《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Arc 3, Chapter 114: Temple of Doom


We return to the marble panel we used to get here, and out of curiosity, I activate the teleporter while facing the other way. For a split second, the scenery seems to distort past a certain point, before a ghostly image of the destination overlaps with the space and quickly becomes opaque. The secret room has faded away and in its place is a long corridor. It’s eerie knowing there are two distinct areas, and yet for the life of me I still can’t tell where they divide.

“I-I can’t fathom it,” stammers Lili. “I’ve never seen such sorcery.”

“Yeah. It’s impressive they teleported this entire section of the corridor without us ever noticing.”

“That’s not what this is, Enbos. This isn’t teleportation magic.”


“Aside from the fey of old, the only practical method of teleportation is to create a stable portal between two points. But from what we’ve just seen, it’s almost as if one location melded into the other.”

“But the other way is not entirely impossible, is it? My esteemed brother Takumi once converted an apple into mana and reconstructed in another room, although he said it made a weird tasting juice.”

“Good grief, what has that mad doctor been up to? That being said, it doesn’t make sense if we were the ones reconstituted, or if it was the entire area around us. In any case,” I say as I step into the familiar space, “we are back. I can hear the others down the passage.”

Returning to the rendezvous point, we find that Michael’s group has already reconvened with our own. The fact they are here means the other direction led to nowhere at all. Minna spots our trio while Sen and Norf are pacing around. I trudge toward them as Hachirou and Lili split off to join the city guards.

“Enbos! By the spirits, where were you?” inquires Minna with a stressed tone.

“So sorry. I lost track of time examining these ancient ruins.”

“*Sigh* I thought as much. Sen and Norf were starting to think you got ambushed by Tascus. Sig was about ready to call a search.”

“Where is he now?”

“He’s talking to the holy knight. I think they already noticed your return.”

“Well, I may as well report what I saw…”

“… You see, my polished-up bro? Thirty seconds and he’s already back. Every men intact and without a single scratch. No need to cry dragon from salamander spit.”

“*Sigh* Yes, yes, I get it already. Just keep a closer eye on him like I asked.”

“Hey, Enbos. Got anything to report?”

“No, it was another dead end.”

“That’s cool, my jobber. We found a path that got us closer still. Should be a straight shot to the next crew.”

“Indeed, and now that you’re back, we can finally get going. We’re in a battle, not a research expedition,” scowls Michael. “Follow your superiors and do not move independently from the main group. Understood, Enbos?”

“Loud and clear.”

(*Crackle* Brother Michael!)

“Ah, Brother Johan. We are currently approaching-”

(Identification R4FA3-L0CH, we are under attack! Multiple undead confirmed! Requesting immediate-!)


Abandoning all care, we rush after Michael who is barely allowing the rest of us to keep up. His eyes are almost glued to the scrying orb as we turn multiple corners. We can still hear the transmission from the other team, and considering they are facing undead, every pain-filled scream fuels our anxiety. It’s a miracle we haven’t run into anyone of the numerous dead ends, however along the illogically straight passage, I spy my ghostly guide pointing to a path off to the left.


“Um, Michael? I think we have to take the next-”

“No, Enbos! Stay on course! They are just on the other side of this passage. Brother Johan, we closing in on your position!”

(W-we cannot hold much longer! Ngh! God protect-!)

Pocketing the scrying orb, Michael draws his sword and riles everyone into an all-out charge. I follow closely, but a dozen metres out from our destination, I notice something is definitely wrong. The only sounds I can hear are our own steps, and there are no spiritual signatures up ahead. My worst fears come true as we arrive in a large, barren room: a dead end.

“Damn it, wrong way! We have to go back!”

“We don’t have time, Sig! We should break through the walls,” suggests Sen. “Michael, how close is the other team!?”



“… It stops here.”


“T-the signal is right here.”

“Is the signal draked? Are they a floor above or below us?”

“No Sig, the scrying orb says we are right on top of them!”

(Brother Michael! Where are you!? Michael!)

