《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Arc 3, Chapter 115: Lost Crusade


“Enbos, take us back! Can you hear me? ENBOS!”

“… It’s no use, Sen. The passage is gone. He can’t hear us anymore.”

“Damn it, not like this... Minna, Norf, help me tear down this wall! I think I can use my spear to- Come on, what are you two waiting for?”


“We can’t let him fight that thing alone. There’s no way he is fine after taking that hit. Sure, he has survived treants and hierarchs before, but-”

“Sen, listen to me! H-he’s… Enbos isn’t on the other side of those bricks.”

“… Damn it all.”

Hanging his head in resignation, Sen braces against the new wall while Minna and Norf look on in sombre silence. However, they are not the only ones disturbed by Enbos’ decision. I, too, feel weakness in my limbs and a weight in my heart as I watch the trio from the corner of the passage. Lili places a hand on my shoulder, although the slight quivering of her fingers suggests she is also shaken.

“Can you reach Enbos with the communicator?”

I shake my head.

“There is no response. Either someone is interfering with the connection, o-or Enbos …”

“Or Enbos has chosen not to respond. He wouldn’t be defeated so quickly. Without any of the holy knights around, I’m sure he will use all the magic up his sleeve.”

“Y-yes. Now I think about it, he did sound confident when he saw Sen and the others off.”

“We will pray for his success, but for now, we need to attend to our current predicament.”

“… What is the situation?” inquires one of the injured knights toward Sen, Minna and Norf.

“Enbos – and Sir Michael – have sealed themselves in with the skeleton. Enbos had to stay behind to operate the panel,” explains Sen.

“I see. Without Enbos, there is no way for us to return to their aid. May their sacrifices be forever honoured.”


“Before he closed the subspace,” continues Minna, “Enbos offered some valuable information. The path to the left should lead to the cultists’ cells, while the path over there leads to the exit.”

Minna gestures toward the corresponding doorways, but upon mentioning the latter, more than a few listeners suddenly appear very excited. However, the decision isn’t theirs as we all look to the four holy knights for guidance. The eldest among them, Sir Mavel, looks at everybody before closing his eyes in silent contemplation.

“We shall return to the main camp.


“We will heal our injuries, re-establish communications with the prior, and attempt to bolster our number.”


“But why, sir!?” exclaims Sen, interrupting my own grievance. “Everybody is here and we are only a stone’s throw away from reaching out objective. If we depart this place, there is no guarantee we will ever get this close again!”

“It is as my companion says,” backs up Minna. “Given the cultists’ ability to manipulate our positions, our bearing will surely change if we let this chance slip by. Our mission will be a failure, esteemed knights.”

“Then all the more reason. If we recover the hostages now, our only way out may suddenly become closed, putting everybody in jeopardy. Moreover, look around you. No one is in peak condition, including yourselves. We would heal you, but by some insidious curse, my brothers and I are having trouble keeping our own wounds at bay. Compared to the hundreds upon hundreds of cultists that remain, we’ve already lost far more than we can afford.”


Regrettable, the holy knight makes a sound argument. Many of our number are weary or injured, but more importantly, recent events have greatly demoralised our group. Even if there are like-minded members like Sen, Minna and Norf, the fact that they are so clearly in the minority has discouraged anyone else from supporting them. Minna glances to her childhood companion before casting her eyes down. However, Sen remains undeterred.

“Are you serious? Sir Michael and Enbos stayed their ground so that we could keep going! We owe it to them to save those hostages!”

“Keep a clear head, adventurer. Our main objective has always been the complete destruction of the New Dawn cult. Unless you can convince me with the soundest of explanations, your duty is to follow my orders to the letter.”

“We didn’t sign up to be your pawn. We walked into this serpent pit to save a dear friend! Guys, if any of you are still able, please-”

“Are you insane, pal!? Look at what those monsters did to us…!”

“… I’ve already lost one lifelong friend tonight. I don’t want to lose anyone else…”

“… Are you a bloody cultist? Why else would you want to divide us at a time like this?”

“… The consensus is clear. We’re returning to the main camp.”

“Fine then. We’ll-”

“Sen… We can’t do this alone.”

Hearing Minna’s voice of reason, Sen seems to give pause as he takes a moment to look at his friends. Nonetheless, with his furrowed brow and clenched jaw, his is not an expression of resignation. He’s holding himself back, trying to form a valid case, even as Sir Mavel is taking everyone away.

