《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Arc 3, Chapter 78: Someplace Far Away


After four days of travelling through the Vivian Forest, we emerge from a curtain of foliage to find a vast, open plain. As welcome as the change of scenery may be, I spot a more uplifting sight in the distance: a large cluster of buildings.

“Is that the village we’re here to assist?”

“Ya guessed it, kid. Dat bunch of stacks over dere is my home village, Kasseus.”

Situated across multiple streams and surrounded by dangerous woodlands, Kasseus Village is an old and isolated settlement with nothing but farmland to its name. However, due to a major trade route opening in the west, there are plans to connect the new road to Uradale via Kasseus. As a result, this humble village is now in the process of becoming a merchant town.

“Travelling through the Vivian Forest was sure a lot of trouble. How exactly do they plan on making a road?”

“Dey’re gonna build it far outside da usual Treant spots. It’ll be a bit longer and dey’ll still haff beasts ta worry about, but it’s nothin’ a well-guarded carriage can’t manage. I mite go outta business once dey’re done.”

“I’m sure you’ll manage. Will you be heading out again after this?”

“No, I fink I’ll take’ a break before I set out. I suggest ya guys do da same.”

“Yeah, I think we will…”

Hrm? Something’s a bit different about Sen. His prior excitement seems to have mellowed out. I guess the accumulated fatigue is finally taking its toll. Minna is also being oddly quiet while Norf is looking between the two with slight concern. On the other hand, there is one person who’s as chipper as usual…

“Thank you, Mr Kell. Let's all enjoy this blessed day. By the way Enbos.”

“… Yes, Lili?”

“Where will you be going after this quest is done?”

As far away from you as possible! I'm not saying anything to fuel your curiosity!

“If you’re headed west, I can always share my experiences. After all, I came to the Reinsol Kingdom along the Velvet Road.”

No thanks. I rather like to be surprised.

“Being acquainted with a cleric can be quite helpful in your travels, especially in the Lysium- Um, Enbos?”

There’s no response. It’s just a corpse.

“… Are you ignoring me?”

“No, I was just thinking about what to say.”

“And your answer?”

“Confidential. It's for the sake of research.”

“Sigh. Please Enbos, you don’t have to feel so insecure.”

“And you don’t have to force yourself into my affairs because your scriptures tell you to.”

“I’m not doing this because of my teachings, but because it’s you. Will you listen?”

“I won’t change my mind.”

“I’ll keep offering until the end.”

“Hey Enbos! Lili! Ya laggin’ behind everyone else! Watcha busy talkin’ about?”

“It’s nothing. Just some small talk…”

Distracted by our conversation, we soon find ourselves walking along a wide road lined with young wheat and vegetables. Several villagers catch our eye, and to each we offer a friendly greeting in passing. Of course, they each express varying degrees of surprise, from raised eyebrows to wide-eyed shock. Honestly, compared to previous samples, these reactions are on the tamer side. It’s probably because I’m travelling in a large group with a familiar local at the helm. Anyway, we eventually leave the fields and enter the village itself. Looking about, it’s clear the village is in the middle of major reconstruction. The incomplete buildings, large stocks of materials and levelled land all point to this, and yet…


“Isn’t it a bit too quiet? Why are there so few people?”

“Did they all run away from Enbos?”

“M-my impression isn’t that bad, Minna! Any ideas, Mr Kell?”

“Haven’t da foggiest idea. In any case… dis is where we hafta part ways. It was a nice meetin’ ya.”

“Ah, I-I see. Thank you for everything, Mr Kell. I’m glad we had you as our guide.”

“Indeed. You did an amazing job. You know, I really have a newfound respect for your profession.”

I wholeheartedly agree with Minna. The fact he can navigate the forest with his experience alone is incredible, but what I truly admire is his mental fortitude. To make a living out of that daunting place and to keep returning despite losing his disciple is more than most men can handle. I really hope he finds the heart to take another student in future.

“Sen-boy, Minna, Enbos, ya guys deserve more praise dan me. Ta be frank, dat was a pretty bad run compared ta da usual treks, but ya party pulled through, both fick and fin. ‘specially you, kid.”


“Yeah, you. Look, I’m sorry I said ye were weak. Ya sure proved me wrong dere. Not only did ya carry ya own weight, ya even carried ya master too. I guess I mighta been worrin’ fer nuthin'...”

“T-thank you, Mr Kell. Your words are too kind.”

“Ya know, ya could stand to be bolder like ya master every now and den. As fer you, ya betta damn well take care of him.”

“Of course.”

“Good. Anyway, I’m gonna hit da sheets.”