“Hold on, Brother Johan! We’re almost-”

(Boom!) (Arrrgh!) (H-help, help-) (I don’t want to die! I don’t want to…) (Blasts. For Ede-)

“Johan! JOHAN!”


The line disappears, and with it, all hope of Johan’s team being alive. Michael collapses to his knees while the rest of us watch on in abject horror. Powerless and in pain, he then looks at me with undisguised resentment. Although the outcome would have been the same, it still hurts. The silence is short-lived, however, as more harrowing cries echo from his emblem.

(*Crackle* This is Brother Mavel! We have enemy contact!)

(Cultists are bombarding our position. Requesting immediate-)

(Respond, Brother Michael, respond! We are outnumbered and unable to-)

“My God. What now, Michael?” exclaims Sig.

“… I cannot contact the prior. It appears they have interfered with our comms. Nonetheless, our instructions are still the same,” says Michael as he picks himself up with unsteady feet. “We head to the nearest group. Now move.”

“What!? Are you completely daft!?” I erupt. “Don’t you see we are trapped? Blindly chasing that signal will lead to nothing but-”

“Silence, Enbos! I don’t have time to listen to your theories! My brothers are dying as we speak! Everybody, follow my-”


I charge at the holy knight and grab his metal collar. He almost retaliates, but Sig intervenes and grabs his arm as I proceed to shake some sense into him.

“NOW LISTEN TO ME, YOU FOOL, because I finally figured it out! The signal isn’t wrong. We’re not divided by rooms or corridors, but by completely different subspaces! All coexisting over the same space but not physically interacting. The only thing you’re going to find if you go are more empty halls and dying screams!”

I let Michael go as he stumbles back to brace against the wall. Increasing desperate reports continue to flow from his emblem, begging for any kind of reassurance. However, while everybody is at a loss, I push past them and rush back down the corridor.

“Enbos? Enbos!? Where on Garea are you going!?” shouts out Sig.

“There is still something we can do. Follow me!”

I don’t bother slowly down for anyone as I return to the last junction. Sure enough, the ghost is still there, pointing down the path we ignored. I follow its direction, and at every intersection it would appear out of thin air to show the way. Eventually, I end up at a dead end, but with one very important addition: there is a wide marble panel installed on the wall.


“Listen up, spirit. I know you can understand me and I’m counting on you at this very moment. I have a feeling you want to stop Tascus as much as I do,” I say to my imaginary ally. It doesn’t answer immediately, but with ghostly digits, it reaches out to the marble plate. I mimic its motions and begin tapping away on the surface.


Unsurprisingly, Michael and Sig manage to catch up along with everybody else. However, I don’t bother to explain as I mirror my ghostly conductor and tap the marble plate. Immediately, it lights up with lines of mana, and after a few more taps the mana arranges itself into shapes and symbols. I quickly realise that the “plaque” is a screen, or rather, a control panel. I continue matching the spirits movements, and soon enough I conjure multiple layouts and markers. After a dozen more cryptic motions, the multiple maps appear to overlap.

“Enbos, what are you doing?” asks Michael.

“I think- *Ahem* I’m connecting all the separate subspaces.”

“Huh? How in God’s name do you know how to do that!?”

“Trust me, I’m an archaeologist,” I spout as I play the world’s most critical rhythm game.

“Father, we have a problem! Somebody in Quadrant 2 has accessed the base’s systems and cut off all our attack forces from the other quadrants! W-we can’t regain control. It’s almost as if they protected it!”

“What!? That is impossible! It took us months of trial and error to discern the controls, and even now we are unaware of such functionality!”

“My God, that’s not all! They’ve converged all the areas to the central room in Quadrant 7 then connected it to right here!”

“Curses. Once they pass through, they will be able to reach the main hall. His Holiness’ plan is in jeopardy.”

“Father, what shall we do!? They’ve cut off the rest of our defenders from this area.”

“… Bring our remaining undead and all our brothers. I will perform a soul sacrifice ritual.”

“Huh? But the forlorn soul is in that group. His Holiness said-”

“I will keep a short leash, and if Enbos truly understands what we are about to do, he would stay out of the way. Now, make haste!”

