《I Think My Familiar is a DemonLord》Volume 2 Ch 20: Much to do today...


Krya opened her eyes slowly and breathed in the warm scent of Leon, a small smile formed on her lips as her tired brain brought her to consciousness and realization of where she was. Her head was laying on Leon’s shoulder her leg wrapped over his hips and covering part of his leg, and as she looked she could see the sleeping face of Lira who was likewise asleep in a mirrored fashion on his other side. She angled her eyes down and found Fluffy curled up in a ball at everyone’s feet, she had felt bad about making her sleep down there at first, but Fluffy had claimed that she preferred it that way, and even when Krya had wanted her to sleep up here with the rest of them Fluffy would inevitably end up at there feet sometime in the middle of the night.

Gods, she couldn't explain how nice it was to feel so warm and protected waking up like this, she had even known she was safe before she had opened her eyes, it was a feeling that seemed to just radiate off of Leon, like there was nothing in the world that could harm them if he was there.

Her smile grew and she felt a slight rumble in his chest and looked up to see him chuckling as he looked at her. “I like it when you smile like that when you think no one is watching.” he smiled at her, a twinkle in his ruby eyes. She schooled her face into a mask just to spite him, but this only caused him to laugh deep in his chest more. His eyes tracked down her naked form and to her rear, it was then that she noticed the sound of a soft swishing, and with a small squeak of protest she reached behind herself and clamped down on the tratorious tail. “You might be good at hiding those emotions, but your tail is not...” he laughed.


She looked away from him, burying her face in his chest and allowing the hair to curtain around her face to hide the reddening of her cheeks, she also did this to hide the smile she found she could not contain behind her mask.

“Krya,” he spoke her name, and it was in a commanding and serious tone, she looked up and saw the smile was gone and it was replaced with a stern look. “We are still going to talk about yesterday, are we clear?”

“Yes,” she answered, but she really was not feeling up to it today, or any day for that matter. “But not today, we have so much to do today,” she said.

“Like what? It is Saturday, there are no classes...”

“Of course you would forget,” she gave an exaggerated sigh, “We need to go to the city of Alsten remember? We need to get fitted for wedding clothes after all. ” she felt his chest swell as he sighed and felt the compulsion to slap him on his chest, which she acted on, marring the smooth surface with a red handprint and causing a sound to crack out in the otherwise quiet room. The responses to the slap were immediate, Leon did nothing, just smiled at her, a smirk that told her he was going to return the smack later ten times more, though likely her rear would be the receiving location in this exchange. Fluffy hopped up muscles tense in an attack pose, ears perked up and ready, Lira simply yelped in startled shock and clung onto Leon.

The smile Leon gave Krya told her she had made a decision she might love during the lesson he would give her but would regret later as she lamented her lack of the ability to sit down on anything other than the softest of feathered pillow cushions.


“What the hell?”Lira croaked as she came to and shook the sleep out of her golden eyes. “What was that?”

“Nothing,” Leon said with a laugh, as he sat up and got out of bed leaving a very large and warm spot in the center. “Let's get ready, we have a lot to do today, what with all the dress fitting you three will need,” he said.

“You remembered!” Lira practically bounced with joy.

“But of course, how could I ever forget anything that big?” Leon asked, flashing Krya a wink, causing the woman to shut her mouth with an audible click, even as her eyes narrowed to a dangerous width, as she practically shot icicles at him with her vision.

“Shopping?” Fluffy asked, her tail sweeping back and forth as she got excited. “I love shopping!”

“Really?” Lira asked the wolf familiar, her eyebrows raised in a cocked fashion telling the world she very much doubted Fluffy’s assertion. “You hate wearing clothes, we have to practically wrestle you into your robes every morning, we had to start getting up an hour earlier just so we can get you ready...”

“Clothes suck,” she said, shooting a defiant look at Lira, and crossing her arms over her chest, which only made her breasts more defined. “I don't want to wear them.”

“Well you have to,” Krya said smiling on the inside as she watched the now almost ritualistic exchange between Lira and Fluffy.

“No,” Fluffy stated, turning her head to the right side and up looking away from Lira in a defiant manner.

“We are going into public, you will be putting on your damned clothes,” Lira growled, snatching the black lace skirt and top that she had gotten for Fluffy to have as casual wear for when they were not in school.

“Make me,” fluffy sneered, snapping her head back in Lira’s direction and sticking out her head. Lira’s left eye began twitching and without warning she launched herself at the she-wolf, making a lunge that allowed her to grabbed the dark-skinned familiar around the waist. Fluffy made a yelp of surprise before trying her very best to squirm and shimmy her way out of Lira’s grasp.

It was quite the show considering both were stark naked, and not only was Lira attempting to clothe the she-wolf she was also attempting to manhandle the wolf into a more manageable position. If fluffy had really wanted to she could have easily knocked Lira off with little to no effort, instead, she looked like she was really enjoying this, especially when she accidentally slipped her fingers somewhere or rubbed something…

“Hey! Guys, was wondering what you all were going to do tod-” Tilly opened the door to there room and took a step inside before she saw what was going on and froze, she reached behind her and stopped Aaron before he could round the corner of the door and shoved him back before retreating with wide eyes.

“What?” they could hear Aaron ask through the re-shut door. “What the hell?”

“They um,they are busy at the moment...” came the subdued answer from the otherside. Lira and Krya’s faces were burning with shame. Fluffy’s was red for an entirely different reason and the color only deepened as she slipped her hand between the now frozen Lira’s legs...

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