《I Think My Familiar is a DemonLord》Volume 2 Chapter 35: To be bound...


Harl Menhim was not a happy man.

Part of that was the fact that he felt conflicted between his duty to the Empire and its Emperor and the duty he owed the guild. Another part of that was due to the fact that he had gotten careless and had almost been captured by the group he had been sent to observe. And due to his carelessness, he was now horrifically disfigured, so much so that the man that had once been able to seduce any woman in the empire was now stared at like he was some sort of monster.

Another part of that was the fact that he had been ordered by the guild to no longer interfere with the affairs of the man, no not man, the familiar that had harmed him so. He was relieved from this duty, the unfairness of life burned in his gut, like the ghost fire that still burned away his face. He didn't know what manner of magic had caused this flame, or what form of devilry had burned him so, there was apparently no way to stop it, or at least no way that he or any physician he had visited could find, it was still eating at his face, slowly burning away all his flesh.

Two years.

That was the best guess they had given him, it was indeed a grim prognosis for a man who used to have such a future ahead of himself.

Not anymore.

And they simply wanted him to wait? No, he didn't have the luxury of time, there was no way he was going to wait for his colleges to find out what they were going to do. And thus he stood in front of the basin of water, staring down at the horror that reflected back at him, each small breath from his ruined mouth causing the water to ripple ever so slightly, distorting his face more and more, or perhaps that was the anger and hate building inside.

It needed to be done.

With a curse he bit his tongue, allowing some of the blood to drip into the pool of water, as it hit the water it turned inky black, the small drop causing the entire pool to turn a murky red. He then placed his face in the bowl. When he opened his eyes he did not see the bottom of the pool, but rather he was in a darkened room and was looking at a woman that sat on a bed, holding an infant.


“Priscilla,” he said, but the woman didn't look up at him.

“Dear Harl, what happened to your face?” She asked softly, she reached down and with her thumb, she broke the seal the baby had on her breast pulling the now squalling child off and adjusting it so it could suckle on her other tit.

“The saint’s familiar happened, we must free her quickly from such influence,” he growled, or at least he attempted to growl, the damage was beginning to enter his vocal cords, still growing, still burning. “I don't have much time, perhaps we can think of some way to speed up the process of his departure?”

“I have a few ideas,” she said softly, looking down at her child, who was nestled tightly against her bosom. “It all depends though, what are you willing to sacrifice?”

“If the Saint does not reach her potential,” he shook his head, “this world would not survive,” he sighed, running a hand over the section of his face that was not ruined. “For that? I am willing to sacrifice everything.”

She smiled at him, it radiated a coldness that even through the scrying he could feel like a dark hand gripping his chest. “Good, then we have a plan...”


The trees surrounded them.

Literally, they had gotten up and moved from there locations to surround the small group. Well, small was a relative term, seeing as the group was comprised of Leon, Lira, Krya, Fluffy, and Gwenice, all of whom were standing still, watching the forest literally creep in on them.

“This, this is why I never bring anyone home with me,” Gwenice said, crossing her arms.

“Are you sure dear sister? Because we were under the impression that you never had anyone to bring home,” said a voice of a tree, or rather the voice from within the tree. Almost like tree’s bark was made of a liquid a woman stepped out, the bark curving to her rather curvaceous figure. It was pretty easy to see the family resemblance both in the way they were shaped but also in the spring in there step, like that of a deer. Gwenice crossed her arms, cocking her hip to the side.

“Faun, don't tease your sister so,” the trees seemed to part as a new woman walked into the small grove that had formed around them, her voice was low and sensual, sounding like the wind blowing through trees, distinctly feminine. The Dryad that walked towards them was a leggy creature, green as the grass, and clothed only lightly in a dress of maple leaves, her long flowing locks of green hair were woven through a walnut wood crown that adorned her head. Her legs were covered up to the knees in rough boots made of bark and she swayed her hips back and forth in a sensual way that would make any man’s mouth water. Leon to his credit did not let his mouth water, he made damn sure he kept his eyes on only the hymidriad’s face, which was in itself beautiful enough to keep him occupied for some time. “So, you are Leon?” she asked walking up to him, and around him, like he was some prize animal that she had to size up before she could render judgment.


“That’s me,” he responded, allowing his usual smirk to once again grace his lips, even Gwenice was starting to enjoy that smile of his, sure it was a little arrogant, but considering how he backed everything up with his actions perhaps he could afford the cockiness.

“I hear that you call my mate your sister?” she asked stopping in front of him with a sultry smile on her face.

“It annoys her,” he laughed, he crossed his arms across his chest, making the gesture seem more like a casual one than the defensive stance. “Anything that annoys her is good fun for me.”

“Ha!” she barked out a laugh and looked over at Gwenice, “I like him,” she purred, “shame he is yours, and I am promised to another, or I might just take him for myself.”

“I doubt his other mates would allow that,” Gwenice said, her cheeks burning red.

“Ah yes, his other mates,” she circled around each of them the same way. “A human mage,” she said circling around Krya, “from the icy north, where groves do not grow, a familiar, one of the sisters of the moon, tell me are you Lapulena or…”

“Nope, that is my sister,” Fluffy said with a happy smile, “I am called Fluffy now, it is the name I was given by my mate!” she practically bounced there in her spot, her tail swaying back and forth and her ears on swivel as she listened to the chatter of the dryads around them.

“Fluffy?” the hymidriad asked with a laugh, “though I do not see why you are called fluffy, this one has more fur...” she walked around Lira, and with a casual flick of her hand, she caused the split in Lira’s robes to part, revealing her legs. “You, you are an interesting creature,” she purred.

“I am myself, and nothing more,” Lira responded, her golden eyes flaring at the challenge in the hymidriad’s own gaze, they locked eyes and stared at each other for a long moment. It was broken first by the dryad who looked away with a sigh.

“I had hoped my daughter could be the alpha female in this relationship, but it would seem that she is practically outclassed in that department,” she glanced over at Gwenice, “you are going to have to work hard my dear,” she smiled. “I welcome you all yo my grove,” she said walking a short distance away, she started to seat herself, a throne of vines springing out of the ground to weave itself together under her as she sat. “My name is Miona, I am the guardian and mother of this grove, tell me, future son of mine, why have you come?”

“Gwenice said we needed to come, she wouldn't tell me why, perhaps you could ask her?” all eyes turned to the little half dryad, who was now shifting uncomfortably on her deer like legs.

“Mother, you said any of your daughters that wishes to bond with another must first meet with you, this is why I am here,” her cheeks were burning, and she hung her head so her green hair covered and hid her face. “I wish to be bound to these people, wish to make them part of my grove.” she said softly.

“Gods child,” Miona leaned back and sighed, a single tear leaking out of her green eyes to slowly slide down her face. “I've waited over a century to hear you say those words, you shouldn't make your mother wait so long...” she smiled at Gwenice, “come, my daughters, we have a celebration to start!” the entire forest seemed to explode as thousands of Dryads rejoiced and scattered, going about the tasks that needed to be done...

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