《I Think My Familiar is a DemonLord》Chapter 27: A Kiss...


The horse that was carrying them came to a halt as Leon pulled on the reigns. The headmistress looked back at the two of them and was about to ask what he was stopping for when he waved them on.

“We will just be a minute, go on.” he said making a waving motion with his hands.

“We shouldn't get separated.” she responded back.

“I want to say this tactfully without embarrassing people, so please, go on for just a minute.” he said.

She looked at him, and nodded, coming to some sort of conclusion of her own. “Do not take to long we will be just around the bend in the road.” he nodded in acknowledgement and sat there waiting for the to get out of sight.

“Leon why did we stop?” Lira asked, arching her back and looking at him over her shoulder.

“You will see.” he responded. “Here fluffy!” he called out, and whistled.

“Fluffy is not here he would be back at the school wi-” she started to say, but she fell quiet when there was a racket in the bushes to the right of them.

“No, stay you're going to give us away...” she could faintly hear a whisper from those bushes.

No way right?

Leon smiled, and called out to the massive wolf that was apparently hiding in the bushes. “Here fluffy!” the massive wolf bounded out of the bushes, dragging along a disgruntled Krya, you had ahold of the beast by its tail in an attempt to hold it in place.

“I told you to stay, whose familiar are you again?” she sighed as she lay there on the ground, covered in branches and grass. The massive wolf whimpered, hanging its head in shame, a shame that disappeared very quickly when Leon started to rub it under its chin.


“What are you doing here?” Lira asked looking at the only friend besides leon she had ever had.


“Nothing?” Krya crossed her arms and puffed out her cheeks looking away from the two of them.

“Krya...” Leon said, pausing in his petting of the wolf to look down at her. He had a stern look on his face.

She looked up at him, and collapsed, she didn't know why, but everytime he spoke to her she felt the need, the urge to get recognition from him, to do what he asked in the hopes that he would look on her favorably.

Was she falling in love?

Even if she was there was nothing for it, she had already given her word to Lira not to get in the way.

And she was a woman of her word.

“I just, I didn't want to be left behind, there is nothing there for me at that school, it is no different than the last school, the only difference is the two of you...”

“There is a reason we left you behind, where we are going...”

“I can take care of myself!” she yelled back at him.

Can't you see that?

Or am I just dead weight to you?

A third wheel?

“I know you can take care of yourself, but where we are going I might need to chose, I might not be able to save or protect everyone.” he looked at the girl in the dirt, she had grass in her hair and she refused to look the two of them in the eyes.

Lira looked at her and understood, she knew that feeling, the loneliness, it had been ever present since she could remember.

Her constant companion.

Until she had met Leon.


Yes, she looked over at Leon, he had cured her of the loneliness. She looked at Krya again, her heart became conflicted. She never would allow someone to take him from her, he was hers, but this was Kray, her best friend. And she was someone who very much understood how she felt right now, it was almost like she could read the girls conflicted thoughts.

With a sigh she came to a conclusion.

“Get down leon,” she whispered, he looked at her in confusion. “Get off the horse.” he did as was asked and helped her out of the saddle. She walked over to krya and kneeled in front of her. “Krya,” the other girl looked away from her. “Krya...” she said again, grabbing the girl under the chin and turning her to look at her face.

Krya opened her mouth to ask what Lira wanted, but before she could get any words out Lira leaned in and pressed her lips against Krya’s.

Leon raised an eyebrow as he saw what Lira was doing, but made no comment, a smirk growing on his lips.

Her tongue explored the inner parts of Krya’s mouth, she ran it over the teeth, behind the lip and anywhere she could reach. Krya struggled slightly at first, but soon gave into the soft sensation of Lira’s lips.

Krya’s mouth was softer than Leon’s, more tender, it didn't have the same taste. But it was also pleasant, in a different sort of way…

Krya’s eyes slowly closed as Lira ran her fingers through her hair, pulling her in tighter as she rubbed her tongue across Krya’s. it took almost a minute before either of them came up for air, and a thin strand of saliva bridged their lips for a split second.

Krya sat there dazed, a hazy look in her eyes. Lira put her lips by her ear and whispered to her softly. “You are no third wheel, anytime you want to join in you can, I know how you feel, that was how I felt before, I am willing to share with you. Just keep in mind that no matter what happens he is mine, and if you try to take him away from me, things will get ugly.”

She pulled back and looked Krya in the eyes, hands on either side of her head. “Are we clear?” Krya glanced at Leon and nodded slowly. “Good.” Lira said with a satisfied nod to herself.

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