《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Arc 3, Chapter 83: Unravelling Facades


Thud, thud, thud….

“Hahaha! By the spirits, I never thought we would finish the quest so quickly AND down an A rank monster as well!”

“For heaven’s sake Sen, why are you already treating it like a fond memory!? You almost died today!”

“I know Minna, I know. I’m just really glad we finally laid the cursed quest to rest. I hated hearing Eric’s death being used for idle gossip.”

“I share your sentiment Sen and I must admit it feels good to finally put everything to rest.”

Thud, thud, thud…

“Come to think of it, do you reckon the Mellivorath was partially responsible for the rumours?”

“Perhaps, but no adventurer should have been here in the past month. If any bodies were recovered in Tiel Woods, the guild would have issued an investigation.”

“I hope they issue one regardless. The overpopulation of Boulder Beetles probably attracted the Mellivorath from a nearby Life Fall. We should report this for the sake of the villagers.”

“I agree, Lili. For all we know, there could be more of those things wandering the forest.”

“When you put it like that Minna, I’m glad we decided to leave the forest!”

Thud, thud, thud…

“Well, that being said, it would have been a crying shame if we had to leave the Mellivorath behind.”

“Indeed. We’re lucky to have Enbos with us. I’m really starting to see necromancy in a new light!”

“Sigh, listen you guys, when I said I wanted to use necromancy for the good of others… I wasn’t referring to its contribution to the monster hauling industry!”

Trudging alongside me like a giant, tame pet, I’m currently using to move our 6-ton trophy. While taking such a large corpse will risk attracting predators, its materials are simply too good to pass. The price of its hide would line all our pockets and the magic core is the perfect component for my staff. Moreover, the Mellivorath’s soul is an amazing addition to my collection, although absorbing it once I’m done is bound to raise my level.

After a while, we leave Tiel Woods and venture into the open plains. Finding an ideal spot, Minna, Lili and Hachirou begin making camp at the base of a small hill. Meanwhile on a distant clearing, Sen, Norf and I have the unenviable task of dismantling this humongous badger. Although its dead, its skin is still unyielding even without the soul’s influence. After a few fruitless attempts, I resort to casting in trace amounts to soften parts of its underbelly. We make steady progress, and by the time it’s dusk, we manage to obtain as many materials as we can humanly carry. However, before I dispose of the body, I channel mana through its body to find its magic core.

“There it is.”

Using my hunting knife, I dissect its chest and find the Mellivorath’s magic core hidden safely within its ribcage. I ended up giving my share of the badger’s hide for this one component, but it’s well worth the price. I can tell by the amount of mana I’m pouring in that it’s of high quality. I can’t wait to affix it to my staff!

“Are you done dismantling the thing?”

“Yes, Sen. I’ll go ahead and dispose of it.”

“Are you sure we can’t take a bit more? It seems kind of a waste to throw away all that lean meat.”

“Absolutely not! At this point, it’s better to treat the entire thing as unfit for human consumption.”

“Hrm, I guess you’re right. After all, the bait must have been quite potent to kill an adult Mellivorath.”



Rather than the bait, we have no idea how potent Hachirou’s cooking could be. Even now I’m worried Sen might collapse from some delayed effect.

“Anyway, you two can go ahead and return to camp. I have just the spell to clean up this mess and it’s not going to be pretty.”

Agreeing with my suggestion, I watch as Sen and Norf leave with all the salvaged materials. Once they are out of sight, I absorb the Mellivorath’s soul and prepare to test its skills.


