《I Think My Familiar is a DemonLord》Volume 2 Ch 6: unhappy reunion...


Krya raised her eyebrow at Leon as he and Fluffy caught up with her and Lira, they walked along with a casual grace that bespoke complete assurance. “What?” Leon asked he cocked his head to the side, his blazing red eyes drinking her in as he looked her from head to toe. At first that gaze had scared her like he was looking for some sort of flaw like he was looking for a reason to be rid of her, but she realized quickly that that was not the case it was more like he was drinking her in again, flaws and all.

“What the hell was that?” Krya asked, breaking out of his intoxicating stare, and returning a look on her carefully arranged face she watched as a small smile formed on his lips, as though he found it funny that she thought she could hide her thoughts behind a mask of emotionlessness. She bit down on the responding smile, which only caused the smile on his face to grow ever so slightly like he had seen her internal battle to fight the smile even though she knew nothing had shown on her face.

“What was what?” he asked smoothly as he fell into step beside Lira, who gave him a reproachful look, honestly Lira was the only woman who would ever dare be openly reproachful to Leon, even Krya who was part of his harem, part of his family would never be reproachful to him, not like the open way Lira did it, but she supposed it was to be expected, seeing as he was her familiar.

“That whole staring contest with the professor,” Lira said, and his eyes turned to her golden ones.

“I like him,” Leon said, not answering the question simply looking into her eyes and making the casual statement about the way he felt about the professor.

“You have a strange way of showing it,” Krya said her voice flat, this time to hide the mirth that bubbled under the surface. Leon turned his red eyes to her, and she fought a shudder, gods she was glad he was on her side.

“Do I?” he asked in a voice that seemed to vibrate within her as he spoke.

“You do,” Lira said, but Leon’s eyes never left Krya, he simply kept staring into her eyes as he responded to Lira’s statement.


“Hmm, perhaps I need to work on my social skill, perhaps I could find someone who would be able to teach me,” he said.

“I could!” Lira said with a smile, this time Leon broke eye contact with Krya, and as he did so she felt her knees go wobbly as though he had been holding her up with only his gaze. The look on his face, the bemused smirk made it really really hard for Krya to not remove the mask, but she was in public and the thought of showing others not part of her family her inner thoughts terrified her.

“And how good might your social skills be my dear Lira?” he asked, and his smirk deepened as her lips pursed in annoyance.

“No need to be a jerk about it,” she snapped, pulling her hand out of Krya’s to cross her arms over her chest. Leon simply stood there, towering over the woman, smirking for all his handsome face was worth.

“Sorry to interrupt your little lovers spat but we still have several classes to select, and if we don’t get to it it is doubtful we will be able to get any good classes, seeing as all the empty spots will be taken, and we have decided that we will be taking our classes together, no matter what.” it was Leon who had made that demand, he took the people in his family's safety very seriously, it was a sweet gesture, something that she would have very much have doubted he would have been capable had she been asked before she had gotten to know him.

He was a study in contrasts, both hard and soft. Each part of him at first glance looked like it wouldn't fit, but they all flowed together, both the mean and the nice, the cruel and the kind. It made him into a man that was both amazingly interesting but also terribly frightening.

“What classes are left?” Leon asked, spinning in a circle as he held onto Fluffy’s hand as she ran a lap around him, giggling and bouncing up and down like an excited puppy, or at least she was up until she tripped on the hem of her robe and went down in a tumble of clothing and fur. She looked up from where she lay lips puckered and with an excellent show of sad puppy eyes with a few well placed pained whimpers she was soon scooped up into Leon’s arms and held against his chest, where she smiled and nuzzled his neck.


“Thaumaturgy, Xylomancy, Archaic runes, Divination, Herbology, Transfiguration, Summoning, Aggressive magic, Defensive magic, and Recuperative magic,” Krya answered of in rapid fire as she looked at the antics of her familiar, and tried not to show the begrudging respect she felt for the she-wolf for hatching such a marvelous plan to getting held by Leon.

“Well shit, it looks like we need to get a move on then after we select classes the first one you selected starts right after lunch today correct?” He asked, still holding onto Fluffy, even as she started licking his neck and cheek, messing up the perfectly combed beard that Lira had spent so much time on this morning.

“Indeed, we have the first four classes today, just the introductory classes, each day we have a rotating block schedule, normally we would have six classes on one day and the other six on the next, but seeing as the first two periods are used up for class selection-” she broke off what she was saying as a group of figures strode into the school, they were not wearing the standard school uniforms but were wearing a similar style of uniforms to what Leon and Lira had first seen Krya wear, all those months ago in the hunt.

One of them, a man who looked to be about eighteen, barely a year older than Lira and Krya walked right up to them, he had high cheekbones, blue eyes and long blue hair that he tied up behind his neck with a complicated six braid pattern. He stopped right in front of Krya and stared at her. She felt Leon’s warmth on her back, and she was pretty sure she had not backed up but rather that he had stepped forward to support her. Fluffy was no longer in Leon’s arms but now at Krya’s right-hand side and Lira was at her left.

“Greetings sister,” he said in a monotonous voice, there was no emotion on his face, it looked like it had been carved out of ice. “Though father told me not to call you that, I find it hard to break a habit I have formed these past years.” he looked over at Lira, who was wearing a blue and black wolf pendant around her neck, and then over at Krya’s own neck, adorn with a fiery lion. His gaze passed over Fluffy, his eyes heating in a way that made Krya feel uncomfortable, and then went up to Leon, whos gaze froze him in the spot. Krya watched as the mask her brother had donned cracked ever so slightly under Leon’s fiery glare. “I see,” he said, there was a slight wobble in his voice, some fear, or anger, or a mixture of both. “I had hoped it was all a misunderstanding, but it would seem that the wild tails father has told about you were correct, engaged to a woman, a bastard child even, and fucking a familiar, how you have disgraced out clan sister.” Leon’s hand shot out to grab him, but Krya moved faster, rushing forward she embraced her brother in a hug, preventing Leon from tearing the man’s head off.

“You understand nothing brother,” she said just loud enough for Leon and the rest of her family to hear, releasing him, and holding him at arm's length, drinking in his surprise. “This is my family, I care not what others think of me, I am happy, for the first time in my life, and if you think you can take that form me.” her hands tightened painfully on his biceps. “Then you will face my wrath, an anger so profound that even the mercy of the mountains will feel kind in comparison,” she growled the last words, like a wolf, like her wolf, and watched as the surprise morphed on his face into something more. She had never stood up to him like this, he didn't know what to do anymore. Releasing him she turned and grabbed Leon’s hand, lacing her fingers through it and ignoring the shocked murmurs of onlookers at the bold statement that her holding his hand had made lead her family deeper into the hall to select their classes.

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