《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Arc 3, Chapter 75: Vivian Forest Expedition, Day 3


It’s another midsummer day in the humble village of Travillis. While the other youths are out playing by the stream or working in the fields, I’m swinging a crude wooden sword under the shade of a tree. Minna is sitting nearby, taking shelter under the same tree whilst reading a book. After a while, she stops reading and watches me practise my swordsmanship.

“Sen, why are you training to fight with a sword? Your family doesn’t even own a real sword.”

“I’m going to in the future. Once I become an adventurer, I’ll earn enough money to buy a sword and then all my practise will be worth it!”

“But to hunt monsters, you’ll need a weapon to start with.”

“Ah… I guess you’re right. In that case, what would you do?”

“Hmmm. I guess I would practise with what I can get. Like a bow, or a handmade spear, or maybe some weighted rope…”

“I guess that makes sense, but that sounds so… plain, and how can you fight with rope anyway? Besides, when you think of adventurers, it has to be swords!”

“No, when I think of adventurers, I think of Uncle Joe who came back with a broken knee. Seriously Sen, I don’t get why you want to be one. Not all adventurers become rich or famous, and I think the risk is too much.”

“You can’t have an adventure without some danger, and that’s why I’m training. One day, I’m sure I can be a S-rank adventurer!”

“S-rank adventurers don’t rush into things without a second thought. All I can imagine you doing is charging head-first into a pack of monsters.”

“Of course I wouldn’t!”

“You say that Sen, but I seem to remember the time you tackled Jeff and his friends when they were picking on a rabbit.”


“Or the time you climbed a tree to fetch someone’s ball but fell near the top.”


“Or the time there was a fire and you tried to…”

“Okay, okay, I get it, but it’s not like I could ignore any of those things at the time.”

“And yet I’m the one always cleaning up your mess! Seriously Sen, I don’t think you should aim to be an adventurer.”

“I’ll be fine, Minna.”

“Yeah, if he wants to end up in the stomach of a giant cat, it’s his choice. Isn’t that right, Squeaky?”

Irritated, I turn around to face my other childhood friend: Erik Pinn. He’s a blonde-haired guy with tawny eyes and a tall, slim profile. Despite his hobby of poking fun at me and Minna, he’s really a great guy at heart. Regardless…

“Stop calling me Squeaky! I don’t sound like that anymore. Also, what makes you think you’ll be a better adventurer than me!?”

“Please, if it were me, I’d at least get eaten by a dragon.”

“How about not getting eaten at all? Honestly, I don’t think I can ever understand you boys.”

“Do you really think staying in the village is any safer? Being out in the sticks, there’s always the danger of illness, bandits, crop failure, and worst of all… mind-numbing boredom. I mean, just look at you, Minna! You’re reading a book to pass the time!”

“Would you like me to cure my boredom by throwing this book at you instead?”

“I’ll have to pass.”

“So, what brings you here, Erik?”

“Oh, nothing much. Just taking a break from militia training.”

“Really? In that case, would you mind sparing with me?”


“By the spirits, I just got back from swinging a stick 300 times, and now you want me to put you in your place? Please, think about my feelings here.”

“Ah, sorry. I guess I was a bit- Wait, did you say you’d put me in my place!?”

“Well, what can you expect? I’ve learnt everything my old man can teach, while you’ve barely started. Unlike you, I’m pretty much all set to become an adventurer.”

“I see… You’re really going ahead, aren’t you?”

“That’s right, Sen. I am.”

In only a few weeks, Erik will turn sixteen and be old enough to leave the village. Of course, he has every intention of becoming an adventurer. Since he’s two years older than me or Minna, he’ll be wandering the country long before I’m old enough to join him. As kids, we used to pretend to be adventurers; exploring life falls, battling monsters, and travelling the world as partners. The fact he will be living our childhood fantasies without me makes me envious, and yet, I also feel encouraged by his determination. That’s why…

“It’s alright.”


