increase. Humanoid-Rogue Benefits: RFX and DEX [+5]; STR, VIT, INT, WIS [+1]

One of the new skills will be learned instantly: [Tracking], [Bow Usage], [Trap making], [Stealth],

[Lock Picking], [Dagger Usage] at the [Apprentice Rank], if the skill is present, the proficiency will increase. Humanoid-Mage

Benefits: WIS and INT [+5]; RFX and DEX [+2]

Mana supplies will be doubled

Mana-based skills effect will increase

Mana consumption of mana-based skills will be lowered

One of the new skills will be learned instantly: [Necromancy], [Voodoo], [Elementalism], [Unholy Magic] at the

[Apprentice Rank], if the skill is present, the proficiency will increase.

Warning! Materials have been found in vicinity of User Additional Ascension Formula has been added to the dossier Self-Made Monstrosity Humanoid-Form will be lost Benefits: STR, VIT, RFX and Def [+10]

One of the new skills will be learned instantly: [Acid Attack], [Confusing Shriek], [Poisonous Pheromones],

[Burrow] at the [Apprentice Rank], if the skill is present, the proficiency will increase

The words were right in front of me, yet, drunk with the pleasure, I could barely understand their meaning.

“Just as you said, I can sense the life essence quite significantly increasing your bone density. That’s quite a spectacle, never before has any other scientist observed such a phenomenon! Such a change in such a short amount of time! I thought that you would need to undergo some process of spiritual digestion before you would be able to actually accumulate and embed it into your body, but you did that nearly instantly! How are you feeling, Aster? Any noticeable changes in your psyche?”

The voice from behind me. It somehow felt so familiar. I think I knew it from somewhere. Deciding to check the source of the voice, I slowly turned my head.

A man stood in front of me. He was strong, I could tell. The essence was nearly bursting through his skin. He was shining so… wonderfully. So alive… So…


I made the first step toward him. His expression slightly changed.

“Fascinating. Apparently absorption over your limits affects your mentality. If undeads treated life as food, you should come back to your senses, but just as you said, it appears to be more like a drug.”

He raised his hand and started whispering something to himself, as he did, a ball of light started forming on his opened palm.

Doesn’t matter. It does not concern me. The only thing that is truly important was that red light under his skin begging for release. Just a few more steps and I will bask in it. Just a few more steps and I will open his throat and drink like from a founta…

But then, he would die. Why would I do that?

Because, that would feel good.

Feel good by killing? There was someone who did that, wasn’t there?

A face of Jack the Hunter flashed in my mind, and so, I hesitated, stumbled, and stopped mid-step.

“Aster?” Friedrich asked, with a powerful spell already prepared in his hand ready to smite me into oblivion. “I… I think that for a moment I wasn’t myself.”

I knew perfectly what just happened, yet for the sake of my safety I decided to play a fool.


“Is that so?...” he asked, lowering his hand and undoing his magic “... I didn’t see anything unordinary. Make sure to later report all your sensations.”

He decided to play along. But why?

The only logical answer was that I am still usable to him, and he thinks that if something would happen he could still vaporize me instantly. Well, he was right about it.

I needed to quickly erase his memories of this incident, and knowing what kind of person he is - the best way to do it was via giving him some more of the knowledge he yearned for. I once again resummoned tables of text before my eyes

“Actually, Captain, there is one more thing you might be interested in… As I told you before, I considered myself a fairly weak undead… and, the essence I just claimed was more than I could hope to gather for months on my own… Because of that, I think that I am ready to move one step higher.”

That indeed peaked his interest.

“Elaborate.” “I told you that when I absorb enough essence, I climb a step higher on the ladder. Right now, this form cannot absorb any more. I feel like an insect about to break from its cocoon.”

That sounded better than ‘magical device granted to me by a mad God is telling me that I can [Ascend] and it even prepared an entire portfolio of possible changes’.

“And what will happen once you breakthrough?” bit crazy sparks lit up within his eyes “I have no idea.” I answered truly. “Care to find out?” his permission was the only thing I was waiting for.

*You choose Humanoid-Warrior*

*Estimated Ascension Time - 15~30 min*

*Do you wish to proceed?*

~ Yes

And then, the essence which was still resonating in my bones burst all around me. My vision got blurred as thick, now black mist, embraced me tightly. The mass of darkness was rotating at crazy speed, slowly turning into black ooze like mass, which shortly after ‘pounced’ on my hand, sinking in.

I felt as if all my bones were cracking open. As a cold, dense substance was entering through those cracks filling me up leaving a terrible, uncomfortable feeling. All my bones got slightly larger, longer, and thicker. Arms, which until now were fragile, making me afraid of being broken upon stumbling and falling, now could bend iron bars.

After this agonizingly slow process was over and I once again stood in front of Captain Friedrich I could have sworn that he was slightly smaller. I needed a moment or two to realize that it was, in fact, I who had become taller instead.

