《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Chapter 120: Aspect of Maleosis


Walls of stone. Blades of black. Arcane barriers. Tempered steel.

No matter what Tascus puts between me and his neck, everything yields before the power of the sun. No longer able to engage me in direct melee, he’s now resorted to ranged combat, manually detonating his before I can neutralise them. The residual shockwaves are not enough to faze me, however, and the control demanded of him has vastly reduced his firepower. I close the distance and strike again, but for the umpteenth time, he teleports to relative safety. His mana instantly replenishes but I know for a fact he can’t maintain his blessing forever.


Grasping the air around him, he compresses the elements into balls of compressed storms, held in shape by dark mana. Slashing the orbs with Horizon’s Edge would only result in massive shockwaves. He beings firing the air bombs in rapid succession as I weave between the pillars, each powerful to crack the ancient masonry. Tascus continues to conjure more projectiles while keeping his distance, until…

“… Hm!?”

All of a sudden, several of his explosive orbs trigger prematurely, stunning him with the close-range blasts. By drawing in so much wind, he failed to realise I had slipped holy mana into the air. From behind a stone column, I immediately blast through and thrust Horizon’s Edge at his unarmoured neck.



My glaive impales his protective shell, but not before buying the time needed to regain his bearings. He teleports away just as my weapon passes his head, leaving shockwaves in its wake. He reappears fifty paces away, when all of a sudden, a pure white flame erupts from his scratched shoulder. He immediately tears off his black silk robe before it reduces to ashes, revealing his full plate armour from seven years past.

“Hmm, the inherent weakness of still persists. I’m beginning to believe it’s not a design flaw but a deliberate compromise by Enbos, as if he had some other measure to counter piercing attacks. Truly curious indeed. Alas, I can only work within his framework, although it has been most insightful.”

“Hmph. Resorting to the magic of others… Do you not have anything else to counter Horizon’s Edge? Is there nothing else with all your borrowed strength?”

“My son, do you honestly believe I am intimidated by you? Although your development has been praiseworthy, you are still young. Your powers are beneath even mine when I was prior. Now, thanks to His divine grace, my abilities have been augmented several times over.”

“Don’t delude yourself, Tascus. Maleosis didn’t enhance your abilities: it replaced them,” I decry as I plant my weapon into the ground.

He can clearly see the magic frost I’m spreading on the ground, but he is in no position to look away.

“Life begins with nought but dirt to pave their own way. For those who find more than nought, their steps shall convey... God had blessed you with a holy affinity, Tascus. You were always meant to walk the path of the priory… but look at you now!”

I flick my weapon out of the ground and project a crescent of holy magic. He handily dodges, but my attack decimates the pillar behind him, raining dust and debris to obstruct his teleportation. I charge into the plume with a series of thrusts, reading his movements from his abominable mana.

“Your powers waned after leaving the Word, but instead of amending your ways, you continued to discard God’s gift for the most heinous of substitutes. “Caetus” would have used and to confront Horizon’s Edge, but as you are now, you are no longer capable of such feats. !”


He evades Horizon’s Edge, but instead of empowering my glaive, I accelerate my other arm to land a . The clean hit sends him skirting across the floor, but as I’m about to launch myself at him, he immediately teleports to the top of the room.

“,” he says as he unleashes a corrosive smog from his high perch.

Combined with his endless mana, it has become a wall of black fog that is creeping down the pillars. I calmly swing Horizon’s Edge at the miasma, and as soon as the edge makes contact, the cloud is purified in its entirety. However, I immediately notice the severe erosion on the remaining columns, right before they give way to the collapsing roof.

Hundreds of tonnes of masonry fall atop of me. I use some of my remaining mana to cast , resulting in an explosion of ice and stone. To avoid the log-sized shrapnel, Tascus immediately teleports to the furthest area… and right into my kill zone.


To Tascus’ surprise, he is nowhere near the walls. Instead, he is beside a massive sheet of magical ice, reflecting another part of the room. Like a bolt from a ballista, I burst out of my ice shell and cleave at him with Horizon’s Edge.

No more running. No more deceptions. His time of reckoning is now.



