《I Think My Familiar is a DemonLord》Volume 2 Ch 3: Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned...


Lira looked at Leon, she stared deep into his red eyes and asked him for the third time this morning. “Why exactly am I strengthening the barriers?” when he didn't answer she moved to a different lane of questioning, one that was in her mind undoubtedly connected. “Why were a set of your new robes damaged?” she narrowed her golden eyes,”Almost like you were in a fight?” she asked softly, her hands moving in ever-shifting complex patterns as she wove a stronger protection onto their property.

Even under her suspicious gaze, he refused to answer, it made her wonder if this was more out of pride than anything else, maybe he had burned the robes himself and didn't want to say…


Leon wouldn’t be that careless.

Had it been anyone else, and that might have been the answer, but she knew him, knew him too well to think that was the reason, that was not how he worked. Fine, he might be able to hold out against one upset woman’s stare, but unfortunately for him, she had behind her two other women that could glare along with her.

And hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Almost as if they were communicating telepathically both Krya and Fluffy entered the room, and they lay into Leon burning him with their gaze. It didn't take long for him to cave, just a little. A small crack in his near-impenetrable facade. “There might have been someone spying on us.” he finally growled, caving to the three of them...

“Spying?” Krya asked.

“Yes, I found him high in a tree looking over the wall, observing.”

“And? What did he look like?” Fluffy asked, this onslaught of questioning pleased Lira, the three of them were working together like a perfect organism, slicing right through Leon’s pride to get to the meat of the story.


“It was dark, and he was using some sort of concealment magic.”

“Did he look like an animal or was he more incorporeal?” Frya asked, picking up the torch that had been handed to her.

“He was like smoke and shadow, and he moved like such,” Leon answered. “I was unable to get ahold of him, however, it would seem as though flames can still burn shadows.”

“So he or she, could you tell it was a male?” Lira asked, when Leon shook his head she continued with her line of questioning. “So he or she was at least an advance mage, seeing as they were tapped into the shadowverse.”

“Shadowverse?” Both Leon and Fluffy looked at Lira confused.

“It is the fourth element, or so some people call it, personally I believe it is simply the lack of light.” She responded to their questioning gazes.

“It is a magic type that allows you to as you saw Leon conceal yourself, and at higher levels move like smoke and shadows,” Krya said, filling in the spots that Lira had left out. “So no discernable features then?”

“Well, they will have a burn mark on the left side of there face now” Leon offered with a shrug.

“You do know we have magic to fix scarring and burns right?” Krya asked.

“Not my flames you don’t,” he said confidently.

“Whatever,” Lira said with a sigh, “We have to go, classes will be starting soon, Leon go get changed, and you fluffy.” she looked over at the naked wolf girl, complete with her tanned skin, white hair and blue body markings. “Get some damn clothes on will you?”

“Awwwwww, do I have to?” the wolf girl asked, her pointed ears flopping to one side and her previously wagging tail coming to rest limply in between her legs.


“For the last time yes!” Lira shouted and pointed out of the room, she watched as a despondent wolf familiar walked out tail firmly between her legs and feet dragging. Honestly. She shook her head and got back to work on strengthening the barriers, if Leon was right, and honestly speaking he usually was then they would need all the defenses they could get…

It took about thirty minutes to get everyone in order and ready to go standing in front of the teleportation gate, it was a nice device that the Headmistress had set up for them so they could come and go as they pleased, other students were also offered this, but seeing as most of them had no need it was only typically used to go back home quickly in the case of emergencies or on breaks.

“So, what are the classes today?” Leon asked, and both Lira and Krya shot him a look, and after a second or two Fluffy followed suit, though she really didn't know why they were all glaring at Leon, all she knew is that the girls had to stick together, how else would they be able to handle Leon?

“So basically what you are saying is you have not been listening to me at all?” Lira asked, sighing, as she rested her head in her hands. “Today we do not have any classes, it is a half day, intended for orientation of the lower grades, letting them get to know their peers and classrooms, and a day that allows us older students the ability to select our classes,” she said, explaining it again to him.

“Ok, so you have options on what classes to take? That's nice, I guess I didn't show up until part of the year was through, so I didn't get to see you do that last year,” he said nodding.

“Last year I didn't do it, they only allow students of third-year students and up do it,” she explained, pricking her finger and drawing some blood she ran her hand over the smooth polished surface of a plaque to the side of the portal, it sprang to life, the mirrored surface greedily drinking up the red liquid like it was dying of thirst. “Also, we don't really have a choice on what classes we can take, simply the order and the teacher giving those classes, which is why I am upset with you two, by now most of the good spots will be taken.”

“Don't worry about it, so long as we are all in the same class it will be fine,” Frya said with a smile, and without waiting for the rest of them she stepped through the portal.

“She has really warmed up to you guys,” Fluffy said with a warm smile, she looked back at Leon and Lira, “You know she has never had any friends before you, you two are definitely the best thing that has ever happened to her,” she paused, her head flopping to the side, “Besides me of course,” she said with a playful laugh and wag of her tail, and following her master the Wolf familiar hopped through the portal. With a smile on both of their faces, Leon and Lira walked through as well at a leisurely pace.

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