《I Think My Familiar is a DemonLord》Volume 2 Ch 5: Professor Kompf.


“We would like to register,” Krya said, ignoring the whispers and looks that were cast at them, it was not too strange to see people here holding hands, it was after all a school for nobility and thus many of its students were put into political marriages to further whatever duchy or kingdom they hailed from. She shut out everyone else, focusing solely on talking to the instructor that was sitting in front of her.

He was an old man, a wiry beard that covered his face from the nose down but had been shaved away to reveal his jowls which wobbled with each slight movement of his head. He looked up at the company in front of him and looked Krya and Lira over with an inquisitive look through rounded bespectacled glasses. “Greetings I am Professor Kompf, of the Kingdom of Albony, I am a professor of Advanced magical theory, as it so happens I have two places left in my roster, it would seem that at this posting my field of research is much more respected than my last location.” he chortled out a laugh, which brought a slight smile to even Krya’s face, which was quite an impressive feat.

“It is a pleasure to meet you Professor Kompf, I am Krya, Krya Millsra,” she stated the sound of her voice still flat even with the corner of her mouth turned up ever so slightly. “This is my FIance, Lira.” she said introducing Lira who bowed her head slightly.

Professor Kompf nodded his head in her direction, a single bushy grey eyebrow rising into locks of hair that covered his forehead that escaped the man’s long braid. “A pleasure.” he said in a mild voice, and addressing them both he proceeded, “would you like to hear about this course and what I as a Professor expect of my students?” he asked they nodded so he continued, “Well as I am sure you are aware Magical theory is the study of magic from the purely theoretical standpoint, now, I know you both have taken magical theory classes before, but this time around it will be under my tutelage so you will get to know more about the depths of the craft, we will be studying the transmutational properties of blood and how it powers spells along with many other topics, I will expect you to be on time, if you are tardy more than three times I will drop you from my classes and you will have to look elsewhere for your course credits as I will not readmit you to the class, not this year or the next or any.” he looked at the two women standing in front of him, and using a long finger he pushed up the brim of his glasses on the bridge of his nose. “There will be no magic allowed in the class, none, you use it even once and you will be dropped, the grading scale will be as rigorous as the class itself, are you sure you wish to sign up?” he asked.


“Yes sir,” Lira answered this time, she was confident, she was well versed in the curricular activities and courses this school offered, a remnant of when she was all alone and did not wish to go home. Back before Leon dragged her kicking and screaming into a family, as for Krya, she was sure that she was just as well versed as Lira herself.

“Very well, you may leave, I will expect you in class after lunch,” he said, and with a small smile shooed them off, looking up he found himself at the end of a pair of red eyes, the didn't seem hostile, they simply looked into his soul like he was an open book for the reading. “I am sorry sir, ” he said shaking his thoughts free in his head and breaking the spell those demonic eyes had cast upon him. He now looked at the man standing in front of him and his companion, a tall mountain of a man, towering over everyone with blood red hair and blazing eyes. It was however, the horns that sealed the deal.

The man looked like a demon.

“I, unfortunately, do not have any more slots for students, may I point you over to the lovely Professor Harven? She also has a class for Advanced Magical Theory, and I am very sure she is a very good Professor.” he watched as a small smile served the lip of the demon in front of him, it was not due to the words, of this Kompf was sure, it was more likely due to something the man had decided about Kompf instead.

“That is fine sir, ” he said, his voice flowing out smooth like silk, it had a distinct accent to it, something that Professor Kompf couldn't place. Kompf looked over at the demon’s companion, she was a cute girl that only came up to the demon’s chest, her skin was tanned, marked by blue markings that covered every inch of her exposed skin, her silver hair and wolf ears contrasting with her dark skin and blue eyes made her to be a striking figure. The robes that were on her seemed to be arranged haphazardly on her frame, barely covering parts that normally would have never seen the light of day. Kompf took her in and realized quickly that she was more than just some eye candy, she was dangerously intelligent if those eyes were anything to judge by. She had gone completely still, not a single muscle moving, but every fiber in her body tensed.


Like a predator watching prey.

These two were not normal, of this professor Kompf was sure. “Have a nice day,” he said and pulling the wolf girl along with him he turned and left, leaving professor Kompf to wipe the sweat that had suddenly accumulated on his forehead.

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