《I Think My Familiar is a DemonLord》Volume 2 Ch 14: A previously unknown side...


Aaron had not slept well last night, for the time being, the headmistress had set them up in a small classroom that was not in use. His lack of sleep had nothing to do with discomfort, seeing as beds had been dragged into the room for them, but rather with the woman who was even now peacefully sleeping on his chest, not really caring that she had her arm under her torso, thereby lodging her elbow quite deeply into his stomach. He sighed, the motion resisted by Tilly’s weight, as he did so she started mumbling in her sleep as she so often did.

“I am not fat,” the slurred words drifted softly out of her lips and he smiled at them, amused by the path her unconscious mind took in this particular dream. “Please, don't leave me, Aaron, I promise I am not fat, I can lose the weight, please don't go, please.” the smile slipped from his lips, he wrapped his arms around her holding her tight as she started to hyperventilate in her sleep.

She said she didn't have trust issues, but he knew her better than that, the truth of the matter was that she was terrified of him being unfaithful because she felt herself unworthy of him. It was a deep seeded issue, one that came from the difference of there social standing. She was royalty, but minor royalty, daughter of a local fiefdom lord, and his father was the duke.

He knew much of these thoughts were put in her head by her own sister, a bitter hag that was not content with her lot in life and was upset that her little sister would be higher in status than she. Tilly, however, loved her sister, loved her deeply, no matter how harshly the words and thoughts the other spewed at her, and she would hear no ill of her sister.

That was the type of person Tilly was, loving, kind, the type who kept her fears and pain bottled and held deep so no one would be able to find them. Because of this, Aaron made sure to never go anywhere without her, she was his flaws and all and he would make sure she knew that. She took a shuddering breath, a single tear leaking out of the corner of her eye and wetting the cotton nightshirt he was wearing. He wiped it away with a thumb, the touch causing her eyes to flutter open. When she saw him she instinctively curled her arms and legs around him, holding him so tightly it almost hurt, like she was worried that if she didn't hold him tightly he would vanish.

It was probably what she actually thought.

He rubbed the small of her back, small circles that elevated the stressed muscles of there tension, wishing not for the first time that he could choke that bitch sister of hers for messing with Tilly’s mind like she had. She buried her face in his chest and he rested his chin atop her golden curls, breathing in her scent. “Never,” he whispered and watched as a pair of green eyes looked up at him slowly. “I would never leave you, do you understand?” he asked her and watched as her eyes glazed over and she nodded, knowing full well that she didn't believe the words she was agreeing to.


Once again he cursed that bitch.

She would have to learn over time that he was not what her sister had told her, he would prove indeed what she doubted in word…


The headmistress looked at the students in front of her, the students from Saint Francaris’s Institute of Enchantment. Many people in the world of magic looked down on these students and those that created Enchantments, claiming they were inferior due to their inability to cast “real” spells. She, however, was well aware how poor of a strategy it was to look down on anyone, she herself had been looked down on, and it had worked to her advantage, very much so. “So, to reiterate to make sure we are all on the same page, I was able to find lodging for all but two of your students, but fear not I have an idea, on the outskirts of this school grounds there is a castle, it would be a perfect place for any students, and we used to use it for overflow like this in the past, there is one issue however,” she pushed her glasses up on her nose, “it is no longer in our possession, it is now privately owned so we will need to ask the owner if you can use part of it.” she looked at the apparent leader of the group, from what she had gleaned they had come here by there own, normally the school would sponsor the trip, but Saint Francaris was suffering from a lower enrollment in recent years, in f, ct she had several reports saying the school was almost done for. This all meant that this trip was sponsored elsewhere, and if she had to guess she would say it was likely with this Aaron’s own personal money. If they did well it would boost the schools prestige, and would likely result in new students, a last ditch effort, one that she could respect.

“And who is this owner?” Aaron asked, “I would like if we could go make a case for ourself, we can help around the place with whatever was needed and-” as he was speaking the door opened and in walked Leon and his entourage.

