《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Arc 3, Chapter 86: Struggle for Life


“Damn it, one of them just set fire to a building!

“They don’t have enough people to fight it! If this goes badly, we could lose the village!”

“W-what should we do? Should we help the others draw water from the well?”

“We can’t very well leave our posts. Somebody needs to stay behind.”

“Then go, you guys. I’ll stay behind to watch over the prisoners.”

“God bless you, sister. Now, let’s go!”

Anxious to help the others, every cultist in the immediate area sets off to fight the fire. They soon disappear from sight, and with a sigh of relief, the remaining “guard” undoes her magic to reveal her true form. I silently emerge from hiding and approach Lili whilst minding the heavy bag slung over my shoulder.

“Good Lord, t-that has to be the most disconcerting blessing I’ve ever received.”

“Are you well, Lili?”

“I-I’m fine, Hachirou. I used a lot of mana to trick them, but I should recover that energy soon. As a half-elf, I’m more attuned to the World Stream.”

“I had my worries, but I’m astonished your magic worked so well. What kind of illusion did you use to earn their trust?”

“Well, to be clear Hachirou, doesn’t affect what they see: it affects what they visually recognise. Like experiencing a dream without questioning it, I made them identify me as “a trustworthy woman” and their own minds fabricated my appearance. The only problem is I may appear as a different person to each observer, so we better make haste before they realise.”


With the keys in Lili’s hands, we go around the warehouse to enter through backdoor. However, upon reaching the door…

“Huh? Oh no.”

“What is it, Hachirou?”

“Their scents lead inside, but Sen’s scent goes out. I-I think they took him to another location.”

“Did they distance them in case we attempted a rescue?”

“P-possibly. What should we do?”

“For now, let’s recover Norf and free the others. We’ll need to stay our attack until we save Sen.”


Lili quietly opens the prison door and inside we find a large, dimly-lit room with cells running along the entirety of our left and right. Inside said cells, dozens of unkempt captives are laying on the floor. To our joy, we find Norf resting in the corner of the room. Unfortunately, we can’t express that same joy for everything else.

Although they are of varying health, none can be described as healthy. It’s hard to tell who are adventurers and who are villagers given their degraded states. However, worse than their physical condition are their resigned expressions. The despair and emptiness on their flat faces truly disturbs my soul.

“Huh, y-you two… You’re not one of them, are you?”

“No, I am Lili Iranor, a cleric from the Path of Eden, and this is Hachirou Nomura. We’re here to save you.”

“S-save… us? What of the cultists outside?”

“The cultists still control the village, but we have a chance to turn everything around!”

“Did you… bring an armed force?”

“No, we barely escaped the cultists’ trap ourselves. Right now, one of our companions is buying time for us to retaliate, but we need your help. Will you lend us your strength?”

“… I’m sorry you two, but we can’t fight them as we are.”

“Y-you won’t be defenceless. We brought weapons,” I hurriedly explain as I unshoulder my sack to reveal an assortment of small weapons and tools. “We found their armoury on our way here. This is all I could grab, but there’s-”


“No, that wasn’t what I meant. A counterattack is simply impossible.”


“Look at us, kid, j-just… look at us. We’ve been fed little and pushed far. We’re no longer in any shape to put up a decent fight.”

“They’ve also taken the strongest adventurers and fittest villagers to some godforsaken place. All that are left are the frail, the elderly, and us D-ranked rejects.”

“Most of us are just simple farmers. W-what good can we do against t-those monsters?”

“I-I can see that things are dire, but if you don’t take this chance-!”

“As for those who try to escape…”

Looking elsewhere, we follow the speaker’s gaze to another prisoner with vacant eyes and horrifying injuries. I let out a sharp gasp as I widen my eyes in disbelief: his legs have been amputated at the knees.

“O-oh my God, the shape of his marred flesh… Did they heal him to close the wound?”

“Yeah, they did, and I have no doubt in my mind it’s because they need us alive for some blasted ritual. The only reason we’re not all like George over there is because they lack physical manpower. I-I know we’re being gutless, b-but… it’s just too much to even watch.”

“P-please everybody, even if you cannot fight, we can flee! If we escape to Tiel Woods…”

“We don’t have the supplies or the strength to last. What good would running do?”

“Please understand, they took all the children! I-if I leave, they’ll kill my daughter and turn her into one of t-those… those…”

“I’m sorry, you two. You don’t know how much we want to believe in you, b-but we can’t. If we join you, it’ll all be for naught. Just take your friend… a-and go.”

“Your other companion was dragged elsewhere. If by some miracle you make it out alive, please tell the authorities, but by then, we may already be gone.”

