《Ranger of the North》Prologue


Two ethereal figures drifted across the battlefield. It was an arid desert with spires and ridges of rock and stone. Few plants had survived the carnage.

The terrain bore traces of the pitched battle. Unnatural patterns carved into the earth. Some were shattered, blasted out sections, where mages had flung their magic. Craters in the ground from the heavy impacts of artillery. Fissures in space and mana storms littered the landscape.

They stopped in the shadow of a dying Colossus. The monstrous creature of stone laid on its side, its rib-like protrusions lay broken and cracked by a multitude of weapons. In its wake lay the bodies of their owners. Many were human, many were not. Their broken forms were a testament to the sacrifice required to kill the beast.

The beast still survived, if barely; its eyes were deep red embers set in a stone head the size of a man as if a fire was burning from deep within.

The taller of the figures spoke with a deep rumbling, a smoldering volcano given voice.

"This plane is lost, then?"

Its companion replied with a resonating whisper,

"Yes, but they have managed to halt the corruption. The survivors have been relocated."

"The fallen?"

"The Raven guides their souls into the great cycle in anticipation of the next Convergence."

The light from its eyes faded and a faint shadowy essence rose from its corpse. The figure raised its arm and drew the substance into its palm,

"This is disturbing, the corruption spreads swifter than expected. They grow stronger at a prodigious rate."

Clenching its fist, it crushed the wisp into dust while turning towards its companion.

"We cannot delay much longer, have our brethren agreed to my proposal?"

"It is perilous brother. We will be asleep, unable to assist directly."

A black rift in space opened in front of the figures. As the figures entered it, the tall shadow turned for one last look at the devastation,

"If all goes to plan, it should be enough. Seal the boundaries. It is time to tie our fates with our Children so we may all survive what is coming."

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