“You called?” he asked, the arrogance and dominance he wore like a cologne rolling off of him in almost visible waves, but before she could say a word his head snapped around, causing him to look towards a darkened alcove, he made a hand gesture and everyone in his group froze as he walked over and kneeled down, head cocked to the side as he looked into the shadows, butt on the heels of his feet. Holding his hand out he called out to the shadows in a surprisingly soft and warm manner. “There is no need to be afraid little one, come here.” and to everyone’s surprise besides Leon and the Headmistress little Eva walked out from behind the couch she had been hiding. Slowly she walked over to Leon and took his outstretched hand, her tiny hand looking so small in his massive one, as she walked out there was a collective gasp, many heads went from the headmistress back to the little girl.


She was an exact copy of who had to be her mother, the same eyes, same face structure, same hair. But beneath the hem of the red dress she wore were a pair of taloned feet, looking very much like a hawks.

“What is your name?” he asked, the aura he normally had wrapped around him had for some reason retreated, leaving the man no more fearful than any other.

“Evangeline,” the little girl said, there was a slight quiver in her voice.

“It is nice to meet you Evangeline, I am Leon, may I call you Eva?” he asked the smile on his face so warm and, well, fatherly that even Lira had trouble recognizing him for a second.

“That is what Mama calls me,” Eva chirped, a smile on her face, the fear starting to dissipate.

“Is that so?” Leon laughed.

“Are these real?” she asked reaching up and touching Leon’s horns which protruded from his head and swept back over the fiery red locks that crowned his head.

“They are,” he chuckled.

“So you are a demi human like me?” she asked looking up at him, her eyes sparkling, “Was one of your mother's human and the other a dryad as well? And why do you have fur on your face?” she ran her little fingers along his jaw tangling the small slim things in his beard, and causing him to laugh again. Her other hand rubbed the horns on his head, carefully tracing all the ridges with small fingers.

“No, I am not a Demi human,” he explained softly, “as for my mothers, well I have only ever had one at a time,” she cocked her head to the side confused. “I have lived multiple lives, been born multiple times, I can not remember much of those past lives, but I always remember my mother’s face.” he smiled at her. “As for the fur on my face, it is normal for men to have once they grow old enough, do you like it?” he asked, and she nodded, bringing both hands down to run through his beard.

“It is weird, but also nice.” she nodded, and squeaked in surprise when he scooped her up and placed her on his shoulder. From her perch she held onto him by his horns, and he turned to the headmistress and smiled.

She had watched the entire exchange, fascinated with this strangely fatherly side of Leon, she would have never thought he could act like this. And she was not the only one, even Krya looked shocked. A flush colored the cheeks of every woman in the room, as they instinctively recognized him as a man that would be a good father.

“She has the same blood in her as the maid, is that one yours as well?” he asked.

“Gwenice?” the headmistress shook her head, an attempt to get her head back in working order “No, only Eva is mine,” she paused, “eva and one other that is not yet here.” she muttered under her breath, forgetting how good Leon’s hearing was.

“Congratulations,” Leon nodded to her, and she looked up at him in shock before her cheeks darkened a deep red color.

“Thank you but that is not the reason I called you out her-”

“I am going to be like mama!” little Eva shouted from her perch, drawing everyone’s attention to her. “I am going to be a mistress too!” Aaron coughed, covering a laugh which promptly caused him to get a nice cuff to the back of the head.

“Headmistress,” Leon corrected with a smile, “You will be a Headmistress, not a Mistress.” he said this before a contemplative looked came onto his face, “Maybe you can do both, it depends on who you meet and what you want to do later in life.”

“Headmistress!” she smiled and bounced on his shoulder, “Just like mama!”

“Those will be some big shoes to fill.” he laughed.

“Mama said I dont have to wear shoes,” she pouted, crossing her arms, “This dress is already bad, and the panties...”

“Well I think you look very nice in that dress,” Leon laughed, reaching up to tossle her hair. “You were saying?” he asked, guiding them back to the reason he and his were called.

“There is not enough room in the school,” the headmistress worked to keep her expression plain, “We need a spot for two more students, can they come and stay at your castle?”

“If it is Aaron and Tilly then I am sure we are fine with it, right Lira?” Krya said, speaking up for the first time, her eyes were still glued on Leon a hungry look in her eyes as she watched him and Eva.

“Of course,” Lira nodded, her breathing more shallow than normal, and her cheeks flushed, her eyes only for the smiling Leon and the giggling Eva.

“Then it is settled,” the headmistress said, a smile on her face.

“God, I want to fuck you so bad right now,” Fluffy growled, putting to words what both Lira, Krya and several other women in the room where thinking at that moment...

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