《The Blade's Tools》The World


Kingdom: Arthuria

Located to the Northeast part of the Continent

Capital: Urboria

Form of Govern: Autocracy - Monarchy (king wields absolute power)

Current King: Uther of House Heliorus, called the Brave

Dominant race: Humanity (less than 10% of other races)

Kingdom: Londern

Located in upper-middle of the Continent

Capital: “Fort” Radok

Form of Govern: Oligarchy - Monarchy (king leads the country together with a gathering of Lords, the king has most of the power, but Lords can “outvote” the king.

Current King: Balthazar of House Sodrek, called Gallant

Dominant race: Humanity (less than 20% of other races)

Kingdom: Bellrik

Located: Upper and Middle West of the Continent

Capital: “The Tower’s City”

Form of Govern: Oligarchy – Senate (Country lead by Senate – Elected mages discuss the matters, they have departments with representatives, each taking care of the different aspect of the country, during gatherings, department’s representative are having an open discussion regarding a certain matter, during which possible solutions are made, later, the gathering would vote about the actions that are meant to be taken)

Dominant race: None (Mix of every race, Humanity, Feary-kin, Elves, Dwarves, Demon-kin, Beast-kin, Greenskin. % share is fluent)

Kingdom: Darkattia

Located Middle – East part of the continent

Capital: Dare’lum un Dunn

Form of Govern: Autocracy – Monarchy – the Demon Lord wields absolute power, his title may be passed to his/her descended, or be taken away by challenger

Current “Demon Lord” – Azadoth, the Cruel

Dominant race: Demon-kin (~50%) (Greenskin~20%) (Elves~10%) (Beast-kin~10%))(Blackblooded~1%)

Kingdom: Sil’thernnas

Located: Lower-middle of the Continent

Capital: Alabaster city of Sil’thernnas

Form of Govern: Oligarchy – (Elves rule the United Magical Races living in Misty Forest of Sil’thernnas. The Court of Nobles is led by Two Queens – One wielding administrative power, the other one, also called Highest Priestess, the religious power)


Current Queens – High Queen Vae Silverwood; Highest Priestess Maera Everwood

Dominant race: Faery-kin (~40%), Elves (20~30%), Beast-kin (10~20%)

Kingdom: Duz’Nar Trel

Located: Mountain chain in the middle of the Continent

Capital: Dokh’Nar Mind

Form of Govern: Confederation of Clans ((Clans are self-governing usually by patriarch or elders, they send their representatives to the “Iron Halls” to negotiate all the matters (usually business). During specific times – wars, negotiations with “outside countries” or hosting political events (Duz’Nar Trel is known for their neutrality and often offers a ground for mediations between other countries) they can elect a King (or Queen) which would represent the whole nation. Their authority is limited and has very little power over other clans, it’s more a representative function of great honor – their orders are usually followed because of their status rather than legal authority)

Current King: none

Dominant race: Dwarves (~99.5%)

Kingdom: Duran Th’or

Located: Southern-West of the Continent

Capital: None

Form of Govern: Tribal Rules (As many tribes, as many ways of governing. Tribes are fighting over control of oasis, because of the harsh environment, they are usually violent and aggressive toward everyone who is not a Tribe member. Bandit's attacks and pillages are main “source of income” – other kingdoms decided to shield themselves from nomadic tribes by closing access to the desert with a keep from the north and a mercenary camp from the south, traveling between Congregation of the free cities and Northern Kingdoms is carried on by heavily guarded caravans.

King: None/Unknown

Dominant Race: Beast-kin, Green-skin (% unknown)

Kingdom: Congregation of free Cities – Dijag’natter (West); Dijah’nalet (East) Ditija’nalurv (South)

Located: Southwest part of the Continent

Capital: None

Form of Govern: Confederation of Merchants Current Kings (Merchants): The Great Vizijers – names unknown Dominant race: None (Beast-kin, Humans, Green-skins)

Kingdom: San’Terra

Located: Central-South of the Continent

Form of Govern: Monarchy – lead by the Sultan, situation same as in Arthuria – Sultan wields absolute power

Current Sultan: Yolal Kerebi, the Generous

Dominant race: Humans (~60%), Beast-kin (~30%)

“Kingdom”: Principality of Ferden

Located South-East of the continent

Form of Govern: Sovereign State (Monarchy)

Current Monarch: Arch prince Sveltan Wolfcaller

Dominant race: Humans (~50%) Faery-kin (~30%)

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