“… I-impossible. That cannot…”

“I will say it again, Maximillian. My abilities have been augmented.”

Horizon’s Edge, the priory’s greatest weapon, designed to smite all evil with a single touch. It seeks and destroys all traces of black magic, burning every circuit and every host until even the ashes are pure. Now it rests, on blighted armour… like a candlestick on pure mythril.

My abject horror, visible through my full-face helm, elicits a slow shaking of Tascus' head.

“My son, you gravely misunderstand Maleosis’ true nature,” he says as he grasps my weapon, by its brilliant edge. “He is the lord of all things. Life and death. Darkness… and otherwise.”

Huh? The colour of his mana…



With a burst of light, our two attacks meet and force each other back a dozen paces. My hand is left shaking from the blow, or rather, the realisation that his skill is genuine. More shocking, the two rings of mana behind his back are changing from black to grey… to purest white.

“This is-”

“My second blessing. The one bestowed to His most devout followers. I must apologise, Maximillian, because the truth is I have been using it all along. After all, how else could I cast such a dark shadow?”

“I-it can’t be. The ability to convert- No, this is a trick! There has to be some-”

“*Chuckle* Would you allow me to enlighten you, my son?”


I focus more mana into Horizon’s Edge and charge towards him with a flurry of swings. However, with his abundance of magical power, he reinforces his staff and begins deflecting attacks. There is no denying it. His mana is insulating him my blade’s effect, and it’s only possible because it’s holy in nature.

“At the advent of civilisation, long before the Golden Age, Maleosis graced Garea with His divine presence,” he lectures while parrying my blows. “Though mortal in form, He was the pinnacle of all life, with powers and understanding beyond all others. Indeed, by choosing a terrestrial form over the celestial being He is, Maleosis inspired His children to become more in His image. He became the first, and only, Wisdom King of Garea.”



Feigning a two-handed swing with Horizon’s Edge, I align my right hand to project a spear of light straight towards his mouth. However, he pre-empts my surprise attack and conjures a from below, snapping mine in half. He then swings the construct at me, but as I’m about to parry with my armoured arm, it suddenly becomes pitch-black. I’m barely able to brace myself before the blast sends me sliding back.

I can’t refute it. That wasn’t a holy-to-neutral-to-dark transition: it was a one-to-one conversion.

“… However, He was but one man, and His wisdom was vast. Death would eventually return Him to His holy domain,” he continues as his mana rings change to white. “While He could imprint His thoughts onto their minds, such would tarnish the beauty of free will, for a lesson learned is greater than a lesson remembered. .”

He swings his staff against the floor and projects an ever-expanding arc of light like a crushing wall. I use to part the wave, however, Tascus is no longer in front of me. From the back of my heel, I conjure a wall of ice just as Tascus is bringing down his weapon. Slowed by a split second, I evade his attack and touch my ice wall to conjure a dozen icicles. He teleports back and reappears in front of the stained-glass mural, his rings of mana suspiciously black once more.

“… So, He entrusted eight disciples with his teachings, each enlightened to an aspect of Him. In time, their teachings will spread from directions eight, then mingle and bloom with a single heart. That is what it truly means to be one of His Apostles: to each, our own paths are unique and profound, yet one day the stones we lay will converge. Can you guess what my aspect is?”

“Utter nonsense. I’ve studied your so called “Aspects of Maleosis”, and not a single one could grant the power to-”

“Heh… Hahahahaha! Honestly, my child, has the Path tamed you so? Do you truly believe “cultists” would identify with an “Aspect of Corruption” or an “Aspect of Lies”?”


“The Church’s fabrications have left you flat-footed, Maximillian. The Aspects of Maleosis represent the eight universal truths: Life, Death, Knowledge, Strength, Love, Fate, Darkness… and Light.”

Opening his arms, his “halos” turn white once more and illuminate our surroundings in a theatrical flourish. Although my can still sense Maleosis’ taint, the warmth of his mana fills me with sickly-sweet nausea.

