《I Think My Familiar is a DemonLord》Volume 2 Ch 7: We'll find something to do...


Leon looked around the lunch hall, due to the overcast nature of the day they and most of the school were jammed into the dining hall, and when you placed that many privileged individuals that close together things tended to happen, as was the case with the individuals he was now watching over his sandwich.

“I don't care where you came from or what great house Brandt, I am not going to sleep with you simply because you want me to.” the girl snapped and pushed her finger into the man’s chest.

“Stop acting all high and mighty VIctora, we all know you are a loose woman, what this last year you went out with three or maybe four men? The fact that you are not in my bed already is-” he didn't get the chance to say another word before Victora’s hand flew out and struck him a hard slap across the face. He stood there, head turned to the side frozen in shock with a large red hand shaped mark on his face. This only lasted for a second, however, and as he recovered he raised his hand against her. But before he could lower the fist he found he could not move that hand, looking up he found his wrist casually held by Leon, who had seemed to have moved faster than the eye could see and who was still eating his sandwich with the other hand.

It was a damn good sandwich, potato bread, nice slices of meat Krya had fried in a glaze this morning with a good cranberry sauce and crisp vegetables.

“Mr. Perkins, Ms. Jullias,” a familiar voice said, and Leon looked away from the delectable sandwich and into the eyes of the Headmistress, she gazed back at him even as she addressed the two quarreling students. “I expect better behavior from our students, especially in front of other academies, as such you will be relegated to menial tasks during your free times.” neither spoke out, what the headmistress said went around here, seeing as she could remove you from the school entirely at her own whim. Leon released the boy’s wrist and was going to turn and walk away when the headmistress addressed him. “Leon, after classes are through I need to see you, your master and Ms. Krya in my office to discuss a few things.” Leon simply nodded his head once and walking back to his table as casual as could be he continued eating.


Professor Kompf walked into the room and surveyed his class, good it would seem that his entire class was here, he would hate to have to fail someone on the very first day, but such was the way of life. He smiled and started to look around the room at the raised desks that formed a semi-circle around his desk. He was about to begin his opening lecture when he caught sight of a red pair of eyes. Frowning he looked over the head of one of his students and found he was staring straight into the eyes of the man he had spoken to this morning. Walking over he addressed him. “I am sorry Mr.-”

“Leon,” the man answered, and Professor Kompf was only briefly surprised to see that the flash of white behind those lips were not sharpened to deadly points.

“Mr. Leon,” he said with a slight bow of his head. “I do believe you are in the wrong classroom.”

“I am not a student,” Leon answered back, this answer caused Professor Kompf to frown, the lines of his face become deep craggy valleys and hills.


“If you are not a student, why then do you attend class and wear student’s clothing?” Kompf asked.

“I can hardly be expected to prance around naked can I?” he said with a smile.

“No, but your answer did nothing to answer the important part of the question, allow me to rephrase.” Kompf smiled, he was finding he liked this youth. “Why are you wearing school clothing and attending classes if you are not a student?” he asked.

“I am a familiar,” Leon answered, holding up his hand and showing Kompf his marking on his hand, Lira also held up her hand.

“Remarkable, a completely humanoid Familiar?” Kompf leaned forward and stared intently at the markings. “And you?” he asked looking at the dark-skinned wolf-girl, who on prompting also lifted her hand and showed that she too was a familiar. “Did you start humanoid or did you become one after a melding?” he asked Leon.

“Started as you see me,” he said, “Well minus the horns, makes me wonder, did I give those to her during the meld or did she give them to me?” he asked with a laugh as Lira punched him in the shoulder. Kompf looked over to Krya and Fluffy but before he could ask Krya answered.

“Started as a great dire wolf, became like this after the meld,” she stated in a flat voice.

“Well, this all is truly fascinating, but unfortunately I am going to have to ask you two to leave the classroom,” he stood up and addressed the entire class, “Them and every other familiar in the room, this is advanced magical theory, we will not be having any magical constructs or spells in this class, that includes familiars who as you all know are constructs made of mana bound to there masters.” he looked over at Leon and added, “Sorry.” he truly meant it, feeling like he was being terribly rude to the familiar.

“No problem,” Leon said standing up and pulling Fluffy close to his side. “I'm sure we can find something to do...” he said, drawing out the word something and giving it more meaning than the word usually held. Professor Kompf was willing to bet he knew exactly what the familiar meant by that, and judging by the shuffles and blushes of the students in his class they did as well. With a smile, he and Fluffy, accompanied by a myriad of familiars walked out of the room.

They only got three rooms down before Fluffy physically dragged Leon through the doorway of an unused classroom and pushed him bodily up against the wall. She buried her face in his neck and breathed in his sent. With a feral smile, he gripped her by the shoulders and turned the two of them so their position was reversed and she was pinned to the wall. He brought his face down to her own and rubbed it against the side of hers, causing her to whimper loudly with need.

Her clothes practically fell off as she wiggled out of them, and then proceeded to help him remove his own, he dropped the robe on the floor, giving them somewhere to lay down, pushing several chairs and desks out of the way.

And with a single motion, he pulled the linen shirt up and over his head. Pulling back he stepped out of the pants that had gathered on the floor of the classroom, and just like her he turned around slowly allowing her to look him up and down. “So, how do you want it this time?” he asked with a smile.