“Sir Mavel, wait-”

“I got your sound of explaining, right here.”

Sig steps in to stand by Sen’s side. The holy knight Mavel halts everybody to hear his opinion, while Sig extends his palm like he is demanding something.

“You see two paths but think we can only take one. You intend to return for another attack, but are doomed to repeat the same old tact. Do you see how mupped your plan is, my man?”

“Then what do you suggest?”

“Bro, when Enbos was fixing up all the rooms, he said those pictures over the doorways showed what spot we’re in. The reason we were so draked the first time around is ‘cause we didn’t know what troll-hole we were walking into. But imagine this: what if some of us went ahead and found the hostages, and told you which doors to look out for? Wouldn’t matter how you got split up. Just pick the right squares and circles, and it’ll be easy saviour-ing.”

“It is a waste of manpower. With your numbers and abilities, it’s suicide.”

“Abilities, utilities. It’s not like we’re looking for a straight fight. Just some honest recon. Besides, we can always call coward and have the wackos take us to them. Easy doing. All we need is one of your magic emblems. I’d clench it between my pleats if I have to.”

“Absolutely not. This is Church property. There is no way we will allow-”

“Now, now. Don’t be such a stickler,” says Sig as he brazenly wraps his arm around his shoulder. “Think outside the well for once. We might even find what maze they stuck your prior in. So, what do you say?”

Quickly losing patience, Mavel moves to brush Sig’s hand off his shoulder. However, for a split second Mavel seems to freeze as Sig pulls back his hand before it can be grabbed. He stares at the beaming Sig with a vicious stare, before finally…


“*Sigh* It is unorthodox, but far from blasphemous. Fine then, Sig the Singing Steel. We will allow your plan.”


“En’lite, my bro. Now we’re really talking,” says Sig as he claps and rubs his hands. Mavel turns to one of his brothers who then hands Sig a small metal plate with a magic core in the centre.

“This is a backup communicator, but Church property all the same. We will terminate its connection, and you, if it’s not returned.”

“Cheers, my man. If you hear nothing from us, at least remember our path has a downward triangle.”

“Duly noted. If anybody wishes to join them-”

“Don’t bother, mister sir,” says Sig with a cold stare. “I’m better off with a smaller, en’lite crew. Come on, Sen, Minna, Norf. Let’s roc.”

“A-ah, right.”

“May God watch over you four. Everybody, move out!”

“Okay squad, listen up! In place of Sergeant Damien who is missing in action, I’ll be assuming command of the city guards present. Understood?”

“Sir, yes sir!”

“Good. Now stay alert and assume defensive formation. Leave no comrade behind.”

“Erm, Officer Hank?”

“Yes, Corporal Bryson?”

“Didn’t we have a female member and a diminutive trainee among us?”

“Thank you, Sig.”

“Hm? Whatever for, Sen?”

“What else? I had no idea what to say to that holy knight.”

“No probs, my man. Fleeing didn’t sit well with me either, although for different reasons than you might think.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well Minna, those polished bucket-heads seem to be putting all their cargo on Iudico’s boat. Problem is the cultists and their boss are looking a lot like a leviathan.”

“I see. You think we should at least save the captives lest Iudico fails.”

“Not us. We’re just guiding the cavalry. I know I said all that krakenpot about surrendering, but really, those masked fiends are as bloodthirsty as the things they summon. It’s a dangerous mission, but you jobbers are dragon enough to risk it.”

“Of course. We’re adventurers, after all. Speaking of which, I’m glad you two decided to join us. I didn’t think anybody would step up, and for good reason.”

“True, true. Erm, Gretel and Henderson, was it?”

“That is right,” answers “Gretel” in a slightly coarse voice.

“So, for what reason did you two come along? I mean no offence but we’re mainly here for personal reasons.”

As we make our way down the eastern passage, Minna looks back to address the pair of adventurers in the back. Naturally, the adventurers are none other than Lili and myself, after changing our guises from city guards. Masked I may be, I have to wear this enchanted bracer and stay in close proximity to Lili for her magic to work. Unfortunately, there is nothing she can do about our voices or our sizes, and although Lili has a surprisingly good vocal range, mine is not. She reassures me from experience that people don’t tend to notice, although Sen and Norf are looking at us with tilted heads.

“There is someone we want to save,” calmly lies Lili. “A stubborn fool who disregards his wellbeing and always tries to do everything himself.”