A few strokes later, all the segregated parts form one seamless blueprint. I think I’ve connected all the surrounding subspaces, although it’s moving too fast for me to confirm. The spirit then points above everybody’s heads, and I mindlessly follow suit.

… Nothing happens.

“Erm, Enbos? What are you doing?” wonders Minna.

“You look like you’re posing for a painter,” comments Sen.

“No clue.”


“Oh, I get it! The numbers!”

“Numbers? What numbers?” asks Michael.

“The symbols above some of the doorways. They change depending on the subspace they are connected to. Which means… Tell every group to go through a door with a square and a cross sign in the middle. NOW!”

“But you just- Argh! Reporting to all teams! This is Brother Michael. Break through and find a door with a square and cross symbol at the top of the frame! I repeat…”

As Michael commands his scattered men, we leave the control panel to find the aforementioned room. However, to everybody’s surprise including my own, we find the narrow corridors have been replaced with a massive hallway. There is a moment of confusion before a desperate transmission brings everybody to their senses. Distant footsteps draw our attention to the sixth path on the left, and sure enough, a square with a cross is etched above it. Sounds of battle transmit from Michael’s emblem, and seconds later, the same sounds reverberate as distant echoes. The intervals grow shorter and shorter, then ominously, everything goes completely silent. Finally…



… we emerge on the other end and find our missing compatriots waiting to greet us. There is a wave of relief as separated parties embrace, although a few come to a solemn realisation.

“Thank the Lord, you all appear able-bodied. Where are the hostiles?”

“That’s the strange thing, brother. Their attacks were relentless, but all of a sudden, they stopped reinforcing their number so we cleaned up the remaining enemies.”

“Same here. I swear to God that half of them even vanished into thin air. Moreover, the doorway we used to get here didn’t exist before.”

“I see.”

“By the way, where is Brother Johan? Shouldn’t he be here, too?”

“… He couldn’t make it. He fought valiantly until the end. May we forever carry his memory and his will,” says Michael before he and his knights offer a moment of silence. He then turns towards me and says, “Thank you, Enbos. We will never forget this.”

“I’m just glad we weren’t too late. Anyway, there is unfinished business to take care of.”

“Indeed,” growls Michael as he draws his twin blades. The groans of the undead echo from one of the doorways. “Enbos?”

“The way out is through that corridor, past all their undead.”

“I see. Brothers, to the front! Mavel, cast on as many weapons as possible! Stay behind us while we trample their risen and clear our path. Once we reach the next room, reform our ranks and assault the enemy. Are you ready!?”



Filled with righteous indignation, the holy knights enter a zealously state and charge down the corridor with everybody else in tow. We spot the crowd of lumbering undead, and like a wall of whirling blades, Michael and his men run straight into the horde and shred everything in their path. Incredibly, the rest of us are only just keeping pace with their dauntless charge. However, straight down our narrow path, I spy a firing squad of magic archers.

“Don’t stop! Don’t waiver! We won’t let any of you die. !”

Dashing ahead, holy knight Michael begins swinging his twin blades in rhythmic fashion. The archers let loose the first volley, and with deceptively fast movements, Michael intercepts every arrow. He is immediately upon them, slashing all their throats begin they can utter a single incantation. Hopping over the bodies, we step into a spacious room with only one pathway on the other side. A dozen or so cultists are set up at the only exit and maintaining a powerful magical force field around themselves and the only way out.


Not waiting for the ritual to finish, Michael immediately fires a powerful beam of light. However, his attack proves futile as the holy mana dissipates upon contact with the shield. He immediately follows with a herculean leap and a downward slash but his twin blades bounce off the ethereal surface. The rest of us cautiously approach the barrier in a concave formation while the holy knights join in Michael’s assault.

“They’re not getting through. Don’t bother wasting your strength, jobbers,” commands Sen.

“Well, at least the mages can’t return fire.”

“True, true. Still, keep your grips warm, everyone. Wait for the knights to bring down that barrier.”

