《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Arc 3, Chapter 84: Residents Evil


“Ow, ow, ow…”

“Are you alright, Minna?”

“Ugh, it feels as if my head is splitting apart.”

“Here, let me heal you. .”

“… Thank you, Lili. That really helps.”

“You're always welcome, Minna. It seems all that alcohol is taking effect.”

“I swear I didn’t drink that much, but I guess it’s a stronger brew than the last. I can only imagine the agony that’s in store for Sen and Norf. They didn’t hold back with the free liquor at all.”

“Heaven have mercy on them. I’ll be sure to check on the two later.”

“Yes, but are you sure you’re okay, Lili?”

“I feel a bit light-headed, but it’s not too bad. Please stay in bed while I go fetch a towel.”

“Sigh, and this is why I said we shouldn’t drink so much during the day. We even missed out on visiting the tanner as a result.”

“I’m sure you can forgive them just this once, Minna. After all, this quest meant a lot to you and Sen.”

“Yeah, it does. It’s probably our most important quest since our first. Speaking of which, would you like to hear how Sen and I started?”

It’s late in the evening and the six of us have retreated to our rooms for some much-needed rest. Minna and I are currently trading stories in a room on the first floor. Sen and Norf are staying next door, while Enbos and Hachirou are on the ground floor.

“Hmmm, come to think of it, maybe I should check on Enbos and Hachirou as well.”

“Perhaps Lili, but I have a sneaking suspicion they’re completely fine. I managed to stop Hachirou from going overboard, but knowing Enbos, he probably has something up his sleeve.”

“True. For some reason, I can’t imagine Enbos being groggy at all.”

“He really gives off a dependable and indomitable vibe. I think he’ll turn down your help whether he needs it or not.”

“True, but I think I’ll pay them a visit regardless. Even if he rejects my aid, it would be nice to hear some of his stories.”

“… Lili?”

“Yes, Minna?”

“Are you interested in Enbos?”

“Huh? No, not at all. At least, not in the way you’re implying. What lead you to such a belief?”

“We~ll, ever since Enbos saved you from the Treant, I noticed you’ve been glancing at him a lot. Also, you were quite adamant yesterday about accompanying him for the beetle hunt and fetching him for dinner. It’s like you’re trying to spend as much time with him as possible. I guess I was mistaken.”

“T-that's… No, you weren’t imagining it, Minna, but I wasn’t driven by affection so much as curiosity. I felt I couldn't leave him alone.”

“I definitely understand how you feel. Even now I think they’re hiding a lot, but you don’t need to know everything about someone to befriend them.”

“Indeed, and I now realise I was being slightly overbearing.”

“You know, Lili, this reminds me of when we first worked together. Do you remember?”

“Yes, I do. I wanted Norf to open up to me, but he avoided me like a leper. Honestly, I was surprised he opened up to Enbos so quickly, but I suppose neither of them believed I would be of help.”

“*Giggle* You may not have realised, but Norf was especially conscious of you at the time. Besides, they both know you only mean well so there’s no need to feel down.”


“I’m not feeling down at all, Minna. If anything, I feel relieved. I finally reached an understanding with Enbos, and I’m happy Norf is willing to change. Nonetheless, I thank you for the encouragement.”

“Really Lili, you have such a big heart. *Yawn* Anyway, I’m glad I had the wrong idea. If you really did have a thing for Enbos, I would have had to break some bad news.”

“Bad news?”

“I-it’s nothing. You better go see… idiots next door.”

“Okay, Minna. I’ll be back soon.”

Leaving Minna to rest, I exit our room and walk up to the door on our right. I knock a few times but receive nothing but silence from the other side.

“Sen? Norf? Would you mind letting me in?”

Again, nobody answers and yet there’s light spilling from the edges of the door. I press my ear against the grain and hear the faint sound of snoring. It seems they’re taking a nap. Deciding to try again later, I leave them be and prepare to descend the stairs. However, as soon as I do, I spot Enbos leaving his room and casting a barrier over the door. It seems he’s completely fine, and if the spell is anything like last time, it will silence my knocks. Sigh, I might as well go back.

“Minna, I think Sen and Norf are resting. I don’t think we’ll be having supper togeth… Minna?”

“So, you really are a member of the underground guild. How troubling. I’m sorry Master Enbos, but there are a few things we would like you to explain.”

I can’t believe this innkeeper, or rather, everybody at the Whistling Willow is associated with the underground guild. How did they know I was a member? Wait, of course you idiot! The ring! It works exactly like an adventurer crest. It’s probably the reason the innkeeper kept staring at my hands while I was signing the register.

“Firstly, which branch do you belong?”

“I was given this ring by “Jonathan Terrace” as a sign of our acquaintanceship.”

