《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Arc 2, Chapter 59: Between Leaders and Monsters


With the effects of the poison wearing off, the kobold hunters drop Mark back on his feet and force him to walk through their encampment. Looking around, the sight of domelike tents, complex tools and domesticated beasts continue to unravel Mark's grave misconceptions. Having lived in the Reinsol countryside for most of his life, this foreign scene would have fascinated him, if not for the air of scorn and fear following in his wake. They all know what he has done, and Mark has little hope he will leave this place alive.

After the longest mile in his life, the small ensemble reach the centre of the settlement where Mark is made to kneel before the largest tent. The entire Kobold community has gathered to witness his trial, and to his left he recognises the child he first tried to kill, sobbing with her friends. Watching the older kobolds tend to their sorrow, Mark thinks about his own family and how much they would miss him once he's gone. Noticing this similarity, a pang of guilt surfaces inside him, but is quickly replaced with sudden dread as a figure emerges from the grand tent.

It's a female kobold with dark brown fur, wearing a beautiful silk robe worthy of her position. She appears younger than a few of her kin, and yet an unmistakable aura of dominance emanates from her very being. Another unmistakable thing is the raging anger swirling in her golden eyes, and staring deeply into them sinks Mark's heart to his boots.

This is it. I murdered one of their own and now they want my head. Even I wouldn't forgive myself if one of my sisters died. But how could I have known? Was it a mistake to take that quest for the sake of my own family? There are too many kobolds here for my companions to face. Oh god, please Gavel, don't save me. Look after my mother and sisters for me, just please don't come...

Silently praying in his heart while bracing for the worst, the kobold leader shocks Mark out of his thoughts.

"I am Nomura Chiyoko, the head of this branch of the Nomura Clan. Tell me your name."

"Damn it, Mark. Please tell me you're okay."

"We should never have split up... I-I'm sorry for making that call."

"It's not your fault, Dario. None of us knew what we were truly facing. I just wished I realised sooner."

Twenty minutes after Dario, Bruno and Mark split up to look for more tracks, only two of the three returned to where they left. As a result of Mark's absence, they decided to ask for Amelia's assistance, but much to their surprise they found Gavel and Amelia had come looking for them. Amelia had just found the sling used to hit Mark, a tool that is too advanced for a primitive kobold to wield. Realising this, the four immediately left to look for their missing member, acknowledging the possibility he may have been captured.

"Our only saving grace is we upgraded our adventurer crests to the team variant. I'm glad we made the investment."

"Indeed. Judging by the colour of Mark's stone, he's still alive, and the direction of the mana link is leading us over that hill."

"I swear, if those kobolds dare do anything to-"

"Stop Bruno! Everyone! Look over there..."

Following Dario's commands, they spot a tall wooden pole with bells attached to the top standing at the crest of a hill. Amelia casts to expose its magical nature, making the rest of the adventurers turn pale at the implications.


"I've deactivated the enchantment. The only problem is..."

"... why are these kobolds intelligent enough to write enchantments! The only creatures that can do such a thing are hobgoblin elders, and they're extremely rare, B rank monsters!"

"Is it possible these kobolds are capable of the same rapid evolutionary path as the goblins?"

"Oi, oi, isn't that really bad? Did we just uncover a secret threat to the country or what?"

"I-I don't know. Let's check."

Leaving the base of the hill and stealthily peering over the top, they're all left dumbfounded by the settlement at the bottom of the valley. Everything they once knew of kobolds has been cast to the wind. Focusing their eyes, they can see a large number of kobolds gathered in a circle, with a lone figure kneeling before another in the resulting space. The four adventurers fall silent as they seriously re-evaluate these so called "kobolds" and compare them to another monster.

Goblins are a terrifying race because of their violent nature and disposition to evolve within a few generations. It is believed they are the first demi-humans to be corrupted by demonkind, and the first race to be cleansed by the Apocalypse, which is why they mostly reside in the Wasteland. However, every fifty years or so a large number of hobgoblins will band together to leave the confines of the Wasteland. It is believed the high concentration of evolved beings encourage less developed members to undergo the same change. As a result, the population of evolved goblins increases exponentially, leading to widespread attacks on outlying settlements for both the Reinsol Kingdom and Graland Empire. The worse of these warpaths are those led by a more evolved variant than the hobgoblin: an orc. These creatures are the closest to their original demi-human forms, and yet retain the same savagery cursed upon them by the demons. It is a threat all adventurers are keenly aware of, and the party of four may have stumbled on a similar case.