It’s no use. Their month-long captivity has completely shattered their spirit. The atrocities they’ve seen must far outstrip my worst imaginings. Their sense of powerlessness is something I understand, and yet, I don’t know what to say. W-what would Enbos or my father do?

As I’m fretting over my words, Lili suddenly steps forth and gracefully kneels to meet their downcast eyes.

“Please, will you tell me your name?”

“… My name is Borris. I was a D-rank adventurer when I took this godforsaken quest.”

“Tell me Borris, do you truly believe God has left you?”

“How are we not? If we leave, we’ll lose our legs, and if we stay, they’ll eventually sacrifice us to their deity. Some of us have even taken their own lives, but if they had known what was in store for their bodies, they would have reconsidered. There is no escaping this hell.”

“And yet, Hachirou and I now stand on the other side of these bars. Can’t you see now is the moment you’ve all been waiting for? Please, take my hand and help us.”

“It’s hopeless. There are just too many of them and their ability is nothing to scoff at either. If we leave these walls, we’ll be caught and forced to live the rest of our brief existence crawling on the dirt.”

“… Are you not already?”


“Please listen, Borris, everybody. What I offer is not only liberation from these cells, but a chance to save your tortured souls. More than the fear of losing your limbs, you’re afraid of falling even deeper into despair. Unrelenting evil has tested your faith and turned all your hopes into snares. Stronger than any chains, the cultists have bound you in your own despair and turned freedom into a painful dream.”


“T-that… That may be so.”

“… But not tonight.”


“Tonight, God is on our side. He is not a malign entity that demands our blood, but a compassionate Lord who will guide us to salvation. Seek not only your own freedom, but the good of all who may venture here. Together, this village will no longer be the grave of adventurers, but a glorious testament to your spirit and God’s omnipresent love.

As for the rightful residents of this land, you fear for your family just as they fear for you. I ask that you rise above your mutual sorrow and restore hope towards your kin. By His light, we will purify this land of their insidious presence and return everyone onto the path to Eden. No matter what happens tonight, God is with us, and so are we.”

“Y-you won’t abandon us?”

“W-why? Why are you willing to go so far?”

“How can you be so confident in the face of such odds?”

“… Because miracles are made in the face of impossibility, and they always begin with a single, sincere hope. By our prayers combined, we’ll shine like a heavenly array in the pitch-black night. I swear by God that it will come to be, and until then, we will never leave your side. So please… will you lend me your light?”

With her closing words, a spark of life returns to their eyes. She extends her arm between the bars, and one by one, the weeping captives take her hand and rise with her. Even the crippled George is watching with a straight back. Sadly, not everybody is moved by her words, but even so, she tends to everybody’s health without prejudice.

I must say, I finally see why Lili is so remarkable. While I am fumbling with the locks, she’s swaying their hearts with every passing moment. Her ethereal charm and boundless compassion bestow an inner strength on par with Enbos’ nobility and resolve, and I find it captivating all the same. Will I ever be capable of the same feat?


“Norf! You’re awake!”

(W-what happened? Where are we?)

“Please save your strength. The entire village was a cultists’ den and we fell into their trap. Most of us managed to escape, but you and Sen were drugged and captured.”

(Then… where is he?)

“I’m not sure. All I know is that they took him else-”


Suddenly, a horrifying scream reaches our ears, and with great dread we realise it belongs to Sen. The innkeeper’s provocative voice soon follows, and with every treacherous syllable, I can feel my mind falling into disarray. The situation continues to escalate with Sen’s defiance, only to end with a bone-chilling cry.

“O-oh my God, Sen is going to be killed. We can’t wait any longer!”

“Quick, show us to their armoury! Once we’re armed we’ll gladly save him!”


Enbos must have heard that announcement. I hope with all my being that he’s already found a way to save him. In any case, we have to make haste and-



Out of sheer instinct, I draw my blade and knock aside a flying arrow. I follow the arrow’s path, and sure enough, I find my attacker.

“It can’t be… Mr Kell?”

“Nothin’ personal kid, but Maleosis demands.”

H-how can this be. Mr Kell was a cultist as well!? I guess it’s expected given the situation, but a part of me still can’t see him as an enemy, t-to accept that the considerate man who guided us through the Vivian Forest was a lie all along.

Bearing no such sentiments, he grabs a signal baton from his belt and fires a flare into air. In the distance, I can hear people rallying towards us.

“Damn it, he alerted the others! We have to rough it out!”

“Quick everybody, find anything you can and-”

“Go Lili!”


“Take everybody to the armoury while I hold them back!”

