《I Think My Familiar is a DemonLord》Volume 2 Ch 21: Priscilla...


“Congratulations, Milord,“ the royal physician said as he handed the child off to his mother. Lady Priscilla grabbed the child out of the man’s hands, looking deep into its eyes, solid black, no pupils, no iris, no white, just a field of endless black that looked like it could swallow a soul in a glance.

“Thank you, physician, you may go now,” Lira’s father told the man and stepped out of the way as the man exited the room with a deep bow. As soon as the door closed he lost his commanding demeanour, and tried to fade into the background quietly.

“Where are you going dearest?” Lady Priscilla snapped out, putting extra venum in the words of endearment, causing them to have an adverse meaning. “Do you not want to see your own child?” she asked her voice low and dangerous. He crept forward, making sure to keep his eyes on the floor. When he got to the bedside he looked up at the baby in his wife’s arms.

“This, how can this be mine?” he croaked out the words looking at the child. Black hair, eyes, and skin a healthy shade of bronze, there was no way this was his.

“You doubt my fidelity?” she snarled, “You? After you got not one but two whore in your own household pregnant after we married?” the color drained from his skin, “Oh yes, I know about the other one, the one that you attempted to hide from me, tell me dear, did you enjoy strangling her?” he started to shake, “did you like pumping her full of your seed one last time before you choked the life out of her, still connected?” a sadistic smile appeared on her face. He tried to back up but her hand shot out and grabbed him by the collar hauling him closer, his eyes were wide with fear, broken in every way.


No longer even a man.

That was fine with her, he would have more use as a puppet. She pulled the trembling man close and pressed her lips to his own, her teeth biting into his lips, drawing blood which she allowed into her mouth, holding it there she cast the spell, one which had not been cast in several generations. His eyes rolled back in his head, his veins bulging as his life essence was incorporated into her own.

The blood in her mouth began to boil, thin streams of it leaking out of her lips and down her chest, staining the white birthing gown in dark patterns. She pulled back, and as she did he sunk to his knees, leaning over him she grabbed his face, a thumb, and forefinger on his cheeks and with a single rough motion she opened his mouth and poured his blackened boiling blood back down his own throat from her mouth. She let go of him as he started having a seizure on the floor, looking back at her baby she smiled, but it was not the smile of a mother. “You shall inherit this estate, and from there the world my precious one...” she cooed, ignoring the man at her feet vomiting up blackened blood as he trembled...


Alsten was a large city. Sitting in the Forengi lands it sprawled out across the hill strewn countryside, spilling out past the walls and fortifications as only a place that has seen generations of piece ever could. It was a prosperous city that boasted the finest weaving and clothing makers in the entire empire. Leon looked out across the city as it laid itself out before him like a map from atop of the hill they had gated to. It consisted of an outer area outside of the bailey that was marked with gravel roads and surrounded on either side of the lanes with grey stone houses thatched with hay, or in the case of the more affluent of the outer wall area clay tiles.


“I have never been this far south,” Aaron said, stepping up beside Leon and also looking over the town. “Traders always come here to purchase cloth and clothing and then come to our lands and sell it for the most exorbitant fees,” he said, shaking his head partially in admiration and partially in disgust.

“It is good to know that no matter where you go merchants are still merchants.” Leon laughed, and Aaron nodded his agreement with the statement. Aaron and Tully had decided to come with them, seeing as there was nothing to do at the castle on Saturday for the pair of them. Tilly had not spoken a word in there presence since she had witnessed that morning’s activities, though she did cast glances at everyone when she thought no one was looking. Aaron had known better than to ask her what was up, but he had given a questioning look to Leon, to which Leon responded with a shrug.

The only one that had wanted to stay behind was Gwenice, but she relented when Leon had threatened to to throw her over his shoulder and take her with them whether she liked it or not. Fluffy who was currently in her favorite spot riding piggyback on Leon stuck her head forward over his shoulder and drew in a deep breath. “Mmmmmmm, something smells tasty, can we get something to eat?” she asked, her voice panting, and her tongue lolling out of her mouth as her tail began a relentless back and forth motion. “Please, Please, Please!” she begged, her eyes large and wide, she even laid her ears back and turned her head to the side in her best-begging face.

“That sounds like a good idea,” Krya said, stepping up to Leon’s side, her voice was once again emotionless, like it was everytime they were in a location that others could overhear, but her tail once again betrayed her, the thing the same blue as her hair was currently wagging a relentless pace almost in time with Fluffy’s. Lira stepped forward, and linked arms with Krya, she was prepared to show any and everyone that the two of them were a couple. Lira had once been skeptical of it, but now she worked hard to show, and while she might not feel the same way about Krya as she did about Leon, she could not deny that she loved her, and wanted to make sure the four of them could stay together forever.

“I hope they have crepes,” Lira said with a smile, remembering the first time she and Leon had the delicious pastries.

“No,” Fluffy shook her head and arched her back to look over at Lira, “Meat, we need meat, and eggs and cheese, it is the only way to have breakfast.”

“I'm sure they have both,” Leon said, and started down the path to the town, causing everyone to follow him as he moved towards the city...

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