《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Arc 3, Chapter 121: Face Value


(Everyone, we have to turn back now!)

(Is it another patrol, Hachirou?)

(Umu. I can hear many sets of footsteps and there is the smell of decayed flesh. I-I think it’s the same group from before.)

(Ah drakes, they cut us off again. Quickly, back to the last room.)

Half an hour has passed since we set off to inform the main force. As feared, the cultists have become aware of our presence and are scouring the floor in small dispatches while cutting off paths with rows of undead. We have not yet left the quadrant, and as this chase continues, I feel we are being herded into unfamiliar territory.

We take shelter in one of the many doorless rooms, though to my concern, I can smell that someone else has passed through this area recently. Lili accepts my advice and blockades the entrance with a , although I’m sure she’s cast other magic alongside it. She gives a nod and Sen immediately raises his voice.

“Damn it, we won’t make it back before dawn at this rate! We have to take out that group of undead without alerting the patrols.”

“That won’t be possible. The moment we slay one, the necromancer will notice the dispelling of their sorcery,” explains Lili. “We could incapacitate them but it would be far more difficult than knocking out a living person. Do you have an idea, Minna?”

“We could dispose one group and trick them into believing we’ve broken through. However, that will only focus their forces into the next area. We need to find a different way to the exit.”

“I ain’t liking this, my jobbers. This is their turf, and even if Enbos mupped their labyrinth, the quadrants flow with no rhyme or reason. Threatening them for directions is a moot idea as well. Do we have anything else?”

“… You need a distraction,” murmurs Eric. “One person… to make them think we are in this quadrant… while the rest move on.”

“Yes, that could work. But who among us would…”

Minna’s voice trails off as both she and Sen look at Eric with horror-struck eyes. It takes the rest of us a while to realise the intent behind Eric’s words.

“You idiot, Eric. We didn’t come all this way to leave you to die!”

“It’s the only way, Sen… I’m keeping you back, slowing everyone down… Just put me in a corner with something to drum on.”

“We’re not having this discussion. Come on everybody, we’ll cull the undead then head into a different quadrant. It’s the only shot we-”

“I’m not worth it, Sen. I’m already broken… To be honest, before you two came here… I was just like the others. T-there’s no more future for me.”

“I’m not hearing another word.”

“*Sigh* Please Minna, help me talk some sense into him.”

“Come on, Minna. Help me out with this idiot.”



“H-he doesn’t have to be alone,” I intervene. “I can stay back and look after Eric while being the distraction. That way, we can stay mobile while the main group is unfettered.”

“… Yes, that could work, Hachirou,” says Minna. “But given your build, it would be difficult for you to carry Eric.”

“B-but with my senses, I can-”

“No kid, l should be the one looking after Eric.”

Unexpectedly, Sig steps up for the dangerous undertaking. He is uncharacteristically solemn as he looks at Eric before turning to the rest of the party.

“Hachirou’s talents would be far more useful for the path ahead, and far’s I can tell, you’ll do fine even without me. As for myself, I now know the joint and the number of patrols, so it’s no sweat off my back. I’ll have them jumping at shadows all night long.”


“Are you really up for it?”

“Come on, Sen. Have faith in me, my man. ‘Sides, I’m a good few-feet taller than Hachirou here.”

“Then what if you and Hachirou take Eric to the camp instead? Minna, Norf and I can stay and-”

“Sen, the best way to save Eric and everyone else is if we get back as quickly as possible,” reasons Minna.

“… Yes. Yes, you’re absolutely right. I’m sorry... Eric?”

“Sig, was it? No offence… but if my friends can make it out alive, I’ll accept your company.”

“Feeling’s mutual,” says Sig as he tosses Sen the communication emblem. “Lili, you still have that signal baton I passed you, yeah?”

“Yes, it’s right here.”

“Roc’ing, cause when I make my move, I’ll alert you through that. Now go.”