“I am a beacon for all others to rally toward. Once my Ascension is complete, the divided shall be as one and a new Golden Age will be upon us. God shall see proof of our enlightenment, and grace this mortal plane for our next step on the Path to Eden. Indeed, with the light of Maleosis in my hand, I shall wash away the Church’s falsehoods and prove once and for all that He is our one true Lord!”

I have many conflicting thoughts, but I refuse to let them distract me. The only truths I need right now are: one – he still has all his abilities from his time as prior; and two – Horizon’s Edge is no longer an instant kill, with most of my mana now stuck in its reserves. He can convert holy mana to dark then back again, but he can’t use both simultaneously. Crucially, nothing he has said changes the fact he can’t sustain his first blessing, and based on our battle in the other room, it can’t be much longer. Once he is cut off from his mana source, he will have to test his faltering light against my God-blessed steel.



I summon a magic circle that rapidly fires a volley of armour-piercing icicles. They collide against his barrier and shatter into fine particles, creating a coat of white frost. My glaive then slices through his glazed barrier, only for Tascus to grab it by the blade again. However, I freeze over my weapon and trap his left hand as I wield a . He can’t switch to dark mana to teleport away, not without Horizon’s Edge taking off his frozen limb. Nevertheless, he’s still fending off dozens of close-range attacks in a deadly one-handed exchange.

Suddenly, he casts and receives one of my strikes, but in return, he thrusts his golden weapon straight into my side. I can feel my bones fracture, but I endure the blow and grab onto his staff to freeze as well.



Despite my best efforts, Tascus’ magic circle fires a concentrated blast of holy magic overhead, and with his obscene amounts of mana, it easily bypasses my barrier and breaks his icy shackles. I jump back before his can inflict serious damage, while Tascus strolls out of the beam of burning magic.

“What is wrong, my son? Do you have nothing else to counter my but ice?”

“I’m not done yet, Tascus. Horizon’s Edge still has light in its steel.”

“Alas, I cannot understand your confidence. As long as I am channelling holy magic, the destructive resonance of Horizon’s Edge will never affect me. Aside from its mana conductivity, it is little better than my own ceremonial staff.”

“Perhaps Tascus… but at least it doesn’t have a superfluous design that could fit an eyeball,” I say as I extend my arm then flick open my hand. “.”

From within the gilded skull on his staff, I activate the ice crystal I had hidden within. The ensuing explosion shatters Tascus’ weapon and catches him off-guard. As he staggers, I dash forward and swing Horizon’s Edge, forcing him to switch to dark mana and teleport to safety. I can’t reach him in time to stop his healing, but if I timed everything correctly…


Without any warning, Tascus almost falls over as he braces against his knee. As expected, the two rings of mana behind him disperse, and although he still has half his energy, he is clearly disorientated by the sudden withdrawal. With no time to lose, I dash to his left flank with my weapon raised.



… I almost dislocate my wrists as my overhead swing comes to an abrupt halt. My armoured gloves skid along the shaft, and yet I’m gripping hard enough for blood to seep from my nails. Horrified, I turn to find Horizon’s Edge seemingly frozen in mid-air.

H-how can that be? Dark mana can’t possibly attach itself to-

“ is not a dark-type sorcery, Maximillian,” says Tascus, reading my confusion. “You shouldn’t have let me touch Horizon’s Edge. Twice.”

Touch…? He injected his own holy mana into its reserves! I have to-


Instead of controlling my weapon, Tascus forcibly discharges the accumulated mana all at one. The resulting magical explosion knocks me off my feet, pushing me to the edge of unconsciousness. To my own amazement, I’m still holding onto Horizon’s Edge once I regain my senses, although its blade has returned to a bronze sheen. With my caved-in armour restricting my breathing, I tear off my cuirass and my helmet, and cough out mouthfuls of blood before casting .

“*Cough, cough* .”

Those words were not my own. I look up to find Tascus is weaker than before. Although I took the brunt of the blast, he’s still recoiling from his . As we steady our breathing, we look to each other and come to the same mind.

“[O mighty Lord residing in heaven…]”

“[O mighty Maleosis watching from yonder…]”

“[… I stand in the abyss and bear your standard.]”

“[In darkness, I feel your light guide me…]”

“[… and through me, you shine for others to see.]”

