《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Arc 2, Chapter 60: Fanning the Flames


Thank goodness Amelia casted her magic in time! The kobold next to their leader was about to gut Mark with a knife! Their village is now in disarray, but it's nowhere near as chaotic as we need. Their chief is giving instructions to fight the fires and move towards the river. Amelia is probably too tired to cast any more spells, so it's all on me to throw these kobolds back into panic.

"Come at me, you monster! I will not let you kill my friend!"

It seems I've already drawn the attention of the head female. She drops her silk robes to reveal leather armour underneath, and equips gloves adorned with metal knuckles. Given her equipment, I would rate her as a low tier B rank monster, but at this point I best throw away all preconceptions and prepare for...

"The only monster around here is you! You'll pay for attacking my people!"

"Huh!? Y-you can-"

My surprised response seems to enrage the kobold even more, and in the brief opening when I'm reeling in shock, it fires a blue ball of energy that I parry out of pure reflex. The shock of the attack numbs my fingers, and I'm glad Amelia casted a few defensive buffs beforehand.

Still, what was that skill? It was too fast to be a spell, and the kobold used it as naturally as activating a battle technique. However, that skill was definitely made of some kind of energy, and I'm not sure it's mana. In any case, I have to close the distance and stop it from casting more!


I instantly rush to the kobold's position and begin making tight, rapid strikes to minimise my openings. Unfortunately, my opponent evades every attack and foil my attempts to force it into a disadvantageous position. It's even smart enough to make out my feints.

This is bad. It's breathing is steady and it has the polished movements of a martial artist. Despite the fact I'm on the offensive, I have the distinct feeling my sword is only serving to protect me!



"Wha- Guh!"

I'm not sure what happened, but I think the kobold just jumped and kicked away my thrust, but it did so with such speed that it landed another two kicks on my body after spinning! I find myself falling onto my back and immediately brace for the next attack. However...

"Get up, human. Get up so this "monster" can break every bone in your body. And if you survive once I'm done... that will be my mercy for you."

"*Spit* Don't look down on me. I will save Mark, I will survive, and I will make sure you never lay a hand on humans ever again!"

"Get up, Mark."

"Huh? Dario?"

"Yes, it's me. Do I need to shout your name from the burning rooftops? Come on, we need to leave while Gavel is keeping the leader distracted."

"W-wait, you all don't understand! The kobolds weren't trying to kill me. We need to stop this fight before it gets any worse!"

"Are you crazy? These creatures are as dangerous as hobgoblins! There is no reasoning with them!"

"No, their leader knows how to speak Arenish! If we can just talk to her..."

As soon as Dario cuts Mark loose from his restraints, they see Gavel crash into a flaming tent as the kobold Chiyoko continues her assault. She no longer appears to be in a diplomatic mood and Gavel is matching her tenacity.

".... Go. Regroup with Bruno and Amelia. They're just across that hill. I'll stay behind and help Gavel shake their leader."


"But Dario-!"

"We'll retreat as well as soon as we can. I- I'm sorry I got you into this mess... We should never have split up."

"I-it wasn't your fault. All of this started with me. From the beginning, everything was one, big misunder-"


The sound of an exploding energy ball interrupts Mark's confession. Their party leader is losing the fight, and every second is now a matter of life or death. With no time to waste, Dario ushers Mark to leave and immediately rushes to Gavel's aid.

I must confess, this human's ability is commendable. Despite all the hits I've landed, he has orientated himself in such a way to minimise damage or prevent me from following up my attacks. While I do seem to have the upper hand, the only reason is because he does not know my skills or the existence of spirit arts. As my opponent draws out our battle, I feel my spiritual energy dip below my baseline level. If it goes any lower, my physical abilities will start to drop, and yet I do not have the time to replenish it with , nor am I as skilled as my father to use while I fight. As a result, I begin using fewer skills and it seems my opponent has finally noticed.



Spiritual energy coats my limbs and harden them to the level of steel. I block his swing with my left arm, and with my right, I perform a fierce punch into his abdomen. We both take a step out of our striking zones and seemingly consider our options. That last block used up even more spiritual energy! At this rate, I may be forced to use...

"That won't work."


Even if this bald human is using , he can't disguise his spiritual energy from my . Missing with his knife thrust, I grab his clothing, kick up his feet and use his forward momentum to throw him over my shoulder. He lands on his back and before I can finish him off with an overhead punch, the blonde one with the sword charges in and drives me back.