“That sounds relatable. Did he participate in the cursed quest?”

“Indeed, he did.”

“I see. Don’t worry, we’ll find everybody and bring them all home. It’s basically our second time doing this,” reassures Sen.

“Are you two any good at stealth?” asks Sig.

“G-Gretel can be like a mirage, while I have the skill,” I say in an awkward attempt at a deeper voice.

“Good, because from here on out we be phantoms. Watch those corners.”

We all respond with a silent nod and position ourselves closer to the walls. However, unlike the dense, large trees that make the Vivian Forest, the long stretches of empty space, parallel walls without a single beam, and vacuum-like silence that accentuates our footsteps now seem infinitely more intimidating. I’m already shuddering at the mere thought of a random cultist spotting us from the other end of the corridor. Moreover, Lili and I must contend with one other concern.

(Sig is acting as expected. Enbos’ conjecture seems to be on point.)

(Umu, although I can’t find anything amiss with our companions.)

(Neither can I. I’m sure Enbos was mistaken. Either way, I can’t relax my magic so long as Sig is around, so let’s keep watching.)

(I agree, Lili.)

Enbos’ distress is all too clear to me now. Seeing our companions operate so naturally, it feels like betrayal to scrutinise them so coldly. Several times, they would act in a way that would draw my attention, only to realise it was nothing more than my anxiety. The thought I could so easily misjudge terrifies me, and after hearing Enbos’ musings, I find my observations to be alarmingly biased…

“… Just so we’re clear, I’m really stretching my deductions here if we operate under the assumption one of them is definitely a fake. The problem with finding the imposter is that we have no idea how long it takes to steal someone’s identity, and whether it be by torture and hypnosis, we don’t know how much they can imitate, either. Although any one of them could have been “taken” since leaving Catorrem, I can’t discount the possibility it was as far back as that night at Kasseus.”

“B-but they were all caught in Tascus’ trap the following day!”

“Perhaps Hachirou, but they also abetted the plan to go there in the first place, and any one of those cultists would happily give their lives. That said, Sen did end up disrupting the Soul Flaying Ritual in the end, so he’s probably in the clear… at the time.”

“I see. Then that leaves Norf who was the only other person taken hostage on that night.”

“Actually Lili, with what little I can draw on, Minna is probably my prime suspect.”

“H-huh? Why?”

“Because there was a stretch of time when we left her alone to save Sen and Norf. Moreover, Norf was proactive in your fight with “Mr Kell”, whereas Minna only came at the very end to wrap things up. But the most suspicious thing of all…”

(…-chirou. Hachirou, look.)

(Y-yes, Lili?)

(Sig is using the communicator.)

“… Understood. I’ll keep in touch.”

“Was that Sir Mavel, Sig?”

“Sure was, Minna. Just checking if their fancy gem was working or not. Far as we can tell, it’s only Iudico that we can’t reach.”

“But that might not stay true for long.”

“I agree, Sen. We have to be lightning. Speaking of which, what are going to do about this?”

We’ve stumbled into yet another of this place’s infamous junctions. Although Enbos’ instruction was broad, the two perpendicular paths give no indication of the way forward.

“Hm, we should split up then regroup in a hundred paces. Minna, Gretel, Henderson, you go that way. I’ll take the rest of the lads the other way. Cool?”

“No objections,” says Minna.

“Same here,” says Sen.

“Nice. Now then, stay sharp.”

Agreeing with Sig’s plan, we quietly split up and head our separate ways. Unfortunately, we’re left in the awkward position of having to interact with the person we suspect the most. I-I have no idea what to say to test her, but before I can utter a word, Minna takes the initiative.

“So, Gretel and Henderson…”


“May you tell me more about the person you want to save?”

“Of course. He’s name is Hansel and he is a C-rank swordsman,” answers Lili. “He is also my twin brother, so be sure to look out for someone who resembles myself.”

“I see.”

“And you? Are you here to recover somebody as well?”

“… I’m looking for an old friend named Rick.”

“Rick, you say? Can you tell us more about-”

“That’d be enough banter for now, Gretel. Follow me. Try to keep up, old timer.”

(So now I’m mistaken as an elderly man…)

Professionalism takes over as we tip toe our way down the left path. We soon happen upon a single doorway at the end of the passage. We hug the sides of the entrance and peer in at an angle, however the view is too narrow.

No sound. No enemies, I signal using hand signs.