“[Let the heathen find dread…]”

“[Let your warmth be spread…]”

“… your everlasting luminosity. ”


Failing to cast first, our spells clash in a test of might and faith, bathing the hall in opposing lights. Neither of us are in peak condition. Both of us are pouring everything we have into our attacks. I have to finish him now before his returns. O righteous Lord, please… watch over-


His overwhelms my own and blasts me a dozen feet away. I’m left staring at the ceiling as the luminescence of our magic particles fade away. My attack managed to negate much of the impact, and yet I feel… numb. I struggle to my feet and stare at my unsteady hand, before suddenly noticing Tascus’ footsteps. He stops and stares at me from a distance as I assume an aggressive stance.

“… You’ve accepted it, haven’t you?”

“*Spit* Nonsense. I-”

“Even if you deny it with words, your magic betrays the state of your heart. Our attacks were equal in intensity, and yet you still lost the exchange. So, if a difference in mana wasn’t the deciding factor, it could only have been a difference in faith. Either God was truly on my side… or your conviction has started to falter.”


“You have lost, Sir Iudico. You are lost, Maximillian. But now you know there is more to your Path than the Church’s decree. Please don’t throw away your life before you find your way.”

“You will not turn me, Tascus. Least of all at the tip of a sword.”

“I’m not offering you life, my son: I’m offering you purpose. If your heart was truly as set as you say, we wouldn’t be having this dialogue. For I am Maleosis’ champion. I do not dither. I do not doubt. I can show you a clearer Path, or I can add your bones to its foundation. After all, compared with creating an Eden for all, anything else is inconsequential.”

Tascus reactivates his while I am languishing on my feet. Although I still think him mad, his words have left incisions on my faith, far worse than the fractures on my bones and the burns on my skin.

I can’t kill him. Horizon’s Edge has lost all its lustre and my skills are no match for his, with or without his blessing. I do not mind throwing away my life, but I can see no other outcome than a pointless death. The most I can inflict is a single, fleeting wound.

… No, there is still one thing I can do. If I strip the mana from all my magical armaments and redirect them into Horizon’s Edge, it will be enough for a single, powerful attack with the width of branch. And if Tascus doesn’t stop me… I can pierce these stone walls and reach the barrier holding this “pocket dimension” together. Being made of dark mana, Horizon’s Edge will take effect and unravel this entire domain, crushing everything in an instant. Although I’ve already ordered Brother Evans to destroy the gate if I fail, for an opponent as familiar and meticulous as Tascus, I can’t leave it to him. For the sake of a clearer path, I need to take everybody down with-

“… We may never walk side-by-side… but I know that one day the stones we lay will converge.”

… No, not even for her. I have to… destroy the…

“… God doesn’t need a weapon like you. I may not be a believer, but I’ve seen tortured husks regain their hearts. Panicked crowds rally in force. Doomed men find hope in the most desperate of situations. I’ve seen firsthand the very best that the Word of Eden has to offer… and none of it requires swinging a sword…”

“… I may never understand, but we are all followers of the Word, and in our own ways, we are all working towards an Eden for all.”

“… Thank you, Lili. Indeed, we walk different paths, and I know that you will eventually lead the Ascleson territory to greater prosperity. A great realm that will draw thousands from across Garea. A place where any pure soul can live together in harmony.”

“… Again, you’re resorting to flattery, brother.”

“But I’m not. If it’s you, I’m sure you will one day govern the steps of Eden...”

“Have you come to a decision, my son?”

“… .”

Extracting the mana from all my artefacts, I redirect them into Horizon’s Edge and trace a circle on the ground. The ring of mana expands in all directions, coating everything in a twenty-foot radius in a layer of whitest frost. Tascus levitates to avoid the encroaching ice, and while he appears disappointed, he is also puzzled by my skill. I then stand upright, with both hands on my weapon, as a faint mist envelopes my body.

“A serenade?”

“Don’t expect me to sing for a man.”

“… Heh, how true. Although regrettable, I can see the resolve in your eyes, Maximillian. I will respect your decision. .”

