《Is it Reincarnation if I'm Still Dead?》Arc 2, Chapter 52: Return to Lennon


A month has passed since our departure from the snow covered sanctuary of Dragon's Spine. With each cycle of the sun and every step along the way, patches of green begin to reclaim the seemingly boundless canvas of white. As mother nature welcomes spring's rebirth, I'm reminded of my friend left behind with the passing winter. Even now I feel regret, not for leaving him but for not doing more to honour our final farewell. I feel as if I missed some opportunity, but I do not know what. Then again, if Takashi were here he would say it was more than enough...

"Heh, even now I can hear your voice guiding me."

"Hm? Is something the matter, Enbos?"

"No, it's nothing, Hachirou. I was only thinking of your father."

"I see. We all miss him as well, but if he could see us now I'm sure he would be proud, especially of Chiyoko's stalwart leadership."

Mentioning his sister, I look to front of the migration where the kobold in question is guiding everyone towards a familiar valley. Honestly, half the reason I'm still part of this pilgrimage instead of venturing on own to anywhere but Lennon is because I was worried. After becoming the branch head, Chiyoko has done a solid job keeping the community running smoothly. Everybody seems to place as much faith in her as they did with Takashi. While this should ease my concerns, I suspect Chiyoko is distracting herself from thinking about her father... and of Hachirou's departure.

"It would be nice if mobile phones- um, if you, your sister and Takashi could stay in touch whenever and whereever you want."

"Don't worry, Enbos. While we may be venturing on seperate paths, I have faith our family will see each other again. I would love to tell father of my experiences when the time comes."

"... Yes, it's something I dearly wish for as well."

While Hachirou misses the melancholy laced within my words, Chiyoko gives a signal as everybody comes to a sudden halt. We both face forward and look down at an unchanging river running at the base of the hills. As we make our descent to the riverbank, I feel a rush of anxiety not unlike an hour before an exam. Turning to my partner, I recognise the same restlessness in the way he twitches his ears. I raise a reassuring hand and place it on his shoulder.

"Like you said, Hachirou. One day, you'll all meet each other again."

"Thank you, Enbos."

"Would you like to stay with the branch for another week?"

"No, I've already prepared myself for this moment both physically and mentally over the past month. I'm ready to accompany you on your journey."

"I'm going to miss you, Hachirou. Please come back whenever you want."

"I'll miss you too, big sister. I promise I'll take care of myself."

Two days have passed since our arrival in this valley. After finishing the kobold encampment and holding a grand feast, it's finally time to bid farewell. Almost the entire branch has showed up at the perimeter of the camp to see Hachirou and I off on our journey. Chiyoko is currently hugging her little brother while I have a final chat with the hunting party. Soon after, Kaito, Shou and Izumi show up with tears in their eyes, snivelling snouts and my cloak in their hands. I would call them cute if they weren't using my clothing as a handkerchief.


"Y-you're the best Big Bro we've ever had!"

"Promise us... promise you'll come back to see us, okay?"

"Don't forget to bring souvenirs!"

"Please Kaito, Shou, Izumi, don't cry. I'll always be... Wait, what was that about souvenirs!?"

"I was only joking. We're all going to miss you..."

Giving a sigh, I crouch down and wrap my arms around the trio. My bones sink into their combined fur and I can feel their breath through my mask. Usually I would described this sensation as "elastic" given my dulled sense of touch, but for once I can honestly say they feel soft. As I leave their embrace, there is still a lingering sensation within my marrow. Something I had once identified as warmth.

"Come to think of it, where is Yuki? I thought he would want to see me off more than anybody else."

"Um, err, I-I don't know."

"Y-yeah, me neither, how about you?"

"I-I'm not sure, but I remember he said he has a surprise."

"... Is that so? Well, I do have an idea, but I'll just have to wait and see."

I give the kids one last pat on the head, and make my way to Chiyoko. Hachirou seems incredibly happy from all the people who have gathered to see him. Honestly, I'm surprised he once thought he didn't matter to their lives.

"... and don't forget to wash. Humans can be incredibly lax with their hygiene, but that doesn't mean you should follow suit."

"Who are you calling a bag of moldy bones!?"

"I'm not, but now I have to wonder."

"Sigh, well, despite how we first met or what you first thought of me, I'm glad to have made your acquaintance, Chiyoko."

"... I feel fortunate to have met you as well, Enbos. Thank you."

As we exchange these rare pleasantries, Hachirou looks over us with a delighted expression. It must mean a lot to him for his paranoid sister to finally accept somebody outside the Nomura clan. In truth, we had already come to a mutual agreement for quite some time. We just never made it vocal.

While I ponder these thoughts, Chiyoko suddenly thrusts out a clenched fist.

"... Here, take it. I've already given my brother a few, but since your living expenses are significantly lower, you may as well hold onto this for him."

"What am I, a walking wallet?" I ask as I receive the fablars dropped from her palm.

"I don't care what you are. A skeleton, a man, or even a monster. All that matters is you're Hachirou's friend. Please keep him safe, and to do that, you must always be by his side."

"I will, Chiyoko. I swear."

"Come to think of it, I never apologised for decapitating you."

"Really, only that? I think there are plenty of other things you can apologise for as well."

"Don't worry, Enbos. I will apologise, as soon as you return from heaven-knows whatever you intend to achieve."

"Heh, a promised reunion made over an apology. Now that I think about it, isn't this a roundabout way of telling me to stay safe? Are you actually a-"

Before I can finish my question, I suddenly find Chiyoko's fist millimetres away from my head. Everybody around us goes silent and wonder what I could have said to provoke her. I'm not sure if she's shy or angry, but I don't want to find out.


