《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Arc 2, Chapter 56: Indiana Bones


"Keep running, Hachirou! Don't look back!"

"How... How many!?"

"Too many! Just run!"

As if mocking our desperate flight, the high pitched jeers of the winged ones accompany our every step. The foreboding toll in the unholy cathedral had drawn them in like moths to a light. We tried evading them quietly but were quickly discovered, thus abandoning any pretence of stealth. Considering they don't hunt with sight in this dark, I can only guess they rely on echolocation which makes hiding near impossible. Without needing to turn around, my is picking up more than half a dozen signatures, and with each seemingly abandoned corridor we pass, the number only keeps on rising.

Neither of us are faster than these creatures, so at every chokepoint I keep casting to slow our pursuers. If we can just reach the stairs...


Straight ahead of us, one of the monsters manage to cross our path. We keep charging forth even as it leaps right at Hachirou's neck. Without losing a step, Hachirou manoeuvres himself beneath the creature and flips it over his head, while I follow closely behind and cut off its leg in midair. As we keep running onwards, I sense the pack of winged ones catch up to its injured kin. However, half of them stop chasing us as I hear the sickening sound of tearing limbs and crunching bone.

"We can make it! If it's only- Damn it!"

Five winged ones crawl out of a crevice on the ceiling and drop onto the only pathway leading up. Our speed begins to falter as we approach the oncoming pack. After a moment of frantic searching, my gaze settles on a narrow corridor to the left. I grab Hachirou's arm and pull him onto that path and with my other hand, I pick up one of the antique spears that litter the room.

"Follow me! I have a plan!"

"I-isn't... that a dead end!?"

"Just trust me and don't let go of my hand!"

There's no time to explain, not with the winged ones that obstructed us and the winged ones still giving chase all swarming into this small passage. Eventually, we reach the dead end we had previously discovered; a collapsed hallway. I wait for them to come as close as possible and put a hand on Hachirou's shoulder with my spear at the ready.

"To be honest, I've only ever tried this with a rabbit. Hold onto me and don't let go. Also, it may be a good idea to let out all the air in your lungs."

Hachirou follows my instructions to the letter just as the creatures prepare to attack.


To my great relief, both of us teleport behind the mass of monsters. Hachirou takes a loud gasp of air while I immediately active and pierce one of the fiends. I cast to seal them inside while they feast on their bleeding and screaming companion.

"Get up, Hachirou! It won't last forever!"

"I-it was so cold and every inch of body feels as if it's been constricted..."

"Can you still walk? That consumed four times the normal amount of mana, and I think the cooldown has extended as well. We have to go, now!"

We make our way back to the stairs to the next floor, all the while hearing the horrifying sounds of the ferocious creatures momentarily trapped behind us.

After that intense flight and upon reaching the residential area, we're now seeking refuge within one of its rooms. I activate to feed Hachirou a higher oxygen mix. The anxiety from being chased, the tension of enemies coming from all sides and the fatigue from constantly running is taking its toll, including on me. Even now we cannot ease our guard as I hear a winged one just outside the doorway. Hachirou holds his breath in anticipation as the creature lets out an ear piercing cry. We cannot see it, but we can easily trace its every move. With menacing steps, it begins to advance... past our room and down the hall.


(Sigh... How did it not see us? I did not think casting to dye your own would be so effective.)

(These creatures hunt via echolocation. In other words, they use reflecting soundwaves to track its prey. I designed to redirect kinetic energy, including sound. As long as I remove the glow from my spell covering the entry, its senses will detect nothing but a wall. As for the possibility of basic rank , the life fall's energies are so dense that we practically blend in.)

(I am amazed by your quick thinking. Will we be able to reach the exit using this method?)

(... No. It only worked because we had time to prepare and an ideal space to disguise ourselves. Even now I'm worried one of them will suspect a missing room, or possess greater rank . Every step is going to be a struggle and it doesn't help the path we took to get here is so long.)

(Then, what if we took a shorter path?)

(Do you have an idea, Hachirou)

(Y-yes. Do you remember the second passage on the left before this area?)

(Yeah. It leads back to the room full of platforms, but there aren't any stairs connecting to the exit and it's about three floors up.)

(Enbos, your unique skill . Don't you have something that allows you to jump higher?)

(... I do. I still have the soul of a Winter Troll. It has ...)

Hachirou is the only one I've told about my second unique skill. Back when I took the Winter Troll's soul, Hachirou was in critical condition and Takashi overlooked me carrying an additional soul despite our agreement. Come to think of it, I should really take the soul of a winged one seeing as I'm no longer part of the clan. In the first place, Takashi wanted me to follow his teachings to slow my progression into an Undead Ravager.

(Hrm? Wait a minute, you're not seriously suggesting-)

(I am.)

(I-if I mess up, we'll be plummeting over a hundred feet into god knows where.)

(You won't.)

(... You know, between the two of us, I never thought you'd be the one to come up with such a reckless idea.)

After finalising the final details of our plan, we immediately embark with all haste. There's no time to waste. Undoubtedly, our pursuers have already heard our hurried footsteps. Reaching the platform within the tower room, I look up at the platforms above us, protruding floor by floor in a spiral like the steps of a staircase.