Examining the spell, it is being sustained by three cultists who appear possessed, frozen in place and shaking uncontrollably. Even can’t get through this, with their sacrificed lifeblood acting as natural insulation. The rest of the mages are ignoring our presence to perform some sacrilegious ceremony. There are dormant undead and willing cultists arranged around a bloodstained array. They appear to be tributes for a coffin in the middle of-… Oh hell.

“Tear it down! Don’t let them finish that ritual!”

“What do you think I’ve been trying to do, Enbos? The barrier is far too strong,” states Michael as he and his men step back. “We have no choice but to prepare for the worse. Brothers, enchant everybody’s weapons and take up position on the other side of the room! Spread out and wait for the spell to burn through their offerings’ lifeforce. Best case scenario is the ritual fails and we clean up the exhausted cultists. Otherwise, make a break for the exit and leave the monster to me.”

“Wait, wait, what are we dealing with here? Do you know what’s going on, Enbos?” asks Sen.

“Yeah. Those lunatics have initiated a soul sacrifice ritual. They plan to offer a bunch of souls to trigger an instant “class change” in a single undead. They’re more likely to shred their souls or blow themselves up than create a high rank undead, but if that one-in-a-thousand chance were to happen…”

I’m not sure Michael and his knights would be enough. They’re using a dozen seasoned undead and their own mages to empower the final product. Watching the process unfold with , I can feel my gut clench as each sacrificial soul is pulled, contorted, then mashed together like different coloured plasticine. I can almost imagine their screams as they are silently and insufferably fused. The squirming mass of energies is then compressed into a humanoid shell, lying encased in the coffin at the centre of the magic circle.

Helpless, we watch the cultists finish their ominous rites. The sacrifices are now empty shells of flesh, with all their agony and lifeforce fuelling the reborn being. There is a moment of silence as cultist and adventurer alike stare intently at the elongated box.


There is a stir. The wooden lid slides inch by inch until the world is laid bare to the monster within. Slowly, a silent figure made of enchanted bones rises from its tomb: a risen skeleton. No, the term is almost derogatory. The menace and power emanating from this thing is enough to make some of us keel. The undead that serves as its base is nothing like a run-of-the-mill risen like me. Every inch of its bones has been etched with fortification magic, now empowered with a ghostly blue hue. Although exhausted, the jubilation among the cultists is almost pulpable as their head caster turns to face us. His eyes rest on me for a fraction of a second before looking at Michael with a vicious smile.

“ Hngack!”

Without warning, without hesitating, the skeleton walks up behind the head cultist and impales him through the back with its bare hand. In contrast to my colleagues’ shock horror, I watch in grim silence as it tears off his conjurer’s throat before moving onto the other cultists. The barrier’s interior is painted red. The sound of muted screams and wet crunches reverberate as we catch glimpses of the brutality between the bloody drapes. Beside me, Hachirou almost throws up from the nightmarish sight while almost everybody else has taken several steps back. However, what disturbs me most is not the violence but the lingering memory of the head cultist’s final expression; a maniacal sneer.

The horror show finally stops, but our anxiety reaches a sharp peak as the barrier fades and the curtain of blood falls to the floor. In its place is the skeleton, soundlessly howling like a mute predator over the remains of its prey.

“D-did the cultist’s ritual fail? Will it crumble away?”

“No, Sen. This is far, far worse.”

The conjurer’s soul has been internalised. It is now a self-contained being of pure destruction. And once it realises its own lust for life…

“… Undead Ravagers are not a kind of risen, but a state any undead can fall into upon reaching the bounds of their sustainability…”

“Spread out and head straight to the exit! Don’t you dare look back or assist! Brothers, CHARGE!”

With tragic ferocity, Michael and his five armoured men attack the bloodstained fiend all at once. One of the knights throws cast chains of blinding light while the rest ram into the undead and repeated stab it in close quarters. But for all their strength and blessed steel, the knights can barely suppress its random thrashes, or scratch its unholy body. We give a wide berth and run straight for the only exit, even as shrapnel – or rather, shattered links of a chain – pelt our bodies. Ahead, several people reach the doorway first, but for some reason they abruptly stop.