Although Lili is trying to hide it, I can tell she’s exhausted. She needs to recover her strength and use her charisma to lead the others in the coming battle. As the only fit fighter with no redeeming qualities, it is my duty to stay behind and face them.

“Correction, kid.”


“Take everybody while we hold back them back. If a child like you is brave enough to make a stand, then what does that make us? Come on guys, it’s time for some payback!”

“Y-you guys. I am in your debt.”

“We’ll come back for you as soon as possible, so hold on! !”

Leaving a parting gift, Lili then leads the defenceless volunteers away while five lightly armed adventurers stand alongside me. Undeterred, Mr Kell continues firing arrows as I charge forth and deflect them. His skill allows him to fire in rapid succession, but the strength and accuracy of the shots are woefully lacking. Within seconds, I reach him just as he casts aside his bow and quiver.

“Sigh, ya know kid…




“… I was neva any good with da bow.”

W-when did he draw those knives!? He didn’t even use a skill to block my own. I-I need to attack again, but my every instinct is telling me to withdraw.

“You’re mine, Kell! !”

Attacking from his flank, Borris unleashes a powerful downward swing with his axe. However, he parries the blow with a twist of his wrist, guiding the axe to the ground. Again, he didn’t use a single skill. It’s clear his abilities far outclass our own, but now that he’s looking away…


Ting, ting, ting, ting, ting, ting!


“Come on kid, afta all the time we spent in da Vivian Forest, did ya fink I wouldunt memorise ya moves?”

“! Oof!”

“Dat goes fer you too, Borris my mate. Also…”

Taking a sudden step back, he elbows another adventurer sneaking up behind him.

“Ya always been an opportunist, Albert. Movin’ on ta ya, Miranda…”

He throws one of his knives at the woman named Miranda, which she deflects with her club. Unfortunately, doing so leaves her open to a barehanded jab to her diaphragm. As she lurches in pain, he catches the falling blade deftly between his fingers.

“Ya movements are fa~r too wide. As fer Tim and Amy…”

“Go to hell, Kell!”

The two adventurers in question charge towards the guide, but in one fluid stride, Mr Kell slips pass their weapons and stops inches away from their faces. They stumble back in shock, but are quickly dispatched by a butterfly kick.

“You two are jus’ no good at all. Don’t worry, I ain’t gonna kill ya. We need ya alive, afta all.”

U-unbelievable. He got to each of us faster than I could catch up! Worse, the way he counters and addresses everybody implies he knows how we all fight. At this rate, it wouldn’t even take him a minute to finish us off!

“Damn you, Ke- H-huh!?”

All of a sudden, Borris stumbles on his feet and collapses to the ground in a quivering state. No, he’s not alone. Everybody except me appears to have been afflicted by the same ail. W-what did he do? Wait, that smell…

“Y-your weapons, you coated them in poison!”

“An astute observashun, kid, but I’m surprised ya not on da ground as well. Seems Lili’s enchantment musta made da cut too shallow.”


Looking carefully, I realise he’s grazed everybody’s necks or limbs without their knowing. Disturbing, I reach for my own neck to find traces of my blood.

We were never an obstacle; he could have killed us all.




Snapping out of my stupor, I reactively block Mr Kell’s sudden strike. With his other hand, he thrusts a second knife at my face. I knock it aside with the hilt of my sword and hurriedly jump back as he performs a low kick.

Assuming a defensive stance, training takes over as I continue parrying his blows with little pause. His speed and precision remind me of Chiyoko’s flurry of blows, and like our sparring sessions, I’m starting to lose. With every few exchanges, his blade touches my form. The only reason I haven’t fallen is because of Lili’s magic, my surprising immunity and the fact he’s not aiming for my vitals. Regardless, if this continues I’ll succumb to blood loss and exhaustion. I have to catch him by surprise, and yet he already knows all my skills-

No wait, he doesn’t know about one: the technique big brother Ken taught me.

Gahahahaha! You want to learn a skill that can match greater rank enemies at your level? Just give it up! Or, at least, that’s what I would have said if didn’t know a certain move. Even at a basic rank, it can be as powerful as high rank skills because it depends more on willpower rather than ability. It’s perfect for stubborn kobolds like you and I. Still, I’m a bit reluctant to teach you because such convenient power always has a cost. As a skill that lets you overcome your mental limits…

… it will probably devastate my body. Although I managed to learn the skill, I swore to Ken I would only use it when I was ready, or as a last resort.

However, swinging at a dummy is different from swinging at a live target. I need to resolve myself to cut him down with absolute intent. Will I really be able to strike at Mr Kell without hesitation? D-do I have the heart to kill him?