"Get on my back, Hachirou! !"

Hachirou grabs onto my collarbone while I hold his feet to balance myself. I then conjure a , sloped like a ramp, and begin my run up.


Creating a low gravity bubble and using in tandem with , we reach an unnaturally high altitude with our jump and barely land with a roll on the next platform.

"S-see Enbos, you did it!"

"Don't cheer yet, Hachirou! We still need two more jumps to be home free and my skill is on cooldown! We have to hold out until I'm ready!"

I quickly create several barricades with on our platform and press my back against Hachirou's. I can feel his muscles tense through my vertebrae, bracing himself for the inevitable onslaught.

"Are you ready, Hachirou?"

"I'm ready to see another day."

"Heh, well said. Here they come..."

As if arriving on cue, dozens of winged ones begin swarming in from every orifice within this hollow tower. Their dreadful cries echo throughout this desolate space.


Striking first, I increase the gravity over the space we previously jumped, causing several oncoming crawlers to plummet to their deaths. Behind me, I hear Hachirou draw his sword and deflect a winged one's attacks. I mustn't turn around. I must focus on the enemies in front of me.

As the relentless swarm draw ever closer, I continue firing magic to create distance, or knock them into the pitch black abyss. With every creature that breaches our ground, one by one, Hachirou will maim them and push them off the edge. The perilous nature of our foothold is actually working to our advantage, but of course, being left with so little room to move does have-

"Watch out!"

Hachirou sweeps me off balance just as a ball of magic flies over my head.

"Thank you, Hachirou! Damn, the high mana in this place is also blinding me!"

"Look across, Enbos! They're firing a volley!"

Sure enough, from the other side of this circular space, a dozen bombardiers are condensing magical energy and firing it on our location. With little choice, I grab Hachirou and perform another , but only reach the next platform.

HP: 115/123

MP: 35/102

"Damn! Can you fight?"

"Y... y-yes..."

I'll take that as a no...

I quickly duck for cover as shots land on my left. I return fire with to interrupt their spells, but I'm no longer in any position to carry Hachirou and perform another jump. The winged ones behind us are quickly gaining too, as my partner forces himself back on his feet with his katana in his hand.

If only I developed a magic shield that can...

Of course, you freaking idiot! Search magic shield!

You currently possess 440 Skill Points.>

This place is just an upside down Life Well!

Magic Skill: Spell Shield (Greater) obtained!>


I conjure a shining wall to intercept their projectiles and immediately focus on Hachirou. As he struggles against one of the fiends, I step by his side and gut the monster with my sword. For the approaching winged ones, I cast another and send them plummeting to their doom.

"! Are you ready, Enbos!?"

"Yes, let's go! The is about to break. !"

I absorb the soul and spiritual energy from the opponent Hachirou just killed to partially replenish my MP. While I do so, I decide to analyse its soul.

Name N/A Species Winged One HP 0% MP 0% Skills Sneak (Greater) | Enhanced Hearing (Basic) | Arcane Wings (Basic) | Shadow Orb (Greater) | Piercing Blow (Basic) | Magic Perception (Basic) | Deep Slumber (Greater)

"Huh? ? That means..."


Realising the futility of their magic skills, the bombardment party on the other end climb to the peeling ceiling and spread out their long limbs. One by one, the winged ones project a membrane of dark mana in a crude recreation of their former plummage. Without waiting for our enemies to descend, Hachirou hops on my back and I make the final jump. A dozen winged ones glide from the roof and land around our platform.

"! ! Up the stairs, under the door, NOW!"

Acting as the rearguard, I protect Hachirou up the stairs and to the metal gate. After he hurriedly crawls through, I quickly dive into the gap where Hachirou grabs my arms and pulls me to the other side. I cast over the hole before the winged ones can leave.

"That... That won't last! We... have to keep running..."

"Go ahead, Hachirou! I'll catch up. But first, I have to make sure they won't follow us!"

"But what are you... I'll be waiting..."

As soon as Hachirou departs, I begin chanting my spell whilst making my way to the exit.

"[Spirits of Fire and Spirits of Air, I call upon the blazing trinity of fuel, warmth and sky.

Let your flame wreathed brothers feast on your unseen fruits.

Let the humble spark become a raging inferno.

Let the son of the sun be birthed within my palm, and soar like a blazing swallow.]


Within my palm, an incredibly bright and extremely hot orb of searing heat illuminates the stone hallway. As oxygen continues to feed the , even with fire resistant gloves I can tell I can't hold the spell for much longer. The only reason I didn't use it earlier is because the resulting blast might affect Hachirou, and the incantation is way too long.

As the winged ones hammer on the metal door, I throw the miniature sun at the stone beams above the doorway, resulting in a thunderous explosion that blows me outside. To my savage delight, the stone passage into the winged ones' shelter begins to collapse as a hundred tonnes of stone bury them in history.

"Spirits have mercy on your ancestors. Stay in that crypt for another three thousand years."

