《I Think My Familiar is a DemonLord》Chapter 32: Hunter becomes Hunted.


Leon stood not a foot away from the pulsating Lyruc orb. That strange sense of familiarity still radiated off of it. Wait, why was this orb blue? Didn't the one in the book show a white orb with golden runes?

“Headmistress,” he called out, and she walked over to him, “wasn't the Lyruc orb supposed to be white and gold? Not blue?” he asked looking at the orb.

”What do you mean? The orb is white and gold.” she said looking at Leon in confusion.

“No, it is clearly blue, with a light blue hue where the inscriptions are.” Professor Mitra looked at the orb, coming up to stand besides the headmistress.

“She is right it is white and gold.” Leon looked around, everyone else including Lira nodded in agreement.

“Lets just say for a moment that it is blue, what exactly would that mean?” he asked.

“Could be a Triltik orb,” professor Mitra said, with a shrug, “But those are even rarer, they were designed after the Lyric orb and their main function and purpose was to steal away familiars.” she narrowed her eyes at the orb, “I know of no way to disguise one however seeing as they irradiate a light blue color, and that could not be masked.”

“Let us think about this for a minute, the Triltik orb steals away followers, leaving the mage vulnerable, on top of that Lira was specifically chosen, add that to the fact that we have yet to be attacked and it is pretty clear that we are being watched and or followed.”

He let what he had just said sink in.

“Trap” fluffy said with a happy smile as she continued to rub her nose up against Leon’s neck.

Krya nodded in agreement, as did Lira.


“Well there is an easy way to find out,” Professor Mitra said, “Triltik orbs are fragile things, often breaking after use, unlike the Lyric orbs.”

“Good to know.” Leon said, and with a flash of his hand the flaming sword appeared and in one swift downward motion he hit the orb.

There was the soft sound of breaking glass, as a crack spread around the orb, followed by a loud explosion and blue flames, it slightly defend them all, but when they came to they were not expecting to see what they were currently seeing.

Surrounding them were no less than twenty almost identical plate armored knights.

“What-” Mitra started, but before she could Leon held up his hand to silence her.

“Lira, can you cast a shield and have it move with us?” he whispered looking at her.

“I can,” she nodded.

“This is a most unfortunate event.” called out an echoing voice.

“Indeed it would seem that the plan has failed.” hissed another. Three shadow like shapes appeared before them, fading in like ghosts or apparitions.

“Who are you?” Lira called out to them, Leon placed himself in front of her, and fluffy got down off of his back, giving a ferocious growl, hands in cased in gloves of ice.

“This would have been all so much easier had the familiar simply grabbed the orb, do you know how much time and money it to to put that there, and how many bribes I had to pass to make that orb appear like it had been there since the fall of this city?” the shadow sighed.

“It's fine, we'll just have to cut him from her the hard way.” replied the second.

“After all, we can't have him around when we ready you for ascension.”


“Ascension?” Lira asked, a frightened look in her eyes.

“Yes, my dear, believe it or not but we have only your best interests at heart, you are after all the Saint of light reborn.” the first replied to her. “Do you know who the saint of the light is?” he asked, before laughing “what silly question am I asking of course you d-” he started to say but his eyes were drawn away by something.

Fluffy created a jagged chunk of ice and threw it towards the man.

He threw up a grey mana shield, but the ice sliced right through it as it arced beautifully gleaming in the dim light of the room before sheathing itself in the man’s throat just above the black robe’s entrance. He fell to his knees, gurgling and clawing at his throat his throat.

Everyone in the room turned and looked at fluffy with a mixture of horror and fasination.

“You talk too much,” she said, before turning to Leon. “I got ‘em can I have a petting now?”

“You-You- how dare you!”

“Lira now!” he shouted. She nodded with an “Nn-”

She finished casting the spell, a golden dome shield appeared around them. It was honestly quite impressive, seeing as a shield of this type would never glow golden, the amount of skill it would require to make a shield like this was quite simply staggering.

She felt light headed and woozy for a second, but it passed quickly.

“Good, then I am going to get us out of here, but I will need to stay right behind me .” She nodded again, and a faint red glow could be seen in his eyes.

“Let’s go.” He said pulling the sword flame sword from out of thin air, he however didn’t remove his hand from hers as he pulled her to the door.

The black robed mages vanished into smoke retreating as quickly as they had came, and the knights let loose a barrage of arrows and bolts.

“But the arrows!” Mitra cried in alarm, without waiting to answer her rushed forward. Four bolts flew towards them and Mitra closed her eyes, waiting to feel the pain from those bolts, but it never came. Opening her eyes she watched as an endless barrage of arrows approached them only to be disintegrated as they neared Lira’s shield. “Ehh?!” she cried, to be able to block that many arrows…

Leon pulled Lira along with him as he rushed the archers.

“Fall back!” came the shout of the commander; he stood behind the archers commanding the troops.Krya aimed her staff at him, and with a mutter of words he exploded into a mess of black red and green goo that covered the surrounding men in a sickening display.

With the commander dead the men fell into disarray, they had found that there arrows could not touch Leon or his group and once there commander fell over half left the battlefield fleeing for their lives from them.

The hunter becomes the hunted.

Leaping into their ranks pulling Lira along behind him Leon made short work of anyone that got in his way, cutting through their plate armor like it was nonexistent with his flamesword. The smell of blood and the screams of dying men echoed through the old city.

Covered in blood and with flame in his eyes and his right hand he hunted the poor men down. In this moment it was hard to believe that he was anything less than a Demonlord.

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