“Ya gettin’ distracted, kid.”


Punishing my carelessness, he delivers a powerful kick that knocks me onto my back. Gastric acid burns the back of my throat while pain wracks my chest. With another kick, he disarms me and proceeds to step on my throat.

“S-so strong.”

“Of course. Fer all my life I’ve honed my body ta be an instrument of His will. I’ve even received His Holiness Tascus’ blessing. Maleosis’ powa now flows through my veins. Ya faithless fools can’t possibly undastand my devoshun.”


“*Cough, gasp*.”

“Come ta fink of it, it’s been a while since I called fer reinforsmunts. Are dey still dealin’ with da fire? Well watever. I should be enough ta deal with da escapees. Anyway, seein’ as my poison ain’t doin’ anyfing, I’ll hafta sever ya tendons, kid.”

I-I can’t let it end like this. I just need another chance…

As I struggle beneath his heel, the sound of an arrow whistles through the air. Mr Kell jumps out of the arrow’s path, and while I’m gasping for breath, I look up to identify my saviour.


“My, my, I’m kinda ashamed I didn’t notice ya. On top of bein’ quiet, do ya haff or somefing?”

Norf doesn’t respond to his banter and continues to fire arrow after arrow at Mr Kell. With remarkable agility, he dodges the arrows and rushes towards Norf. Although the distance is closing between them, Norf is disrupting his movements while staying mobile as well. I want to help him, but I need to recover my breath and stamina before I do.

All of a sudden, Norf grabs three arrows and skilfully fires all of them in a narrow spread. Instead of dodging them, Mr Kell uses his knives to deflect the oncoming projectiles. But as soon as he does…



… Norf has already fired another arrow that perfectly follows one of his shots.


Activating his first skill, Mr Kell manages to avoid a fatal blow, but not without suffering a gash on the side of his shoulder. Unfortunately, he remains undeterred and continues to close the gap. But before he can destroy Norf’s bow…



… I finally jump in front him to stop Mr Kell’s advance. Behind me, Norf continues pressuring him with arrows, allowing me focus on attacking. Thanks to my small stature, I’m able to stand between Norf and Mr Kell without obstructing Norf’s line of fire. Unfortunately, as much as I want to end this with my secret skill, he’s too focused on evading for my attack to meet. Before long, our foe halts his assault and leaps several feet back, resulting in an uneasy standoff.

“Heh... Hahaha! So dat’s how ya use ! Can’t believe ya aim could be so true with da kid in front of ya. Ya sure convinced me ta put more effort inta learning da bow. Anyhow, I fink it’s ‘bout time I bring this to a close…”

“*Huff, huff* I-is that so…”

As dramatic as declaration may be, I have little doubt he’s speaking the truth. I can tell Norf is running low on arrows and his breath has become irregular. Neither of us can last much longer, but that being said, it’s surprising Mr Kell isn’t continuing his aggression. R-rather, he’s standing under a lamp, looking at us with a faint yet unsettling smile.


In that instant, I realise our folly: he has been luring us away from the light. While Norf is stunned by his disappearance, I immediately turn to find Mr Kell standing directly behind him. Tainted steel slits Norf nape, causing him to lash out in vain before crumbling to his knees.


“Ya da last one left, kid. Do ya really wanna-”


“Woah dere!”

Again, he blocks my attack with relative ease. He’s well aware my attacks are not worth evading, and as I keep swinging in apparent vain, I reinforce that idea in his head.

I only have one chance. As villainous as Mr Kell may be, he was right about one thing: devotion can make a person strong. It’s the same devotion that gave power to Lili’s words and Mr Kell’s blades, and it’s something I had all along. I will no longer be clouded by selfish concerns. I joined Enbos to see his journey through, and for that… I am willing to do anything to clear our way.

“Ya losing focus again!”

I have not.

As he thrusts his knife at my shoulder, I allow the blade to scrape my collar as I take an offensive stance. He immediately realises my intention and moves to block my attack with his other hand… which is precisely what I’ve been waiting for.


Breaking all my subconscious limits and drawing strength far greater than my arms could bear, I swing my sword with all my resolve. Shocked by the name of my foreign skill, he tenses for a split second as my katana makes contact with his knife. With an ear-piercing screech, his knife flies out of his hand as he’s left with nothing to defend his face.


I’m not sure if my blade reached him, as my limbs have gone completely numb. However, his has definitely gone awry as he tumbles several feet and lands face down on the ground. I stare at his form with great anticipation, but as the moon shines on my katana, I notice the fresh blood on its tip.

