《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Arc 2, Chapter 61: Path of the Akuma


I remember the first time I ever tapped into the . Five months had passed since Hayate and mother passed away, and I spent every waking moment training to be stronger. I swore I would protect my family, and to do so I needed more power. Power to crush any foe, power to succeed my father, power to protect my kind. The sight of Hachirou consumed by his depression and the unified grief of my kin upon returning to Yamagakure only reinforced this belief. I was too afraid to wallow in sorrow, too afraid to lament my own weakness. I buried those thoughts with my hatred for humanity and pursuit of absolute strength, and without knowing, it all resulted in a sudden change...

It was a cold morning outside the Dead Zone of Dragon's Spine. I was practising a basic spirit art I had used countless times, and normally it would leave nothing more than a scratch on a stone, but on this particular occasion...



"Chiyoko! What happened!? Are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine, father. I was practising my techniques, but then..."

"... By the spirits. F-for you to release this kind of spiritual energy... No, I should have known."

"What's wrong, father? Was my skill flawed?"

"No, it's- Sigh. First, let's take a seat before I tell you everything."

My father wore a grim expression as we sat upon the fractured remains of the boulder, the one I recently destroyed. I remember how he picked up a piece of the debris and revealed the reddish tint laced within my spiritual energy.

"This is..."

"Back in my world, there was a legendary fighter who practised the style we now use. He fought countless challengers across the globe, seeking greater strength and mastery of his art. However, he realised he had a dark and terrible evil sleeping within. A great power capable of shaking the heavens, but filling the soul with empty blood thirst and ceaseless destruction."

"A-are you saying I also have this evil power?"

"No, you were not born with this curse, Chiyoko... The fault is all mine. You see, when I recreated the fighting style in this world I sought to harness this dark power as well, and so I developed a variation on the standard move set. I was a fool. The nature of the suited the mechanics of a spirit art far too well. Spirit arts depend on the heart of the user, but if said heart is filled with hatred and killing intent, it will project the same sinister power that plagued the warrior of legend."

"I don't see how this is your fault. Surely the blame lies with me."

"I was the one who made these skills, Chiyoko... I archived it in the World Stream and opened the way for countless others in my wake, and made it easier to corrupt future practitioners who possess a spiritual affinity... just like you. Without proper guidance, it will consume them. They will lose all their compassion and become hollow killing machines... I-I'm so, so sorry."

"But I've never seen you succumb to this before. You must have found a way to overcome it. Will you teach me to control it as well?"

"Saying I already control it is an overstatement, but yes, I will teach you to direct this dark spiritual energy if we want to avoid anymore "accidents". Once you're ready, I'll teach you the spirit art that will isolate this power in the deepest recesses of your soul. In fact, it's less of a skill and more of a spiritual seal."


"I understand, father. I will work hard to master it just like you."

"... No, you do not understand, Chiyoko. I never wanted to reveal this to anybody. I wanted this aspect of our style to die with me. But now it has resurfaced within you, I have no choice but to divulge its secrets for your own sake.

Please take this to heart, my dear daughter. The is an engine of horrifying destruction, and once it's sealed, it will become a constant temptation. With every fight, it will lure you with its promise of victory, at the expense of everything you hold dear. Unless the root of your hatred or killing intent is removed, this curse will forever lie inside your heart."

"I-I see. I apologise for considering its use. I on-only thought..."

"There, there, I'm not angry with you. I know how much you miss Hayate and Hana, and how that deep down you only want what's best for our family. But this is not the way. You are a responsible girl and I know you will do the right thing. I couldn't have asked for a better daughter to carry this secret."

"Th-thank you, father. I will not disappoint you."

"I know you won't... Now then, if I'm not mistaken, the boulder you just destroyed is the one we use to seal the Dead Zone. We better find a replacement before something sneaks inside. Let's go."


Looking back on this memory, I never asked for what happened to the legendary warrior who carried the burden of this power, but now I fear the worst.

I'm sorry, father. I hope I can return to my senses when it's over to beg for your forgiveness. This elation I feel... it's clouding my every thought... I finally have the power to crush my foes... stand as your equal... purge everything that could ever harm us...

... starting with them.

"W-what's happening!? Is she getting even stronger?"

"N-no, she's changing. I don't think she was holding back, but..."

There's something horribly wrong. The killing intent I feel from the kobold Nomura is unlike anything I've ever experienced. It's almost a physical sensation, strangling my throat with its intensity. The skill she activated has transformed her into a visage of rage. Her golden eyes now carry a literal murderous light. Her dark brown fur has changed to blood-stained red- no, it's that strange energy which is covering her body that's giving off the hue. What I first thought was the haze from the heat was actually the flames of her hatred distorting the air. While I did say she shouldn't be any stronger, I've never felt more intimidated in my entire life.

Then, without warning, she charges toward me like a raging demon.


Dario throws several knives to impede her advance, but unbelievable, every blade seems to pass through her body!

"Damn it! !"

There! I stabbed her in the- Huh? Where did she go!?

"Gavel! Below!"

What!? How did she- Did I attack an afterimage!?

She kicks with violent force at my greaves, and while I lose my balance she prepares to fire an energy ball at point blank range. I immediately brace for the impact with my sword but...



It's nothing like the attack from before! Apart from taking an ominous purple shade, the pain passed right through my defences and-


She's still not done! She's dashed forward while I was falling and connected a punch, followed by an axe kick and... I can't keep up! By the time I realise what's happening, I'm on the ground with blood in my mouth and injuries across my entire body. I don't know how, but I can feel searing pain coming from places she never hit! What is that energy?