“God bless you, Mr Kell.”

“Likewise, Lili. I hope ya come outta da cursed quest unscathed.”

Accepting the other half of his payment from Minna, we bid farewell to our stiff-faced, wise and capable guide.

Realising it’s already afternoon, we explore further into the village in search of refuge. Again, the place is markedly sparse, and the lack of noise is almost as uncomfortable as the Vivian Forest. There are signs of renovation everywhere, and yet there are so few workers. Heck, I can even count the number of people I’ve passed on one hand. Shouldn’t a project as important as this attract more residents? Just how long will it take for everything to be done?

Fortunately for us, it seems they fast-tracked construction of the inn, though the surrounding area is disconcertingly empty. Walking up to the lonely building called “The Whistling Willow”, we push through its double doors and enter an ironically silent room. A middle-aged innkeeper with brown hair and a thin moustache is sleeping behind the counter, but he quickly wakes with a jolt.

“Ah, welcome honoured guests to the Whistling Willow! How may I be of service?”

“Hello, we’re here to spend the night. How much for three rooms?”

“That would be 8 penz for a room per night, meals included. A total of 24 penz for your party.”

“Hmmm. Well everyone, what do you think?”

“Actually Sen, can you make it two nights. If he’s here…”

“I-I see. Any objections, Enbos?”

“None here.”

In truth, it’ll delay our parting by a day, but I guess we can afford the wait. Either way, I have to break the “bad news” tonight or tomorrow morning. I’m sure they’ll accept our departure in good grace, and there’s nothing Lili can do to stop me.

“Okay, we’d like three rooms for two nights please.”

“Of course, dear visitors! You know, I didn’t think I would be doing any business today, but I guess God is watching over me.”


“Eh? What do you mean?”

“Ah, that's right. Mr Kell must have led you through the Vivian Forest. It’s no wonder you guys don’t know. You see, after last night’s monstrous rain… all the bridges leading to the next town were swept away.”


My sudden outburst shocks everybody present, especially the innkeeper who nearly falls on his back. Damn, I shouldn’t have reacted like that, but now there’s no way out. Somehow, I can tell Lili is wearing a whimsical smile, as if God is on her side.

“Calm down, Enbos. Is something wrong?” asks Sen.

“He’s probably worried we have to go through the Vivian Forest again, isn’t that right, Enbos?”

“Y-yes, Lili…”

“Heavens, I didn’t realise you were so shaken by the trip.”

“You did well to hide it, but I guess it’s natural after what you’ve been through,” adds Minna

“A-are the bridges being repaired?”

“Yes, they are, master mage. As a matter of fact, many of the villagers have already left to rebuild them.”

No wonder there are so few people!

“When will it be done!?”

“I-I do not know, but until then, I will provide accommodation. I’ll even offer a discount.”

“T-thanks, innkeeper.”

Take deep breaths Enbos. Deep, imaginary breaths. Just because we can’t leave now doesn’t mean we have to keep working with them. We just need to stay behind and wait for the repairs while they go off and handle the quest.

Paying the allotted sum, we each take turns signing our names in the registry. Understandably, the innkeeper takes great interest in my signature. No, wait. It feels as if he’s looking at my hands…

“Thank you, honoured guests. Here are your room keys. Since I’m not expecting anymore guests, I’ve taken the liberty of assigning you suites for no extra cost. We can also prepare a quick meal if you are interested.”

“Thank you so much! I need to change out these clothes as soon as possible.”

“By the way, Master Enbos, would you like us to… look after your items?”

Huh? What is he talking about?

(Enbos, your walking stick.)

Ah, that’s right. From everybody’s point of view, I’m taking a large, dirty branch into this pristine establishment. He’s probably saying I can’t take it inside, however…

“No, I’ll take care of my own possessions. Understood?”

“… Yes, of course, Master Enbos.”

“Good. Let’s-”

Eh? Why is everybody in our party giving me a cold look. Even Hachirou is shaking his head in disapproval. Without warning, Norf grabs me by the cloak and tugs me back in front of the innkeeper.

“Please excuse our companion here. He has an unfortunate demeanour.”


“Believe us, he’s really not as bad as he looks.”

“T-that’s right. My master is really nice once you get to know him.”

“You too, Hachirou!”

“Sigh, and you say you don’t need help…”

“Come on, Enbos. You know what you have to say.”

“Okay, I get it… I, erm, I’m sorry for speaking to you in such a threatening manner. W-will you forgive my misconduct and oblige my request?”