Tascus throws a single spell to test my defences, and with a wave of my weapon, the white dust on the ground drifts up between us. Although little more than flecks of sparkling ice… his instantly freezes over and disintegrates into a puff of mist. Piking his curiosity, Tascus escalates his efforts and fires a dozen at once. Again, they scatter without a single sound.


Testing with dark magic, he fires a barrage of destructive spears. With practised movements, I continue stirring the settled frost to guide a stream of crystalline dust. Everything crumbles before the white veil, and to Tascus’ alarm, he finally realises his magical attacks are only adding to the forming blizzard.

“. .”

Soaring towards me at high speed, he evades the freezing gales and attempts to engage in direct melee. As trap him in a translucent whirlwind, he suddenly switches to dark mana and teleports right behind me. However, I continue my measured movements even as his approaches my head.


He immediately withdraws before his whole body is afflicted with frostbite. As I turn around, Tascus quickly evades the oncoming mist and teleports out of the frozen circle. The white cloud stops at the twenty-foot boundary, and realising this, he uses to throw the surrounding masonry in a destructive volley.

Once again, the white veil envelopes the projectiles and shatters them to dust, but as the debris piles on, the pieces begin rearranging themselves. He stops and stares at the winter scenery before him as grass-shaped blades form and the frozen rubble reassemble into a protective thicket. As I settle my movements, he hovers over to the edge of the icy grove.

“I see. Although you’ve absorbed significant amounts of my mana, it doesn’t extend the range of your skill at all. Your sphere of control is like those glass toys from the north. And your movements… are you practising your spearplay? No, that’s not right. Although you use the priory’s techniques, it almost resembles… a dance?”

“What? Do you have something to say about that as well?”

“Why did you make this skill, Maximillian? The power is there, so it took no small amount of effort, but the purpose… it’s almost entirely defensive in design. No, it’s too redundant in areas for even that. Is this truly your final show as Prior of the Cleansing Swords?”

“No, Tascus. It was never intended for you, but it is the embodiment of my faith in the Path. Because even if you “ascend”, even if you wield the might of ages past… I know a far more powerful force that will guide everybody to the steps of Eden.”

“… You have changed, Maximillian.”

“Heh, I suppose I have. Regardless, what is a prior without a priory?”


A magic circle appears beneath Tascus and erupts in a golden flare. Tascus is unfazed, however our attentions are now drawn to the lady at the entrance. The one and only scribe of the Cleansing Swords…


“Agnes Gregoria,” says Tascus.

Nessa seems to give pause to the sound of his voice, however, Tascus has no such qualms as he conjures a in his hand.

“Lieutenant, to mana signature, now!”


She casts the spell just as Tascus’ attack leaves a crater at her last position. She reappears right beside me and I immediately cover her in a protective veil.

“Stay close if you don’t want to freeze to death. Now, update.”

“Our brothers were victorious, but we had to split up to navigate the large space. I’ve already sent the signal.”

“I see. Then, we just have to hold on until our brothers arrive.”

“Dear me. And just how long are you going to last within that little garden? .”

Infecting his surrounding with dark mana, Tascus has returned to gathering tonnes of debris as ammunition. He is taking his time to compress the materials and refine their edges before launching a series of deadly volleys. Again, the sculpted trees and freezing mist protect us, but with little mana to appropriate, he is trying to run me dry.

“Ngh! I can’t maintain this skill for long. You need to get out before he completely overwhelms me.”

“Actually Maximillian, I have a better- , ,” she casts, protecting me from a barrage of ricocheting rocks. “I have the artefact to cast , but judging by your remaining mana, the ceremony will take far too-”

“I’ll give you time, Nessa. Storm Eye manoeuvre, now!”

“Yes, prior. .”

Nessa places her hand on my back and uses the magical item… to teleport me right in front of Tascus. He is stunned by my sudden move, however it is too late to escape as I summon the white mist to obfuscate our surroundings. I then strike.


He conjures a polearm of holy magic to block my incoming attack. With no more mana to spare, I attack Tascus with a series of rapid strikes. Realising my predicament, Tascus infuses his armour with , rendering my physical attacks useless. However, as the melee goes on, his movements start to slow under the freezing winds.


