《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Arc 2, Chapter 63: As White as Snow


Enbos the Black is a formidable foe. Although I'm injured, he would still be difficult to face if I wasn't. Despite his slim frame and unnaturally light weight, his physical strength and agility are almost on par with mine. I have yet to draw blood and his cloak protected him from Dario's knives. I have no doubt in my mind that he has reinforced his body with a multitude of spells, and it shows in the way he fights. He seems used to handling a sword, but he is not used to fighting with it. During our clash, he left several openings and failed to discern all my feints, and the only reason I haven't killed him yet is due to his solid reflexes, surprising flexibility and physical condition. Actually, I suspect he's also using magic in that regard since I cannot discern any fatigue in his voice or his movements. I do not know when or how he prepared so many buffs, but it doesn't matter.


"...! Ah!"

Our skills clash at the same time, but my attack emerges victorious and leaves him open to another blow. Even if we have the same techniques, my tempered body and experience empowers my skills far more than your magical imitation!

I thrust a kick into his abdomen, but disconcertingly, my foot doesn't make contact with his gut despite the fact it's touching cloth. As I wonder if it's more magic or if he's just ridiculously thin, he sidesteps me and swings at my sword arm.


I instantly dash three paces back and his attack leaves a shallow cut on my arm. I glare at him with disapproving eyes.

Your words are truly trite, Enbos the Black. You claim to bear resolve, and yet your blade slowed at the last moment. I won't let a coward like you deny me of my revenge!

Good, I managed to make a reasonable cut. I just need to land a few more slashes... What are you glaring at me for? You're the one who's underestimating his opponent.


Hearing my invocation, he immediately rushes back into melee range, but to his surprise I don't cast anything at all. After all, he's not the only one capable of making feints! I've only got 32 MP remaining and I need to make it count!


I switch to the winged one's soul to make use of its skill, but at the expense of the winter troll's . Since I can only equip one at a time, each soul is mutually exclusive and the power of the skills are dependent on the stored soul. I noticed this in the case of the alpha wolf; the effect of didn't improve over months of constant use.

As expected, Gavel manages to divert my thrust, but not before I leave a deep cut on his left thigh. I immediately switch back to the winter troll's soul, which leaves a brief window of time when I'm not augmented by either soul. My opponent notices this subtle change and begins pushing me back with powerful blows on my defensive stance.



"Compared to... Bruno's... workout... this... is... NOTHING!"


"I know... what you're planning... Enbos! You're trying... to tire me... take advantage of my injuries. It's no use... my pain has been suppressed... my energies slowly recovering, while you... gradually weaken!"

"Perhaps... but I will not... give up on the kobolds!"

Enraged by my comment, he continues his frenzied assault. That's right, keep making those heavy attacks, keep moving your body in that condition. I need to pretend I've gotten weaken and take advantage of his urge to kill Chiyoko!


I abandon using any magic and focus entirely on my swordplay to counter his every move. I'm slowly starting to figure out his movements like he's doing to me, as our attacks draw ever closer to their mark. I manage to graze his cheek just as he chips my shoulder, and at this point I no longer care if he figures out I'm a skeleton. The fact he's dulled his sense of pain is working to his disadvantage, and he should be feeling the effects right about-

Damn it, he managed to disarm me! My sword is now behind me and I can't afford to turn around!

"NOW DI-... W-what?"

All of a sudden, he involuntarily drops to one knee and raises a tired hand to his head as if suffering from light-headedness. I conjure a over him and walk over to fetch my cursed sword.

"W-what manner of sorcery did you... Why haven't my wounds... closed with Amelia's magic?"

"My sword is a enchanted weapon called Bloodletter. I assume you can guess what kind of power it holds."

"C-curse you... Yo-you were playing me... all along!"

"Don't worry. Once you've fallen unconscious, I'll tend to your wounds. Pray that I can dispel my own weapon's magic."

"You... cur..."