This is embarrassing, but I have to agree I shouldn’t have flipped into “Enbos the Black”. As much as hate the rumours surrounding me, I haven’t done much to curb it. It’s nice to know everybody is looking out for me… although I feel like a child being peer pressured into reconciliation. Don't clap!

“Of course, Master Enbos. My answer still stands.”

“Thank you. Let’s go, everybody.”

“Actually Enbos, can you and Hachirou go on ahead? There’s something important I want to ask the innkeeper.”

“Sure. Also, there’s something I want to tell you guys, so I’ll see you all later.”

Leaving Sen, Minna, Norf and Lili by the counter, we inspect our room on the second floor. After taking time to unpack, wash our equipment and establish a soundproof enchantment, I return to find everybody has already left for their rooms. Eager to enact my plan, I patiently wait on the ground floor so that I may announce our departure and end our partnership.

In the end, nobody left their rooms for the remainder of the night…


“Good morning, Hachirou.”

“Yes, good morning, Enbos. I had a most pleasant sleep. To be honest, it was uncomfortable wearing that cloak and mask for so long. My tail is especially sore.”

“Just hold out a bit longer. We’ll retire from the quest today, and once the bridges are rebuilt, then we can travel as usual.”

“It’s truly a shame. I really enjoyed their company, but I suppose it pays to be safe… Were you researching black magic the entire night!?”

“I sure did, and I finally made a breakthrough! I managed to upgrade , and now it’s even more powerful than-”

“It’s only been four days. You don’t have to dedicate every opportunity into your research.”

“Hachirou, I think spending four nights doing absolutely nothing is more than enough self-restraint.”

“Ah, t-that’s right... I-I’m sorry for not considering your perspective. It’s just, I wish you had something else to do.”

“Well, it’s not like I can readily enjoy a book, like when we were with the Nomura clan.”

“H-how about you take up writing, or better yet, sculpting? You bought a wood carving set back in Uradale. Can’t you make trinkets to sell for some extra funds?”

“I did buy it for a spot of woodwork, but…”

I gaze over to my “walking stick” in the corner of the room. I’ve already designed a few blueprints and recorded them in Crest, but it still needs more preparation…

A moment later, I sense a spiritual signature across the door. Due to my soundproofing, I’m unable to hear their knocks, but I wait a bit before opening a small gap. Greeting the room attendant on the other side, I take the two plates of breakfast and promptly close the door. While Hachirou enjoys his meal, I decompose my serving as practice and throw it into the lavatory. Finishing preparations, we leave our room and descend the stairs, only to find Lili waiting on the ground floor.

“Good morning, Lili.”

“Good morning Hachirou, Enbos.”

“I didn’t expect you to be out so soon. Don’t you need to offer your morning prayers?”

“I already have. It’s a pity the church isn’t complete. They recently tore down the old one to rebuild it at a later date.”

“Hrm? Where is Minna? She was your roommate, right?”

“Actually, you just missed the rest of the party. I tried knocking on your door, but you were sound asleep.”

In truth, I knew you were there by your mana signature, but I chose to ignore you. In addition, the soundproofing enchantment stopped Hachirou from waking up.

“So why are you here?”

“Well, Sen and Minna wanted to depart soon, so I volunteered to stay back to inform you.”

“Depart? I thought everybody was taking a break for the day?”

“N-no, they’re not departing for the quest. It’s something more important than that…”

Huh? For some reason, Lili appears oddly sombre. On top of her white uniform, she’s carrying her sceptre and scriptures with a large Path of Eden amulet around her collar.

“Enbos, Hachirou, will you follow me to Sen and the others?”

“… I understand.”

“I-is something wrong?”

“No, nothing is wrong. It’s just another part in the miracle of life. But I want you to promise me… May you tell them about your quest resignation tomorrow instead of today.”

While Hachirou reels in surprise at her deduction, I softly nod as I begin to piece everything together. The reason Sen invited Lili, a rare cleric adventurer, for a such a standard quest. The reason he’s so interested in the quest’s curse. The reason he was so dispirited after seeing the memorial…

Following Lili through the silent streets, we soon leave the village limits. Not far ahead, we spot Sen, Minna and Norf wandering a fenced off plot of land containing rows of stone slabs: the village graveyard. Suddenly, the two of the three converge on Minna’s location, and we soon arrive to find Sen kneeling at an unsigned grave with a rusting sword. I don’t think they realise we’re even here, and don’t have the nerve to interrupt. While Minna clasps Sen’s hand, his other traces the departed’s name on the dew-covered stone.

“A-after so many y-years… I-I finally caught up to you, a-and yet… you’re someplace far away. S-so much… for getting eaten by a dragon… Right, Erik?”

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