Night Vision (Greater) has evolved to Dark Vision (High)>

Name Enbos Race Undead Class Dark Acolyte Level 6 HP 153/157 MP 103/141 Base Modifiers Total Max HP 157(↑4) 157 Max MP 141 (↑5) 141 Attack 36 (↑2) +20 56 Defence 27 (↑1) +5 32 Magic 111 (↑5) 111 Resilience 51 (↑3) +2 53 Agility 56 (↑2) -1 55 Integrity 289 (↑9) 289 Unique Skills Ruler of One | Equip Soul Innate Skills Dark Vision (High) | Create Status (High) | Soul Core (Greater) | Soul Eater (Greater) | Enhance Mind (High) | Parallel Thought (Greater) | Magic Perception (Greater) | Intimidate (Greater) | Spectral Sense (High) | Decay (Greater) Extra Skills Heavy Strike (Greater) | Great Throw (Greater) | Shadow Step (High) | Project Voice (High) | Sneak (Greater) | Analyse Soul (High) | Reveal Magic (Basic) | Precise Memory (Greater) | Burrowing Strike (Basic) | Fortify (Basic) Magic Skills Fireball (Greater) | Lightning (Greater) | Storm Cloak (Greater) | Conjure Flame (Greater) | Reanimate Dead (Greater) | Conjure Water (High) | Command Water (High) | Shadow Stake (Basic) | Spell Shield (Greater) | Perception Link (Greater) | Command Undead (Greater) | Dark Cloak (Greater) | Shadow Spear (Greater) | Control Oxygen (Greater) | Kinetic Barrier (Greater) | Oxy Fuel (Greater) | Gravity Field (Greater) | Reconnect Soul (Greater) Spirit Arts Life Tap (Greater) | Rising Dragon Fist (Basic) | Phantom Edge (Greater) Custom Skills Control Oxygen (Greater) | Kinetic Barrier (Greater) | Oxy Fuel (Greater) | Gravity Field (Greater) | Reconnect Soul (Greater) | Phantom Edge (Greater) Stored Skills [Winter Troll] Pounce (Basic) | Enhanced Strength (Basic)

[Winged One] Enhanced Hearing (Basic) | Arcane Wings (Basic) | Shadow Orb (Greater) | Piercing Blow (Basic)

[Forest Drake] Wind Blast (Basic) | Wind Boost (Greater) | Rending Claw (Greater) | Diving Strike (Greater)

[Mellivorath] Burrowing Strike (High) | Command Soil (High) | Enhanced Defence (Greater) | Crushing Jaw (Greater) | Earth Fall (High) Skill Points 390 out of 980 Affinities Spirit | Dark Resistances Nullify Manipulation | Nullify Mental Impairment | Nullify Pain | Nullify Metabolism | Nullify Fatigue | Nullify Ailment | Temperature Resistance | Decay Resistance | High Dark Resistance | Spirit Resistance | Fire Resistance Weaknesses Holy Weakness | Blunt Weakness Titles Worldfarer | Hunter | Adept Mage | Spellcrafter | Suspicious Being | Fearsome One | Lord of the Pub Blessings Maleosis' Pact of Power (100 Skill Points reserved) Equipment Bloodletter (Cursed) | Deer Mask | Cloak of Self Repair | Rakertus Gloves | Boots | Standard Clothing | Staff of Enbos | Underground Guild Ring | Travelling Pack | Waterskin Stomach Items Necromancer's Book | Envelope | Certificate | Lock of Hair | Handkerchief | Province Permit | Takashi's Notebook | Memento of Yuki | Adventurer Crest | Sincerity Contract | Novuseus Emblem (fake) | Letter of Approval | Wood Carving Set Currency [Reinsol] 18 Penz | 22 Fablars

Sigh, I knew it was coming, and yet the fact I levelled up twice in one day still irks me. I have to watch my “diet” more closely in future.

Looking over my status, I notice a few of the Mellivorath’s skills are highlighted in red. None of the other stored skills look like this. Am I still able to use them?



Picking up a small stone, I reach under my mask and try using . Nothing seemingly happens as both my teeth and the rock remain intact.

Strange. It’s clearly displayed in my stored skills and yet I can’t use it. If it was incompatible with my physique, like the Melivorath’s , it wouldn’t be listed. Then again, it’s the first time I’ve equipped such a powerful soul. Wait, could it be related to the new functionality of ?

Full synchronisation adds 30% of soul’s Attack, Defence, Magic, Resilience and Agility to host’s respective parameters.>

Hmm, let’s test it.

To create a controlled test, I bite on the stone without using the skill. Again, it doesn’t break and I am able to move onto the next step: activating .


I see, the skills in red are only usable once I fully synchronise with the equipped soul. Actually, it may simply be that I don’t have the requisite strength to activate the skill. The Mellivorath had an attack of 84 while I only have a base of 36. In the case of , it probably has both a physical and magical requirement since my magic should far outstrip the badger’s.