Back. One object. Unknown, replies Minna from the other side of the entrance.

Enter? I suggest.

Minna looks to me and Lili then nods in response while readying her weighted rope. We quietly slip into the room, but as our eyes adjust to the vast space in the dim light, we find there is completely vacant. We walk further in, but again, there is nothing that catches our attention.

(Shall I cast ?)

(My mask has . I don’t see anything on the walls) I say as I survey the area, including the ceiling. (I guess Minna was-)

A slight breeze and the faint sound of parting air. Those were all the signs my body needed to turn on the spot and draw my katana, just in time to deflect a fast moving and heavy object. The metallic tang of my blade instantly alerts Lili as she conjures a wall of mana in front of me. Under the ethereal glow of her magic, our eyes widen as we recognise the silhouette of the woman standing in front of the only exit, winding her next attack.

“… The most suspicious thing is that she didn’t rush to Sen’s side when he lost his finger. The announcement was loud and clear, and it was being conducted in the village square… which was right outside of the inn we left her in.”


No, it can’t be. She could have left the inn far earlier than Sen’s ordeal. She could have been disorientated before she stumbled upon me and Norf. T-there’s no way…

“M-minna, w-why are you attacking us?” stammers Lili. “Please, this has to be a-”

“Don’t pull that act with me! I know you two are here to spy on us. I won’t let you do anything else to Sen.”

“… Eh?”

“You still think you can fool me? I memorised every adventurer that went into the caves, and I’ve never seen the pair of you. Rather, you’re the two guards who accompanied Enbos when he went scouting, aren’t you? It doesn’t matter if you replaced your faces. I know because you still have the signal baton that Sig entrusted to you at the time!”

“Ah!” exclaims Lili as she looks down at her belt. However, looking away proves to be a dreadful mistake as Minna throws the weight over the barrier. It lands between us, but as we take a step back, the weight suddenly ricochets off the floor and strikes Lili squarely in the stomach. The spinning force of the object scrunches Lili’s diaphragm and leaves her completely winded.

“S-stop Minna! It’s me!” I say as I remove my mask. “E-even if you can’t recognise this face, surely you know my voice and this blade - Ah!”

I narrowly duck beneath the rope as Minna continues her offensive. Lili is sorcery is far more than I thought, but she is in no condition to undo the spell. I have to take off this bracer!


She’s not giving me the opportunity! Why did I have to bind the bracer with so many knots? I need to remove my glove to get a better-


Again, I’m given no time to spare as Minna seizes every opening I make. Although slow, her complete mastery of the uncommon weapon makes her attacks both heavy and unpredictable. Every time I think I can disengage, I misjudge the timing, resulting in a desperate dodge. Moreover, Minna herself is not a static fighter. She constantly varies her positioning and the length of her attacks to misdirect me.

“I-I don’t want to fight you, Minna! It’s me, Hachirou. I just need to remove this bracer, and then-”

“How dare you imitate Hachirou’s voice! You truly know no shame. !”

Withdrawing her rope to a short length, Minna begins swinging her weapon with ever-growing velocity. Meanwhile, I’m sawing at the leather bindings while watching her movements. She doesn’t wait. Minna charges in and begins swinging her weapon without losing any of the prior momentum. With this much speed, the weight would crush my skull and the rope would mangle my arm. I can probably slip through using , b-but if I disturb her composure she could be seriously hurt. I have to keep my distance and-


All of sudden, Minna swings low and I jump back to avoid the sweeping attack. However, it turns out to be a trap as she quickly turns on her heel before releasing the deadly package while I’m mid-air. I brace my katana against my forearm and manage to intercept the weight, resulting in a loud crack as I’m sent hurtling onto the ground. I quickly roll back on my feet and, amazingly, I can still grip my katana with both hands.

My arm hurts, but it is no more than I’ve experienced over the past fortnight. I-is my adrenaline dulling the pain of a broken bone? No, this is… it’s the magic core on the bracer! Which means-

“Minna, stop!”

“H-huh!? Hachirou?”

“Thank goodness, you finally-”

“Get back!”

Before I can have the chance to exclaim, I notice the object falling directly above my head. It’s Minna’s weighted rope. However, by the time I come to this realisation, it’s already inches away from landing between my eyes.


Suddenly, a spear strikes the falling weight with such force that it’s diverted away from my body. I’m left stunned before I turn to face my saviour in front of the doorway.