“It doesn’t matter how far you travel or how famous you become. I’ll just catch up to you.”

“Are you sure you can do that, Squeaky? After all, you’re like a hot-headed lodestone for trouble.”

As I'm about to answer Erik’s concern, Minna suddenly interjects.

“It’s alright, Erik.”

“Huh, Minna?”

“If he ever gets into trouble, he just needs a cool-headed companion to drag him out.”

Wait, is Minna seriously suggesting…

“Pffft! A cool-headed companion? Sorry, Minna but I still don’t know who you’re- Ouch!”

“Oh, I’m so sorry Erik, but I was getting “bored” of your jokes.”

“But Minna, you were just complaining about how dangerous being an adventurer was! And now you want to join in!?”

“I still think it’s dangerous, Sen, but if I’m with you, at least we can support each other. Besides, my brothers are taking over the family trade and I guess adventuring with you for a living would be… nice.”

“Minna, could it be… you finally understand the romance of being an adventurer? That’s wonderful!”

“… Ah, yes… that’s… exactly it…”

“Sigh, I think you should get your head checked if you ever leave the village, Sen.”

“Huh, what do you mean by that?”

“Are you really that thick? Can’t you see the real reason she wants to tag along is to make sure you don’t get snagged by anoth- Bleaugh!”

At that precise moment, Minna swiftly snatches my wooden sword and thrusts it right into Erik’s stomach. She did it so quickly and so ruthlessly that I’m starting to think she has more talent for combat than me. Following her surprise attack, she drops the weapon and picks up her book before departing in a bad mood.

“Ugh… Just so we’re clear, I let her hit me.”

“Well, if you say so…”

“Heh, you know, I feel a little better about leaving you guys now. Despite my qualms, I’m really looking forward to the day our childhood group will be together again.”

“I know, Erik. I know exactly how you feel. I was concerned about Minna’s decision, but it looks like I have nothing to worry about.”

“Darn right you don’t! In two years, she’s going to be even scarier than she is now! Still, being your senior, I have to set an example. I’m not going to just hunker down and wait for you to overtake me. You got that, Squeaky?”


“I wouldn’t have it another way, Erik.”

"Hahaha, in that case...

He hops back to his feet and starts walking away in apparent pain. Then, after a few dozen steps, he suddenly turns back his head to show a mischievous yet wholehearted smile.

“... catch me if you can.”

“Mhmmm… Huh? It’s… morning?”

Opening my blurry eyes, I see streaks of light stretch across a dark sky and feel the cold tinge of another spring morning. For several moments, I stare blankly in the air until I remember I’m no longer in Travallis. Actually, it would be stranger if I were. It takes me a while to orientate my thoughts and match the voices to the people speaking. However, once I do, I quickly come to a realisation.

“I see. It was all a dream, and a nostalgic one at that…”

“Sen! You’re awake!”

“Thank goodness! We didn’t know when or if you would stir!”

Judging by the bustle around me, it seems everybody else is already awake. For some reason, the entire party gathers around me with genuine looks of concern.

“Do you feel okay? Is anything amiss? Don’t force yourself to sit up.”

“I’m fine, Lili, everybody. My body is a bit heavy, but I should be good for the trip ahead.”

“Or so ya may fink. Look, I’m willin’ make today’s trip a shorta one if ya ever need it.”

“Thank you for the offer, Mr Kell, but really I feel better now than yesterday morning. By the way, I’m sorry for oversleeping and missing my shift. I must have caused you guys some inconvenience.”



I don’t know why, but my apology has led to a round of awkward silence and stupefied expressions. D-did I say something strange?

“S-sen, don’t tell me, y-you don’t remember what happened last night?” asks Enbos.

“Of course, I do! After we fought those Shark Hawks, we…”

Huh, that’s weird. I can remember everything up to when we were preparing camp, but everything else is a haze. I think Norf wanted me to discuss something with Enbos... No, wait. Didn’t we already do that?