Come to think of it, just how powerful am I after synchronising with the Mellivorath’s soul?

Base Modifiers Total Max HP 157 157 Max MP 141 141 Attack 36 +20 +25 81 Defence 27 +5 +32 +6 70 Magic 111 +15 126 Resilience 51 +2 +29 +5 87 Agility 56 -1 +18 73 Integrity 289 289

Holy cow, just look at those stats, especially my defence and resilience! The Mellivorath’s and natural toughness have pushed those numbers to another level. I would love to keep it equipped at all times, but doing so would burn through my life force as it takes spiritual energy to maintain the synchronisation. It seems that the higher the soul’s quality, a.k.a. its integrity, the more energy it consumes. In addition, if I switch souls or deactivate the skill it will completely reset the connection. Well, seeing as how I have the Mellivorath’s soul up and running, I might as well have some practice.


I wave my arm and a gush of dirt erupts in front of me. I then control the airborne particles and manoeuvring the stream of soil into various shapes before clumping it into a solid sphere. I must admit I’m having a lot of fun. Given that I already know , all I need is and to imitate a certain legendary bender of elements.

Beep! Beep!

Sigh, I guess that’s enough for now. Like , it’s too mana inefficient for prolonged use. On the bright side, it’s good to see the MP notification system I made is up and running. Moving on…

“… Eh?”

Even with my bare hands, the ground is as soft as butter! Unlike the basic rank version of my skill, it seems to passively apply to all my digging motions. If I use this with , I should be able to swim through the ground.

Anyway, I guess that's enough for today. As much as I want to test , the shockwaves will probably draw the party’s attention.

I take out the soul of a Boulder Beetle and implant it into the Mellivorath’s body. I then order it to walk back towards the forest. Of course, using an insect’s soul in a mammal’s body results in a wonky walk, but at least it’s moving away. I’m glad nobody’s here to see the skinless, rotting mass of meat scamper towards the distance. I finish my clean up by throwing all the entrails and remains into a hole before burying it.

After I do so, I call out to the silent presence that has arrived to observe me.

“You can show yourself, Lili. I know you’re there.”

“So, you really can see through my illusions.”

She steps forward to greet me, deactivating whatever magic she was using to test me. After I wash my hands with , I raise two earthen stumps with for our long-anticipated talk. It’s ironic to see our positions reversed as now she is the one being put on the spot.

“… W-when did you realise?”

“The beginning.”


“I could see through your illusions from the very beginning. To me, your pointy ears stand out like sticks in the mud.”

Paralysed by my brazen statements, I can tell she’s breaking into a cold sweat. It kind of reminds me of the time Helena dropped a similar bombshell on me. I can’t help but feel a pang of empathy as she stutters her way out of shock.

“H-h-how can that be possible!? My is powerful enough to affect high level mages! H-how are you…”

“I’m immune to all mind-altering effects, including sensory distortions. In fact, I almost doubted my eyes when you first took off your hood.”

“I’m a bit scared to ask this, b-but what else do you know about me?”

“Let’s see, apart from the fact that you’re an illusion-weaving elf, I know your real name is Liliana…”


“… you’re from the Ascleson family…”

“W-wait a moment, Enbos…”

“… you keep a personal diary, and your age is-”

“How in the world do you know that!?”

“Sorry, I was only joking about the last part. What I’m trying to say is: relax. I don’t plan on telling anyone else.”

“But Enbos, if you knew that much from the very beginning... why didn’t you say anything? Y-you could have threatened me into silence or at least approached me for dialogue.”

“Because I saw no reason to.”


“Does knowing give me the right to meddle in your affairs? Of course not. It’s far better we keep our circumstances separate and continue living our lives. That’s why I won’t divulge any more about myself, and why you shouldn’t either.”

“I-I see. To think that while I’ve been trying to pry into your circumstances, you’ve been secretly avoiding mine. Between the two of us, it seems you were the more considerate one.”

“No need to feel ashamed. I know you didn’t mean anything ill, although I hope you will respect the few secrets I have left.”

“… Enbos, I may now know you’re a necromancer, but it’s not what I wanted to find. I have no proof to support this, b-but... you’re not really human, are you?”


I don’t say anything. However, my silence lasts too long for me to deny her suspicion.

