《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Side Story: Hierarch


By the light of a dwindling candle, an aged man is busy writing on an oaken desk. There are no windows or alternate sources of light, and yet he is working as if he were outside in the day. Although the lighting is poor, it cannot hide the lustre of his golden hair lined with silver, or the cool of his grey eyes. His black robes are embroidered with golden thread, creating runes that seemingly glow on his shadow-cast figure. While extravagant, it is in no way an exaggeration of his authority or his might. Even insects and small critters dare not approach his imposing form. A silver quill is in his muscular hand, and although a single error would spoil his work, he is writing with such fluidity and pose that even the most experienced scholars would be in awe. Incredibly, he is only half aware of his actions as the lines are already formed in his heart. The rest of his attention is being spent on future plans, all for the sake of his beloved god.

As he nears the end of his parchment, he senses a familiar presence waiting outside his room. Hand still at work, he directs his eyes towards the closed door. He calls out his name in an inviting tone, and yet the resonance of his voice carries a compelling force.

“Enter, Kory.”

“Please excuse me, Your Holiness Tascus, but I bring important news!”

“At ease, my son. Now, what news do you wish to deliver?”

“Wonderous tidings, Your Holiness. The fourth excavation team has found the remains of the Undead Ravager!”

The long-awaited news gives pause to the Hierarch’s hand, but in the next instant, it’s already in motion once again. His composure remains as impeccable as ever.

“So, destiny is finally upon us… Has the “core” been secured?”


“N-no, not yet, Your Holiness. Reportedly, a powerful barrier is protecting the “core”, and there are traces of vicious spiritual energies that afflict anybody around it.”

“Unfortunate, but of little concern,” says the Hierarch as he finishes the parchment. “I’ve already anticipated this development. Tell the fourth team leader to expect my arrival.”

“Yes, Hierarch. Shall I prepare an escort?”

“There is no need. I alone am enough.”

“I-I understand. What shall the other teams do?”

“Spread the good news and tell them to reserve half of their best captives. The rest will be turned into undead. I’ll personally coordinate their movements later. That will be all for now.”

“Understood, Your Holiness. Then, I shall take my leave immedi-”

Although the Hierarch is shrouded in darkness, his domineering gaze freezes Kory in place, causing the messenger to break out in cold sweat. More than the fear of death, he is afraid of disappointing his divine leader.

“I sense concern in you, my son. Tell me, what is on your mind?”

“N-no, I wouldn’t dare-”

“It is fine. If it will help you serve Maleosis better, then I shall oblige your curiosity.”

“T-then, please forgive my ignorance but how would you break the seal around the “core”? I-I do not doubt your power, but perhaps it would be better to summon a few of our inner circle, or perhaps spare sacrifices for a ritual.”

“Rest easy, Kory, for everything is in the palm of my hand. Fate has provided the means and all I need is to align their paths. While you may not understand, all will be revealed once I arrive. I wish for you to continue believing in me.”

“Of course, Your Holiness. My life is yours to command.”


“Good. Now, I shall inform the entire order of this wonderous news. It’s time to prepare for the final stage of the Ascension.”

“Will you not first rest in your personal quarter? I do not believe you have slept at all.”

“I will not need it today, and by the time the Ascension is done, I will not miss it. Now go.”

“For Maleosis.”

Showing his piety, Kory then swiftly departs to relay the Hierarch’s word. Alone once more, His Holiness Tascus sets aside his parchment to kneel before an altar of gold and bone in prayer. A ghostly smile is present on his face.

“Soon, the Prophecy will be fulfilled. Soon, I will be closer to God than any other. I give thanks to Him for blessing my hollow life with glorious purpose. Let the Order of the New Dawn spread His light across the world.”

Rising from his knees, he reaches for the object at the centre of the altar: a gold-gilded mask in the shape of a ram’s head.

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