I stand back up with fractured bones and check for any damage on my mask. I must admit this deer mask is far more durable than I thought, though a few scratches have removed part of the paint. As I brush off the settling dust on my cloak, Hachirou emerges from the cloud of earth.

"Enbos! Are *cough, cough*... you alright? There was a loud explosion..."

"Sorry, that was my doing. Seriously, I will never look forward to another dungeon ever-"



You have been bestowed the title of Adept Mage!

Title of Novice Mage has been removed.

You have reached the level cap.

Class change now possible.>

Name Enbos Race Undead Class Skeletal Mage Level 19 HP 76/128 MP 44/106 Base Modifiers Total Max HP 128 (↑5) 128 Max MP 106 (↑4) 106 Attack 26 (↑1) +20 46 Defence 19 (↑1) +5 24 Magic 80 (↑4) 80 Resilience 33 (↑1) 2 35 Agility 44 (↑2) -1 43 Integrity 220 (↑10) 220 Unique Skills Ruler of One | Equip Soul Innate Skills Night Vision (Greater) | Create Status (High) | Soul Core (Greater) | Soul Eater (Greater) |Enhance Mind (Greater) | Parallel Thought (Greater) | Magic Perception (Greater) | Intimidate (Greater) | Spectral Sense (High) Extra Skills Heavy Strike (Greater) | Great Throw (Greater) | Shadow Step (Greater) | Project Voice (High) | Sneak (Greater) | Analyse Soul (High) | Reveal Magic (Basic) | Precise Memory (Basic) | Burrowing Strike (Basic) | Fortify (Basic) Magic Skills Fireball (Greater) | Lightning (Basic) | Conjure Flame (Greater) | Reanimate Dead (Greater) | Conjure Water (Greater) | Draw Water (Basic) | Shadow Stake (Basic) | Spell Shield (Greater) | Perception Link (Greater) | Command Undead (Basic) Spirit Arts Life Tap (Greater) Custom Skills Control Oxygen (Greater) | Kinetic Barrier (Greater) | Oxy Fuel (Greater) | Gravity Field (Greater) Stored Skills [Alpha Wolf] Rending Claw (Greater) | Crushing Jaw (Basic), [Winter Troll] Pounce (Basic) | Enhanced Strength (Basic), [Winged One] Enhanced Hearing (Basic) | Arcane Wings (Basic) | Shadow Orb (Greater) | Piercing Blow (Basic) Skill Points 240/630 Affinities Spirit | Dark Resistances Nullify Manipulation | Nullify Mental Impairment | Nullify Pain | Nullify Metabolism | Nullify Fatigue | Nullify Ailment | Temperature Resistance | Decay Resistance | Dark Resistance | Fire Resistance Weaknesses Holy Weakness | Blunt Weakness Titles Worldfarer | Hunter | Adept Mage | Spellcrafter | Suspicious Being | Fearsome One Blessings None Equipment Bloodletter (Cursed) | Deer Mask | Cloak of Self Repair | Rakertus Gloves | Boots | Standard Clothing | Travelling Pack Items Suspicious Book* | Envelope | Certificate | Lock of Hair | Handkerchief | Province Permit | Takashi's Notebook | Adventurer Crest Currency [Reinsol] 40 Penz | 4 Fablars

"Wh-what is it?"

"Oh, nothing. I just levelled up and unlocked a class change."

Although I didn't expect it to happen at level 19. Then again, nobody said the level cap would arrive in nice sets of tens.

"T-that was shocking! I thought for a moment... another group of winged ones were still outside... Tell me, Enbos. What class do you plan on becoming?"

"I'll tell you, but first, let's leave this cave and take a hard earned rest."

"Yes, of course."

As we make our way to the mouth of the cave, battered but alive, I look over my available options and ponder my future.

Umbramancer: Grants higher magical parameters. Proficient in dark elemental magic.

Necromancer: Grants higher magical parameters. Proficient in necromantic spells.>

Hrm, a Shadow Stalker is pretty much a magical assassin going by the description, but I'm not planning to become a hardcore hunter or killer. The Umbramancer has a broad specialisation as it encompasses all dark skills, but the Necromancer... let's not keep putting on airs. It should go without saying that the Necromancer class should be my number one preference given my interests, however...



"I don't plan to change my class at all. Do you remember what I said about my condition?"

"... You're gradually getting stronger but eventually your strength will consume you."

"Yes, that. When a risen undead reaches a critical mass of energy, they evolve to stabilise that growth and begin anew. However, what if I permanently stayed at that point? What if I stabilise at the level cap without resetting my level?"

"I see! That way, you can escape your self-destructive fate!"

"Exactly. I had this discussion with Takumi but we never had the chance to research it. Hopefully, I can abstain from a class change until I develop something."

"I hope for you as well. I don't want to see you losing yourself to hunger... like what happened to that unfortunate race."

"... Thank you, Hachirou. Thank you for being by my side."

Feeling happy from our chat, we both walk out with our heads held high and gaze at the brilliant blue sky.


Class change now possible.>

Huh? Oh no. Don't tell me it's going to keep...


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