This time with dark mana, he punches the ground and erupts the floor in a powerful blast. I can feel my organs convulse as I weather the explosion with my body alone. The full brunt of his skill reaches my icy ring, but it dissipates into a fine mist. Extracting his fist from the ground, he finds it is coated in a half-inch of magic ice.

“I see. You have impressed me greatly, Maximillian. By sacrificing your mana and your control, you’ve conjured this powerful vortex that could incapacitate even me.”

“*Huff, huff* That’s right. Unless you want to feed more mana into my skill, I suggest you sit tight and wait for Agnes to finish.”

“I suppose so. At your current mana levels, your condition is more than ideal.”

“Killing me won’t dispel the skill. You’ve lost, Tascus, and it’s not for lack of strength: it was because you were overconfident to stand against us alone. I may not live to strike you down, but once you are in chains, my brothers will slip a blade between your ribs.”

“*Sigh* You still misunderstand the nature of my blessing,” says Tascus as frost creeps up his limbs. “My children stand by me at all times. Nevertheless, I would never risk the Ascension when faced with a capable adversity such as yourself.”

“What are you saying?”

“My son, for the entire time we were fighting, ever since you realised I was Caetus, did you not wonder who verified my “corpse” in the first place?”

“… No.”

Although I am immune to the effects of my own magic, I swear I can feel my blood chill. He’s insinuating there is a traitor within the priory. However, the only people authorised to examine a deceased soul in the Church are-

“T-that’s not possible. After all this time, there was not a single-”

“Maximillian, I’ve told you before but the is not a crutch. While I would’ve preferred that she shared my vision, there are many things that can drive a person to conflict beyond a difference in faiths,” he says in a solemn tone.

He looks almost apologetic as he redirects his gaze behind me. Dazed, I turn around to find Agnes holding an unravelled scroll. It’s not the , but… her list of personal grievances?

No. Not grievances. Curses. If she infused those words with trace amounts of spiritual energy over all these years…

“,” says Agnes as she slashes at the scroll with an ebony dagger.

I no longer have the strength to react as the lines on the scroll animate and coil around my body like a thousand of serpents. Before the black ink can envelop my mouth, all I can utter is:


The ink is creeping over my head. However, in what may be the very last thing I see, I am stunned by something I have never seen in all my years: her tears.

“I’m sorry, Maximillian. I know you want to redeem the priory and bring light to the Church of Eden… but it will never happen in our lifetimes. I can’t keep consoling myself with that distant compromise as I continue to be their tool. The only way the Church can be brought to justice, and my parents’ lives acknowledged… is if my uncle succeeds tonight.”

Unable to respond to her sorrow, I close my eyes before my entire world is enveloped in darkness.

O mighty God residing in heaven, I wish I wasn’t so blind.

In complete silence, we watch as the finishes encasing Maximillian in a black cocoon. Although fully sealed, it should preserve his life until the time is ripe. As his “serenade” gradually dissipates into thin air, I walk over to pick up Horizon’s Edge. However, I notice Agnes’ gaze is still fixated on Maximillian. The tears on her face have frozen solid and are stinging her cheeks. I walk to her side and hover my hand over her shoulder to cast .

“I tried my best to convince him, Agnes. I swear to Maleosis I did all I could. In the end, we have to respect his choice to follow the Church.”

“I don’t need you to console me, Caetus,” she says with her cold mask. “I knew this moment would pass ever since you came to me all those years ago. I won’t stand in your way until you see your plan through.”

“But not afterwards, correct?”


“Don’t be alarmed, Agnes. I won’t do anything to you. All that matters to me now is fulfilling the Prophecy.”

I’d gladly welcome her ire once the truth about Aegror is spread. She needs direction, and hopefully, she will rebuild her faith in time. Nevertheless, it doesn’t change the fact that on this holy night… my light could not reach either of them.

“I swear your death will be a most meaningful one,” I pronounce, resting my hand on Maximillian’s head.

“What is your next step now, Caetus?” says Agnes while looking at Horizon’s Edge in my hand.

“We wait. Once my agent returns with Enbos’ companions, the Ascension can finally begin.”

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