“Let me think,” she said with a slow pondering to herself as she looked him up and down, even as her eyes kept going back to his manhood. “I wonder, how good are you at petting?” she knew very well just how good he was at petting her, but if this was how she wanted to play then he was game. She leaned back on the robe covered floor, her wide legs spread revealing the treasure hidden between and looking at him expectantly. It was tempting to simply dig right in, but he resisted the temptation. Instead, he knelt down in-between her legs, using his knees to widen her stance, he then leaned down and placed his hands on either side of Fluffy’s head and leaned over her.

He leaned in and gave her a kiss, his mouth lightly touching her own and his tongue pushing in and running over the smooth surface of her teeth. Slowly she parted her teeth and her small tongue came out to play. Pulling back he kissed her in between her big blue eyes and once more on the lips as he moved down leaving a trail of kisses, one on her chin and then one on the small of her neck, and down her throat and on her collarbone, and down to the top of her small breast. She shivered as he neared her mounds. Slowly, taking as much time as he felt she could handle he began to pet her.

His hand reached down and moved over her nipples, rolling the now straining buds in between his forefinger and index playfully as he used his tongue to swab out the area in between drawing a wet line down between her small quivering breasts.

“mnnnnn,” she let out a muffled moan as her big blue eyes rolled back in her head as the pleasure seemed to overwhelm her. With a smile he gripped her by the hips and before she could ask what he was doing he flipped her over and went back to his petting, with slow careful hands he massaged her starting from her neck, loosening the tight muscles as he palmed them into submission with his hands, he then went down her back, making sure to cover each and every one of her straining muscles with a heady mixture of masculine strength with hands warmed from friction and body heat. Soon he worked his way down the small of her back and to the base and without pausing he went to massaging her rear as well, she sighed contentedly tail wagging as he rounded her plump backside and slipped down between her legs.

Her languorous form suddenly seized up, her muscles growing tense as his fingers caressed the flesh of her lower lips. Slowly he eased one finger inside her, curving ever so slightly to rub against the now slick walls of her secret garden. As he did all of this he never removed his other hand from the soothing relaxing motion on the small of her back.

“Leon, plea-” she started but before she could finish he slipped another finger inside, both of them fishing around inside her, she continued to whimper even as her hips began swaying with his finger's motion, pressing them deeper grinding against the palm of his hand. Squirming around like the slicked up she-wolf she was she turned herself over. “please, Leon don’t tease me,” she said rolling over and reaching out for his hand to stop him from moving the fingers in and out, unfortunately for her he was much stronger and she was not able to stop his motions. “Please, in-” she frowned, her lower lip under the sharp teeth. “I want you inside, not your fingers.” She whispered softly. With a smile he grabbed his shaft and lathered some of her wetness onto it, he then used his fingers to position himself at her entrance. He leaned over her, they exchanged a mutual groan as he pressed up against her smearing a line of seed on her lower lips. And then he pressed his lips into her own, and she opened to him, both her mouth and her thighs, he slid in filling both places causing her to worry she would burst from the fullness inside her. It was a slow decadent play of mouth and tongues, he swallowed her whimpers, his hands slid from her waist to her hips, holding her in place as he ground against her pelvis. Fluffy sucked on his tongue all her internal muscles quivering as they matched his rhythm as she squeezed his manhood, their position didn’t allow for a wider range of movement but neither cared, both were to enthralled with the feeling of the other to care.

Oh, gods, she loved that filling.

As he had moved inside of her it was like a bolt of lightning had shot down her back and up her spine leaving her tingling in its wake. His hips started moving and it was all she could do to not die from the pleasure of it all, his Large hands wrapped around her small waist, and her legs around his backside, there would be no escape from this lion.

“Ahh, please, Leon, please-” she pleaded as he entered her faster, his movements becoming aggressive and nearly painful as he slammed into her.

“Fluffy,” he panted her name as he thrust, each movement a promise, each penetration an oath. Her lower lips were tightening around his shaft, pulsing as he moved in, pulling as he slid out, it was like she was trying to coax him deeper into her, even as her strong legs held him in place.

No retreat.

As if he wanted one.

Wrapping his hands around her neck he drew in close to her face and growled low and menacing, taking the tip of her ear into his mouth and bit down, her big blue eyes that had to this point been closed sprung open and she howled, her hands sprung to his back and the sharp claws of her fingers created two scores of marks from shoulder to hips one set of grooves on either side of his back as she laid him open.

She pulled her hands away from his back and looked at them with horror blood covering her fingertips. “I- we should- Im so sorry I didn’t mean-” she began her voice halted however when she felt his mouth go around her right shoulder, and his teeth sink into the flesh strong enough to draw blood, even as he began thrusting into her even harder.

The blood trickling down his back served only as a temporary distraction, a warm tickle as it slid down his ribs was nothing, not even the sharp burn of rent flesh registered as his pelvis ground against her pubic bone. She wriggled under him, back arching fingers digging in even as she kept her claws well away from his flesh for fear of repeating her mistake even as jolts of heat and sensation shot down her spine to gather in her core. She cried out as her knees clamped down on either side of his hips, drowned in her own climax she barely heard the sound of his own pleasure. She, however, was likely the only one in the school that didn’t hear it as he roared out like a lion and pushed deep inside her. She quivered as she felt the warm torrent rushing in to meet her own gush of warmth and after a few seconds of blissful back arching the two of them flopped to the side, spent and panting.

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