He eventually closes his eyes and a deathly pallor covers his face. I walk over to his still form and deactivate my barrier.

Name:Gavel OswaldSpecies:HumanHP: 16%MP: 74%

Good, he's still alive. I need to erase the magic lingering over his wounds. If I fill those areas with my mana like he did with his sword, I should be able to disrupt the curse. I hope he survives this gamble after all that-



I barely jump back in time to evade his surprise attack. While I try to make more distance for his inevitable charge, he rolls over to the wreckage of a burnt tent and... What is he doing? No, h-he can't be serious...


Oh my god, he's cauterising his own wounds using the smouldering remains! He's tenacity leaves me in utter shock and in genuine fear of the lengths this man would go for his revenge. I continue watching in mute horror as he finishes burning the cut on his face with an inhuman roar.

HP: 77/128

MP: 19/106

Damn, how can I stop someone so obsessed and consumed by his hatred, especially with 19 MP?

"You cannot defeat me... I WILL KILL THAT KOBOLD!"

The swordsman empties the rest of his medicine satchel into his mouth and rushes at me with berserker-like rage. Startled by his advance, I pluck one of the knives embedded between my ribs for a desperate ploy.



I manage to interrupt his charge, but my dagger doesn't pierce his skin. Instead, it cuts a leather strap around his waist, and the bundle on his back falls loose onto the-

"... W-what?"



I stop the madman in his tracks, and while he chips at my wall of magic, I continue staring at the rolled contents within the cloth sheets...


A pure white hide.

As white as the snow of Dragon's Spine. A-as white as the fur of-

No. No, no, no... Th-this doesn't mean it's Yuki's. I-I can still be wrong, I have to be!

I have to ask him to be sure. I h-have to ask him...

"Why... why did you kill him!?"

"...! Huh, what are you-"


"... I see, you're referring to the small kobold...


It was a monster and we are adventurers. I assume you can guess what happened when we met."

"He wasn't a monster... He was a child! A-a child with a future..."

"It was a spawn of those hateful creatures! Whatever future it did have, I'm glad we shot it before-"


I get it now... what Chiyoko was trying to say. These scumbags killed Yuki... they killed him and skinned his corpse. They're no better than the cultist that spawned me into this world...

Ah, why didn't I realise sooner? He's exactly like that necromancer that tried to massacre the village, and I stopped him. I killed him. Why can't I do the same with him? He's already done far too much to be spared, far more than that cultist ever achieved. I will kill him now and-

No, that isn't enough! I want him to suffer! I want him to suffer a thousand times what Yuki must have felt, to be caught and flayed by these damn fiends! I won't be content until I completely erase this bag of flesh and greed!

Power. I want... more... power! Enough to make him regret ever being birthed into this blood-soaked world! I'll take any and every scrap of power within my grasp... to make him pay.


Dark Acolyte: Grants blessing from Maleosis. Proficiency in dark elemental and spirit skills.>

Beginning conversion.>

Enhance Mind (Greater) has evolved to Enhance Mind (High)!

Command Undead (Basic) has evolved to Command Undead (Greater)!

Innate Skill: Decay (Greater) obtained!

Dark Resistance has evolved to High Dark Resistance!

Spirit Resistance obtained!>


With that one command, I instantly lose my voice and find myself freezing in my tracks.

W-what is this? Despite the fact my heart should be filled murder and hatred, his voice pierces the veil of red like a spear of deathly ice. A terrible chill grasps my spine and the air becomes so dry it almost cracks my lips. It's nothing but a delusion, as the hypocrite before me finally embraces his murderous rage. However, the following change to his body is no illusion.

A ghastly glow emits from beneath his cloak, highlighting the features of... his skeleton? Stranger still, a cloud of black mist envelopes his body soon after, sinking into flesh of the man within. By the time the spectacle is finished, he emerges from the haze with a menacing air and newfound strength.

"W-what did you do...?"