“Why are you so intent on knowing, Lili?”

“Do you remember on the final night in the Vivian Forest, when I told you, “God didn’t intend for people to live in isolation”? I had hoped you would share my sentiment, but I see now you were blessed to have Hachirou by your side.”

"I-I see...."

When she said those words, they applied as much to me as herself. Now that I think about it, she must have grown up feeling isolated within a human society. If I had never met Hachirou, I might have felt the same loneliness that drew her to me. The same loneliness that confined Si to the Dellmore Forest, and drove Takashi to found the Nomura clan.

“Huh, hold on a second. You’re an elf, right? Don’t you have others of your kind hiding in human society?”

“No Enbos, I have never met one apart from my mother. And while I may resemble the full-blooded article… I was born from a union of both man and elf.”

“B-but that’s…”

While it would certainly explain her status as a human, it’s impossible for a half-elf to naturally exist! If humanity is a species that developed in the physical realm to become more magical, elfkind is a species that developed in the spiritual realm to become more physical. After all, they’re descended from living spirits that dwell within the World Stream and are only a step below fairies in terms of their magical constitution. For an earthly human to impregnate a magical elf would require the freak coincidence of both bodies possessing similar constitutions, and that’s before I consider the development of a healthy embryo.

“I know what you’re thinking, Enbos, and I must confess my birth was a God-given miracle.”

“Is that why you became a woman of faith? Even so, I can’t understand why you would willing follow a religion that preaches human supremacy.”

“You misunderstand the words of God. He does not preach exclusion, but the journey of all life towards Eden. As a matter of fact, the Path of Eden doctrine derives from Elven teachings.”

“Huh!? But if that’s true, then that means…”

“Indeed, the Word of Eden existed before the Apocalypse, or so I heard from my mother. While humanity’s dogma may differ from the original, we all believe in the same lord watching over us.”

Well this is surprising. I always thought the Path of Eden church was created solely to justify the cataclysm. Actually, it would be more accurate to say it has been adapted to fit the views of humanity. If the fundamental belief of spreading good existed before the Apocalypse, does that mean there was “evil” during the “Golden Age”? As much as I want to press for answers, I have a feeling Lili won’t be the one to provide them.

“Still, I don’t understand why you would enlist yourself as a cleric. Are you trying to hide right under the Church’s nose?”

“Enbos, don’t you think there is a reason we came to be? All life is a part of God’s grand design. No life is without His guidance, and I believe mine is to become a bridge between humanity and elfkind. If I can become a recognisable member of the Church, I can prove there is a place for us in this world.”


“Yes, Enbos. If humanity can accept elfkind, it will open the gate for other demi-humans as well. I dream of the day all of us can walk the same pathway to Eden.”

“I hate to say this, Lili, but I doubt that will happen.”

After all, I’m not even a demi-human…

“Please have faith, if not in me then in the hearts of the people. I know my dream will one day become reality, and even if my life’s work amounts to a single step, I would be content. My mother would approve as well.”

“How admirable."

"Do you still think it's impossible?"

"No, I am the last person to tell you it's a fool's errand. I truly wish you all the best."

"Thank you, Enbos."

"By the way, from the way you talk about your mother, it sounds as if she… erm…”

“*Giggle* I know what you’re thinking and there is no need to be concerned. My mother returned to her homeland when I was young, a place hidden to everyone including me. Although she hasn’t returned since, I know she is alive and well.”

“But that means you spent the rest of your childhood without her. Was there no one you could confide in?”

“I do have my father and he cares for me deeply, but he can never truly empathise with my feelings.”

“I see... Regardless, if I were him, I’d be worried my daughter is approaching shady, deer-headed necromancers for company.”

“If anything, Enbos, your “shadiness” has only served to encourage me. To be honest, when I first saw you recover from the brink of death, I-I… I was terrified, and I felt ashamed for feeling that way after you saved my life. I wanted to learn more about you, to finally put my unease to rest and find a kindred soul.”

“Well, assuming I’m really not a human being.”

“I’m convinced so. As a matter of fact, I think I finally unravelled your true form. I-I know you won’t answer me, but… will you hear me out?”


I give a slight nod before giving Lili my undivided attention. Although it’s likely nothing but conjectures, I have no doubt she has a good idea of what I am.