"Are you alright!?"

"Y-yeah. Mark is safe. Now it's time to get you out of this mess."

"As if I'll let you walk away after all you've done!"

Despite my provocation, this time I'm truly on the back foot. If the other guy is anywhere close to the swordsman's level of skill, I won't be able to kill them. Sure enough, when the battle resumes I find myself being pressured by their coordinated attacks. Without needing to speak to one another, the swordsman starts using heavy swings while the knife wielder covers his companion's openings.



One of their skills barely connect and leaves a slight gash on my shoulder. I notice a glimmer of hope spark in their eyes... and I cannot stand it. The disgusting idea that they can kill me and walk away without a care in the world. The single-minded belief that what they're doing is right...

... I won't forgive them. I can't forgive them! Even if I'm left as a frail husk, I have to use it now!


I activate my skill and my opponents do not notice any difference... until it's too late. I begin dodging their simultaneous attacks with relative ease. My speed and strength improves with every passing second. A surplus of spiritual energy flows back into my soul as I block and use spirit arts with greater frequency.

"I-it's not tiring, Gavel!"


"No, Dario... I think it's getting stronger!"

Unlike which draws spiritual energy from the environment, accelerates the metabolism of the body to regenerate that energy instead. It produces more power than , can be used mid-combat and has the added bonus of improving the combatant's physical performance. On the other hand, it inflicts a great burden on the user's body which leads to crippling exhaustion by the end, but I do not regret using it on these fiends.

"I have a name, you damn apes! I'm Nomura Chiyoko, head of this branch of the noble Nomura Clan... and I WILL make you pay!"

While they brace themselves for my inevitable counterattack, I notice a subtle change in their equipment. Puzzled by my brief pause, the adventurers follow my eyes to the items pinned on each of their attire, and when they do, all colour disappear from their faces. One of the five magic cores on each of their adventurer crests has lost its lustre. One of their own has died.

"*Huff, huff*... Damn... These kobolds are... tougher than I thought..."

Refusing to surrender before his three kobold opponents, Bruno is protecting Amelia while she recovers her mana. After a long range bombardment on the kobold village and casting buffing magic on Gavel and Bruno, Amelia is too exhausted to assist her companion in his defensive battle. The kobolds have been too agile, too coordinated for Bruno to defeat alone, and all of them are glaring at the mage with undisguised hatred.

"Look at me, you miserable mutts! Come and kill me!"

"Quit posturing and get over here, now! I have enough power to cast !"

"And what about Mark!? I need *huff*... to cover our- Ugh!"

Once again, the three kobolds charge in, attack, and then retreat just as quickly. Bruno's full body armour and towering shield is serving him well, but the body within can only last so long. With each assault he loses more strength, and if he gives chase it will give them an opening to attack Amelia.

"Damn it... What can we do to..."

"Amelia! Bruno! There you are!"

"Mark, you idiot! What are you-"

"Bruno! There's something on your shield!"

Confused by Mark's words, he examines the place where the kobolds struck. A sheet of paper with an enchantment written on it has been stuck to the surface.

"What the-"

"Drop it, now!"

Bruno follows Amelia's advice and casts aside his shield, just as one of the kobolds activate the enchantment and electricity surges across it. Although Bruno survived the trap, he no longer has an iron wall protecting the gaps between his armour. One of the kobold hunters ducks beneath his swinging flail, and drives his spear into the opening beneath his arm.



"L... li-live... ON!"

With his dying attempt, he grabs onto the spear and swings the flail at his killer. His final attack never connects, as the remaining kobolds quickly impale him from all sides. Mark and Amelia watch in dumbfounded horror as blood drips from beneath his cuirass and the colour of one of the adventurer crest stones fade to black.


"Oh god, please Amelia! Cast now!"

"B-but what about-"

"Do it!"

Still reeling in disbelief at the death of their friend, Amelia barely manages to conjure a shimmering barrier to envelop her. She looks towards Mark with eyes full of guilt as the kobolds take note of him running in to stop them.

"Please! If any of you can understand me, please just stop! You gave me a chance so please give her one as well!"

".retrats erif eht eraps ot su stnaw eh smees tI"

".tif ees ew yaw yna ni rehto eht htiw laed ot tub ,efil s'namuh siht eraps ot dias arumoN ydaL .mih niateD"

"No, no! P-please, just listen. I'm begging you! Don't kill her!"