I-I can't move, and this time she's not giving me a chance to recover. She's far more violent and relentless than before. The enraged kobold looks over my prone form and prepares to end my life, when Dario suddenly screams and charges forth in a desperate attack.

No, please stop. Just run while she's focused on me...


"...! W-what!?"

As the kobold slowly brings back her fist for a powerful punch, Dario activates his skill and thrusts his remaining knife... but instead of dodging the attack, the blade doesn't even pierce her skin. I watch in mute horror as she unleashes her punch straight into Dario's chest. Ribs break as the impact deforms his body and blood spew from his mouth. However, Dario doesn't fall and the kobold seizes the opportunity to follow up her attack.



"Please... just stop..."

Stop destroying his body... He's no longer a threat! I-I don't even know if Dario is still alive. Unlike me, he doesn't wear plated armour and the kobold is raining blow after blow upon his crippled form.

Damn it, why can't I move my limbs? Why can't I save my friend who's dying before my very eyes!?

For heaven's sake, move! Just move! Move, move, move!

"Arrrgh! MOVE, DAMN IT! I won't let you-"

"Ga-... vel..."

The faintest voice reaches my ears, and I look up at Dario's half-closed eyes. With fractured arms, he removes a hidden satchel and throws it to my side, just as she performs a powerful uppercut and launches him into the air. Time slows as I watch Dario's graceful descent, and the kobold jumps above his airborne form.


With a fist full of turbulent violet energy, it connects with Dario's head and forces it into the ground. All I could hear is a hollow snap accompanying his landing. All I can do is pray that he died before touching the soil.

Dario... is dead... He died six metres away while I layed and watched... I've never felt this useless in my entire life. I've never failed my friends as badly as now... I should never have led them to their deaths. The searing pain I feel in my eyes, the damage this kobold has inflicted on my heart, is far worse than any of my physical injuries. W-why did this have to happen...?

"I-I wish... you never existed."

"What a coincidence, I feel the same way about you."

Today, I killed a human being... and it felt no different from killing any animal. The only difference is this pig can talk.

I don't know what my father feared so much... I'm completely in control. I've finally delivered retribution by my hands, and it's all thanks to the . My father may have been the one who recreated this power, but I will make it my own. Only I fully appreciate this sensation running through my veins.

It feels liberating. The misery I've held for the past three years, I can feel it fading away with every punch. Once I finish this man off, I will finally be free of that pain. I will finally have avenged Yuki's death. I'll finally be complete...

"Y-you monster... I-I'll-"

"Don't bother trying. I'll make quick work of you."

"Why can't... I move?"

"My spirit arts allow me to wield spiritual energy as a weapon. The attacks I used severed the spiritual connection between parts of your body and your soul. They will recover in time, but I'm not giving you that chance."

"Damn you..."

Your death is a necessity. Once you're gone, I will never have to fear any human. I'm going to destroy you with all my strength, all my fury. I want you to take my hatred in my place... and die.

I begin focusing spiritual energy within my palms for the perfect .

"This attack will tear your soul from your body. You'll feel pain from every inch of your being, both physically and spiritually. I hope you carry your regret and suffering into your next life."

"I won't pass on until you die a horrible death!"

I ignore his pathetic curse and continue channelling my hatred into a ball of hellish energy.

"Adventurer Gavel... Any last words?"

"You cur. You never gave Dario the same privilege... Just finish me."

"I see. Then, farewell."

"-on't do it...! I've had enough of all this killing!"

Who said that? It doesn't matter. Nothing will stop me from purifying my soul!

"What are you doing!? Get away from-"



At that moment, I fire my ultimate spirit art, and from the corner of my eye I spot the human Mark dive in the way of my attack. Both me and Gavel watch in utter shock as Mark's body touches the , and is knocked atop Gavel's lying form like a lifeless ragdoll. It happened so quickly that we both stare at his still, bloodless body until the truth finally dawns.

"M-mark...? No, please, NO! Not after everything we've sacrificed! W-why did this happen...? WHY DID YOU COME BACK!?"

He doesn't answer, and he never will. His soul is hovering outside his body. All I can do is stare at his spirit with a dumbfounded expression.

Why did he dive into my attack? Why didn't he try to interrupt or attack me? Shouldn't I feel relived for punishing Yuki's killer? Why would he give his life for this despicable man?

... It's because he was more concerned for his companion than himself. It's because he didn't want to see any more violence. It's because he was willing to accept his fate. It's because he wanted to protect his friend... rather than exact his vengeance.

"W-what have I- Ugh!"

I feel the return to its dormant state, but more importantly, I feel the effects of finally overcome my body. I suddenly collapse with racking pain, much to the human's surprise. I-it's nothing I can't endure, but now... I feel truly lost. I'm not sure I would kill him if I can. All I want now is see my father and brother... and comfort my aching heart.

"I really did... become a monster."

"No... I won't let it end like this! For all my friends you've killed, I WILL MAKE YOU PAY!"

It seems the human has recovered his spiritual links and has taken the pouch his friend Dario had cast before he- before I killed him. It appears to be some kind of powder contained inside. A magical medicine? No, it's a pain reliever. With all the muscles I've torn and the bones I've cracked in his body, he wants to finish me off while I'm too tired to defend myself. I'm not even sure I want to.

It seems he really did take all my hatred... and lived.

"Die, kobold. I'll kill you and send the rest of your kind to accompany you to your next life!"

I watch Gavel's longsword swing towards my neck. I hear the distant footsteps of my comrades running with all their might. I smell the blood and ash that fill our conflict. I look up at the invisible river of souls in the sky, and close my eyes to see Yuki, mother... and Hayate.



"That was too close. I never thought I would end up saving you."

I open my eyes to see a tall, blackly-dressed figure standing between life and death.

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