“Until now, I wasn’t sure of what you were. Whenever you sleep, you’re as still as a corpse. Whenever you drink or speak, you rely on magic. Whenever I heal you, your mana fluctuates. I couldn’t fathom what you were, but from all that you’ve shared today, everything suddenly fell into place.

Enbos the Black, I’m now convinced…”


“… that your body…”


“… is a mana-controlled automaton. You’re actually a fey-like existence descended from the spirits of darkness.”

“… Hah!?”

“Ah, please forget everything I just said. I-I can tell from your reaction that I’m dearly mistaken.”

“Oh no, please do go on, Lili. I have to know how you came up with such an oddly specific conclusion.”

“F-fine, but promise you won’t laugh, okay? You see, since you have a dark-spiritual affinity and can see through illusions, I thought you were a spiritual being akin to a fairy. In fact, I-I assumed you were of similar stature, and t-that were controlling your body from… within… your…”



“I-I’m sorry, I’m sorry, b-but this is too much! This is the first time anybody has ever said I was some kind of dark fairy! Y-you have quite the imagin- Bwahahaha!”

“By the heavens, c-can you please stop laughing? It was honestly my best deduction.”

“It’s no use looking away. Your ears stand out like a pair of red flags”

“A demon. You’re definitely a demon.”

“An interesting theory, but one I won’t entertain today. You’ll have to try again next time, assuming we’ll ever meet.”

“I’m sure we will. After all, I can always follow you to the Lysium Theocracy.”

Darn it, I completely forgot she isn’t a permanent member of Sen’s party! Since she’s a Lysium national, there’s nothing stopping her from following us to the edge of the Graland Empire!

“Don’t worry, Enbos. I don’t intend to hound you for the rest of your journey. Instead, I will make sure our paths will cross.”

“What do you mean?”

Reaching into her bag, she takes out a small-yet-thick, leather-bound tome. She offers it to me to inspect.

“This is…”

“It’s an advanced guide to sorcery. Please accept it as my farewell gift to you.”

“But Lili, isn’t this an expensive magical text? Are you sure you want to give it to me?”

“Actually, it’s a valuable tome commissioned by the Church. In truth, I shouldn’t be giving it away, which is why I’m lending it. W-when you’re finished, may you kindly return it to me in person?”

“That’s quite a roundabout way of inviting me. You do realise there’s nothing stopping me from keeping it?”

“You won’t.”


“That’s not the kind of person you are. Even if we will go our separate ways, even if it takes an entire lifetime, I know you’ll find a way. So please: will you accept it?"

“… Thank you, Lili. I swear to God I will return it.”

“God bless you, Enbos. You truly are a good man.”

“Now then, we better hurry back to camp. It’s already late and Hachirou said he’s preparing something special.”

“He’s been taking lessons from Minna to make a dish more palatable for humans.”

“Sigh, honestly he can’t even make food palatable for kobolds. We better hurry before anything happens while you’re away.”

Pocketing the hardback covenant, I accompany Lili across the open plain.

“What!? Y-you met an A rank monster in Tiel Woods and killed it!?”

“Yep, that’s right, innkeeper! We faced the curse head on and survived!”

Returning to Kasseus Village on the following morning, we’re now making a booking at the Whistling Willow. Well, to be accurate, we’re getting hold up as the innkeeper is expressing understandable surprise towards our safe return. Looking around, the inn is as barren as ever, although there are more villagers outside than when we first arrived.

“Well, all that matters are my dear customers have safely returned and the cursed quest is no more! I guess I’ll be receiving less adventurers in the coming weeks.”

“Actually, you may be getting a cohort of adventurers sooner than you think. You see, because of the Mellivorath the guild will have to issue a high-level investigation. Once we leave, you should expect a party of A rank adventurers soon.”

“I-is that so?”

“Indeed, although it’s entirely possible the state will intervene and send an armed military force instead.”

“I see... then, I suppose I’ll be quite busy in the coming weeks! Haha!”

“By the way, has the path to the next town been repaired?”

“Almost, Master Enbos. I have heard the bridge is largely finished and many of the builders are already returning home. The road should reopen by tomorrow.”