One of the kobolds drag Mark out of the way and pin him down, while the others test the magical barrier with their weapons. Inside, Amelia watches helplessly, crying alone and begging for his companion's safety. The holds strong and the kobolds are unable to break through.

Suddenly, one of them sniffs the air and turns their attention to Bruno's corpse. They reach out and take a moderate bag from his body. The bag of oil Bruno would use to condition his hair. The other kobold nods in understanding and begins collecting nearby grass and sticks, all while Mark and Amelia watch in paralysing horror.

"No... No, no, NO! Let go of me! LET GO!"

"Oh god, Mark. Oh god, oh god, oh god..."

"You stupid kobolds! You damn monsters! W-why can't... you..."

It's too late. Serving their brand of justice, they light a ring of fire around Amelia's shield using Bruno's oil. The spell protects her from the smoke and the naked flames, but the heat builds to dangerous levels as the kobolds continue adding fuel.

"M-mark... I... I can't..."

Too afraid to undo the spell and yet unable to endure the soaring temperatures, Mark watches in horrified silence as Amelia reaches out towards him, before closing her eyes... forever.

".thgila snialp eht tes ot tnaw t'nod eW .erif eht hsiugnitxE"

".edisni taeh eht morf eid lliw ehs ,etar siht tA .gniraeppasid t'nsi lleps reH"

".nihtiw yats ot esohc ehS .od nac ew gnihton si erehT"

".dne gnittif a ylurT .ees I"

"?namuh siht htiw od I llahs tahW"

".snoinapmoc sih sa daed sa si traeh siH .og mih teL ..."

The kobolds bury the flames with soil and clear out the grass surrounding Amelia's death bed. Releasing the devastated Mark, he stumbles over the glowing charcoal and charred earth, and places his hands on the magical dome. Gazing at the trapped form of Amelia and the bloody corpse of Bruno nearby, Mark screams in utter torment, crying the most painful tears in his life.

"G-gavel... An-another magic core... It..."

"D-damn it... Damn it! GODDAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!"

It seems the hunters were forced to kill their targets. I feel nothing from watching them suffer. All I feel is relief that Daichi is coming back to support me and that there are two less enemies to deal with. But now they understand, the extent of my rage and the depth of my sorrow over Yuki's death, no, everything their kind has done.

"I'll... kill you. I don't care... how strong you become... or how battered I may be! I swear... I will kill you!"

"Gavel, don't charge in!"

Disregarding his own safety, the swordsman jumps at me and activates a skill during his descent.



I intercept his attack with a powerful uppercut infused with spiritual energy. However, thanks to his breast plate, most of the damage is diverted at its expense, and the human is sent crashing back to the earth. I almost fall myself, as I'm starting to feel the accumulated stress on my body, straining every muscle, but I must not let it show.

"Gavel! !"

His partner starts throwing dozens of small knives hidden around his body as he makes his way to his recovering companion. I easily dodge and deflect the oncoming projectiles, but unfortunately he buys enough time to pull his unsteady partner to his feet.

"Drink your recovery brew! I'm running out of knives!"

"T-thank you, Dario... I-I shouldn't have- Huh? I've lost it!"


During my , I knocked a few items from his belt, including a small sealed container. I crush the bottle with a stomp as the two watch with bitter expressions. However, as I approach them with my body secretly nearing its limits, I notice something at my feet. It's a hunting knife, probably another item dropped by the swordsman, but it carries the scent of recently dried blood and something familiar...

I instinctively track the odour to a tightly wrapped cloth bundle on the back of the swordsman's waist, and with the ash and smoke clearing up, it smells just like...

"... What is in the package?"

"The other kobolds are coming! We need to- Huh?"

"What... is in... THE PACKAGE!? THE ONE ON YOUR BACK!"

The two freeze in front of my words... but I already know.

How can I not? I-I've hugged Yuki too many times to not know that scent... and it's exactly.... what these despicable monsters... would do...

"Adventurer Gavel... Adventurer Dario... I will remember your names for the rest of my life. As much as you now hate me and my kind... for killing your companions...


Damn the consequences, to hell with my wellbeing! I need to make this human suffer!

"Heed my command, kobolds! STAY OUT of this fight! I WILL end their lives with my... own... HANDS!


I have to wonder: should I include a Mature tag?

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