“… We’ll be back, you two,” declares Sen.

“Godspeed, my jobbers.”

“Good luck… you guys.”

The pair watches as everybody leaves the room and begin heading back to the quadrant exit. Although Eric lets out a small sigh of relief, there is an unmistakable loss of cheer in his eyes. Sig then walks over to Eric and carries him on his back.

(So… what’s your plan?)

(For starters, we better get away from the others and see where all those cultists are at. You flowing on my stream?)

(Yeah. Lead… the way.)

They travel a short distance before Sig suddenly turns off into another room. He quickly plops Eric on the floor before pressing his ear against the wall. After a while, he then turns to Eric with a platonic expression.

(Did you… already find the cultists?)

(Indeed, I have.)

(You don’t have to… worry about me. Leave me here while… you distract them. It doesn’t matter if they catch me.)



Without a single word, Sig slowly draws his rapier and approaches Eric. There is a moment of shock on Eric face, however it’s quickly replaced with resigned despair. Wordlessly, Sig then presses the blade against Eric’s throat.

Naturally, we weren’t going to stay quiet.



Minna’s rope wraps around Sig, while Norf’s sends his rapier flying out of his hand. Minna and Sen then pull the rope together, sending Sig spinning into the air. As expected of his rank, Sig still lands on his feet, however Lili casts over him as a makeshift prison.

“Ah, krakenpot. You guys stumbled in at a ba~d time.”

“What is the meaning of this!? Have you been Tascus’ dog all along?” roars Sen as Lili hastily covers the entrance.

“You got it all wrong, my man. I was trying to off the real changeling right there!”

“Huh? Eric? What makes you suspect him?” asks Minna.

“I know because those blasted cultists haven’t been searching for us: they’ve been tracking us! During our fox-and-hare game, I looped us around and the same patrol came strolling along. Someone’s been feeding them directions, and the only new cook is him!”

“You weasel… The only reason you’re… saying this now is because you’re caught! How dare… you say-”

“Please everybody, show calm!” I plead. “I think there’s been a major misunderstanding. Sig, could you explain why you had to act on your own?”

“*Sigh* It’s because I knew something like this would happen. Sen and the rest of you guys are too blinded to ever doubt that mimic in human skin. After the incident at the camp, it’s obvious the cultists have it out for Enbos. The “Kell” you told me about also knows about you guys, so it’s weirder they wouldn’t do anything to your pal at all.”


“Like… I said. I’m not a bloody cultist! If I were… I wouldn’t have offered to stay behind, now would I?”

“Not even the Lord would know what goes through your degenerate mind. You could be letting yourself get caught just so they have a convenient hostage to-”

“Okay, okay. I get what you’re both saying,” says Sen in an exasperated tone. “I guess it’s our fault we didn’t let anyone know.”

“Huh? What do you mean, Sen?” I ask.

“The truth is, Minna and I already confirmed Eric’s identity, with that.”

Sen points to the bracelet around Eric’s wrist. It’s the coming-of-age gift they returned after digging it out in Kasseus.

“Um, I’m sorry Sen and Minna, but could you elaborate? Is there something special about Eric’s bracelet?” I ask.

“That’s the thing… it’s not mine.”


“It’s mine,” answers Sen, revealing Eric’s actual trinket from his right pocket. “Minna suggested I prepare this trick, and Eric instantly spotted the difference. If he really were a cultist, he would have nodded along and I would have beheaded him myself.”

“Still, you guys, those patrols have been shadowing every move we make. They must have done something to-”

“Lili already did a full body search, Sig,” says Minna. “There were no magical enchantments or false flesh. They must be tracing us by some other means. Still, that shouldn’t be enough to condemn him to death.”

“… *Sigh* Yeah, you’re right. I know it doesn’t excuse me, but I guess all this tension really did get to me. Lili, could you drop the ?”



