《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Arc 3, Chapter 66: A Bone to Pick


Good morning! My name is Thomas Hein and today is going to be a wonderful day!

For those who are curious, I am but a simple farmer, tending to the communal fields and growing my own crops on my family land. My home lies on the outskirts of the great merchant city of Catorrem, and I relish every opportunity to walk among its grand buildings and lively streets and, of course, sell my precious produce to the people. It brings me indescribable joy for my lovingly grown leafy greens to gift a smile on somebody’s face, so much so that I wouldn’t mind living on the fields for all my life. Of course, not every year is bountiful, but this spring I’ve been blessed by spirits, which is why I’m visiting the city on this fine day.

I’m currently riding my old yet trusty donkey as he pulls along a hefty cart full of the fruits, or rather vegetables, of my labours. The seeds I sowed back in autumn have grown over the cold winter into firm, green bulbs full of delicious, crispy leaves: a bunch of my finest cabbages. Even among my peers, I dare say my cabbages will not lose to theirs. While it will not be my first trip for the spring, I hope to earn enough to buy a leg of ham and fix the roof of my humble abode.

I leisurely approach the seemingly impregnable walls of Catorrem in the distance, and with every metre passed I feel excitement stir in my heart. After five minutes of travel, the busy city gates come into view, and in another five, I hear the lively sounds of the market on the other side.

In due time, I’m surrounded by hundreds of people going to the towering gates, where visitors are sorted based on their intentions. I slowly make my way to a long line of familiar farmers and distant traders for the inevitable inspection. It’s a gradual process, but I quickly pass the time chatting with my acquaintances in the line. The visiting traders also join the conversation and offer news from outside our province.


I get off my donkey and guide him into the shadow of the giant gate. Like before, the guard tells me to stop and asks a few questions.

“Name and intention?”

“Thomas Hein. I’m just a rural farmer here to sell my vegetables.”

“Any permits or identification?”

“Here is my pass.”


“A cart of my finest cabbages.”

“Any magical artefacts or enchantments?”

Huh? That’s a new question.

“No, I don’t have any magical items at all.”

“I see… Guards! We have a suspect! Lock down this gate and detain him!”


In the next instant, three guards tackle me to the ground and gag my mouth before I can finish. The sound of metal gears resounds throughout the doorway as two large metal grilles come crashing down from behind and in front, sealing any escape.

W-what did I do wrong!?

“Restrain that donkey and confiscate all his cargo! Take the suspect into the interrogation room!”

I’m dragged into a small room built into the side of the city entrance, where the guards throw me onto a chair and bind my limbs. Two men stand on either side of me, holding spears at the ready as a high rank officer enters and sits opposite.

“Listen to me carefully. If you utter a single syllable that sounds like a spell, you die. If twitch your fingers or toes like you’re writing an enchantment, you die. If you so much as sneeze too loud, you die. Are we clear?”


With the gag in my mouth, I’m unable to speak, but I nod furiously in my defence. I’ve never been more terrified in my entire life!

“Good. Jason, remove his gag. It’s time to begin the interrogation.”

The guard on my left lowers his weapon and removes the lump of cloth, but before I can declare my innocence, the man on my right presses his spear close to my throat.

“Tell me “Mr Hein”, were you carrying any magical artefacts or enchantments at the time of the inspection?”

“N-no, I wasn’t…”

“Lies! Our detention enchantments clearly sensed magic upon your entry! What are you hiding?”

“N-nothing, I-I’m only a farmer, I swear!”

“Why yes, of course, you’re only a simple farmer. An unfortunate local who just so happened to trigger the most sophisticated magical security system in the country. Is that what you’re seriously suggesting?”

“Um… Yes?”

“Do not jest with me! Of course that can’t happen!”


“More likely you’re some cultist wearing the real Mr Hein’s face, you twisted freak!”

“I-I swear I’m not a fake!”

“Then a smuggler, perhaps? Trying to earn a quick fortune by sneaking in a few illegal artefacts, eh? Well, we’ll see soon enough.”

“W-what do you mean?”

“It isn’t my first time dealing with guys like you. There may not be anything on your body, but I’ve seen dangerous things get smuggled in vegetables before. I don’t know how you managed to time your arrival to conflict with the magician-on-duty’s schedule, but that doesn’t mean we can’t check every cabbage by hand. Tell the men to tear them apart!”

“N-no, not my cabbages!”