“We will need to find you bigger armor.” the older man smiled with the corner of his lips.

For the next hour or so, Friedrich was asking me very detailed questions regarding my new form. But, as he couldn’t quite measure my new capabilities, he said that I would be later tested during Captain’s Godric training.

Till early morning he was taking care of the bodies of soldiers. That was the job he asked for to begin with after all - to see if their falled didn’t carry the undead’s taint. The last thing that the House wanted was to fight against their comrades as walking corpses.

When we finally left the tent the sun was already high on the sky. The fog that until now had surrounded the Deadwoods became thinner as apparently the source of the power has been banished. Most of the adventurers already finished eating their breakfast and were working around the camp. Together with the Captain, we managed to walk only a few steps when suddenly a certain “someone” popped out from nowhere.


“Oh! Hi Aster! What an absolute unsuspicious coincidence that we bumped into one another! Ha-ha! One could think that I waited nearly the entire night in front of the tent waiting for you to leave as I saw you walking in with Capitan Friedrich! Utter nonsense I am telling you… Oh, and hi Captain!”

Only at the very end, Agnes appeared to even acknowledge the presence of the mage.

“I see you already met our little troublemaker… ALABASTER.” Captain put a strong accent on the last word. “Y-yes, before that certain event I met her in the woods, she was decimating undead and I thought I could steal some of her glory.” I answered, trying to be as polite as possible. “Aster, don’t be so humble! You totally saved my life back there!” her eyes were sparkling with excitement as well as a spark of passion. “Seeing how much Agnes likes you, I think I know why Godric asked to have you in his team.” he looked at me with pity, giving me a strong pat on the shoulder “... I know that I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but… try redirecting Agnes’s attention on someone else. Being someone she is attracted to is… unhealthy.”

Saying that he turned in a different direction and started leaving. I wanted to ask him one more question before his departure, but I was not given a chance to do so, as the little knight grabbed my arm and started leading me to divines only know where.

“I was sooo excited hearing that ol’ caps let you join! Even more when I was told that Grumpy Godric made you a member of his squad! A shield bearer, huh? Well, I am a skirmisher, so I don’t spend much time within the lines, tend to jump in and make some chaos. You know... “

She was talking at an absurd pace. Quite a few times I wondered when she would make a pause to take a breath, so I could say a word or two of my own, but she never did. Was she actually talking and inhaling at the same time? As an undead even I was impressed by her ability to seemingly speak without breathing.

“... I really hoped we would see each other during breakfast, I told you before that I owe you a mug of beer…”

I will need to find an excuse for that. As a walking skeleton I can’t really eat anything. Well, she doesn’t know that I am an undead so…

“... anyway, what kind of alcohol do such handsome skeletons drink where you came from?”

… Did she just?

“I beg your pardon, but… how did you just call me?” “Hm? A skeleton? Well, you are a skeleton! I mean, when you saved me other undeads didn’t quite try to attack you ,so back then I started to suspect it…”

Oh, so she does not have a proof. Maybe she was just bluffing…

“... and later when you were leaving north, you raised your hand to wave me goodbye… and the sleeve of your coat dropped and I totally could see your naked bones so…”


“Did you… tell anyone?” I needed to clarify it. “Only Grumpy Godric. Oh, he was mad! he yelled ...” she kept on yelling trying to mimic Capitan’s voice “... but, seeing how he let you stay, he should accept it by now! Right?!” “Aren’t you… disturbed, knowing you are holding a dead body?” I asked looking at her arm still clinging to mine. “Huh? Why would I? You are totally cool! Anyway! Anyway! I would love to chat with you a little longer, but Grumpy Godric told me to find and bring you to our little training ground, he wants to see what you are made of!... Oh, and I have other tasks to take care of… but I will find you as soon as I finish em’! Just, stay away from other female knights… They are… mean! Yes! Totally mean! And have herpes! The bone degrading kind! Worst ones I hear! Promise me that!... that’s the way!”

She pushed toward a cramped part of the camp, where soldiers were running from one place to another, doing their drills.

“Head toward the screams! You won’t miss the place! See ya!”

And just as surprisingly she appeared a few moments earlier, she vanished, leaving me dumbfounded in the middle of the path between the tents.

As soon as I somewhat comprehend what happened, I blinked twice with my (non-existent) eyelids before I resumed the march. She told me to head toward ‘screams’ - a very vague direction if you would ask me…

And then, a small explosion shook over the camp and voices of few injured men could be heard, crying and lamenting.

Ah, ‘screams’.

I take back what I just thought. That was a very precise direction. I resumed my march heading toward the source of the noises. Getting into the center of the camp took me two more minutes. Once I get there, I spotted a large, empty piece of ground on which groups of soldiers were exercising combat maneuvers - a group of men with shields were desperately trying to stay alive under the bombardment of two mages, who were standing at the far end of the field.

“What did I tell you, you dogs?! That's fire magic! You don’t want to stand close to one another while under the rain of fire magic! Fire spreads from body to body! Explosions are breaking formation! Wider! Stand wider you mutts!”