Lili doesn’t immediately respond. Instead, she is using a stick of graphite to draw runes around Sig. Far from lifting the spell, it seems as if she’s reinforcing it.

“Um, Lili? Do you mind explaining what you are doing?” asks Sen.

“… Does everybody recall Brother Mavel’s last transmission before we lost all contact?” Lili suddenly says.

“I believe it was, “Mr Burner’s cloak is being washed.” Right?”

“Yes, Minna. At the time, we thought the cultists had interfered with the transmission, but we were wrong. It’s a hidden message from Maximillian. He was referencing a case where he once exposed a former cultist based on their laundry.”

“An interesting story, sure, but why does that mean I have to stay in a bubble?”

“Because, Sig, the name of the culprit was Mr Turner, not Burner. The only reason he would bother to use a riddle on a secure line, misspelling his name with a “B”… is if he suspects the intentions of the “B” rank adventurer leading our group.”

I can feel my fur quiver from the revelation. Once again, the atmosphere takes a turn for the worse as we all stare at Sig with tense expressions. Our weapons are drawn, but with Sig at our complete mercy, the weight of Lili’s revelation becomes all the heavier.

“Lads and lasses, c-could you not look at me like a swarm of basilisks? I know it looks re~ally bad after I just tried to off your pal, but I’m clean. Honest.”

“I-is it possible we were too quick to judge, Lili?

“Maybe, Hachirou, but at the very least, he is not one of Maximillian’s men and he clearly has other intentions. This is the only chance we can ask him.”

“Wait, what are you talking about, Lili?” asks Minna. “You were the one who told us to turn around, but did you suspect something about Sig all along?”

“W-well, yes,” I reply. “Enbos was never comfortable with Sig’s presence. Although he helped us attend the Primera Carro, the holy knights were quick to trace our locations after we left the inn. The knight that tried to tail Enbos was the same one who was watching our cell. Moreover, Sig managed to convince Sir Mavel to let us find the hostages. Honestly, we both thought he was working with the priory, but…”

“But now that Maximillian has confirmed he isn’t one of their own, I fear it means only one thing.”

“By the spirits. A double agent,” breathes Sen.

“Or so it would seem, but we must be sure. Sig, who are you, truly?” questions Lili.

“… I know it’s going to sound like krakenpot, but I ain’t no cultist. I’m simply Sig the Fencer.”

“But you’re not denying your suspicious behaviour either,” says Minna, joining in the questioning. “For all we know, the cultists could have paid you off to help them.”

“Help them? My jobber, if that were true, I would have walked you all into a locked room lo~ng ago.”

“Then what are you really here for? If not Maximillian not Tascus, then who are you-”

“I’m working for nobody, my jobbers. Well, technically we’re all working for Maximillian, but you get the point. Come on, you guys, you’ve got to cool your heads and trust me. The inquisitor has clearly got it all wrong.”

No, it’s impossible Sig has been acting without ulterior intentions. However, it’s also true that if he wished to kill or capture us, he could have arranged an ambush at the prisoner quarters. The odds are still against him, but even if it’s “likely” he’s a cultist collaborator… should we really seal his fate on possibility alone?

“… We should leave him here,” says Sen.

“Wait, are you serious, my man? If those cultists find me, I’ll be as good as draked.”

“And if we bring you along, and you’re lying, we’ll all be “draked”. Lili’s magic won’t last forever. If you’re a cultist, you’ll no longer know our bearing, and if you’re not… then at least you have a chance to survive. On your own.”

“Damn, this is mupped! I can tell you’re still angry but you’re only making things worse. With Eric there in poor shape, you need all the help you can get.”

“No Sig. I need all the trust I can get, and you’ve just lost ours. Does anyone disagree?”

Nobody says a word as Norf collects his arrow and Minna coils her rope. Although Lili appears hesitant, Sig is looking straight at me, hoping for my understanding. I honestly don’t know who is right. If Enbos were here, he would conjure some ingenious test, but I lack his creativity. A-at the very least, I think I should ask Lili to shorten the duration of her spell.

