《The Blade's Tools》Chapter 003 (Prologue part 3)


I was never a morning-person type. Never. Even if we had to help our neighbors – to what as the next village's head I was obligated - I would consider waking before the sunrise as something more than just a pain in the ass. On my birthday ol’ Margret promised to teach me some basics of magic. And obviously she HAD TO do it early in the morning… or actually before the morning. I was even close to saying that it was the middle of the night!

We would gather just before the dawn in front of her house. It was surrounded by a low fence which served more as a support for growing plants than form of protection (in the end, there was nothing that could possibly harm her. Her hut was in the middle of the village, so not even wild foxes came that close to her hut).

Good witch forced few seeds into my hands and nodded, wordlessly urging me to do the same thing I was doing for the past few days. With a small shovel, I made a narrow hole in the ground, later, I put the seeds inside and covered them with dirt, then I put my palms above them starting a chant.

- “To Three - I pray, The Three - I praise,

To The Three, I make this offering,

Surrendering myself to their noble gaze,

I beg, and pledge, and…”

I was hit with a stick on my backs.

- “Ouch! What for?!”

- “One. You messed the chant. Two, you stopped pouring mana around the second verse.”

Mana. I could always sense it inside of my body. How? Just as few people could make their ears twitch and some couldn't – it was as if some muscles were there, quite pointless and not usable on a daily basis.

- “Are those silly poems really so important?” I just hissed, massaging my backs still resonating with dull pain.

- “No. But they help. A lot. They serve as a focus. Letting your spell to grab onto something not falling apart. Master magicians can, and even are expected, to cast magic without a chant, but for that, you would have to train for decades. Even I can’t do that, though I am just a lesser witch and know only few spells… but who knows, maybe you are a genius after all? Let’s give it a try!” I could sense a tune of mockery in her tone.

- “I am sorry if I sounded a bit too…”

- “No-no-no! Let’s try it! Magic is partly a science, partly a miracle. Mages can bend the rules, but going against them is dangerous and foolish. Most people prefer to just memorize the words which are representations of the spell, but, you can use your imagination. Imagine life. For things to live, it needs to eat, drink, breathe…”

- “Even plants?” I rolled my eyes

- “Yes, Aster, plants are breathing just as we do, how do you think, we aren’t trees growing crops underwater?”

- “But there are plenty of other plants that can grow underwater! Like, for example…”

- “Just as fishes can breathe underwater even though they are animals like dogs, cats, or humans?” she was quick to disturb my reasoning “… life finds a way to adapt to a new environment, that’s why this is happening, actually, even the air is a mixture of elements, and to breath, we only need one of them. This element is building water as well, those plants and animals adapted to take it directly from the water.”


- “… this is quite confusing.” Well, not really, I could understand the general concept, the only reason I said that was so we could end this subject and thus, the lesson. It was clear that I was not fit to be a mage aaaand I had other things to do! Still, I had to show up a few times to Ol’ Margret. Being taught magic was a great honor and I didn’t want to offend her.

- “Of course! That’s why chants are easier. You can either memorize a as you call them, or understand the entire process of creation! Why is the fire burning – to teach you control over the flames, why does water flows, to return its tide, and why is life alive – to control it…”

She pointed her hand toward one of the saplings and whispered a few words, making it grow much faster. Something that would take weeks happened without a matter of a minute.

Old witch groaned and sat on the bench visibly exhausted.

- “Now, child, without words. Touch the seed, find its essence, and make it grow. Tap into its very nature and defy the flow of time.”

Knowing that I will fail I just rolled my sleeves. Let’s get over with this humiliation already!

I kneeled on the ground and dig my fingers into the soil till my fingertips touched the seed. And then, I started magic-ing!

Om-sha-lala-la, grow little bugger till yar…

- “OUCH!” a stick fell on my back

- “You are not even trying.”

Tsk, should have at least force my mana into flowing to fool her. Let’s get it done now. Useless magic muscles – twitch!