“Hah, hah… I-I did it! I d-defeated- Arrrgh!”

All of sudden, excruciating pain surfaces across my arm, torso and pivot leg as the cost of the skill comes full to bear. Unable to endure the damage, I collapse to the ground in constant agony. I-I must have fractured multiple bones and torn several muscles. W-will Lili be able to heal me? I dearly hope they managed to-

“… Heh. Heheh. HAHAHAHAHA!”

No, i-it cannot be. I-I put everything into that attack. How can fate be so cruel?

Stricken by the sound of his tormenting laughter, I force my eyes to gaze upon his rising form. To my dismay, he walks over to my prone form with nothing but a cut across his cheek. However, as horrifying and tragic as my situation may be, what shocks me most is that the injury I inflicted his face… has revealed another layer of flesh underneath. Realising the subject of my attention, he clicks his tongue and begins applying magic over the damaged area.

“Sigh, ya want ta know if I’ve ever had ta write a name on dis rock, right Sen? Da answer’s yes, and not jus’ once either. One of dem only three months ago, too."

"… he was my apprentice. H-his second trek solo… and he neva came back.”

“Could it b-be… T-tom Gill?”

“In da flesh, literally. Ya may not know it but I’m a bit of a perfectionshunist, which is why I’m really annoyed ya ruined da face. Easy ta fix, sure, but dere will always be a faint mark.”

“N-no way. Then that means the real Mr Kell…”

“Is long dead. Ya been gettin’ along with nothin’ but a shadow of da real deal. Took a lotta effort to learn everyfing I needed before I could take his face and haff da mages work dere magic.”

“T-take his-! Don’t tell me you-”

He returns a small smile with the face of the man he had betrayed. I can feel myself becoming ill at the mere idea of what this monster did to the late Jacob Kell. In all my time in the Nomura clan, I-I had never heard of such despicable acts. H-how can a race as developed as humanity be capable of such cruelty towards their own?

Just when I believe the situation couldn’t get any grimmer, the sound of the imposter’s reinforcements reaches my ears. Hope seems to slip away as I desperately wish for the miracle Lili so passionate described.

“Hah? Why are dere only two of ya!?”

“M-my apologies Brother, b-but we need you to come to the town square immediately! Enbos has gone on a-!”


At that moment, a metal weight suddenly slams into the messenger’s temple. His partner screams in shock, only for the weight fly up and hit him in the head as well. Dumbfounded by this development, "Mr Kell retreats" several metres as the airborne artefact zips pass his location. Curious of what mysterious force is at work, I look carefully to find the miraculous implement is a hammer tied to a long cord of rope. And holding on the other end is…

“Minna! You’re awake!”

“I see. I was wonderin’ where da missy was-”

“… Sen.”


“Where… is… Sen!? What have you scoundrels done to him!?

“Sigh, its jus’ one surprise afta another. Even dat softie Enbos was more trouble dan I thought. Looks like I afta do everyfing myself.”

“R-run Minna! The man we know as Mr Kell is far stronger than any of us!”

“What’s with that weird way of phrasing it? Also, I have no intention of leaving without Sen!”

“Good Lord, afta all ya talk of Sen being hot-headed, ya bein’ jus’ as- Ugh!”

Much to everybody’s surprise, he suddenly falls to one knee after a couple of steps. He seems to be using all his strength to keep himself up as his body is quickly losing strength. Capitalising on his abrupt weakness, Minna swings her weight towards him, but he quickly evades with . However, using that skill deprives more of his strength as he is now shaking with frailty.

W-what is going on? It looks as if he’s poi- Oh, I see! The bow and quiver Norf acquired was the same poisonous set "Mr Kell" discarded in the beginning!

“C-curse you. CURSE YOU, NORF! I should have delivered your souls to Maleosis when I had the chance! Do you wretched heathens truly believe this is enough!? I WILL NOT FALL UNTIL ALL YOUR HEADS ARE AT MY FEET!”

Dropping his charade completely, his true voice surges with hostility as a murderous pressure emanates from his every being. Although he is now weakened, I still believe Minna should retreat. Like a wounded and deranged animal, he’s far more dangerous now than before. Undeterred, Minna readies her makeshift weapon to-

CRACK! Dooom, dooom…

“W-what in the world!?”

Without any warning the earth begins to shake with increasing magnitude. While the tremors are moderate, they are far too rythmic to be a natural occurrence. In fact, I can hear loud thumping coming from the village square. As the vibrations subside, confusion is clearly written on our faces. Even our foe has the same stupefied expression as he lets out a roar of frustration.

“W-what is going on? What in God’s name is Enbos doing over there!?”

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