《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Arc 3, Chapter 65: Whispers


“Hey, have you heard about the rising C rank adventurer?”

“You mean the one who captured all those Slaughter Geese alive? I know, it’s unbelievable!”

“Yeah, I heard he’s only been an adventurer for over a month, and already he’s earned his first promotion.”

“Huh, he didn’t start at F or E rank?”

“Course not, haven’t you heard? He’s some official mage from the Novuseus family.”

“Nah, from what I heard he’s an unofficial mage that saved a noble’s kids.”

“Rubbish, a friend of mine said he uses custom magic and even has an apprentice. There’s no way he started out like the rest of us. I heard he’s travelling west in disguise for his research. You know how mages are all secretive and stuff.”

“Like hell he is! Supposably he dresses completely in black and wears a deer’s head. He must stick out like a sore thumb.”

“Huh, a deer's head? He’s wearing a trophy?”

“No, no, they say he wears a deer mask covering his entire head. In fact, his whole body is covered and he refuses to show his skin.”

“Yeah, come to think of it, I heard he only ever works solo and refuses any invitation. Seems kind of shady, don’t you think?”

“I know. Some say his entire body was scarred from a spell gone wrong.”

“Some say he has a skin infection and is looking for a cure.”

“Some say he’s not even human, that he’s a creation of the Novuseus mages and they’re secretly watching his every move.”

“You made that up, didn’t you?”

“Heh, guilty as charged. Still outside these rumours, the only thing we know for sure is that he calls himself…”

Huh? Who the heck are they talking about?

Nope, I’m not listening. There’s no way that table over there is referring to someone I know. A man dressed in black, wearing a deer mask and is as sociable as a telephone pole? Who does he think he is? Seriously, the only reason I’m sitting here is to listen in on news, not to hear about some attention-grubbing upstart.

“Um, Enbos, are you okay? You seem uneasy.”

“Please, Hachirou, let me wallow in denial for a little longer. Actually, let’s leave right now! I feel like visiting another tailor.”

“But we’ve only just arrived. After all our efforts to enter this eatery without drawing attention, surely a few more moments wouldn’t hurt.”

You’re wrong, Hachirou, it does hurt. The shame is dissolving my bones. Please, let this torment just- Oh great, the other adventurers are joining in on the gossip.

“Did someone say Enbos the Black? As in the adventurer who’s dressed completely in black and singlehandedly killed a rampaging Forest Drake?”

“That’s the one.”

“Well, some say he’s a bit weird in the head since he mutters to himself in gibberish.”

Nope, don’t know him. Don’t know anyone who talks to himself like a shipwrecked man on a deserted island.

“I heard he’s not a single man but a group of people who assume the identity of Enbos and alternate between bearers.”

An interesting theory, but he probably uses and keeps changing it like an idiot.


“A friend of mine says he only takes monster subjugation and exploration quests. He never accepts a request where he has to meet the client directly.”

It’s not my fault! Every time I meet a client for an escort or research quest, they keep turning me away before I can say a thing!

“I heard he’s in serious debt to underground dealers and is being chased by-”

“Where the hell did that come from and just how much do you guys want to slander my name!?

… Ah.”

Perfect, just perfect Enbos. You’ve blown your cover and now everybody is looking at you like you’ve stumbled onto your surprise party too soon. Although I’ve temporarily changed out my black attire and deer mask for plainer clothing and a simple wooden face, the clear shock on everybody’s faces says they’ve realised my identity. It looks like my titles are having an effect now that they’re aware of my presence, and the adventurers who were running their mouths a minute ago seem apologetic.

“Erm, how do I say this: we’re sorry?”

“Oh no, do carry on. I’ll be taking my leave. Just remember, if any of you feel like spreading gossip about me, pretend I’m still watching.”

I walk out the eatery with Hachirou in tow, leaving a crowd of uncomfortable expressions staring after my back.

“Sigh, looks like I messed up another town debut.”

“L-look on the bright side, Enbos. At least it was better than the last settlement…”

“You mean the one where I was handing our last provincial quest whilst drenched in monster blood, and the town guards almost fainted from the smell?”

“Y-yes, that one. I didn’t think it would have such an effect on humans.”

“That being said, I’m sure that bunch of adventurers are discussing it right now. Let’s book a room at an inn, hand in the quest and spend the night in town.”

“Are you sure I shouldn’t camp outside like usual?”

“No, it’s too risky to keep doing so. From now on, we have to travel under the pretext that you’re my apprentice. Thankfully, nobody seems to notice you’re a kobold with that guise.”

Bringing a kobold, let alone an armed demi-human, is highly unusual and will obviously cause unwanted trouble. Until recently, he’s had to camp outside the town walls and await my departure, but as we travel to larger settlements, Hachirou will have to set up further and further away to evade detection. Realising this, I’ve carved him a wooden mask with canine features to cover his own, and bought a hooded cloak and full body clothing to hide everything else. He looks pretty suspicious in that get up, but standing next me, my fishiness completely overshadows his own.

“Although I’m supposed to be your “apprentice”, I have no talent for magic. I’m not sure if I can live up to the persona.”

“It’s not your fault. Kobolds in general are not born with high magical aptitude. Still, your mana flow is better than most of the adventurers I’ve seen, and with enough practise you could qualify as a low rank mage. Come to think of it, are you sure you don’t want to register as an adventurer?”