“I see, so you are a member of Mr Terrace’s circle, and yet what you have done recently is clearly a violation of our agreement.”


“Master Enbos, we made a deal with the Catorrem guild not to interfere with each other’s activities. It is because of said deal that we gave safe passage to you and your “possessions”. While there was some uncertainty, we were confident you would act to honour the agreement…”

I see, when I said I would take care of my possessions on the day we first arrived, he thought I was referring to the party. What exactly are they hiding here? Is it related to those excavation sites we uncovered? In any case, it’s clear to me now that the innkeeper is part of a separate entity from the underground guild. With the way I've been blatantly brandishing my ring, he probably thought I was in on the know. If I answer poorly, I could make enemies of both Xur and this guy’s group.

Also, what does he mean by giving safe passage? All we did was go to Tiel-

“Perhaps, but no adventurer should have been here in the past month. If any bodies were recovered in Tiel Woods, the guild would have issued an investigation…”

Oh my god. Don’t tell me…

“… However, not only have you failed to do so, you’ve disrupted our operation and risked drawing the attention of the state. Would you mind telling us why?”

I-I have to act tough. If I don’t somehow talk my way out, we could all end up in hot water!


“Regrettably, I was wholly unaware of this matter until now. While I do personally know Mr Jonathan, I am currently acting independent of his will or awareness. Rather, it was your failure to inform me that led to your predicament.”

“Perhaps, but now that your companions have completed the quest, how shall we rectify this?”

“I’ll take charge of writing the report and degrade its severity to a C rank quest. If you are still dissatisfied, I can forego the report and you can reissue the same quest.”

“While it is a sound suggestion, having two consecutive quests with questionable reputations may draw the attention of the adventurers guild. However, there is a much better alternative.


"My proposition is that you “fail” the quest after severe causalities… or the loss of your entire party.”

“Including me, I presume?”

“On paper, at least, yes.”

These dastards…

“No need for unpleasantries, innkeeper. After all, this isn’t a disaster but an opportunity. While we could simply forget this ever happened and forfeit the quest, completing it will alleviate the paranoia and draw more “visitors” to your establishment.”

“True, but we can’t afford that risk. From what I’ve seen, your companions are not wholly under your thrall.”

“I don’t very much like the idea of changing my identity and losing four “possessions” because of one mistake. Unaware as they may be, they still have their uses.”

“We can always compensate you for the inconvenience, Master Enbos... However, there is no longer such a need.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re acting alone, yes? What’s to stop us from killing you in the flesh?”

“There are three- well, two flaws with your idea. One: removing me will be an affront to our mutual acquaintance, Mr Terrace. Two: what makes you think dealing with me is any easier?”

“No need to put up a brave front. After all, it should be taking effect right about now.”


“Also, by the time my master is done, Xur’s wrath will be worth nothing. I’m sorry Enbos, but this was never a negotiation. For the sake of our ambitions, you must-”


Before he can finish his sentence, and before the guy behind me can slit my throat, I seize the initiative and plunge the room into darkness. Thanks to my high rank , I can see everything in clear monochrome as I manoeuvre myself behind my ambusher and slam his head into the table with a resounding crack. The innkeeper jumps to his feet, but before he can move I flip the table and kick it into him with the strength of a Winter Troll.

As he slumps to the floor in pain, my cloud of darkness evaporates and the final staff member charges at me with a knife. I reach for my sword but grasp nothing as I recall it’s still in my room. Instead, I grab my chair to intercept his attack, embedding the blade into the seat. I twist the chair to disarm him and swing my impromptu weapon at his head with .


He braces against my blow and comes out unscathed, but as he winces from my swing, I prepare my follow-up attack.


Channelling spiritual energy into my knuckles, I perform a powerful uppercut that bypasses his physical defence and knocks him unconscious. As he hits the floor, I notice the man behind me getting up with a broken nose.


The chair hits him squarely in the head, breaking into fragments. His eyes roll back and I take a step back to admire the mess I’ve created.

Well, that was quick. I sometimes forget how strong I really am, but comparing these guys to the norm, they’re definitely more capable than peasants or bandits. I need a better idea of who we’re facing.

Hearing the groans of the innkeeper, I walk over to him and twist his arm before slamming him against the wall.

“H-how!? How are you still so strong!? You dra- Arrrgh!”

“Shut up! I’ll be asking the questions! Who are you and what are you doing here!?”

“H-heh… I won’t waste my breath o-on a heathen like you.”

“Heathen? What do you-”

Suddenly, he breaks something in his hand and sends a ball of light flying towards my head. I dodge out of reflex, but unhand my prisoner as a result. He begins channelling mana in his hand as I reel from the fact that he's a spellcaster.



