《I Think My Familiar is a DemonLord》Volume 2 Ch 34: Marked


“There he is,” Leon growled.

Lira, Fluffy, and Krya followed his gaze to a man on the stage. They were all standing in the middle of the dueling field, with the entire school and some visiting members of others schools in the surrounding stands. The four of them, however, were no the only ones standing there, there was also every other team that would be competing. Much to Krya’s delight this included her brother, she smiled a dark smile at the thought of him groveling, but she shook it out of her head and focused on what Leon had said, she had learned over the past year that if Leon thought it was important than it likely was a matter of life and death, very little else captured his attention.

The man in question was seated behind the headmistress, who was currently giving a dissertation about what an honor it was to be hosting the tournament, and about the colorful history that was the Grulik school of Magic. He was seated in the middle of the elderly men and women of the school board, and he was drawing attention not only from the four of them, it would seem that most eyes were on him and not even paying attention to the headmistress’s speech. This was likely due to the fact that of all the people on the stage he was the only one with his hood up, the deep cowl obscured his face.

“And so without further Adieu, I present to you the Magistrate sent by the royal court of the emperor to preside over these games! Sir Harl Menhim!” there was a polite applause as the man stood up, the applause faltered however when he lowered his hood, revealing a face that had at one point in time been quite handsome but was now marred by a burn mark in the shape of a clawed hand that had landed on the right side of his face. It was not just a normal burn scar, as this one had burnt the flesh down to expose the bone underneath, giving him a look like a skeleton who was wearing a man’s face as a mask.


“Leon-” Krya spoke with a hushed voice, not taking her eyes off of the man as he slowly walked to the podium in complete silence. “Didn't you say you attacked someone who was spying on us, and you marked him with a flame that was unlike others and could not be healed?”

“Yes,” he said simply, looking at the man, now able to study the face of the shadow that had evaded him all those weeks ago.

“I see,” the man started to speak, his voice was rough course, and his mouth moved very little, this was likely due to the fact that he had lost almost half of the muscles that had controlled his jaw. “I see that you all are interested in my face, or perhaps the lack thereof, Hmmm?” he looked over each and every contestant. “I got this mark when I was careless and underestimated my enemy, it is a mistake I will not make twice,” to his credit, he didn't even look over at Leon when he said this, he simply spoke and knew Leon would hear and understand. “I choose to keep it as a reminder, showing me the folly of my ways,” he said, and Leon had to suppress a scoff at that. Both Lira and Krya shot him a glance.

“He cant get it removed, he cant get it fixed,” he smiled, “he had been forever marked.” Both Lira and Krya groaned at this, knowing full well that it was not a good idea to have not only a judge bare a grudge against you but also someone who was in the good graces of the emperor. “Not that it matters, he will not be with us too much longer,” he said with a shrug.


Krya frantically pulled on his arm and whispered to him. “Leon please, if you attack him I don't think we will be able to shrug off an angry emperor, even if he doesn't like the guy he cant allow one of his own to be attacked or killed, it would damage the emperor’s reputation Which might I say she would see as unacceptable.” Leon froze as she spoke and looked over at Krya.

“Wait, She?” he asked, and Krya looked confused.

“She who?” Krya asked not following the thread of the conversation.

“You said the Emperor was a she, wouldn't that make her an Empress?” he had a wry smile on his face as he spoke.

“I know what you are thinking, and no, I am putting my foot down right now.” Lira said, “First of all she is well over sixty years old and not a young woman anymore, second she has several children and is married, and third, the three of us, four if you count Gwenice are more than enough for you.” she narrowed her golden eyes at him.

“You misunderstand,” he said with a smile, all three of them no longer paying attention to the man on the podium. “I don't plan on marrying her, I am just pleased to know that once I take over this world there will be no issues with putting a woman on the throne, I don't really want it for myself, and I do think you would look ever so nice up there, I might even, hmm service you while you were on it...” he laughed deep in his chest.

“Take over the world?” Krya asked in a horrified voice.

“I'll tell you later-” Lira groaned as she hid her face in her hands...

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