“Yes. If I start at a lower rank it will only limit the quests you can take. Also, the idea of becoming an adventurer is… disconcerting.”

I fall silent as I’m reminded of the adventurers’ attack on Hachirou’s branch. Of course he’s opposed to taking the role after all the misery wrought on that day. I also have second thoughts about travelling as an adventurer whenever I stand before a billboard, hesitating over every quest. I find myself clutching the amulet around my neck as we walk down the gravel roads in search of an inn, and walk past the large building bearing a sign of crossed swords over a goblin’s head.

Damn it, I should have gone to the adventurers guild first! Actually, it would have been better if I found a place to sleep before doing anything else. I shouldn’t have walked into the eatery just because it was the closest building...

I continue lamenting the order of my actions as I walk up to the receptionist under the watchful gaze of everybody in the room. With the adventurers coming back from lunch, the cat is out of the bag. Once again I hear the familiar sound of hushed whispers that accompany me every time I enter a guild… Wait, who the heck said I’m wearing stilts to fake my height!?

“H-how may I help you, Enbos the Black?”

“Sigh, you didn’t even bother asking for my name.”

“I-I’m terribly sorry. Please accept my humblest-”

“Never mind... I’m here to hand in a provincial quest I accepted in Mileon: the investigation of Fox Boars in the area.”

I show my adventurer crest and hand in my report, which the receptionist takes and leaves to verify the details. While we wait, Hachirou looks around shiftily, worried one of the many adventurers observing us will discern his identity. It seems nobody has noticed and instead they look away in response, fearing they may be staring too much. I’ve had more than a month to get used to this awkwardness, and in time I’m sure Hachirou will as well.

“Thank you for your patience. I’ve validated the quest but there is one detail I wish to confirm. This quest was only accepted under your name, correct?”

“Indeed it is.”

“Were you aware of this fact?”

“Huh? Me?”

The receptionist directs this question not to me, but to Hachirou. At this moment, we both realise what she is trying to ask and my partner attempts to clear the misunderstanding.

“Oh, no, I’m not an adventurer. I’m only a mere apprentice to Enbos.”

“Then, would you like to register as an adventurer?”

“Thank you for the offer, but I must decline. While I do assist Enbos at times, I’m not seeking any monetary gain for my efforts.”

Hrm, what’s this feeling? I feel like someone, or some people, are staring daggers into my back.

“I-In that case, Enbos the Black will be receiving the entirety of the reward for this quest. Your payment is two fablars and thirty penz.”

“Thank you very much.”

I collect the sum of money, but as I turn around I’m greeted by the harsh gazes of most of the occupants in the room.

… Oh.

“Here Hachirou, this is your share of the reward.”

“Ara? What are you saying, Enbos? Can’t you hold onto the earnings like usual?”

Please Hachirou, just read the mood for a second and take the money.

“N-no, I was just thinking you could use a few more penz on your body.”

“I see. You are truly a generous soul. However, I still have a few coins at hand and I have complete faith in you to manage all our-!”

"Well then! Let’s go pick another regional quest, one that will surely reward BOTH of us very well.”


I hurriedly drag my partner to the billboard and carefully examine the quests on display, all the while ignoring the piercing gazes and curt whispers in the background. At this rate everybody is going to think I’m exploiting Hachirou and I don’t want to feed them any more rumours!

Ah, I want to leave. I want to leave this town as soon as possible. We’re almost at the border of the Reinsol Kingdom, and I dearly hope the rumours will disappear once we cross over into the Lysium Theocracy.

In the first place, the Reinsol Kingdom was never a magically focused country, or rather, the magic practised here is mainly tied to heritage and they seldom distribute magical texts outside their bloodlines. As a matter of fact, most spell books on the market come from the Graland Empire, where magic talent is more highly valued and freely taught. It isn’t uncommon for unofficial mages to attempt pilgrimages to the Graland Empire, but it’s often too costly. Due to the geography of Aren, the Lysium Theocracy is situated between the two countries, giving the Theocracy a valuable economic position. With the Wasteland and the ocean on either side of the Lysium Theocracy, there is a valuable route by land that cuts across the country and connects the Reinsol Kingdom and the Graland Theocracy called the Velvet Road. I intend to follow this road of riches and magical knowledge, which is why we’re slowly inching our way with provincial quests until we cross the border.

“Enbos, take a look at this. There’s a provincial quest that’s not even in this province.”

“You’re right. The branch over there must be getting desperate to issue it here. Still, despite it being a C rank quest on the outer rims of the Kingdom, the client town isn’t too far away.”

“It overlaps perfectly with our travel plans and the pay is reasonable for each creature slain.”

“We’ll have to look at the guild’s monster compendium before we decide, but let’s accept it for now.”

I take the quest poster in the corner of the billboard, but as I make my way to the receptionist…

“… the quest he picked the one where a party of D rank adventurers disappeared?”

“They sent a retrieval team but never found the bodies...”

“... heard a few C rank adventurers even died en route from accidents or bandit attacks, but not from the monster.”

“Yeah, they’ve started calling it the “Cursed Quest”, but the adventurers guilds won’t change the ranking for such nonsense...”

“... Let's see if Enbos the Black will walk away from this one unscathed.”

... I had to hear these disturbing details.

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