He conjures a stream of fire in the shape of a snake and sends after me. However, I surround myself in a low oxygen field and suffocate the flames into a trail of smoke. As he steps back in surprise, I quickly close the distance and launch an unarmed attack.


I knock him out long before he hits the floor, but upon reflection I immediately regret doing so.

Damn it, I can’t get any more information out of him. They’re still breathing, but I don’t have the patience to wait for them to recover. I better search their bodies before tying them up.

Sensing another magical item, I reach for the innkeeper’s pocket and take out a small, black book. It doesn’t look like a diary, and judging by its contents…

“… Oh. You’ve. Got... to be KIDDING ME!”

This is bad. Really, really bad. W-we have to skip town immediately!


What did I just step on? Oh, it’s that magical item he used to fire that-

I-it wasn't a flare; it was a signal baton. They always come in pairs, and if one of them is activated…

“Damn it! He’s already raised an alarm!”

Driven by desperation, I run to my room and slam open the door. My abrupt entry gives Hachirou a small scare, but that's nothing for what's to come.

“Huh, w-what’s wrong Enbos? Why are you-”

“No time to explain! Arm yourself! We need to get out of this village ASAP!”


Grabbing my bag and my sword, I proceed upstairs and kick open Lili and Minna's door.



“Grab your gear and get ready to leave! We have no time to waste!”

“W-we can’t! Minna won’t wake up no matter what I do! What on Aren is going on!?”

Damn it, what did they do to Minna!? Also, Lili isn’t looking too good herself. Did they do something to the food and drinks? In that case, it’s no wonder they were surprised by my liveliness. Due to Lili’s constitution, the effect was only partial, while Hachirou is curiously immune.

“Is Minna dying!?”

“N-no, but she’s stuck in an unnatural slumber.”

“Damn it! Hachirou, help Lili carry her. I’ll go grab Sen and Norf.”

“Please Enbos, will you spare a few seconds to explain!? I can tell it’s urgent, but I need to know what we’re dealing with!”

“We’re dealing with this!”

I pull out a small, black book from my pocket and open its covers to show Lili. It’s filled with malicious energies and even eviler words dedicated to the dark god Maleosis: a Necronomicon.

“Oh my God, t-this is…”

“It belonged to the innkeeper! This inn, no, this entire freaking quest was a cultists’ trap for adventurers, and we’re next! I managed to knock out the staff, but I don’t know how many of these lunatics are hiding in the village!”

“But where can we go!? The bridge-”

“Is probably a lie! If the village head is really alive, there’s no way he’s not involved. We can escape to Tiel Woods and decide our next move. !”

I destroy Sen and Norf’s door to find the occupants sprawled on the ground. Using , I lift them over each shoulder and make my way downstairs with everyone else in tow. However…

“Maleosis demands! Deliver these heathens to our True Lord!”


As the sun sets over the horizon, I spy dozens upon dozens of oncoming silhouettes, armed with fire and metal. All colour drains from my figurative face as I realise... I was wrong. They weren’t hiding among the villagers; they were using the village to hide. We're right in the middle of a cultist den.

“! !”

I raise a large column of earth to block the main entrance. Lili catches onto my idea and conjures over the windows. Assuming they’re as strong as the average militia, it should take them a while. Or at least, to get through the front.

“Does anybody know where’s the back door!?”

“T-the kitchen!” exclaims Hachirou. “When I helped deliver the drinks, I saw a door by the cellar!”

Charging across the common room and into the aforementioned room, I spot the door leading outside... and a rabid peasant about to get in.



I kick the door into his face and seal the exit with . It’s no good. I can sense half a dozen cultists on the other side. With three unconscious party members, we can’t fight this many people and carry them at the same time.

“Ideas anybody!?”

“I-if we can’t get out, we have to hold out until Sen, Minna and Norf recover!” suggests Lili.

“B-but what if they burn down the inn!?” says Hachirou.

“I don’t think they will. This inn is an important part of their plans. Even if they try to smoke us out, I can always filter the air,” I explain. “Anyway, let’s start barricading the entry points before our spells expire!”

Using and the Winter Troll’s , I stack heavy objects against the doors and windows. Lili is continuing to treat the trio while Hachirou is helping me build a blockade. Due to the unconstructed areas around the inn, the building has been completely surrounded. The cultists’ fanatical cries are unsettling, and for a Eden follower like Lili, this situation is probably straight out of her worst nightmares. To be honest, a part of me is afraid they will go ahead and burn the place down.


“Where did that come from, Hachirou!?”

“I-it came from the first floor!”

Damn it, they’re using ladders or ropes to get in! The windows on the ground floor are too small, but the ones on the upper floors are big enough to fit through.