However, as I’m about to turn away, Sig’s eyes suddenly widen in shock… and I turn to find a cultist standing outside the sealed entrance.

“Everybody, take cover!”


The cultist fires an explosive spell that dispels Lili’s barrier. Although I brace against the shockwave, I can barely hear a thing after that excruciating sound. As the world tilts around me, six cloaked figures enter the room and engage everybody in melee. Sen and company appear disorientated from the enclosed blast, but none more so than me. I can barely remain steady as one of the figures approaches.


The cultist immediately jumps back, but by my third ‘claw’, I lose balance and brace against my katana. My left ear is in pain and my head is still in disarray. I’m in no condition to fight upright. Instead, I stay low and scurry on three limbs to avoid the cultist’s war axe. Unused to my physique or my movements, his attacks are limited to vertical swings. However, as I sidestep his attack and aim for his heel…



… I’m blown back by their mage’s spell, and collide against Sig’s prison. I stagger to my feet, but I’m immediately forced onto my knees as I block an overhead . The axe is pressing against my shoulder, the pain clearing up my head. Everybody is too busy with their own battles and Sig is hammering against the barrier.

D-did I come all this way… just to become a burden on Enbos?

No, I can’t lose focus. I have to keep regulating my spiritual energy and-

“… take it smooth and look outside the well.”


“Thank you, my jobber.”

In a flash, the cultist’s neck erupts in a spray of blood as his body slumps to the side. The surprised mage is about to cast a spell, when suddenly, a bloodied knife flies through his throat. The rest of the cultists appear caught off guard as the freed man picks up his rapier and enters the fray.

“Sig! How did you-”

“No time to patter, Sen. !”

Whatever their capabilities may be, they clearly can’t handle a B rank adventurer. I breathe a sigh of relief as Sig singlehandedly corners them with a flurry of sharp thrusts. The battle is quickly over as Norf hits one with an arrow, Minna trips another for Sen to finish off, and Sig cuts down the remaining two. Lili runs over to me and applies healing magic, restoring my sense of hearing.

However, the tension in the air is yet to be lifted as Sen points his spear toward Sig.

“Heavens, you’re a tough crowd. Was saving you guys not enough to prove myself?”

“Only if you weren’t waiting for the most dramatic moment to jump in!” snaps Sen. “Clearly, you could have broken out at any point and-”

“I was the one who let him out.”

“-yet you feigned… Huh? H-hachirou?”

“Umu. When I was brought to my knees, I used my tail to erase Lili’s enchantment,” I say as I pull away from Lili to stagger to Sig’s side. “I know his actions bear another intention, but I truly believe he means us no harm.”

“But we can’t be sure of that, Hachirou!” says Minna. “For all we know, he could be from another cultist faction.”

“That doesn’t mean he is antagonistic. That doesn’t mean we should cast him out, just to have some sense of certainty! W-we’d be no better than all the people who persecute Enbos, unable to see past his fierce visage. I know Sig won’t explain himself, but please everyone, give him another chance.”


I never intended to sound so offended. Even Sig appears stunned by how far I’m willing to defend his name. Am I so sure he has no ill intentions whatsoever? No, that’s not right…

“H-honestly, everyone… I’m tired. I’m tired of seeing us trying to assume the worst in each other. E-even among our usual company, Enbos was willing to suspect any one of us.”

“Huh? D-did he really?” exclaims Sen.

“Regrettably, yes,” confirms Lili.

“Well, I guess that does sound like him,” sighs Minna.

“Umu. But in the end, he still placed his faith in us and told us where to find Eric. Y-you may not have the same faith in him as me, but please… believe in the me that believes in him!”

“… Come again?”