“Great. Anyway, let’s report to the village head in the meantime-”

“I regret to inform you, dear guests, but the village head is still supervising the final repairs. He should return tomorrow once the road is reopened.”

“Oh, okay. Then is there a tanner or tailor we can visit?”

“Of course, but for now may I interest you in a feast? Curse or not, completing this quest is truly a cause of celebration! In honour of all the souls that have perished on this undertaking, all the food and drinks today will be on the house!”

“Really!? Yahoo!”

Reciprocating Sen’s excitement, we register our names and take our seats around the room. While the staff is busy in the kitchen, we begin discussing our trip from here on out. Although we all have our own plans, we agree to continue travelling together to the nearest adventurers guild.

After a 20-minute wait, the small staff begin bringing plates of food and alcohol to the table. We raise our mugs into the air and let out a great cheer.

“Bottoms up! To another success, to our partnership and to all the brave adventurers who have come before us!”


“… Hachirou, are you sure you should be drinking so much?”

(Please Minna, you should already know I’m not a human child!)

(I know, but given your small size, you shouldn’t be able to handle too much. Also, from everybody else’s perspective, you look like a minor. You’re better off acting like one in public for Enbos’ sake.)

“I-I guess you have a valid point…”

Yeah, I have to agree with Minna. If Hachirou willingly plays the part of a young apprentice, it would draw less…

Hrm? Children? Come to think of it-

“Is something wrong, Enbos?”

“Ah, it’s nothing, Sen. I'm just thinking of asking the village head a few extra questions.”

“Of course. After all, we still have no idea why they're excavating ruins in the Tiel Woods. They must have had an armed guard, and yet they commissioned adventurers to deal with the Boulders Beetles instead.”

“I’m sure they will have answers for us tomorrow, Minna. But for now, let’s put all that aside and eat!”

As the sound of Norf’s music fills the air, I look outside and count the number of passing men, women… and children.

Foregoing our visit to the tanner’s and spending much of the afternoon partying, we return to our rooms to settle our stomachs and our heads. Well, most of us are. Hachirou and I are largely fine. With time to kill, my friend is busy cleaning his katana while I’m working on my staff. Using , I take mental measurements and overlay the final design over the wood.

“You seem excited, Enbos.”

“I am, Hachirou. While it’s not a magic-centric creature, getting an A rank monster’s magic core is a stroke of great luck! I really have to thank you for taking that beast down!”

“Y-you’re greatly exaggerating my contribution, Enbos. All I did was prepare the bait…”

Wait, is Hachirou still in denial about his lethal cooking?

“Hachirou, I don’t think the bait-”

“… and launch a failed attack against the Mellivorath. I-I’m sorry for not informing you beforehand. I even exposed my tail because of my selfish act.”

“Hachirou, why did you resort to that attack? You’re normally not this reckless.”

“… I wanted to prove myself.”

“You don’t have to do that. I’m not some superior you’re trying to impress.”

“I know Enbos, but because I’m weak, I have to depend on you. Every skill you use, every battle you fight on my behalf hastens your destruction. I-if I don’t get stronger soon, I would be no better than poison in your marrow.”

“Sigh, good grief. So that’s what’s been going through your head. You want me to depend on you for the sake of my health.”

“And also, for the sake of your heart.”


“Enbos, I know about the darkness in your soul, your inner turmoil. Y-you’re worried every battle will bring you closer to-”

Knock, knock, knock.

Actually, there wasn’t really a sound due to my soundproof barrier, but I can sense the person outside the door nonetheless. Raising a hand to stop Hachirou, I walk over to the door to greet the visitor.

“Hello innkeeper. How may I help you?”

“Good evening, Master Enbos. There is something I would like to discuss with you in private. May you follow me downstairs?”


Telling Hachirou to go ahead and rest, I close the door behind me and reactivate the barrier. I proceed to follow him to the common room where a few of the staff are standing by. I take the seat offered opposite of the innkeeper.

“So what do you want to talk to me about? I don’t see anybody else from our group.”

“A penz for a pint?”

Eh? Could it be…

“… A fablar for a feast.”

“A penz for the poor?”

“A fablar in my pocket.”

“So, you really are a member of the underground guild. How troubling. I'm sorry Master Enbos, but there are a few things we would like you to explain.”

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