《I Think My Familiar is a DemonLord》Volume 2 Ch 28: A promise...


Krya sighed as the four of them walked into the great hall, which was currently decorated with all the participating school’s colors. She sighed because like always every eye was on them, or more specifically on Lira, who’s new legs poked out from beneath her robe, Lira for her part had attempted to hide them by putting boots on, but it would seem that one cannot walk in boots if one has paws. Krya felt a small amount of resentment towards Lira, but that faded in less than a second as she thought about it.

Lira had not chosen to be this way, in fact, if she had been given the choice Krya was pretty sure she would have chosen to stay the way she was, and not have her legs anthropomorphized into those of a lion.

And if she could not stand by her own wife in a time like this, when she needed her the most could Krya be called anything but a coward? No. so she, noting Leon’s small nod of approval, linked hands and bravely marched forward, feeling much better about herself, though how much of that was due to his approval she did not know, nor would she spend the effort finding out.

It was finally time for the first day of the tournament when the teams were announced and the rotation of the games were displayed. This was one of the few days where they were all required to be at school even though there would be no classes. Not that the headmistress had to enforce that rule, seeing as it was an exciting time, and was indeed the perfect time to begin the gambling and betting.

As the four of them sat down at the table reserved for the Grulik school the headmistress and several other people, all of whom were dressed like her in the school colors. “Greetings everyone, My name is Headmistress Caitlin,” there was a small murmur around the crowd, ah so it would seem that Lira was not the only one who had not been aware of the headmistress's name. A small red and yellow flash appeared at Leon’s side, and Krya watched as the large man reached down and picked up little Eva without ever taking his eyes off of the headmistress and placed her on his knee. Eva for her part reached forward and grabbed some of the food that was set on the table and began stuffing her cute little face with it. “Today is the opening ceremony of the Tournament, and I would like to begin this one by introducing the council of elders that presides over this school, it is through there benevolence that we can keep our doors open and-” Leon sighed loudly, loudly enough that the headmistress heard it half a room away and stumbled over her words.


“Typical bureaucratic bullshit, have to pat yourselves on the back and everyone wants a shot at the spotlight and all that shit-” he mumbled under his breath, and while he was mumbling it would seem that everyone in the room heard him. “Oh look at me, I cant do anything myself so I am going to sponsor this and that and, poor headmistress, isn't that right little Eva?” Eva looked up from the sweet roll she had been happily chewing on with a confused look in her eyes, and frosting smeared all across her face.

*Ahem* the headmistress cleared her throat, calling all attention back to her and away from Leon, who seemed to be dead set on embarrassing them all at every turn this year, he, however, did not seem to even notice that he had caused a scene, Krya might even have been able to believe he had not done it on purpose if the corner of his mouth was not curled ever so slightly. The headmistress opened her mouth to continue her speech when Leon opened his mouth again.

“Next thing you know she will be saying that the event is sponsored by the McDonald's corporation or some shit,” he grumbled, and to her, horror Lira burst out laughing before turning beat red and laying her head into her arms in an attempt to disappear.

“Mcdonald’s corporation?” Krya couldn't help but ask, surprisingly however it was Lira who answered not Leon.

“A large corporation that made cheap food and sponsored many events, and charities,” Lira answered, but then she froze, slowly she lifted her head and looked over at Leon, who was at this moment wiping Eva’s face off with a cloth napkin. “How did I know that?” she asked, softly.

Leon simply shrugged, “We both worked there once upon a time.” he smiled, and went back to feeding Evangeline. Lira’s head hit the table again as she realized everyone was staring at her.


“Well, I suppose that right now is as good a time as any to introduce the third year team for Grulik,” she made a sweeping gesture towards the group that everyone was already looking at. Both Lira and Krya bounced up out of there seats and bowed, followed more slowly by Fluffy and Leon. Normally that would have been the end of it, but Leon seemed to have a different idea. He placed Eva down and looked around the room, his red eyes scanning, until he found the pair of eyes he was looking for.

Emere was seated across the banquet hall surrounded by his cronies. Leon’s eyes locked onto the man’s gaze. “I don’t know how things are done here for an event like this,” he began speaking, and both Lira and Krya groaned, knowing Leon was about to make some ultimatum and knowing full well that he would see it through. “But in memories of my past life tournament participants were allowed to say a few words, and I would like to use this opportunity to inform anyone who thinks they can use this event and its liberal rules regarding sabotage of the enemy combatants, we will not be participating in this tradition, we will be playing it by the rules.” everyone looked at the tall man in surprise. “However, ” his eyes scanned across all the room’s participants, with the exception of Aaron and his team. “Anyone who thinks they can use this as an opportunity to hurt my people.” he grabbed a steel goblet in his hands and downed the wine in the cup in a single swig, his eyes drifted down to it as it started to glow red hot, before turning white, and starting to sag like it was made of a soft clay and not hardened metal. “Retribution,” his eyes snapped back to Emere’s “will be swift and merciless.” molten metal dripped between his fingers and it was almost like his head was wreathed in flames for a split second, his face more bestial than human, but once one blinked it was gone. “I hope we all have,” he paused and smiled a smile that would turn even the most hot-blooded killer cold, “Fun,” he said, closing his hand entirely, squeezing out the liquid metal in his hands. As he sat down little Eva, who had been rescued from the fiery splatter zone by Krya picked up a cup and started to stare at it extremely hard.

It, much to her disappointment did not melt in her hands...

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