“Ah, I’m sorry. M-my father used to say something similar. W-what I mean is-”

“*Sigh* No, we get it, Hachirou,” says Sen as he slowly lowers his spear. “He might just be another maverick like Enbos, after all.”

“I very much disagree, Sen, Hachirou,” says Minna. “Unlike Enbos, I can’t tell when he’s being sincere at all. Lili?”

“… If Hachirou trusts him in spite of everything, then that is enough for me. The holy knights have you marked, Sig, but we can help you out. I hope you will continue to cooperate with us.”

“Well, seeing how they’re trolling the only exit, and how both you and Hachirou are masters of disguise, I’d appreciate the assist.”

“This is beyond… naive,” murmurs Eric. “If we bring him, at the very least, we should… keep a close eye.”

“We will. All of us will,” says Minna before extending an open palm. “In the meantime, I want you to hand over your weapon. Agreed?”

“… Alright, I’m flowing,” agrees Sig as he tosses over his sheathed rapier. Norf promptly pats him down and confiscates a hunting knife from his side. “So, what’s the plan now?”

“Before that, we believe we should relocate, with haste,” urges Lili. “We just took out one of their patrols, and if they managed to send out a distress signal…”

“Right. Come on, everybody, let’s move. Norf, keep an eye on Sig.”

As Sen and Lili go to fetch Eric, and Minna keeps watch by the entrance, Sig is standing in front of me and Norf, his bow at the ready. Sig then scratches his head with a grimace on his face.

“Again, I have to thank you, Hachirou, but your sense of trust totally needs adjusting. I know your big secret, bushy tail and all. Really, I wouldn’t blame you if you thought I was better off offed.”

“No, Sig. I’ve seen your true essence. You would risk an inquisitor’s ire and delve into hostile territory, yet when I released you out of desperation… you did not abandon us.”

“Heh. Maybe I figured my chances were better in this flock.”

“Or maybe there is a greater meaning to our acquaintance after all.”

(Quiet, everybody) announces Minna. (I think I hear something.)

(Damn it. Is it another patrol?) asks Sen.

(I’m not sure. Can you make them out, Hachirou?)

(… There are a lot of distant echoes. It sounds like… they’re fighting?)

Although wary, our party is moving at a brisk pace. The sound of clashing blades and furious shouts are now unmistakable, and coming from just around the furthest corner. Indeed, I can identify the tell-tale scent of the death-mongering cultists, although I can’t tell what they are facing.

(Did the holy knights receive our transmission?)

(I don’t know, Hachirou, but if there is a battle, at least one of the participants has to be friendly) says Minna.

(We have to back them up. Weapons at the ready!) commands Sen.

(Say, do you mind-)

(Not a chance, Sig) says Sen as he and Lili lay Eric against the wall. (Norf, keep your arrow trained on him. The rest of us, let’s go.)

Lili casts as Sen, Minna and I peer around to find a hooded cultist with his back turned toward us. There are rows upon rows of undead in front of him, and although we can’t see what they are fighting, they are all preoccupied. Nodding to all of us, Sen creeps behind the necromancer with his spear raised for the killing thrust. However…


“Damn it!”

Sen’s makes contact with the magic barrier, which explodes and forces him back. Minna launches her weighted projectile, but one of the undead leaps in the way of her attack. It’s too late for me to charge in. The necromancer is already bringing around some of his minions, each adorned in iron plates.

“Ah, more heathens. Offer you bodies so that I may deal with the Forlor-”

“Like I’d let you.”

All of a sudden, a humanoid figure leaps out of the overlapping shadows and covers the cultist’s mouth from behind. A silver blade passes through his back and protrudes from the front in a bloody display. It would be ghastly if not for the disconcerting familiarity of it all, as the cultist and all his undead slump to the ground to reveal an unmistakable silhouette.


“It’s good to see you’re all okay,” he says as he flicks the blood off his sword, “although honestly, if I knew you were going to take this long, I wouldn’t have told you about the prison and solved everything myself. Where the hell are the holy knights?”

