《I Think My Familiar is a DemonLord》Chapter 16: His, now and forever


“Well then fluffy it looks like it is up to us.” Leon said, he and Krya’s wolf looked over the two girls currently asleep on the ground. After the fight and the wolf’s resurrection they had both passed out in exhaustion.

Leon scratched the massive wolf under the chin, it lowered its head leaning deeper into this scratching hand and half closed its eyes in pleasure. With a smile he brought his other hand up and scratched it even more vigorously.

After about a minute of petting he pulled his hands away, much to the massive wolf’s displeasure. “Wooo,wooo, woooooo.” it made a sound halfway between a cry and a bark as he pulled his hands away and looked at him with sorrowful eyes.

“Come on, we don't have time for that, let's get them back to camp.” he picked up Krya first and slung her over the wolf’s back. Then he shouldered Lira himself. “Alright fluffy, ill let you take her back first.” the wolf looked at him with a curious look in its eyes and its head cocked to the side. “We will be fine fluffy, go, we will get there on our own, we have to go to different camps remember?”

The wolf made a short sound, before licking Leon on the face and turning around and bounding off. He smiled, and repositioning Lira on his back he set off on the way back to camp.

The sun rose over the ridge revealing the figure of a man, carrying a sleeping girl on his back as he walked down the road. He moved with ease as each step caused her robes to sway in rhythm with his walking. Making a yawning sound she slowly woke up, and realizing that he had carried her all night she felt a warm feeling in her chest.

A slight blush crept onto her face.

“Umm, I’m awake, can you let me down please?” she asked in a small embarrassed voice. Kneeling down Leon let her down off his back. “Have you been walking all night?” she asked.

“About thirty miles or so.” He nodded. She looked at him with a slightly worried expression on her face. “Don’t worry about me,” he laughed “Thirty miles is nothing for me, I’m fine” he reached out his hand and patted her head, she narrowed her eyes with a contented expression on her face.

“So where are we?” she asked, looking around at the unfamiliar surroundings, the woods had long receded into the distance and they were currently on a road crossing a grassy plain dotted with wild flowers. The dirt and gravel road that they were on meandered into the distance weaving its way through the rolling hills farther than her eyes could see.

“About ten or fifteen miles away from the camp.” he said looking at her, then back on the road, and starting down the path.

She stretched herself out and quickly trotted to keep up with him. She watched him walking for several hours as they walked. She told herself it was because there was nothing else to look at out here. Honestly thought she was staring at him so she could unravel her feelings about this man.

Whenever she was close to him she felt so safe and happy, and when she next to him she felt so happy, even as she had difficulty drawing in her breath.

Was she?

Was she in love?

If she was, then what should she do? Her mother had talked to her about it once, back before the sickness had gotten so bad she had trouble talking. She remembered the Dark cell like room that was her mother’s world. And the withering woman that had brought her into this world and loved her dearly with all she had.


“My little Lira, Don't be like me.” she weeped as she held onto the small girl and hugged her with all of her strength. Lira remembered her mother’s feeble limbs as they wrapped around her, holding her daughter close as she spoke.

“Don’t be like me little lira, if you find someone you love hold onto them, and no matter what, no matter what, don't ever let them go. Ever.” her mother smelled slightly of alcohol, and her eyes had the bloodshot look that accompanied her when she had been drinking.

She held her daughter at arm’s length and looked her in the eyes. “Do you hear me Lira? If you let him go he will leave you and you will be like me.” her red eyes were open wide with desperation. “And you will hate your life every day.”

“Lira?” she heard a voice call, and blinking she was back in the present, looking around she realised she had stopped moving and Leon was standing in front of her calling her name. “What is wrong?” he asked.

It was in that moment she made up her mind.

With a finger she beckoned to him, and as he leaned over she grabbed his face by either side and pressed her lips up against his. It was a quick motion and one that he had not expected, but to his credit he pulled her tight into the kiss after a split second of shock.

Her tongue explored the inner parts of his mouth, she ran it over the teeth, behind the lip and anywhere she could reach. Pulling away from him she blushed sweetly. “We- ah, we don't have to be back to the camp until tomorrow.” she said, not being able to look him in the eyes.

He smiled, he was not going to let an invitation like that pass.

Leaning over he picked her up princess style and carried her off the main road and back towards the soft rolling hills. Setting her down in the grass he leaned over her and planted a kiss on the exposed skin of her neck.

With quick hands he pulled her robe off and his as well. Using the outer garments as blankets he lay her down on the padding. She looked up at him, before looking away with a cute expression.

She knew what was next, she may have never even kissed a man before Leon, but she instinctively knew what was going to happen. With shaking hands she started to undo her clothing. It was not that she did not want to do this, it was simply the fear of a new experience.

Her hands were trembling so bad she couldn't get the buttons undone on her shirt, and with his surprisingly soft hand he wrapped both of her shaking hands up in a single firm grip. And with assured movements he slowly undid the buttons of her shirt.

When her chest was bared to the world she couldn't help it, she removed her hands from his grip and covered her chest.

“Why do you cover up?” he asked, there was a soft tenderness to his voice, and a slightly husky tone to how he was speaking.

“It is embarrassing” she mumbled her face turning bright red as she looked away from the familiar.

“Is that so?” He asked with a touch of mirth in his voice.

It would seem he had to be the one in charge.

“Yes but,” she started but gasped when he removed her skirt with one swift motion. “Wait, I just Wait!” she said in a startled voice, only to be silenced by a kiss from him. His tongue invaded her mouth, dancing and intertwining with her own.