“D-don’t strain yourself Sen. Here, have some of Norf’s warm soup. You must be hungry.”

“Thank you, Minna. As a matter of fact, I’m starving! It’s like I didn’t have any- Huh? What did I have for dinner?”


“Um, guys? You’re starting to scare me.”

“… I’m sorry, Sen. I’m so, so sorry…”

"Huh, Hachirou?"

“It wasn’t your fault, Hachirou. It’s not like it was potent enough to knock him out by itself. Sen already accumulated a lot physical and mental fatigue, but the, errr, “unexpected ambush” finally pushed him over the edge.”

“Wait, unexpected ambush!? Were we attacked last night? Was I knocked out in the battle?”

“Sigh, da less ya know about it, da betta. Now hurry up and fill yerself up. We spent far too much time waitin’ for ya ta wake.”

Everybody quickly scatters, leaving me to ponder my amnesic condition. Looking around, it doesn’t look as if we were attacked, but the fact I can’t recall anything really makes me nervous. I quickly finish my meal and start packing my sleeping bag. However, while I do so, I spot Minna sluggishly going about her work and decide to call out to her.

“Thank you, Minna.”

“Huh? What for?”

“Your eyelids are dark and heavy. You took over my shift while I slept, didn’t you?”

“Y-yes, I did. After all, it was my fault that you were so tired yesterday. I-if I hadn't pushed my shift on you, maybe you wouldn't have fainted...”

“Seriously, just what exactly happened last night? Actually, never mind for now. Just promise you’ll tell me later, and try not to end up like me, okay? You’re a very important person.”

“A very important person… Sigh, you mean as childhood friends, right?”

“Of course! What else?”

“Haha… I knew it…”

“And again, I want to thank you, Minna, for staying by my side. Looking back over the last few years, I would never have made it this far without you. I’m really glad you decided to accompany me on that day.”

“W-wh-what are you suddenly saying, Sen!? Why are you saying such a thing now of all times?”

“Well, I was just dreaming about our past, back when Erik hadn’t left Travallis and we all used to spend time together. It feels kind of special to have such a dream at such a time. I guess this is what Lili would call divine providence.”


“Anyway, I shouldn’t be dawdling now. I’ve already taken up so much of everybody’s time. Let’s get moving.”

Since leaving Travallis, it’s taken many years for us to become what we are, slowly crawling from F-rank greenhorns to C-rank adventurers. But after what seems like a lifetime of excitement and life-or-death situations, we’re finally going to catch you… Erik.

(Dis isn’t good. Looks like a storm is brewing.)

(You’re right. It’s almost pitch black on the horizon. We better wear our rain cloaks before we go any further.)

(Acshually, we may hafta hole up at the nearest safe spot and call it a day. I’m sorry ta say dis ladies and gents, but our trip may hafta be longa.)

Gazing up at the sky, the heavens may as well be split between grey and black. It’s been several hours since we started walking and the weather hasn’t improved. According to Mr Kell, travelling through the rain is both a blessing and a curse. The good news is most wild animals will seek shelter and remain inactive until the storm passes. The bad news is the wet terrain and limited vision will impede our progress. Oh, and I guess anybody with warm bodies will be left drenched and freezing.

Briefly ducking behind a tree, I quickly change masks and cover myself in my rain cloak. A few minutes later, almost all sunlight is deprived by the stormy clouds and the deafening sound of rain can already be heard on the horizon. Within seconds, a wall of water seemingly envelops us as we enter a whitewashed world. It’s by far the heaviest downpour of the month and it’s apparent the demerits far outweigh the supposed gains. Lili casts to illuminate our surroundings, but I don’t think anybody else can see further than a hundred feet. Still, even for my me I find the weather quite distracting as it’s making it hard to focus on any details.