"T-this is bad. It looks as if they're ready to execute him in public! Oh god, Mark, I'm so sorry."

"Dario, if you want to apologise to Mark, you're going to have to save him first!"

"By the spirits, t-there are so many, and all of them are clothed."

"As small as they are and as strong as I am, this is just too much to handle, Gavel."

"I... I know, but it doesn't matter what or how many we face. We're going to save Mark while we still can!"

"I don't want Mark to die, but I don't want you to die either!"

"... Sigh, look, I know we're all scared by all this, but I would lay down my life for him as I would for any of you. If you want to back out now and inform the guild instead, I won't blame you. In fact, it may even be the best choice..."

Staring into the eyes of his three friends, Gavel waits for their decision. To his great delight, and also his great concern, all three companions decide to join Mark's desperate rescue.

"I got him into this mess, I'm getting him out."

"Who do you think I am? Do you really think I'll agree to being a messenger? Nope, I'd rather die fighting for my pals."

"You know you need my magic, Gavel. You need all of us, and so does Mark."

"G-guys... If we make it out of this alive, I'll treat you all to a drink every day for a month."


"Stop tearing up, Gavel."

"Just hurry up and tell us the plan!"


Gavel gazes down at the layout of the tents, ever aware of Mark at every moment. After a few seconds of silent contemplation and under the watchful gazes of his teammates, their party leader forms an impromptu plan.

"Our only chance of saving Mark is to throw the kobolds into disarray and sweep him from under their noses. Dario, you'll be doing the sweeping. Amelia, you're in charge of scattering them. Bruno, you'll guard Amelia while she does her work. As for me... I'm going to cut off the head of this hairy goose."

Why did this happen?

How could he have done this?

What could I have done to avoid it?

When I first saw the black Shikigami fly into my lap, my blood curdled at the fact someone has died under my leadership. For the past month, I have been trying my best to meet everybody's expectations and fill the void left by my father. But with one slip of paper, my self confidence shattered and I was left to dread its ominous contents. Worse, it was sent by the hunting party, and it pains me to think one of my former comrades has fallen, especially so soon after the departure of my brother. However, as soon as I started reading the message, my curdling blood began to boil.

It's all because of a human. A human has killed one of our own. The hunting party encountered Kaito, Shou and Izumi in the forest, who told them the entire story. I only had to look at their names to realise Yuki was the one who fell. Yuki, a child I used to watch over as he played with Enbos and his friends. The smile he had, the joy he shared... now gone. The sorrow I feel for losing such a close and innocent soul is only surpassed by my murderous rage. I could only think of punishing Yuki's killer. Seeing the surviving children and having to inform the branch of this tragedy only strengthened this desire. As I'm about to order the hunters to catch the criminal, I receive news they already have.

Before long, I hear the kobolds of our clan gather outside my tent. Seven sets of feet stop just outside my door and one drops to his knees. I walk outside to gaze at the very enemy that has plagued my worst fears.

It's a young man (for a human) with short brown hair and a clearly distressed face. A hint of regret flashes across his expression, but it's far too little and far too late. Noticing his budding guilt only enrages me more, and I want to snap his neck this very instant...!

... But not now, not yet. I-I have to stand before everyone as a leader.

"I am Nomura Chiyoko, the head of this branch of the Nomura Clan. Tell me your name."

"Huh, y-you can-"

"Tell me your name!"

"M-mark Bennet."

"Answer me, Mr Bennet, do you know the name of the child you killed?"

"N-no. How can I possibly know?"

"It's because you never gave him a chance. His name was Yuki. An adopted child yet lovingly raised by Tsubame, by all of us! Tell me Mr Bennet, why did you kill him?"

"I-it was a quest. It said your kind attacked humans, so-"

"We haven't laid a finger on you humans. Don't lie to yourself! The only reason you accepted the quest is not for the wellbeing of your client, but for a price! You took away a child's future and hurt everybody that ever loved him for a few pieces of metal!"