Capitan Godric, who until now struck me as an elegant man, was just yelling invectives toward his cadets. When his eyes shifted to the side and his gaze fell upon me, he ordered a stop to the current training session.

“Oookay, you useless sons of port’s whores! Off the ground! Sit on your asses and rest before the second round! It is time to test fresh meat! Little noble son wants to taste the adventurer’s life!?...” he pointed with his head towards me “... very well! Alabaster! With me! To the armory! We need to find you some decent armor!”

Saying so, without waiting for me, he entered another huge tent. Increasing my pace I walked in after him. He was waiting there. With a quick gesture of his head, he pointed to the deepest part of the armory.

“Be prepared that I will be a little bit rough with you…” he started “... I already spread the news that some lesser noble joined our rank and came in during yesterday’s battle. Everything is covered up. Your real name is only known to the Captains and you will officially be known as Alabaster, I don’t need to add that this will be a good reason for jokes from other cadets…” “I don’t mind. I already died. Twice. What is a little mockery compared to that.”

The man chuckled under his nose.

“I like your attitude. You are proud and confident, just as every man should be. Putting that matter aside - we managed to prepare special equipment for you. It was slightly imbued with some lesser anti-detection magic. We need to keep your undead aura under control, because some of Adam’s priests are getting a little bit rowdy. They keep on wondering why the aura of the dead does not leave the camp despite the runic wards they erected… Some of them have also said rather interesting things. They said that in the middle of the night the aura became much, much stronger…”

He gave me a discerning look.

“I also see that you are slightly bigger than I remember. Old Friedrich didn’t let you rest much, didn’t he?” “As a walking dead, I don’t need any rest. I'm only happy that I managed to be of any use in his studies.” “That wasn’t really honest of you, but guessing the situation you are in, I can’t blame you.” he quickly noticed “... Try it on.”

He kicked open one of the chests lying on the ground. Inside, there was a nicely-made simple white armor.

“It should fit you, even leave some room… but don’t try growing too much, ok? Resizing the armor is quite pricey, you know?”

I started stripping off my curent damaged chainmail and wide cloak, picking each and every piece of new equipment.

Boots. Shin guards. Knee pads. Cuish. Gauntlets. Breastplate, and many, many more.

With more than a few elements I needed assistance, which Godric quickly provided. Eventually, I put on the last element - a large, plain, great helm. The gaps that were made for the eyes were really, really, narrow, even smaller than the ones from Godrick’s helmet I had previously borrowed.

“Now, are you ready son? You need to be accepted by other House members, and for warriors the fastest way to trust one another is through the battlefield.” “What should I expect?” I asked, trying to learn what awaited me. “The process is quite simple actually. You will be duelling with other cadets until you lose. You will start with the newest guys, and if you would manage to win, another one would take his place. This is supposed to mimic the dungeon battles, where the deeper you go the stronger enemies you would encounter. How many would you manage to beat when your stamina gets constantly drained and you are given no break?” “I am an undead. I do not get tired…” Saying that, I strapped the umbo shield to my left arm. “I know. But they don’t. I have to admit that I have my own little goal by putting you against them. Lately, cadets are getting more and more lazy. I want you to defeat as many as possible, they need to start training as if their life depends on it if they want to survive, and they won’t unless someone would handle their asses back to them. It will also be nice for them to see someone seemingly never giving up, even if it’s for a rather cheat reason rather than will power or something.” “Someone like a certain ‘fresh meat’?” “Precisely.” The Captain of the knights nodded with a smile all over his face. “Very well. I will do my best.” I said walking towards the armory’s exit. “Best is not enough!...” he yelled behind me “... as a warrior of the Silver Lion House you must be more than just perfect! Wield your blade proudly! Polish your skills till your sword can cut down even a god!”

To cut down a god, you say? Funny. That is actually the plan.

You still haven’t claimed your racial rank up bonus. Do you wish to claim it now? Yes No

~ Yes.

You chose [Shield Usage - Apprentice]

Once again I was basked in the light of the day as I stepped out from the tent. On the field already a small crowd had formed. Older cadets had nasty, sadistic, grins painted all over their faces. They were probably thinking that they are about to show ‘the new guy’ his place in the food chain.

Little did they know. Oh, little did they know.

Name: Asteruse Race: Skeleton Soldier [Lower Undead] [Self-aware Variant] Level: 1 [0/500] Attributes: STR: 27 (+5)

VIT: 31 (+5)


RFX: 23 (+2)

DEX: 26 (+2)

INT: 18

WIS: 13

SPI: 4 Skills: [Sword Usage - Apprentice level 3]

[Shield Usage - Apprentice level 1]

[Bow Usage - Apprentice level 1]

[Nature Magic - Novice - level 1] - Change of race. Affinity reduced. Skill blocked

[Mana Sense - Low - Passive]

[Life Sense - Low - Passive]

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