And cut. Hearing the man's screams is good enough reason to stop. Any more will only add to my guilt and compromise my spell.

While I did intend to test the city’s defences, I didn’t think they would react so harshly towards the poor fellow. Then again, there have been more cultist and bandit attacks around these parts lately. All I can do now is hope the guards let him go once he’s cleared his name.

“Enbos? Are you done?”

“Yeah, I’ve cut the with the donkey. Honestly, I didn’t get much from its point of view apart from a few inscriptions on the city gate walls.”

While his owner was taking a leak, I snuck up to his trusty stead and turned him into a living camera. Unfortunately, is not a long range spell, which is why I’m sitting on a leather mat inscribed with an original spell circle, positioned directly above a mana stream. It’s a spiritual and magical extender, designed to make use of the mana stream like a telephone line to increase the range of my spells. While it’s useful for collecting energy, it does nothing to improve mana consumption for skills with a persistent connection, which is why I use in tandem to replenish my MP.

Also, due to me having no eyelids, casting results in my current visual information getting mixed with that of the target’s. To get around this fault, I have to wear my mask backwards to effectively blindfold my own vision. Hmm, I guess I would look pretty weird from an outsider's point of view.

“Do you want to try again?”

“No, it might get suspicious if I cast it on too many animals. I don’t want a master mage tracing the connection.”

“I see. But if you pose as a noble like in the past, we may be able to pass the city gates. The only problem is…”


“Yeah, if somebody with higher status than me orders me to show my face, I can’t deny them. Also, the Novuseus family is one of the most influential mage bloodlines in the kingdom. Even if we get inside, leaving the country without a letter of approval would draw the attention of the real Novuseus mages.”

Catorrem is the last major city on the Velvet Road before crossing into the Lysium Theocracy. It facilitates and oversees all trade and migration by land between the two countries, making it the second most important city behind the capital. If we want to enter the Lysium Theocracy by legal means, we’ll have to receive a permit here before reaching the border defences.

“Sigh, I guess we’ll bypass the city for now. We’ll finish the provincial quest first and collect more information until then.”

“I agree. I’m sure we’ll think of something when the time comes.”

Coming to an agreement, we both step out of the bushes and return to the road. Since we’re not resting at Catorrem, it will take about four days to reach the next settlement and we should have enough supplies to last us until then. The only problem is we'll have to come back to this city once our quest is done, and if we can't get the permit we may have to take our chances with the border security instead.

As I continue to ponder this problem and walk along the road, I suddenly spy a large carriage parked to side. While I can’t make out the details from this distance, it seems vaguely familiar.

Hrm? The rider is leaving the carriage with a woman, and he looks like…

“… [Spirits of Fire and Spirits of Air, I call upon the blazing trinity of fuel, warmth and-]”

“What are you doing, Enbos!?”

“Don’t interrupt me, Hachirou! There’s a great lump of firewood waiting to be lit!”

“C-calm down! What is wrong? Is he someone you know?”

“Of course I know him! Those black clothes and that pale face! He’s that freaking swindler, the one who sold me this accursed sword!”

Sepesh Balaur. I see you’re doing too well for yourself. I’ve always said you should burn in hell, but I’m perfectly fine with burning you in the flesh!

“Enbos, please put out that ! I know he has wronged you but look! You’ll get somebody else involved.”

“Don’t worry! Once she sees the colour of his heart, I’m sure she’ll understand!”

“What do you plan on doing!?”

It’s no use, I will be compensated! While Hachirou may have saved him from becoming a smouldering pile, he can’t hold me back as I drag myself closer to his pale neck with my sword at hand.


Tsk, he noticed me.

“Goodbye, my tender flower. While I would gladly remain a thrall to your sweet fragrance, there is an acquaintance I must tend to first. Please wait for me, my love.”

“Oh Sepesh…”

Stop sprouting corny lines and face me like a man! Actually, keep kissing him farmer girl and stop him from running away!

I’m glad nobody is around to see this spectacle. If I were a random bystander, it would look like something straight out of a TV drama, with Hachirou holding me back and those two in a loving embrace. Eventually, the woman leaves Sepesh’s arms and skips back home, just as I reach the con artist in question with all my righteous fury.

“Hello, Sepesh Balaur. Long time no see.”

“Why, good day Enbos the Black. I see you are doing well.”