… and then, something happened.

As I would close my eyes I could “see” mana inside of me. It was like a second set of veins, but now, as I touched the seed, my mana flew inside, picturing it within my brain.

For the first time, I saw “outside” from my body. It was weird, awkward, unnatural…. But so hypnotizing at the same time. I saw my mana as blue vessels, but once it flew into seed, it turned its color. It was green. Pulsating. Living. Breathing. A miracle under my palm.

- “Aster? What are you doing?!” even though I noticed that the words were spoken to me, its meaning flew into nothingness.

More. I wanted to see more.

My mana overflooded environment. It “infected” every seed, every blade of grass, every insect and worm, and even my teacher behind me.

- “I… see… everything.”

Was the world always so full of life?! I saw ladybugs, emanating as much mana as my single hair. I saw marching ants living tiny footsteps behind them, like a burning ground, dying within splits of seconds.

And I saw Margret. She had less mana than I did, but her flow was so peaceful, like a gentle river, completely unlike mine, chaotic, twisting, and changing like wind - or chaotic storm.

My “eyes” were once again focused on the seed. I looked within in, into every aspect of its nature and being. It indeed was breathing! It was eating the nutriment previously-stored within! It was looking for water and something else, as if from the soil… I didn’t understand, but… I felt it!

More, little one, take more of it! Faster! Grow faster! Show me more of your beauty!

- “Aster!”

Something started dancing in the air in front of me, a small, humanoid creature made purely of magic.

- “Psth! Look! A human! He does something pretty!” I felt the words that were never spoken.


- “Show me show me!!!” another tinny creature appeared next to it.

- “He is opening his eyes! Let’s help him! Let's make his magic even fluffier!”

They were made of rainbows and angel's dust, and each of them was beyond beautiful, ethereal, untouchable

- “ASTER!”

I was waked up from my mind-absent state with a strong strike of a stick. My vision broke, the colorful world behind the veil shattered like glass and gloomy, grey reality took its place.

And once I opened my eyes I was left speechless. Every plant in a radius of two meters from me grew quite noticeable. Grass, which previously reached my calf was nearly covering my entire kneeling silhouette. Beans which I just put into the soil turned into colossal, tall for few meters weeds, growing enormous fruits, each at least five times bigger than they were supposed to.

Margret was sitting with mouth opened wide and stick above her head ready to hit me again.

- “How did you do that?” she asked after moment or two

- “I… did what you told me to?”

- “I told you to grow a single seed, not everything around you!”

- “That’s… might be their work.”

- “Whose!?”

- “When I started… channeling my mana, I saw something in the air, even heard them, if you can say so… wait, you didn’t notice them!? There were so many of them that they covered the sky!”

- “I believe that you are referring to the spirits and no, not everyone can see them. Sometimes, it’s better not to.”

- “Why?”

- “There are many different spirits, some are strong enough to be considered protective deity of some region, people, that they would help would very often start worshipping them, and the church of the Three doesn’t like it. Also, some spirits are not gentle and kind. You know what am I talking about?”

- “Devils?”

- “Yes. We don’t know what are they. Maybe evil spirits? Corrupted? Or something completely different. Thought one thing spirits and devils have common – they love interfering with mortals.”

- “Why?”

- “We have no idea. Boredom? Curiosity? Maybe it’s some game between them? Whatever is their reason though, it’s better not to get involved… for now… lesson’s over. Come back tomorrow, I need to… look something up. In the meantime don’t you dare using magic…”

- “But yesterday you said that I have to practice using magic on a daily basis, for just like a muscle it needs to be used in order to avoid regressing it…”

- “I said that because I thought you were normal!... you freak.” She said that with such a pure tone deprived of any malice that I didn’t even get offended by her insult “… also, go to the tailor and ask for a small sash, put into it some salt and iron, and always wear by your belt.” She added with a concerned tone

- “Why would I do that?”

