《I Think My Familiar is a DemonLord》The plans for the 17th - 24th


Ok, so do you all remember that whole shebang about my sister getting a divorce? well thank the stars it is finalized finally lol, after dragging her and the kids from court date to court date to appeal he has finally seemed to give up(though whether this is the end or not IDK) as such I will be heading out of state from the 17th - the 24th to help her move back towards the family, meaning no posts of this novel or My Fiance is an Alien, but worry not good readers, I will not leave you contentless!


Farseer is here!

and I have posted the first two chapters, I will set it up for several chapters of scheduled releases while I am gone, I am sorry I really hate not giving you all content, I hope this is enough to tide you over the week I am gone. After that week Farseer will take up the weekend slot where Raider used to reside, let me know what you all think of Farseer and stuff!

the link is in the Author's note above, seeing as apparently you cant correctly link in a chapter, or whatever lol

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