“It’s good to see you again. Thank goodness I pre-empted what Minna was thinking,” says Sen as he and Norf enter the room. “You know Minna, you’ve always been on the remorseless when it comes to fighting.”

“B-by the spirits, I’m so sorry, Hachirou! I-I almost cracked your skull in two.”

“It’s not your fault, Minna,” I answer as she pats my body for injuries. “I-I’m fine, I swear. It was fortunate Sen made it here in time.”

“Um, about that Hachirou, we actually watched the entire thing from the beginning.”


“You see, after Sig led us away, he immediately revealed that the transmission he received was about a female corporal and a short-statured trainee who had gone missing. We decided to tail you two to see what you would do, but we never thought Minna would make the first move.”

“Female corporal… Oh no. Don’t tell me she’s…”

There is a quiet groan as Lili finishes healing her injuries and shambles back onto her feet. Her illusion has clearly unravelled judging by the trio’s reaction.

“*Cough, cough* Um, h-hello Minna, Sen, Norf. It has been a while since- Huh?”

Running up to Lili, Minna embraces her while Sen and Norf look on with momentary surprise. Lili initially stiffens up before gently wrapping her own arms around Minna. Looking at all their expressions, any suspicions I ever had of their identities are now gone.

“I’m so sorry Lili. I’m sorry for hurting you.”

“It’s alright, Minna. There is nothing you need to seek forgiveness for.”

“I know this isn’t the best place for a reunion but… I’m glad to see you are doing well.”

“So do I, Minna. So do I.”

“Welcome back, Lili. This is where you belong,” says Sen. “Well, not here, per se, but you get what I mean. Still, how did you and Hachirou get this far without anybody realising? Looking again, your disguises are shoddy at best, but I could have sworn you two looked entirely different.”


“I-it’s because of this bracer Enbos gave me,” I speak out. “He said he enchanted it with experimental disguise magic, b-but since Minna destroyed the core, the enchantment has been undone.”

“Wow, disguise magic? Enbos really has a big bag of tricks.”

“Indeed Sen. No doubt highly illegal as well,” comments Minna as Lili looks away. “Well, with all the outrageous things he can pull, I’m sure he’s doing fine against that skeleton.”

“Indeed, although…”

“Is something the matter, Sen?”

“I don’t know, Hachirou. I have this distinct feeling that we’re forgetting something really, really important.”

While we all take a moment to mull over Sen’s sentiment, Norf suddenly taps me and Sen on the shoulder before pointing toward the entrance. I can feel my blood freeze as we all turn to find Sig watching silently from the doorway, with his jaw ready to fall off.


“Ah drakes! *Ahem* Um, Sig? Do you mind promising something?” meekly asks Sen.


“You see, about the fact that Hachirou is a kobold- Oh, I can tell you didn’t realise he was even that.”


“A-anyway, I don’t know how much it will take to buy your silence, but do you think you can just… forget you ever saw Hachirou’s face?”

“And Lili’s.”

“Ah, right, Minna. And Lili’s, too. And Enbos’ newfangled magic that would probably annoy that inquisitor. Are you okay with that?”

“… *Sigh* You know what? I’m not going to think about it,” says Sig as he picks up my mask and hands it back to me. “I’ve seen some mupped things tonight, but this is absolutely dragon. Straight out of a fairy tale, I tell you. Actually, I wanna be the one to write it-”

“Please don’t, Sig!”

“I’m only jesting with you, kid.”

“Actually, I’m not a kid.”

“Doesn’t matter. You’re still the roc’ing lad that followed your friend into the abyss. A guy worth swearing to on the jobber’s code.”


“A swear’s a swear, Sen. Now Lili and Hachirou don’t have to hide behind Enbos’ magic on my behalf. Maybe now we can work like a chimera.”

“Thanks, Sig. You’re a great guy.”

“Glad to hear. So guys, are you ready tell me what’s the deal with En-”

“No deal,” we all say.

“*Chuckle* Fine. Fine.”

It appears the issue has resolved itself soundly. However, if Enbos’ theory holds true, I fear Sig’s sincerity must be put in doubt. For now, Lili and I have no other choice but to follow along.

(…-spond to me, right now!)


Hearing that disembodied voice, Sig reaches for his communicator but he is puzzled to find the device is still inactive. I come to the sudden realisation that the voice is not coming from Sig’s hand, but the emblem hanging around my neck. The emblem that is connected to...


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