《I Think My Familiar is a DemonLord》Volume 2 Ch 15: Things to work out...


Classes for Krya had always been one of her escapes, something she could throw herself into with an abandon. Magic was a complex system, but at its core, it followed rules, unlike people, who seemed determined to break any rules they found, or to never have followed any, to begin with. It was one of the reasons she was a loner before she met Leon and Lira. She always had such trouble with people as they were unpredictable, and she could not stand unpredictable.

It was an issue she knew she had and one that she was actively attempting to circumvent. However, reinventing yourself after so long in one state of mind was not an easy task. She did not want to seem standoffish it was simply her inability to show emotion that caused it.

It was honestly a self-fulfilling prophecy, her loneliness.

She wanted to be close to people, to connect like others did, but then when she did try to get close the way they broke all conventional rules made her fall back, would drive her away. It had been an issue up and to the point that she had decided to join Lira, who was like her lonely. Though Lira's loneliness was a different sort of beast.

She cleared her head and paid attention to the professor that was at this moment lecturing in the hall. Professor Reed was the type of woman that Krya at one point in time would have liked to be taught under, she was a quietly studious woman, well-kempt and extremely knowledgeable in her subject. Now, however, Krya felt she was boring. It was a strange shift of her views on the world, seeing as the woman had not changed, simply her way of looking at the woman.

Context, it was all about context.

Four months ago she was alone in the world, even when surrounded by her family, now, however, she had a family that truly cared for her. All of this made it easier to ignore the man sitting one row behind her and to the right. The school had allowed the students that we're here for the tournament to attend any class they so wished so long as they did not disrupt the class or the professor. It would seem that the majority of the members of her old school had taken to stalking her, seeing as for the most part every class with the exception of professor Kompf had at least one of them in the class and she had no doubt that they were reporting back to Emere.


Her older brother had always been standoffish, cold aloof. The only difference between her behavior and his own was that he used his standoffishness to draw people to him, making them think he was a calm cool and collected leader. Krya on the other hand simply pushed people away.

She had no idea why they were following her, she only knew that if they didn't stop soon someone was likely to lose a limb. She glanced over at Leon, who for all intents and purposes had his eyes closed and his head on the table looking like he was asleep.

He was not.

She could tell that he was about to get really angry by the set of his jaw, the way he flexed and clenched his teeth together, it caused his beard to quiver each time he did it. She could see it the increased throbbing of veins, each of which was pumping more and more blood back to his heart. She could see it in the tightening of his muscles, like a lion about to pounce.

Not knowing what else to do but knowing that she had to calm him down she reached over and grabbed his hand. His eyes flared open, a demonic flaming red, like the fires of hell itself. But it was a look that simply warmed her, she knew he would do nothing to harm her. Leon’s head cocked to the side, and he looked deep into her eyes. His gaze flicked back towards Emere, but she squeezed his hand, causing it to go back to her, she shook her head, and he nodded once. Krya let out a sigh of relief, it was glad he understood and respected her enough to leave this one be, for now at least.

She smiled ever so slightly and attempted to remove her hand, only to find it was firmly enclosed in his larger stronger hand. She looked at him, a single eyebrow raised, but he was no longer looking at her but rather at some more interesting random point in the room, a slightly bemused smirk on his face.


Her eyes narrowed at him and she pulled her hand harder, to no avail. It was at this moment that she noticed that the entire room had gone quiet. She felt her cheeks darken before she even looked, the feeling of dread and horror hot in her stomach. Taking a deep breath she looked down at the lectern and found that Professor Reed was looking at her with a disapproving look on her kindly old face, and as it would also turn out every other face was turned up towards her. Her hand tightened spasmodically in Leon’s, the blue painted nails digging into his flesh only caused him to smile more.

“I am sorry Krya, am I interrupting something?” the professor’s voice was dripping with sarcasm, something that was normally only reserved for the absolute worst students in the class. Krya felt like there was a stone lodged in her throat, she stood up quickly, the chair she was sitting in making a god awful racket as it scraped on the stone floors and the noise was echoed throughout the silent room.

“Please forgive me, Professor Reed,” she called out in a halting voice, dropping into a half curtsey. “I am not feeling well today,” she said softly, her cheeks still red, “I am finding it hard to focus.” there were several snickers around the hall. “I will retire for the afternoon.” she turned and walked, Dragging a bemused Leon behind her, who was soon followed by Lira and Fluffy, after they made some sort of excuse for the escape. She refused to say a word the entire walk, and Leon said nothing not even after they traveled through the portal back to there castle.

Once there, however, Krya turned on him, tears in her eyes as she brought her hand across his face. The sound of the slap echoed in the courtyard, even the birds fell silent as it rang out three times, bouncing off of each stone wall, singing its shock to the world at large.

Leon growled low in his throat, it was a warning growl.

He grabbed her by the face and made her look at him. Three fingers of her hand could be seen on the side of his face where she had slapped him. More tears spilled out as she ran her hand along the mark she had just made, the angry red bumps, her eyes searching his own. There was a fire there, it burned for her, it burned her. Lunging forward she placed her lips on his and kissed him with a ferocity that bespoke deep need and a want to get away from some psychological wound buried deep. His hands wandered up her torso feeling the flesh that was there just under the soft folds of robes, and with a single arm under her backside he lifted her up and pressed her against him, pushing back until she was flush up against the wall.

“I am so going to join this!” Fluffy shouted as she emerged from the portal, she was already half undressed when Lira caught her by the tail and hauled her back.

“Let them work this out,” Lira said, dragging the wolf girl along with her as she left the courtyard. “Looks like there's more to it than just being embarrassed in class...”

“But I want to get petted!” Fluffy howled out a mournful sound, her fingers digging into the ground leaving deep furrows in the soft sod as Lira forcefully dragged her away.

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