“They’ve headed back to camp to-”

However, as I’m about to step closer, Minna puts her hand in front of me and looks at Enbos with unblinking eyes. Enbos then nods his head slightly, understanding her sentiment.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Take off your mask,” tests Minna.

“No,” says Enbos bluntly. “I don’t think it’s come to that just yet.”

“… Relax, guys. It’s him,” says Sen. “He’s the only one who knows how to speak Hachirou’s language. Are you going to question us too?”

“Nah, no need. If both Hachirou and Lili are comfortable enough to reveal themselves, then I guess you’re all clear.”

“Ye~ah, about that. Minna actually- Ouch!”

“You can tell him later. What we want to know is: what happened?”

“I dealt with the undead, but I… lost consciousness after the battle. No, no, I’m fine,” says Enbos as a motivated Lili then remembers he’s disposition. “Anyway, I decided to isolate this quadrant and set about eliminating the cultists. I think this guy’s the last of them. All we need to do is find the nearest terminal then connect a path straight to the exit.”

“B-by the spirits, you really did do everything,” exclaims Sen.

“Not entirely… did you find your friend, Sen?”

“Over there.”

Following Sen around the corner, Enbos face-to-face with Eric who is resting against the wall. His gaze immediately drifts to his missing arm and leg as I quietly hear him crack his knuckle. However, Enbos can’t help but let out an involuntary “Eh?” upon seeing an unarmed Sig being threatened by an armed-and-ready Norf.

“Everything’s cool, my jobber. Rocs to see you again, Enbos.”

“Yeah, it rocs? Um, Hachirou, do you mind telling me what’s going on?”

“He is not one of Maximillian’s own, nor of Tascus’. Although I trust him, I-I can’t speak for the rest of our companions.”

“I see. And you? Are you Eric?”

“I… am. So, you’re the other one… Sen was talking about.”

“The feeling’s the same.”

“Sorry, for all… the trouble I’ve caused.”

“Don’t be, because in the end, Sen proved me wrong,” says Enbos, his smile hidden behind his mask. “But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We have to get back to camp first.”

“Yeah. Here Eric, let me carry you... No offence Enbos, but we best watch for stragglers,” suggests Sen.

“Okay, but what about the other prisoners? Don’t tell me Eric was the last one.”

“No, there are more, including children,” answers Lili. “H-however, their will is shattered. Unless Maximillian is successful in his undertaking, we’ll need the holy knights to forcefully remove them.”

“I see…”


“It’s nothing, Hachirou. Come on, follow me.”

We begin making our way down Enbos’ path of carnage, sidestepping the corpses along the way. Enbos is leading the way, but even from behind, we can tell something is amiss. Although as quiet and light-footed as always, he seems less vigilant and more… lost in thought? We look amongst ourselves with concern as Norf goes on ahead to tap Enbos on the shoulder.

“Hm? I’m fine, Norf. If there’s anything, we can discuss it once we get back to camp.”

“No, Enbos. You can discuss it now,” says Sen as we all come to a halt. “There’s something you need to tell us, isn’t there?”

“Like I said, it can wait. You all need to get to safety as soon as-”

“Please, Enbos,” says Lili, “we are no longer strangers. You don’t have to bear everything on your own.”

“Indeed, Lili. Worse, I have a fishy feeling you’re about to go off on your own again,” says Minna as Enbos looks away. “Something has gone wrong, hasn’t it? Now, tell us.”

“… I’m almost certain Maximillian is going to lose against Tascus. I’ve checked the terminal and his life signature is much weaker than his opponent’s. Once we evacuate the non-combatants, our only recourse is to destroy the gate.”

“O-oh my God. But then-”

“I know Lili, but it’s the only way to- No, it might even achieve that. It’s hard to believe Tascus hasn’t prepared a contingency. Even so, the moment we return with the prisoners’ whereabouts, there will be no more room for negotiation.”