“! !”

“D-damn it, damn it! LET US IN!”

“What’s wrong? Is there a door or- Oh bloody hell!”

Standing on the other side of the doorway, like a pair of strawmen in storm, are two mages burning their lifeforce to seal the only exit. Most frustrating of all, I can see another control panel right beside them, lying tantalizingly out of reach.

“Step aside!”


Going all out, I swing Bloodletter at the barrier and manage to push part of the blade through. However, it’s still not enough to break the damn thing, so I reach my fingers into incision and begin prying it open with all my unholy strength. Sen cries out in shock as dark mana races across my digits.

“Enbos, your hands!”

“Can’t… breach… this damn thing. It keeps… repairing itself.”

“That’s fine! All you need to do is make a small hole! Norf will fire an arrow into that opening to-”

“Look out!”

Heeding Minna’s warning, we jump out of the way just as a holy knight comes crashing into the barrier. There is no saving him, not with a 180-degree twist in his neck. Hearing the familiar clacking of bones, I barely raise my guard as the undead barrels straight through me and my entire world starts spinning like a flywheel. I land with a violent thud, and although I looked disorientated, I’m reeling from the fact the damn thing sent me flying in spite of my blessing. True, I’m still syncing with the Mellivorath’s soul, but still…

Blood splatters around me and I look up to find it has torn one of the city guards in half as everybody scrambles to get as far away as possible. I roll out of the way just as the holy knights start bombarding the area with holy magic. This room is far too small for the battle that is going on.

“Damn, this is mupped! Everybody, fall back to the last room! We need to regroup and figure out a way to own this thing!” orders Sig.

“We won’t have to. If we can evade it, both the cultist barrier and the undead will eventually burn themselves out!”

“I like the sound of that. Oh sh- Get down!”

Noticing the mass of souls running for the entrance, it proceeds to tear a massive chunk of the solid stone walls then peg it at the doorway with the force of a catapult. The attack instantly crushes several people, but more alarmingly, I can hear a chain of cracks and rumbles as the ancient doorway collapses. There is a rare moment of vulnerability as Sig’s bravado drops, staring blankly at the sealed passage. Noticing what has just transpired, Michael tells his brothers to back off while he steps up to confront the ungodly foe.

“, !”

Michael’s form suddenly becomes indistinct and several clones of him appear out of thin air. The skeleton stops for moment to process this new development, but the multiple Michaels come at him from all directions. Although his attacks can’t scratch it, it can’t touch him either as he tries to draw it away from the exit.

“Brothers!” reverberates multiple Michaels. “Work together and break that cultist spell while I hold it off! Hurry!”

Although he isn’t addressing me, I rush off to join the holy knights as we push at my sword that is still wedged in the magic barrier. Bloodletter’s curse is hardly a concern at this point. We grab whatever part of the sword we can, while one of the holy knights hammer at the hilt with his mace. The barrier is not invincible. It will fall in a few more seconds, however, we hear Michael cry out in alarm and turn to find the undead rushing through the illusions towards us.

“Damn it. !”

I swing my scabbard with all my might, but only manage to tilt its head with a hollow smack. Regardless, I press on. The four holy knights work around my movements to attack from all directions. Jaw, spine, joints, pelvis; every hit doesn’t faze it in the slightest as it pours everything into its offence. Nonetheless, despite being an embodiment of pure physical power, its movements are far too simple. I drop 10 more skill points into my Pact of Power, raising my speed just enough to evade its feral swipes. With our current abilities we can probably spare a knight to break the already weakened barrier. We just have to draw it away from-


“Look out!”

All of a sudden, it pulls my sword out of the barrier and swings it at high speed. The sudden change in its reach catches all of us off guard. I raise my scabbard in time, but the sheer power of its swings sends knights and undead alike flying across the room. Miraculously, my body and my scabbard are intact… although the same can’t be said of the others, who have suffered varying degrees of damage. Damage that the knights can’t effectively heal. I’m filled with burning disgust as I watch the undead reengage Michael with manic bloodlust, the sword a natural extension of its true self.

