《I Think My Familiar is a DemonLord》Volume 2 Ch 17: Visitors...


Leon sighed the comfortable weight of Krya on top of him tempting him to fall into a deep and languorous sleep. He would have in fact fallen asleep if not for the presences he felt entering the outer bailey of the castle, quickly he layed Krya to the side, she was completely passed out, spent both physically and apparently emotionally.

He closed his eyes and listened, he could hear five sets of feet as they walked, not at all stealthily towards the inner courtyard, so either this was a social call or these were the world's worst assassins.

If it was the former then well, he needed to be more presentable, and not just him. He looked down at Krya where she lay, she was indeed still partially clothed, her robes were open, and her underwear was shoved out of the way, but both of those things could be fixed easy. With quick motions he positioned her panties in a more acceptable manner and closed the front of her robe, the motions caused her to open blurry eyes.

“Wha?” she called out, brushing a blade of grass that had not too long ago been tangled in her hair, off the bridge of her nose.

“We have visitors coming,” Leon said, tucking his still engorged self back into the black trousers he had until that point around his ankles, he didn't have time to fully close the robes, but he was able to shrug them on and help Krya stand before a small red and yellow bundle came bouncing in through the main gate.

“LEON!” Eva shouted his name and practically flew the distance towards him across the lawn, cannonballing into him with less of an effect that she had come to expect when she ran into people.

“Hello little firebird,” Leon laughed and tousled her hair before picking her up and placing her on his shoulder like he had done the day before, she laughed and swung her legs over his shoulders on either side of his neck, holding onto his horns like handlebars. “Did your mommy come with you today?” he asked.


“Yes, Mama and sister came today, and some other people, but sis came, have you met my sis yet?” she asked bouncing up and down excitingly on his shoulders. As she was saying this the Headmistress, Aaron, Tilly and another woman walked in.

Gwenice was dressed differently today, instead of the leafy dress covering her rather voluptuous form was covered in a greenish leathery looking material that covered her chest and part way down her midriff, ending just above her belly button. Her skirt around her waist was cut diagonally, showing off one leg where the fur of her deer leg ended and the skin of the rest of her body began it was a very striking look, to be honest, and Leon knew his eyes hovered there longer than polite. Her green hair blew in the wind, tangling with the horns she had sprouting from her temples. Her eyes opened wide, solid green as she realized exactly who she would be working for.

Everyone froze as they all took in Leon and Krya’s appearance, in fact, no one moved until Eva spoke up from her perch.

“Leon, you smell funny,” she said, wrinkling her nose and then leaning over and sniffing Krya’s disheveled hair. “You smell like Mama when she has alone time with Mom,” she declared to the world. Four sets of female’s cheeks dyed different shades of red at this statement, and Leon shared a look with Aaron before the two of them burst out laughing.

“Ahhhh, haa, haaa ufffffffffgggg,” Aaron let out a wounded huff and fell to his knees holding his gut, but even the pain could not contain his mirth as he curled up into a ball he once again began laughing for all he was work rocking back and forth. “Ahhhh, hhaaaa she said you smell like sex! Urrrrgggggggggg!” this time it was not Tilly that hit him but rather the tip of the Headmistress’s high heeled shoes that dug into his stomach, driving the laughter and air out of his lungs.

“What is so funny Leon?” Eva asked, leaning over his head to look into his eyes.


“Nothing, nothing,” Leon let out a long breath as he attempted to catch his breath, something he had a much easier time of doing than Aaron who was still recovering from the last attack.

“I cant do this!” Gwenice threw up her hands in defeat and turned to leave when the far door that lead into the castle banged open. Standing there in the doorway was a ragged looking Fluffy, she was still half undressed, her hair disheveled, and around her neck was a collar, the chain that attached to it was snapped but Lira still held onto the other end, apparently having been dragged through the house by the escaping fluffy. Her dark skin glistened, the blue marks standing out against the bronze of her complexion her white hair was pressed against her skull, matted there by the sweat, and her ears laid back on her head and her blue eyes glowing with a hunger that was not for food.

“I tried to hold her Leon,” Lira moaned, and then she realized there were other people there at that moment. Fluffy scanned her surroundings, looking more feral than normal until her eyes locked on Leon and she lunged. He dodged the move with an effortless grace, placing one hand on Eva’s back making sure she didn't fall off. Fluffy skidded to a stop, on all fours, and slowly turned back.

“Pet me,” she growled.

“Later,” Leon replied, his eyes narrowing in tandem with hers.

“Now!‘ she barked.

“Tonight,” he responded, it looked like Fluffy was about to respond with another demand when Eva spoke up.

“Does the puppy want to be petted?” the little girl asked, and before he could stop her she hopped down off of his shoulders and walked right up to the crouched she-wolf. Fluffy’s head recoiled as the little girl laid her hand on her head, but after a few scratches behind her ears, she had curled into a ball around the little girl allowing her to scratch her behind the ears and under the chin. Both Eva and Fluffy were smiling, and when Eva found the spot Fluffy even started to make motions with her right leg like she was still a wolf and not a woman.

“Well Tilly, we can at least say it will be entertaining to stay here.” Aaron laughed.

“I cant do this-” Gwenice breathed out, a look of horror on her face. Fluffy’s eyes snapped open, and she uncoiled herself from Eva and locked her gaze with Gwenice’s.

And she pounced.

“AHHHHHHHH!” Gwenice let out a loud cry of shock and fear as the wolf girl pushed her down and pinned her, rubbing her nose up and down inside of the dryad’s neck. “Get off of me!” the struggling creature under Fluffy started making a terrified bleating noise.

“Ah! Roey!” Fluffy cooed, “Roey!” she nuzzled the side of the terrified Dryad’s head. It was a sweet intimate gesture, but as Fluffy pulled her head back her playful demeanor vanished and was replaced by a hard and hungry look on her face. “I'm going to eat you,” she growled, and the effect was like the world had frozen.

The Dryad’s eyes widened in shock and horror, and she froze for a second before her hoofs tucked under her and she kicked into Fluffy’s stomach hard, effectively nocking the wolf off of the poor deer, she was then on her feet in a flash and had vanished into the house in a blur of hoofs and green hair. Fluffy jumped up like nothing had happened and raced after her.

“Wait!” she called out as she ran into the house. “I meant sexually!” she shouted at the top of her lungs, chasing after.

“Yep,” Aaron laughed, “Not boring at all!”

“Leon!” Fluffy reappeared in the doorway breathing hard. “I need help!” she panted.

“With what?” he asked, arching one red eyebrow.

“She's locked herself in a closet!” was all she said before she vanished back into the house after her prey...

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