- “To keep em’ away. If you can see spirits, spirits most likely can see you too. And you don’t want to be seen by em’.”

That was the end of today’s lesson.

Deciding to check if Jagna and Liz need anything done I entered the inn. It was an early afternoon so nobody was supposed to be inside. Still, as soon as I went inside I noticed Liz sitting by the counter chatting with future Lord.

- “… Incredible! You read Lathel’s books as well!? They are hard to get even in capital!... not to mention that most women I met aren’t really interested in this kind of philosophy!” splendid! At least for next couple days Liz’ won’t bother me about reading these nasty books – she found someone else to torment!

- “I just love books in general, merchants selling them are traveling through here rather rarely, so I read whatever I can get my hands on… I believe I read everything from the history of art, through philosophy to modern army tactics and strategies… and I didn’t dislike any of them.”

- “Now you are pulling my leg, don’t you?! What’s next, you will tell me you read ”

- “ by August Osweld? I did, though it was rather hard literature as it required the reader to have a basic understanding of general tactics and provided no information about matters it was describing… Hi Aster!” she said noticing me approaching “… how was your lesson with Margret?”

- “Greetings your majesty, and you, my love…” I bowed my head to the aristocrat, and for the second I could have sworn that he grimaced as I was addressing Liz “… apparently I have some talent in magic, my head is still dizzy.”

- “My wonderful, perfect-in-everything fiancée…" she teased me "...Jonson, the other day, was also praising your talent with a sword. Could you fail and lose at anything, please? Some of us are really trying our best to learn anything that is new, it’s quite discouraging seeing you excelling at everything you touch…”

- “I already lost something thought.” I decided to light her day

- “Oh? Really? What was that?”

- “My heart. To you.” She rolled her eyes and chuckled

- “Ok, mister smooth-talk. Sit down, you earned yourself a mug of beer, I will bring it in a jiffy… Your majesty…” she bowed her head slightly toward Diederik, excusing her leave.

Doing as I was told, I sat on a chair next to Michael, still in reasonable distance so I wouldn’t offend him with my presence, but, as I did, from under my shirt the necklace popped out. I was too slow to hide it and the noble’s gaze fell upon it.

He grabbed it and pulled it toward himself checking engravings and ornaments.

- “That’s… the coat of arms, the wings are symbols of an old family… Where did you get it?”

Some peasant wasn’t supposed to wear, bah, few could consider that to be a major offense toward the entire nobility, so I had to quickly clarify the misunderstanding.

- “It’s a gift, from Eliz, well, that might sound rather confusing but… she was the one who proposed to me… I mean, I couldn’t do it as she is still not in the age to be married, but… Sorry my lord, I know it sounds confusing. The thing is, Elize and lady Jagna, were once a nobility, I don’t know much as they don’t want to talk about it, but apparently they lost their title. This pendant was her only memento of who she once was…. And decided to give it to me.”

- “… I see.” Even though he let the pendant go (and thus he let my neck go as well) he still looked quite puzzled by this whole situation “… how long did it happen?”

- “I have no idea, my lord. One day they just come to our village asking if they could stay, I was a kid back then, to be honest, I am not sure if I have any memory without Liz… also, I am quite sure that the names that they are using are not the names they were born with… I am quite sure that they decided to change them as well… Jagna for sure, don’t know about Liz’.” I kept on stuttering and overusing the same words because of stress, not every day you are interrogated by the local lord.

- “I see… I am going back to my room, please, follow my words of gratitude do Madame Elize for wonderful conversation.”

He said getting up from the seat heading toward rooms on the higher floor. Just a few moments after he vanished the lady of the house returned with a mug.

- “Lord Diederik left?”

- “Yes, apparently he got tired… also, he asked to tell you that he loved having a conversation with you.”

- “Oh, I enjoyed that as well, he was talking about the library at their mansion and about all the books they got there! Apparently, as soon as he learned to read, his father ordered him to read at least one book every week! In few years he started reading them on his own! Ah, when he had a private tutor assigned to him a few years later they could barely teach him anything he wouldn’t already know… I wonder, if I was still a noble, would I also have my own library?”