“Enbos! Are you cool?” asks Sig as he and my companions rush to my side.

“Not at all. How are we doing with our escape?”

“N-not good,” answers Minna. “The barrier has closed up and it’s not like anybody is willing to try. I think we all know now that the skeleton is following its summoner’s last words.”

“Yeah, it’s suicide to approach the exit now. We have enough trouble trying to stay out of Michael’s way,” says Sen.

“It will go after everybody anyway if we don’t do something. Michael is holding it off with his mirages, but he only has so much mana,” I analyse.

“Should we try what we were doing before? Do you think you can make another hole in that barrier, Enbos?”

“Actually Sen, I have a much… crazier idea. I don’t have time to explain but I need all of you to rally everyone to one side of the room.”

“Righteo, my man. My phylactery’s in your hands. Listen up, jobbers! Get your stool warmers over here now, now, NOW!”

(Hachirou. Do you copy?)

(E-Enbos! Do you have a plan?)

(Yeah, I do. Tell Lili to hide everybody’s presence from that undead when I give the signal.)

(But Enbos, I don’t think Lili is able to cover so many people. From what I’ve seen, she has enough trouble hiding me and herself.)

(Don’t worry, she won’t be doing it alone. Once you pass the message, help rally the city guards to Sig’s location. Now go!)

While my compatriots rush off to all our scattered forces, I’m watching the battle carefully for an opening to jump in. I have to work fast before the risen tries to chase everybody else. Michael is clearly overextending himself as all his projections are now slightly translucent. With Maleosis’ blessing still active, I run up behind the skeleton and strike its sword hand using . My nigh indestructible scabbard proves a worthy tool as it drops Bloodletter to the ground.



I partially envelop the undead with my spell as it quickly turns around to confront me. Immediately, it loses balance due to the uneven shift in weight, and before it can readjust, I strike its ankle with another to bring it to its hands and knees. I then grab its spine at the base of its neck and the lowest segment of its rib cage before hoisting the thrashing creature off the ground, all while shrugging its cursed spiritual energy. Thankfully, it seems fixated on Michael and the others as it claws at thin air.

“Michael! Go to the others- Ugh…! Go and cast an invisibility spell when I give the signal!”

“How on Garea do you-”

“You really think I don’t recognise you from the Primera Carro? Now go! As for you…”

Rattle, rattle, rattle…

“… I don’t care how strong you are. The ritual – Ngh! – didn’t miraculously increase your body mass. And without the ground to brace your monstrous strength… you’re no better than a five-foot carp! Now any old mage… can do… this! !”

With all my strength, I throw the bundle of bones straight at the barrier. It recovers quickly, but before it can pounce, I cast to break line of sight and use to hide in its shadow. Michael gets the hint and quickly conjures an invisibility barrier. There are distortions but Lili is secretly correcting the imperfections. My dissipates and I watch with bated breath as the skeleton abruptly stops and stares straight at the hidden group. I can’t hear a thing but I’m hoping to dear god that they’re staying as quietly as me.

Slowly, the undead pans its skull back and forth over 300 degrees. It then takes a single step towards the crew, while Michael’s illusion is showing more and more holes.

Come on. Turn around. Turn around! For Pete’s sake, if you dare take another-

Damn it. It’s not stopping! I have to go out!

I’m about to eject myself from its shadow, when all of a sudden, something small flies over its head. It takes me a while to realise the object was Sen's waterskin, and naturally, the skeleton turns and notices the barrier, along with the two cultists hiding behind it. With a silent roar, it leaps at magic wall and begins smashing it repeatedly. The spell doesn’t last ten seconds before the skeleton is upon the half-dead cultists, tearing them limb from limb. I watch the grisly scene unfold before silently emerging from its shadow while its busy beating head into a literal pulp. I grab the same two bones as before and-

“ Huh!?”

I can’t lift it off the ground! Wait, it dug its toes into the stone floor! D-did just learn to-

Swoosh! CLANG!