“… I know what you’re thinking of, Enbos,” says Minna, “but there is nothing you can do. You know better than anyone that without the holy knights’ cooperation, Maximillian’s death is a foregone conclusion. You don’t have to feel responsible.”

“*Sigh* But that’s the thing, Minna… I finally know how to take Tascus down.”


“Y-you do?”

“Yes Sen, but…”


“… But to do so, I’m going to need your help. All of you.”

I see. So that’s why he appears so reluctant. It will be a perilous operation, I’m sure, and all to save an inquisitor trying to put him on death’s row. Enbos might still desire the core, and he’s undoubtedly convinced himself of such, but there is no mistaking his chivalrous spirit. However, the risk is no longer solely his to bear, and to Enbos’ despair, Sen is showing a slight grin.

“You don’t have to do this. None of you do.”

“You wouldn’t be bringing it up if you thought we didn’t stand a chance, Enbos. From then on, the responsibility’s on us, not you,” says Sen. “Besides, a story about a group of adventurers saving an inquisitor would make an epic song. What do you reckon, Minna?”

“Well, it would be one thing if Sen came up with the plan-”


“-but I’m at least willing to listen to yours, Enbos. I’m sure you thought this through, with all our wellbeing in mind.”

“That doesn’t mean I can’t be wrong.”

“But you feel that it’s right. Neither of us agree with Maximillian’s views, but we both know his intentions are pure,” says Lili. “To be honest, I’m relieved, Enbos… because I would have felt the same guilt if we had to leave him.”

“… Hachirou?”

“This is the first time you have trusted my abilities in their entirety. I won’t disappoint you, Enbos, now or from here on.”

I have grown over the past few days, but the one who has gained the most is not I, but Enbos. Something has changed him over the past few hours, and now, he’s finally found the heart to lean on all of us. This is no longer a battle for all of humanity, but also for Enbos’ own humanity.

“You guys… *Sigh* Alright, I’ll tell you the plan,” relents Enbos. “Hopefully, you will change your minds afterwards. But first, let’s move to a more secure location.”

“Erm, I don’t suppose you include me in your Tascus-slaying pack?”

“Honestly Sig, I have no idea what to do with you, but by the looks of things, you’re not with the New Dawn cult. Could you do us a favour and take Eric back in case we don’t-”

“Please… you all need to… reconsider. Y-you have no idea what of monster Tascus truly… is. O-only an army could-”

“Easy, Eric. Take nice, long breaths. We’ve all seen what that hierarch can do, firsthand, but if you know anything about Enbos…”

While Sen reassures Eric, we continue walking towards the terminal on the side of the corridor. Enbos walks ahead and begins inputting commands into the marble plaque. He then directs our attention to the wall on the left.

“I’ll open up a path over there. There are no life signatures and it will be completely disconnected from the rest of the building.”


“Erm, Hachirou? What’s with that look?”

“Can you blame him?” says Minna. “Last time you told us to go ahead, you one-sidedly conjured a wall between us before charging headlong into a deathmatch. Who’s to say you won’t do so again?”

“N-no, I won’t. Look, I’m really sorry about doing that to you guys. If you want, you can all stand next to me until I’m done with the terminal.”

“T-that wasn’t what I was thinking about, Enbos,” I explain. “It may be presumptuous of me to say, but I’m glad you-


Immediately, Enbos leaps out of the way just as an arrow embeds itself in the stone terminal. Sen, Minna and Lili are in complete shock as the assailant notches another shot. Although my blade is drawn, even I am at a loss before our close companion, now seething with killing intent.

“I-it can’t be-”


No, if the imposter is really him, then the real one is already… gone. Coming to the same realisation, small tears run down Sen’s appalled expression.

“H-how can this happen? Since when did you-”

“Get away from him, everybody!” shrieks Norf. “That’s not Enbos!”

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