He doesn't say a word, yet the killing intent he directs at me says everything I need to know. Unlike the murderous intent of the kobold chief, his aura feels much, much colder. Like wounded prey before a predator. Like a lowly criminal before an executioner. Like a hopeless soul before a manifestation of death. It feels as if my fate... has been set in stone.

"N-no, I'll not let you intimidate me! !"

I charge forward with my longsword in both hands and swing at Enbos the Black. He calmly raises his sword, and our blades clash-



W-what was that sensation!? It felt as if I was kicked from within! Did he do something to his sword? In that case...

I duck beneath his singing blade and thrust into his seemingly inviting form, but as soon as the tip touches the fabric...


I feel that accursed pain again! He's coated his entire body in that spell. Why didn't he use it earlier? Wait, could it be that it's affecting him too?

His sword hums with invisible energies, and every swing dulls my sense of touch. Damn, I can't block, I can't attack, and I can't keep dodging after all the blood I've lost! Worse, if I move away, he'll have the advantage and rain a barrage of lethal magic. My only choice is to bear the pain and deal a decisive blow. If he can withstand it then so can I!

"[Spirits of Fire and Spirits of Air, I call upon the blazing trinity of fuel, warmth and sky...]"

Huh? What is he...

"[... Let your flame wreathed brothers feast on your unseen fruits...]"

By the spirits, he's going cast a spell even when I'm this close!? The flames being focused in his left hand are far hotter than any spell Amelia could ever manage!

"[... Let the humble spark become a raging inferno...]"

Curses, he's not breaking focus even with my constant attacks! I can no longer feel my arms, and yet I must-

"... Let the son of the sun be birthed within my palm, and soar like a blazing-]"

"I won't let you! !"

With one last desperate stab, my blade barely manages to split the blinding ball in his palm. Losing control over the mass of flames in his hand, Enbos quickly conjures a glowing shield just as it explodes and sends us both hurtling in opposite directions.

I almost blank out from the impact, but I bite my lower lip and force myself to stay conscious. My ears still ring from the explosion and I spit out a few dislodged teeth. I sit back up with cracked skin and singed clothing to observe the aftermath of his self-destructive attack.

Unbelievable... Enbos is already back on his feet, and judging by the loose sleeve blowing in the wind, he recovered after losing an arm! Still, he can't cast anymore spells while he's holding that sword...

"I have seen your resolve... Enbos the Black. You have done your worse... and you have failed."

"Fool, you have yet to experience anything. I got you exactly where I want."

Without warning, two sets of arms wrap around me from behind, holding me in place for Enbos' slow approach.

Curses! He did all this to get a few filthy kobolds behind me! If I must die here, then at least I'm getting these two to join me!

"Let me go, you rotten creatures! I'll kill you all and have you accompany to my next-

A-ah... Ah-ahhh, AAAAAHHHHH!"

I can do nothing but scream as I recognise the features of my two detainers.

That bloodied shaven head and dark clothing... Those youthful features and soul-torn body...

"Why... wh-why are you two standing? H-how are you...

... En-enbos, wha-... what have you done!?"

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. You defiled the corpse of my friend... I defile yours."

"N-no, no... NOOOOO!"


Magic Skill: Storm Shroud (Greater) obtained.>

I watch Gavel break down in absolute despair and horror as his closest friends hold him in place for his execution. Since changing my class, I detected and absorbed their souls to replenish my MP and prepare for this very moment.

I've finally shattered his heart and his will, and now he knows all of my, the branch's and Yuki's suffering. The idea such unforgivable scum could have the privilege of breathing infuriates me. To think someone like him and his friends could feel warmth and yet choose to deprive Yuki of his drives me insane. There is no one more suitable than me, an entity denied such basic pleasures, to judge his worth as a living being.

"Any last words?"

"Please... just kill me..."

"I will, Gavel. However... it will not be an easy death!"

I stab my sword into the ground and hover my remaining hand over his resigned face.