Charging up the stairs, I don’t bother entering the breached room and seal the door with . Unfortunately, I can hear them moving the ladder to another window. Desperate to intercept them, I barge into the next room, only to find a frenzied face staring from outside the window.



Before he can take a step inside, I send the invader flying from the first floor. Next, I conjure a to destroy the ladder, causing the remaining intruders to jump from varying heights. However, instead of tending to the injured, they begin moving elsewhere. Worried, I trace the relocating cultists and stick my head out of the window… to see another ladder leading to the second floor.

“Damn it! !”

I destroy the second ladder, but quite a number of them have already breached the inn. I immediately rush to the ascending stairs, only to catch a line of cultists descending the steps.



Increasing their weights by several-fold, they tumble down the flight of steps and scatter around the base. I immediately cast to block the entrance, but I still have to deal with the ones getting back onto their feet. My hand naturally reaches for my sword… but I pry my fingers away.


Shrouding my body in electricity, I charge towards the first guy and throw two electrified punches to his chest and a third to his head. He crumples to the ground in quivering spasms as the man behind him-

Huh, a t-teenage girl?

“For Maleosis!”

“God damnit!”

Snapping out of my shock, I punch her in the diaphragm before pushing her aside. The next opponent moves in to swing a hammer, but I step forth to grab his wrist. Keeping a firm grip, I wait for the electricity to-


“N-n-n-now J-joseph! F-f-for M-maleos-sis!”

Unbelievable! He’s ignoring all the pain just to hold me in place! Wait, is his partner casting ! Is he trying to finish us both off!?

I try to move aside, but to my horror, I realise the girl on the ground is holding onto my leg with fanatical strength. For a sickening instant, I see the deluded nobility in their eyes.



Reducing my subduer’s weight, I quickly grab his chest and perform a German Suplex. I flip him headfirst onto the teenager below, just as the flies over us and destroys the wall. Knocking them out, I immediately right myself and at the mage. With electrified digits, I grab his mouth and slam his head against the wall, dealing the knockout blow.

W-what the hell is wrong with these people!? I-is this normal in this world? If I had drawn my sword-


Damn it, while I was occupied, more of them slipped in! I have to retreat to the ground floor and work with Hachirou to-



Alarmed by the loud noise followed by Lili’s tired voice, I run over to the railing and look down to find the main entrance has been completely smashed apart. Instead, standing in its place is a behemoth of man in full armour, wielding a colossal hammer resembling a boulder attached to a stick… No, he’s not a man at all! With disproportionate limbs and metal sheets literally nailed into its flesh, this misshapen humanoid is an undead. While the cultists are reeling from the flash, the monstrous zombie lumbers towards a stalwart Hachirou and a sickly Lili.


Landing the first blow, Hachirou draws the undead's attention and begins luring it away. My anxiety goes through the roof, but I soon realise the abomination is much too slow to hit Hachirou. On the other hand, I can hardly feel relieved for Lili as the remaining cultists are circumventing the monster to target the unconscious party.


Jumping from the first floor, I land in front of Lili and blow the attackers onto their backs. Beside me, Lili casts to trap them in a dome.

“The first floor is a lost cause! Get Minna to the cellar!”

“But what about Sen and Norf!?”

“Hachirou and I will grab them, now go! , !”

I fire my spiritual energy at the undead, staggering it and allowing Hachirou to retreat to a safe distance. It tries to give chase but loses balance and falls.

“What did you do to it!?”

“I severed some of its spiritual links, but it won’t last long! Grab Sen and get to the cellar, now!”

We rush over to Sen and Norf, when suddenly a barrage of arrows and thrown weapons drives us back. The cultists are recovering and the zombie is crawling our way, but if I can just reach a few more metres…


“Let me go, Hachirou! I can still get them!”

“No, you can’t, Enbos! Please!”

“God damnit! !”

Pulled ahead by Hachirou, we rush over to the open cellar where Lili is waiting. She notices Sen and Norf are absent, but ushers us in without a word.


“. W-what happened to Sen and Norf?”

“We had no choice but to leave them behind. Do you think they’ll be fine, Enbos?”



“… T-they’ll be fine. The cultists went through the trouble of using a sedative rather than a lethal poison. Whatever they are planning, they prefer to capture us alive.”

Bang! Bang! Bang!

“The barrier will expire soon! What do we do now!?” asks Hachirou.

“I can make us appear invisible, b-but with this many people it will only last half a minute.”

“I have a better idea. Come on, follow me!”

“Break down the door! Maleosis demands!”

“For His Holiness Tascus!”

For the next few minutes, the cultists continue hacking at the cellar door. It’s an underground space with only one entrance, a fact the fanatics are keenly aware of. With murderous zeal, they eventually break through the door and pour into the room to find…

“DELIVER- Eh...?”

“… Where did they go?”

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