There was something calming about that kiss, she stopped shaking once she felt his warm mouth press against her lips. He pulled away, and deftly removed her clothing, until she was fully naked infront of him.

“...aren't you going to take off yours?” she mumbled, crossing her legs in a subconscious attempt to hide from view her stark nakedness. “Its embarrassing if I am the only one...”

With a smile he pulled off the clothing he had been wearing, and her eyes went wide when she saw the weapon that was hidden underneath.

It was not the first time she had seen it, when he was summoned to this world he had been stark naked aswell, but now, it was larger, and standing upright.

There was no way. No possible way. It would never fit.

Contrary to her thought however he didn't skewer her just then, with a wolfish grin he put his head between her legs and moved closer, she gave off an shiver as the familiar’s breath brushed up against her lower lips.

With a practiced ease he spread her apart and began licking her in a place no one else’s mouth had ever come even close to nearing.

His tongue twisted as it slowly penetrated her, adding his saliva to other liquids that she was currently excreting. She looked down at him as he moved around inside her, there was a mixture of fillings she could not even begin to comprehend right now running through her mind.

The fear, the embarrassment, the pleasure.

And more.

“Ahhh! Ahh!” she cried out as she climaxed. Her back arched as the muscles spasmed throughout her entire body.

He pulled his head up from between her legs and started to crawl forward, licking everywhere as he ran his tongue from her lower area up to the belly button. He paused for a split second, his warm tongue slowly cleaning out the cavity in the middle of her stomach, before tracing a wet line slowly up to her breasts.

They were small, she was almost flat chested, but that just added to her appeal, he slowly licked every inch of her small mounds, making sure to pay special attention to the areolas and nipples, which he playfully rolled around in his mouth.

But even as his mouth toyed with her up above he did not leave out her lower lips. With his spare hand he slowly reached between her thighs and inserted his middle finger. Her eyes went wide as something reached in even deeper then his tongue had invaded her sacred place.

He pushed a second finger in and slowly spread her hole open, as it was she would be unable to accommodate him, so he needed to arrange her size. Hooking his fingers ever so slightly he rubbed against the slick walls of her vagina. And he spread her open by opening the gap between his fingers.

Between this and the toying around with her chest she climaxed again. As she did she wrapped her arms around his neck and held on for dear life. He smiled and slipped his fingers out of her and looked deeply at her current twitching form and vacant expression.

Yes he would need to be the one in control here.

She shivered slightly as the warm summer breeze ran past her bare skin. And as the birds chirped and the sun shone down on the world he moved to make her into a woman.

With a smile he spread her apart with his spear, slowly at first, as he inched deeper and deeper into her. As he went in she gasped in pain, and her hands reached up and were placed flat on his chest in an attempt to grab onto him.

Even in the haze of pleasure and pain she looked down.

Where was the blood?

She had always read that there would be blood, that that was the mark of a pure maiden.

“I am a virgin I swear!” she said, looking down in shock and horror at the lack of blood.

What if he didn't like her now?

What if he didn't believe her?

Did he think she was a whore? A harlot? A loose woman?

Tears started to well up in her eyes.

It wasn't supposed to be like this, there was supposed to be blood to show her purity. What must he think of her?

With a gentle hand he wiped away the tear that was forming in her eyes.

“There would only be blood if I didn't do my job properly.” he said with a gentle smile, his red eyes gleaming with a soft light. “Don’t worry,” he whispered softly as he leaned in and stole her lips away for another kiss

Pushing in slowly he quickly reached her limit, sadly he was only halfway inside her, but it was as far as she could accommodate so he didn't mind.

If he went any further she felt like her stomach might explode. Here he paused, allowing her to catch her breath, once she looked up at him again he started his movements, it started with a slow motion, but each time he entered her it felt like a bolt of energy ran up her spine.

The feeling of pleasure melted away all the previous pain and worries, as she lost herself in the moment.

With every time he pushed into her she made a soft moan, her eyes rolled back into her head and she found she could no longer think straight. Slowly his movements ramped up, until she felt like if he went any faster she would shatter into a million peices.

Much to her surprise however he stopped moving.

“Wha- wh-?” she panted out in confusion, even though it was her first time she felt like she wanted more, no she needed more.

With firm hands he picked her up off the ground and held her aloft, she wrapped her arms and legs around his thick torso to prevent herself from falling off as he stood up.

He felt like he was even deeper in her now, she didn't know how much more she could fit inside of her. Using only the strength in his arms he started to lift her up and down.

This feeling.

This feeling would be her undoing.

With aggressive motions he controlled how she rose and fell, as he impaled her each time she fell. The cool breeze blew past the two of them, but neither paid it any mind.

They continued on in this position for several minutes before he lay her back down on the floor and placed a hand around her neck. Holding her in place this way he rammed her with more aggression than previously, as he pushed as far into her as possible.

She felt him press up against the entrance of her womb each time, throwing itself against the wall of flesh like an seige engine against a gate, sooner or latter he would enter.

With a final thrust harder than any of the rest he plunged deep and came to rest as far as she could humanly allow. She felt him tremble, and not just his body. His member swelled in size before a torrent of warm flowed out of him and into her stomach.

“AHHHHHH!” she screamed and locked her legs around his back as she felt the warmth enter her and she for the countless time today climaxed.

He stay there, leaning over her one hand still on her throat. “You are mine.” he said in a low voice that almost resembled a growl.

She nodded, she was indeed his, now and forever.

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