The skeleton throws a backhand swing and I’m sent hurtling back into the prior room, my breastplate almost certainly dented from that casual strike. I hop back on my feet and lock eyes with the thing as it emerges from the now open passage. Everybody is waiting for it to move out of the way and chase me down, but to my dismay, it twists its head and looks straight at my friends.



A magic array suddenly appears above the undead and fires a continuous beam of holy magic. The attack manages to distract it, and as it looks about wildly for the perpetrator, Michael dashes behind the undead and grabs it.


Michael launches himself and the undead straight up and slams it into the ceiling. He then orientates himself mid-air to pin it on the floor. Although he can’t grapple the damn thing due to its accursed aura, Michael draws his swords and deftly impales the undead through the gap in its forearms and the space between its ribs, embedding his twin blades deep into the ground. He stamps on its twisted pelvis to stop its flailing legs from reaching him, but he’s only barely keeping it restrained.

“Brother Michael!”

“Go! Complete the mission! Enbos, seal this subspace along with me and it!”

“Like hell I’ll agree to that!”

“Just do it! Godspeed to you all!”

“… Come on, Enbos,” says Sig. “He’s made his peace. We can’t squander his bravery.”

“Damn it. I’m not giving up on you! Just hold on!”

I push past the crowd of adventurers and guards to reach the control terminal. Sure enough, the spirit is already waiting and I begin mimicking its movements post-haste. However, as I’m working, I notice Sen, Minna and Norf are standing beside me.

“What on Garea are all doing here?”

“Watching your back, of course!” answers Sen.

“You idiots! You don’t stand a chance against that thing.”

“Neither would you, except nobody else could replace you if you fall here,” snaps Minna.

“You don’t understand. This subspace- Argh! Forget it. I’m almost done. Michael, listen to me!”

“Just go!”

“Please! Even if it’s for a split second, get off him and I’ll-”


The undead suddenly breaks its own forearm, and with its jagged edge, impales Michael in the side of his neck. The holy knight falls to the side as the skeleton repeated jabs his lifeless body. Powerless, I hang my head while my companions ready themselves for their final battle. However, the undead doesn’t make a move. Instead, it’s standing over Michael’s corpse as its bones begin to glow.

“Enbos, w-what is the undead doing?”

“… Its spiritual energy has reached critical mass. It’s undergoing another class change.”


“Never mind. You don’t have to stick around to find out. I’m almost done. Let’s go.”

“Okay Enbos. Make haste, everyone.”

I usher Sen, Minna and Norf to head down the corridor and into the next room. They look back to see how I’m doing, only to find a erected between us, sealing me along with the dreaded undead. Save for the small hole at the top, there is no way for them to pass my empowered spell.

“Enbos! What are you-”

“The subspace ends there, Minna. The moment I’m finished with this panel, a wall will appear right behind my barrier. There is no way of separating the subspaces without leaving someone to operate the terminal.”


“Don’t do this, Enbos!” roars Sen. “You don’t stand a chance trapped with that blasted thing! J-just use get away the moment you activate the thing.”

“Dimensional magic doesn’t work like that, Sen. I might end up trapped beneath a wall.”

“Then forget the terminal and we can outrun it instead! It might not even follow us to the other room.”

“You know as well as I that we can’t take that chance,” I say as I back down the passage to the control terminal.

“Please Enbos, this isn’t where you’re supposed to die! Think of your fiancé! Think of the woman you swore your life to! You can’t throw away your life here!”

“*Chuckle* I know, Minna.”


“If you head straight, you will eventually find the exit. If you head left, there are a bunch of small rooms that resemble cells. Now go, lest I accidentally separate your limbs. God knows what I’m actually doing.”


“See you all later.”

With a small wave, I press the final button and watch as my shouting friends disappear into the masonry. I then turn to the fearsome undead that is relishing in its latest meal. Michael’s soul has been assimilated. The runes on its bones are glowing brighter than ever. Where there was once emptiness, there are now two ravenous wisps in place of its eyes.

“Now then,” I mutter as I walk over to fetch Bloodletter, “how am I going to dismantle you?”

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