"... Goodbye, Chiyoko. I'm sure you'll be a great leader like your father."

"... I'll try, Enbos. Thank you... and farewell. Farewell, Hachirou. I-I believe in you."

"F-farewell, Chiyoko. I wi-wish you the very best as well!"

In the next instant, we start trading goodbyes with the rest of the village. Inevitably, we have to turn our backs and make our way to Lennon. A hundred gazes are locked on our backs, yet none can see the tears swelling in Hachirou's eyes. Then again, we cannot see the expression on Chiyoko and the others either. As we walk over a hill and out of sight of the branch, my partner's sobs slowly become more audible.

I'm not sure I'm faring any better. I feel even emptier than before... No, that isn't right. Somewhere over the past year, without my knowing, that haunting hollowness was partially filled. While we were always on the move, only residing in a place for no more than a few months, I had come to call our wandering community... home.

"That reminds me, I don't think you should join us, Yuki."

"Huh? How do you always spot me, and how did you know my surprise?"

Sure enough, from behind a nearby bush Yuki makes himself present with a travelling bag on his back. Hachirou's sadness is overtaken with shock as he realises the young kobold's intentions.

"Please Big Bro Enbos, let me travel with you as well!"

"Yuki, this isn't a game."

"I know."

"It will get dangerous."

"I know."

"There are people waiting for you back at the branch."

"I know, Big Bro, but I don't want to wait for you as well! I want to go with you! I want to see more of this wide world, and as long as I'm with you I know it'll be alright."


What do I do? He's too stubborn right now to listen to me and I don't want to force him back either. While I consider my options, Hachirou surprisingly steps forward to handle the matter.

"Tell me, Yuki. Do you think you're ready to travel with Enbos?"

"Of course!"

"Then, do you think you're ready to travel without him?"

"Huh? Why would I do that?"

"Yuki, I'm travelling with Enbos because I want to help him. I don't want to keep relying on his strength but to offer my own. Do you think you can do the same?"

"Y-yes, I-I think..."

"Listen carefully, there's nothing wrong with waiting for Enbos. You may be adopted, you may feel... "different", but you have Tsubame, Kaito, Izumi, Shou and so many others waiting for you at home. Also, while you wait there is so much you can do."

"W-what do you mean Big Bro Hachi?"

"You're not ready, Yuki, and neither Enbos nor I are ready to take you as well."

Yuki looks down with downcast eyes. While I think Hachirou may have been a bit too blunt, it has to be said. However my partner isn't done explaining.

"But what about next time? Will you be ready by then? Do you think you get better."

"Huh!? Y-yes, of course!"

"That's the spirit, Yuki. You're still young, you can still grow. By the time we return, you won't be waiting for us..."

"... we'll be waiting for you."

Yuki looks up at us with gleaming eyes, but soon that excitement is replaced with sorrow. He swallows his sobs and holds back his tears, though his trembling shoulders betray his emotions. I walk up to him and start stroking the snow white fur atop his head. He puts his own hands on top of mine, holding in place.

"I've told you before. Even if we part ways, we'll meet again. I'll never forget you, I'll never abandon you... and I'm happy you feel the same for me. Thank you, Yuki. I'll see you later."

"I pr-promise, Big Bro Enbos, Big Bro Hachi! I-I'll grow bigger a-and stronger. Next time w-we meet, I'll be... be ready!"

He willingly parts with my hand and gives a stilted wave.

"Good job, Hachirou. It mustn't have been easy for you."

"... Thank you, Enbos. Truthfully, what he did reminded me of myself, and a part of me wanted to support his endeavour."

"You did support him. You gave him something to aim for."

"Yes, I did. Um, will his newfound goal trouble you when the time comes?"

"No, of course not. I look forward to his company, as much as I look forward to adventuring with you."

"You are too kind, Enbos."

For several hours, we make our way across a hilly plain and return to a familiar grove. I even recognise the tree where I first met Hachirou, and evidently so does he.

"You know, it must have been a stroke of fate for us to meet after you left Lennon and coincidently heard my pleas."

"Indeed. For it to be the same day you were picking medicinal herbs and for me to reach the town, I'd almost think my life is scripted. Why did you come so close to human roads?"

"Actually, our branch was here before the roads existed, but we were forced to relocated further along the river. As for these herbs, they are very rare... and very important."

"I-I see. Anyway, I hate to tell you this, but you won't be accompanying me to Lennon."


"You were attacked by the mayor's sons, remember? They might recognise you. I think you should wait here until I'm done registering at the adventurers guild."

"I understand. Your insight is most wise. I wish you the best, Enbos."

"Yes, I'll need all the help I can get."

Because in the end, this is something I must face on my own...

Two guards are standing watch at the town gates, but upon spotting my dark cloaked form, I draw their full attention. Like the year before, I approach them with all the confidence of king. My movements are smooth and my presence is oppressing. The other visitors give me a wide berth. As I make my way to the entry, I am greeted by a pleasant surprise.


"By the spirits, it's him again..."

It's the same two guards from way back when. I wonder, how are they doing? It seems the former newbie is suffering from some kind of relapse, and his partner is pushing the work onto him once more.

"Ah, um, p-pl-please pay- No, that isn't it! P-please state your n-name and..."

"Say my name."


"Say. My. Name."

"Enbos the Black, s-sir!"

You're goddamn right...

I proceed to drop 10 penz at his feet and walk into town. From a distance, I hear his partner mutter in a feeble voice, "... The toll was raised to 12 penz since your last visit..."

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