He doesn't deserve to breathe, and that's why I'll take it from him! I won't lower the concentration to zero, instead I'll leave just enough for his body to desperately gasp for more and inevitably starve. I will take no joy from this, and when it is done I'll take his soul and...

"Enbos, no! Please stop!"

My soul jumps at the sound of his voice. I release my spell, allowing him to breathe freely, and look over my shoulder to see Hachirou panting heavily, watching me with clear distress.


"Please Enbos, this isn't you! You.... you can't do this!"

"You're wrong, Hachirou. I have always been like this. Since the beginning, I've killed scum like him and I will do so again."

"No, don't do this! I swore... to lead you on the right path... and I will!"

"But this adventurer, he killed Yuki! He killed Yuki and planned to make him an accessory!"

"I know. I-I... I saw his fur."

"... Then you must understand. I gave him ample opportunity to surrender, and yet he continued to threaten your family! Look at the camp! I-I'm not sure if Yuki is the only soul that passed away today."

"E-enbos, I understand your pain... but I don't understand what you think of yourself! You never were an executioner... You will always be a big brother! To me, to Yuki, to Kaito, Shou and Izumi! E-even if you believe you have changed, isn't this... for the better? Do you really want to... stain your hands with more blood?"

"I... I..."

Have I always been this murderous, even in my past life? Did something change when I was reincarnated? Did I regain my humanity since that fateful night or have I become something else entirely? Which is the real me?

Come to think of it, the first thing I felt from killing my conjurer... was jealousy. And just now, what was I...

“Enbos, when I said, “strong earthly ties,” I was referring to feelings of resentment...

... It is ingrained in their very nature upon returning to crave for the life of others…”

"Oh my god, he knew. He knew all along..."


Did becoming an undead truly corrupt me? No, those feelings must have existed before, I just don't know when or why! I-is it related to my death? How will I pass his judgement? Should I do it as Enbos or as Tyler?

I look back to Gavel's waiting form while Hachirou observes with bated breath. I reflect on my own heart, searching for any reason to spare this wicked man... No, if I'm bothering to find an excuse then I've already made my mind.



"I'm telling you... to live. Build a grave for your friends. Killing you... w-won't bring Yuki back. It won't bring anybody back..."

I order the risen corpses of Dario and Mark to release him. He slumps on his knees and hands in dumbfounded shock, unable fathom his new lease on life. I turn back to see Hachirou give his approval with a sad smile.

"This is who you are, the Enbos everybody believes in. I-I'm so g-glad... you didn't..."

"Thank you, Hachirou. Thank you for opening my eyes. P-please... keep looking after me."

"I-I will, Enbos, I wi- Look out!"

I notice before he even finishes; the shadow of a tall man with a raised knife in his hand. I instantly turn around and take my upright sword.


With unnatural ease... I ram my sword straight through Gavel's body and even skewer his friend behind him. He drops his weapon with a limp motion as I realise... there is no saving him.

"Damn it! Why!? After everything that has happened, you still want to-"

I choke on my words mid-sentence as I look at Gavel's smiling face and empty eyes. There's no fire in his soul. It as if he wanted me to...

"N-no, you suicidal fool! Y-you complete imbecile...! Wh-why... Why did th-this have to..."

As he drops to his knees with my sword impaled through him and his companion, I also fall to my knees in tandem... and let out a cry of pure anguish. H-he keeps smiling, and turns his head to face his brown haired friend before slowly closing his eyes.

"I'm... sorry... Dario... Bruno... Amelia... Mark... e-"

I raise my head and watch his soul leave his body. Then, I stare down at my bloodstained hand with utter clarity, unable to deny the truth through blurred vision or clenched eyes. Hachirou rushes to my side to comfort me, but I can barely feel his hands on my shoulders.

This time, I did not kill him as Enbos the Black or Enbos the Undead.

This time, I killed him as me, and no one else.

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