“Well? WELL!? You sold me a cursed item and turned me into a fugitive from one of the most powerful mage families in the country!”

“Actually, I was referring to the condition of your purse, but I’m overjoyed for your health."

"Like I care! How are you going to compensate me, ha?"

"Kuhahaha, I can bear no responsibility for your current predicament."


"After all, I gave you ample opportunity to inspect the seal on the hilt. It was your own ignorance that led to your current misfortune.”

Damn it, he’s right! If I knew about the importance of the seal, I wouldn’t have taken it...

Stop wearing that smug grin!

“Still, this doesn’t change the fact you were trying to curse me!”

“Was I? You look perfectly fine to me. A bit stressed, but nothing one of my potions can’t fix.”

“Don’t brush it aside with a sales pitch! You’re the one who supplied the sword. Do you really think the Novuseus family would leave you alone if they knew?”

“Kuhahahaha, do you really think you could threaten me in such a manner? I can just as easily tell the Novuseus mages of you and leave the country before they realise the truth. As for you, you’ve willingly taken one of their family relics and used their name as your own. The burden is entirely yours.”

“Ugh, damn you, Sepesh.”


I grind my teeth in sheer frustration as Sepesh revels in my dissatisfaction and hatred. Even Hachirou, someone who always looks for the good in people, appears slightly disgusted as he subconsciously relaxes his grip on my sword arm. I could always start hacking away at his carriage, but it would be a petty victory. No, I want- I need to find a way to beat him at his own game.

“Um, excuse me. My name is Hachirou Nomura and I have a question. Mr Balaur, do you happen to know a way into the city and to obtain a permit?”


“It should be fine to ask him, right? After all, given his experience and the conversation you were having, it seems he already knows how to cross the border without drawing suspicion.”

“My, I’m flattered by your presumptions and I’m sure a certain dark-cloaked individual could learn from your example. However, being a travelling trader, I’m going need a bit of… material persuasion.”

"Why, you..."

"Please put aside your hatred, Enbos! Even I find him unpleasant, but if he can tell us, it will save us much time and effort!"

"It's pointless, Hachirou. He will never offer us a fair trade."

"We can at least try."

“Sigh, name your price, Sepesh.”

“... 30 fablars. I suppose that should suffice.”

It’s a hefty sum given our finances, but we should have enough to pay if we pool our money. In fact, we should have enough left over to cover our living expenses. The only problem is that I trust Sepesh about as far as I can throw him. He won’t take the money and lie; it’s just not in his sadistic nature. No, what he wants to do is make us suffer and lament our decision, which means…

“Hachirou, don’t take out your money. The way into the city and to gain a permit is with a bribe, right? In fact, I’m willing to bet it costs about 30 fablars to pull it off.”


“Kuku, kuhahahahaha! Well spotted, Enbos the Black. However, it doesn’t change the fact you need to know the right man, the right place and the right means to do so. All I’m saying is I’m charging you 30 fablars for the information.”

Damn it, he still got us. I’m starting to think he has a skill that can detect exactly how much money we have. Also, even if we pay him we’ll still need time to raise the same amount of money, and by then the information may become outdated.

“Well, I see that my price is too much for you as of now. I can’t keep waiting forever, especially under this weather, and I have an important contact I wish to become more intimate with...”

“Wait, damn you! I won’t let you run off to that farmer girl so easily!”

“Farmer girl? Are you sane? What would I gain by continuing to associate with that wild flower? While she was entertaining, I’ve set my sights on a rare lily under the care of a very influential man…”

“Again, you continue to sicken me.”

“And with that, I bid you-“

As I’m about to grab Sepesh by the collar and throw him to the ground, I notice his expression suddenly drop. Confused by his change in demeanour, I follow his eyes to Hachirou, or rather, what is on Hachirou’s waist: his katana.

“Mr Nomura, may I inspect your sword?”

“Well, I don’t think it would be too much-“

“Hold up, Hachirou. Tell me, Sepesh, what is so special about his weapon?”

“That… is a trade secret.”

“Is that so? In that case, there's no reason for us to amuse you any longer! Come on, Hachirou. Let's find another way inside ourselves.”


I push Hachirou along, past Sepesh’s carriage and continue on our merry way. However, just as predicted, I hear his voice call out from behind.

“Wait. I concede. If you let me inspect Mr Nomura’s sword, I may feel inclined to offer a more… favourable proposal.”

An invisible smile creeps on my face.

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