We continue trekking through these monsoonal conditions, but our party eventually slows to a crawl. Due to the likelihood of the river flooding and the numerous low-lying expanses of the forest, our guide leads us along high elevation areas which naturally prolongs our trek. Walking through the wet soil is a struggle due to my light weight, and at times I almost exposed my bony ankles trying to free my boots. In general, it’s a miserable experience and it’s not like the haunting tension has lightened in the least. The constant beating of the rain against our bodies is also grating our figurative nerves.

Worryingly, I realise just how quiet it really is if I ignore the sound of the wind and rain. The thunderous footsteps of the Treants have completely disappeared. Did the lack of light make them take root? I don’t know, but without the sound of the Treants' heralding steps, I feel less at ease than ever before.

“Keep it together everybody! Da next spot is a nice and cosy cave, though da floor may be flooded at dis point. We’re almost dere!”

“Thank goodness!” exclaims Sen, “I dreaded the idea of making camp in the middle of this weather.”

“By da way, do ya mages see anyfing with ?”

“No, there are no mana streams or bodies of magic nearby,” replies Lili.

“I haven’t noticed anything either.”

“Great. Now watch ya step, everybody, and try not ta fall.”

We’re now walking along an elevated area with a steep slope on our left. With the runoff from the trees flowing downwards, it’s a risky place to walk but the lack of trees makes it a relatively clear path. It should be fine as long as we…



… and there goes our first victim. It seems the wet earth beneath Minna crumbled under her weight. Fortunately, she slides down the slope on her back instead of tumbling head first, resulting in a relatively safe landing. Normally, she would never have walked so close to the edge, but I guess taking both shifts really drained her focus. Lili redirects one of her to illuminate the bottom of Minna’s descent.

“Minna! Are you alright?”

“I’m okay, Lili! I'm a little bruised, but nothing is broken. Please stop Sen from sliding down to join me, okay?”

“Should we lower a rope and pull you back up?”

“It’s too dangerous! The soil is loose so I may end up dragging you down with me! I’ll just follow you guys from here and make my way back.”

Mr Kell nods to Minna’s words, confirming our paths will converge along the way. She takes a few moments to check for missing items, and while she does, I decide to survey Minna’s surroundings just to be…

“… Oh my god.”

“Is something the matter, En-”

“Get back, Minna! There’s a Treant right behind you!”

Hearing my cry, Minna quickly faces her back to the slope while the rest of the party desperately look for the Treant. It looks just like the rest of the massive trees in the forest, except this one has the mana flow of a magical beast. In fact, if I didn't have I'm not sure I could tell the difference. If I had known it would look exactly like the tens of thousands of flowering trees we've already passed, my anxiety would have gone through the roof. Anyway, it seems Lili has also spotted the Treant and is now sending wisps of light to highlight it for the rest of the party. Although it’s not moving, it’s undeniable that Minna is in a terrible position.

“By the spirits, I’m glad Enbos spotted it in time. I was so fixated on the areas in the light that I didn’t notice.”

“It seems ta be inactive, or at least, it is for now. Looks like we haff no choice but ta go with da rope and get ya outta dere.”

“Okay! Should I move further away before we do!?”

“Dat be wise!”

“Norf, do you have the-”

“Look out, Minna! The Treant is moving!”

To everybody’s horror, we find Hachirou is right as every branch on the unassuming tree begins moving in independent directions. A great disturbance can be felt through our soles as the Treant retracts its many roots.

Why is it moving now!? Does it react to proximity? No, it would have started moving the moment Minna fell down. Did we do something else while Minna was there? Wait, of course!

“Lili, kill the lights!”


“Get rid of the around the Treant! It’s mistaking them for sunlight! Hurry!”

Lili immediately understands and hastily goes about undoing the spell. However, without any warning, all the Treant's roots suddenly burst to the surface, causing the earth to violently quake. As we stumble on our feet and flail before its might, the ground beneath us finally gives way and we all come crashing into the low ground marsh. I quickly cast to slow our descent, but it doesn't change the fact we've landed in a killing field.

“Damn it! Run everybody! Just run!”

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