A small pain in my hear appeared out of nowhere as if I was poked by the tiny needle. Books were expensive, it would be nearly impossible for me to get as many as she deserved…

- “… Aster?”

- “Yes, love?”

- “You spaced out! You are overworking yourself again and I will not allow it! Sit here, rest, and in the meantime, I will go to Mr. Jonson and tell him you are not coming today!”

- “Liz’! I am fine, and…”

- “And I want to use this as an excuse to spend more time with you! Seriously, we barely see each other these days – only when you come during the midday to help at the tavern!”

I am such a fool. I keep on thinking so much about everyone, that in the end, I pay almost no attention to the woman I love. Fuck! I need to reward her for all this time I wasted!

- “Liz…” I started again.

- “I don’t want to hear a word of complaint! I will…”

- “I am really looking forward to spending the rest of the day with you. And tomorrow as well. I think the village won’t collapse without me for a couple of days… When was the last time we went to the lake?”

Her tensed with anger face muscles relaxed in an instant, her eyes almost shined with pure happiness.

- “I will prepare lunch and…” she started

- “No. You said you will talk with Mr. Jonson. Knowing me, once he would start crying how much help he needs I would give up and spend the rest of the day with him… I will prepare it in the meantime.”

She kissed my cheek.

- “Be right back!” the black-haired goddess said before she bolted out of the inn.

With a smile on my face, I moved behind a counter, picked bread, some cheese and vegetables, and started preparing food for the rest of the day.

Michael Diederik opened the room which was occupied by his men.

- “Albert, I need to ask you a favor.” He said from the doorstep, showing with his head that his soldier is supposed to step out of the room.

Man, in his mid-thirties, got up from the chair and left his companions behind. They moved to the room at the end of the hall in which the young lord was resting during his stay in the village.

As soon as they walked in, young noble sat behind a desk, picked a piece of paper, a quill, and started writing something quickly on it. Within a minute he handed a drawing to the man called Albert before saying:

- “I need you to go back to father’s mansion, find teacher Thomas, and tell him to find everything he knows about a family that once used this crest. Oh, tell him that more or less fifteen years ago this family, or part of it, stopped existing. They were probably banished, but that’s not certain. Take the fastest horse and go.”

- “Now, my lord?” man didn’t complain, he was a family’s servant to the bone, and orders from young master were absolute.

- “Now.”

- “Your will shall be done. I will leave in less than an hour!” He didn’t wait for Michael to let him leave the room. Soon, his hurried footstep would echo across the corridor of a tavern.

Young lord got up from the seat and approached the window concerned expression. He gazed at the village to calm down and gather his thoughts.

He talked with this woman – Elize – quite a few times already and he knew that she was not an ordinary girl. Her courtesy was better than that of a princess, her knowledge could rival with some court’s scholars… and she was beautiful. No, even more than that. Truly, breathtaking. Wearing almost vulgar barmaid clothes she had more grace than all the women he was introduced as possible future wives wearing dresses made of silk and most expensive jewels.

Oh, how would she look with her hair tied back, in a white dress and long gloves…

She was so modest, and pure and…

The young man snapped out from his thoughts. Up until now, he was merely trying to lure her into his mansion and make her work as… whatever, maid, tutor, cook – just for the pure sake of having her nearby. To feast his eyes on her beauty, to cherish the moments of blissful conversations…

He didn’t dare to dream about anything more, as simply his father would never allow it – up until now he thought she was but a peasant, and he had family’s reputation to maintain… but, if she has noble blood –that’s a completely different story! Even if she was banished, by serving the nobles for few years, and then (with little help) by doing something formidable for the country, she could regain her title… and then, nothing would stand in his way to claim her as his.

In the end, Michael knew that she wouldn’t choose peasant over him!

Because, for now, he didn’t know about the Oath.

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