"W... I-I didn't know... I never knew your kind could be so... so..."

"So what? So human? No, Mr Bennet. We are not human. What you have done is perfectly human. It's the exact barbaric act I would expect from your selfish race, but like any soul in this world, you had a choice."

"I... I'm..."

He falls silent and hangs his head in regret, knowing full well his apologies are worthless. While no one else can understand our words, they all understand the situation, and now they await my final decision.

"What are your last words?"

"T-tell my... my family t-that I'm sorry... a-and I love them."

"We'll leave a letter outside Lennon. May you lead a better life in your next."

I focus spiritual energy within my palm and reach out to his heart, ready to crush it from within. He weeps pathetically in resignation, trembling evermore as I approach him.

I wonder, am I making the right decision?

I look around and gauge everyone's reactions. Most of the branch has the same hardened expression as me, willing to accept this man's death. I look to my right, at the children who have been traumatised by this ordeal...

... and find the same saddened expression as when they first returned. They're almost indifferent to the fact I'm about to kill this man... but why? After what he did, they should be seething with hatred. If I crush his heart, what will they...

I stop mid-stride, surprising everyone, including the human, over my hesitation. Clarity dawns on me as I realise my mistake. I remember the day I watched Izumi, Kaito and Shou play with the human children. I remember the words Enbos used to console me...

“Think about Yuki, Kaito, Izumi and Shou. If anyone of them ever bore resentment, then that spectacle you witnessed would never have happened..."

They still don't bare any resentment, but if I kill this man, then what? They would learn from my example, accept my reasoning, become as bitter as the kobold I am now. Worse, it not only applies to the children but the entire branch. What I decide here reflects not only on me, but the Nomura clan as whole...

Realising this, I grind my teeth in frustration and fire a with a scream. I don't need to look to see everybody's shock as it lands to his side.

With a confused expression, the man named Mark looks up at me and asks, "Why?"

"*Huff, huff*... I-it isn't our way. No matter how much I hate you, no matter how much I want to hang you by your skin and flay every inch of your flesh... we have to be better. I won't kill you because everybody wants it. I will spare you because we need it. I have been entrusted to lead this clan, not to twist them in my own image! We have always been capable of so much more... maybe even you."

"I... I see. I'm s-sorry... for everything."

"Do not apologise with words, Mr Bennet. While you may still draw breath, you shall spend every waking moment following our ways and serving our branch for as long as we remain in this valley. If you harm my people..."

"I-I understand. I'll repent... I-I'll earn e-everyone's pardon."

He bows before me in sincere gratitude and forgiveness. Even now I feel like kicking him into the ground, but I hold back my urges and announce my decision to everybody. I haven't seen this many jaws drop since my father invited Enbos into the clan, and now, I fully understand my father's wisdom. I may never say this to you in person, but thank you Enbos. You helped me walk in my father's footsteps.

I watch as Sousuke approaches our captive with a knife in his hand, mirroring a repressed anger to my own, when all of a sudden I detect magic in the air. To my horror, I see fireballs land all around us, setting the tents aflame. While everybody panics and rushes for the river, I look back at Mr Bennet's frozen expression.

"... You were in a party."

"I-I'm sorry. I thought if I told you... Please spare my comrades! They only mean to-"

At that moment, a fireball lands next to a crowd, almost setting them alight. Mr Bennet watches this silently, realising that I've run out of mercy.

"Everybody, calm down! Remember what my father has taught you since childhood and guide everybody up river! Herders, go calm the Yagi and lead them as well! Use a few to tear down the tents around the flames to stop it from spreading! You three, fill the water tank and use it to fight the fire! Daichi, hand me that human's adventurer crest."

"I'm sorry, Lady Nomura. I thought it was different from the norm, b-but I thought nothing of it."

"Five magic cores... We have four enemies. Send half your men to oversee the evacuation. Lead the rest of the hunting party to neutralise the mage setting our homes alight, in any way you see fit. As for me..."

I look towards the advancing human clad in iron armour and armed with a longsword. The embers of my murderous intent flare higher than the surrounding flames. I begin collecting spiritual energy in preparation for his demise.

"... I'm more than enough to deal with these savages."

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